No more flatulence or nausea – Anonymous


Hi Brett,

I just wanted to drop you a line about what is going on for me. The past weeks and my digestion has lead me to
almost be afraid to eat food, I felt so bad just after eating. I started your 10day DETOX programme last night,
what is strange is what has happened.

I have been a vegetarian since I was 17yrs old, I am now 33yrs. My Dad died of bowel cancer and I have
always been a conscious healthy eater, also no coffee (makes me nauseous) and not much alcohol.
This winter has been a pretty hard one emotionally and my routine, eating and looking after myself has suffered.
I have put on 5kgs but worse was this nausea that I experienced every morning, I stopped getting out of bed and
eating breakfast. Anxiety and teeth grinding leading to insomnia often, was terrible and so I started exercising
hard at the gym 4 weeks ago to try and get back my body and life on track. Going to a local health 2000 store
the natropath said I should take L- Theanine, Magnesium+ B6, and B12 ( all solgar) and Malcolm Harker
Calmunurse for my anxiety. But even tho I felt calmer, my digestion was shot and my nausea didn’t leave.
So at a health food shop talking to another natropath, I was suggested that it could be my liver. I got two
colonics ( my first ever), one open system last Friday and one closed system on Sunday. The latter put me on a
high fiber diet and said after iridology that I had a past with leaky gut. I wasn’t suprised. The diet from the
colonic clinic I have been on Sunday/Mon/ Tue was: no lactose or gluten, and LBS II x2, and Psyllium Hull x2
at bed time.

I was going to the toilet 6 times by lunch time and it was a watery mess each time. However my nausea was bad
still. I tried to eat a bowl of wheat free Purebread Granola for breakfast yesterday and was so sick for hours, no
actual vomiting but dry reaching, bloating, burping and wind etc. I couldn’t believe I couldn’t even digest
toasted meusli, so I went and got digestive enzymes and Thompson’s Multidophilus, which kind of helped.
At my wit’s end yesterday, I also purchased your DETOX kit from Shena Hendon at Elementa in Remuera rd.
She has done it and recommended it. Also, worried about the protein intake in my diet and the effect on the sex
hormone production, on discussion with her naturopath, I bought the expensive Isowhey Complete by pharma
foods: which I took yesterday, and this morning in my smoothie.

I stopped the LBS II x2 and Psyllium Hull x2 last night and took instead 3 each of your 4 capsules as a trial. I
felt better and so this morning took the whole 20capules. I am feeling so, so much better today already, no
burping, flatulance or nausea. I am so happy with your product but still concerned how best to proceed.
I am stunned. Instead of feeling worse while I DETOX I feel better! I don’t understand; was I detoxing without
the right nourishment for my liver and digestion, and finding my gut couldn’t handle all the fiber?
I am feeling so much better this morning and I don’t want to feel like yesterday ever again so I really want to do
the full 10day DETOX and get it right. Also I am thinking about buying another DETOX kit for my Mum and
doing it together.

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