The Ultimate Holistic Candida Program

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On this page, I will outline the classic types, symptoms, and causes of candida outbreak. Following this, we will discuss herbal, dietary and natural thrush and candida treatment.

The good news is, with a little knowledge and effort you can conquer this annoying problem and win.

We’ve probably all heard about or even experienced Candida or thrush at some stage in our lives. This is because all of us actually have the yeast which causes thrush, Candida Albicans (CA), and usually it lives happily in balance with the rest of our gut microbes.

In saying that, there are various strains of Candida that can be very invasive and dangerous to health including Candida aurisC. tropicalis, and C. krusei. Recently in hospital settings, these other strains have been found present in the lungs of patients with COVID-19 with dramatically increased death rates of between 50-60%. (12) This highlights the importance of controlling candida within your body and why a regular candida program is a good strategy.

As far as parasites go, Candida is one of those silent invasive parasites that are very hard to detect. It’s not something you can request in a standard blood test, and symptoms can be subtle, making candida difficult for your doctor to diagnose. Normally it is kept under control by our natural micro-organisms and a healthy immune system, but when we are down in energy or our gut is compromised Candida can cause real problems.

What many of us don’t realize is that it can be quietly chewing away at us inside, draining our energy, eventually infiltrating our entire body. It can even be fatal.

Candidiasis Description

Of all fungi on earth, around 600 species are disease-causing in humans. (5)

Candidiasis is a fungal infection caused by yeasts that belong to the genus Candida. There are over 20 species of Candida yeasts that can cause infection in humans, the most common of which is Candida albicans (CA). Candida yeasts normally live on the skin and mucous membranes without causing infection; however, overgrowth of these organisms can cause symptoms to develop. Symptoms of candidiasis vary depending on the area of the body that is infected. (1)

Candidiasis that develops in the mouth or throat is called “thrush” or oropharyngeal candidiasis. Candidiasis in the vagina is commonly referred to as a “yeast infection.” Invasive candidiasis occurs when Candida species enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body. (1)

CA can cause infections that range from superficial infections of the skin to life-threatening systemic infections. (5)

Types of Candida

The five species most commonly associated with candidiasis are Candida albicans (65.3%), Candida glabrata (11.3%), Candida tropicalis (7.2%), C. parapsilosis (6.0%), and Candida krusei (2.4%) but Candida auris has also been on the rise, espeically in hospitals, and has earned the name “SuperBug” as it can be hard to treat and potentially lethal. (12-13)

Oropharyngeal / Esophageal Candidiasis ("Thrush")

Candida infections of the mouth and throat can manifest in a variety of ways. The most common symptom of oral thrush is white patches or plaques on the tongue and other oral mucous membranes. Other symptoms include:

  • Redness or soreness in the affected areas;
  • Difficulty swallowing; and
  • Cracking at the corners of the mouth (angular cheilitis) (1).
Candida Albicans on tongue

Genital/vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC)

Men with genital candidiasis may experience an itchy rash on the penis. The symptoms of VVC are similar to those of many other genital infections, so it is important to see your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. (1) There are natural thrush treatments for men as well as women.

It is estimated that approximately 75% of all women suffer at least once in their lifetime from VVC. (5) Men get it more rarely.

We will spare you the picture !!

Invasive candidiasis

Invasive candidiasis is an infection caused by a yeast (a type of fungus) called Candida.  Unlike Candida infections in the mouth and throat (also called “thrush”) or vaginal “yeast infections,” invasive candidiasis is a serious infection that can affect the blood, heart, brain, eyes, bones, and other parts of the body. Candidemia, a bloodstream infection with Candida, is a common infection in hospitalized patients. (1)


How Candida Infects the Body

Here is a basic overview of CA pathogenicity (disease) mechanisms. (6)
1. Yeast cells adhere to host cell surfaces.
2. Contact to host cells triggers the yeast-to-hypha morphism.
3. Secretion of fungal enzymes facilitates the second mechanism of invasion, i.e., fungal-driven active penetration into host cells.
4 & 5. Phenotypic plasticity (switching) has been proposed to influence antigenicity and biofilm formation of CA.
6. Several fitness traits influence fungal pathogenicity. They include alkalinization (pH); metabolic flexibility and uptake of different minerals.

What Causes Candida Infestation?

In order for Candida to infect the body and cause issues, there must already be a vulnerable environment in the gut. Several obvious factors can be linked to creating this environment. Let’s look quickly at what these factors could be.

The inflammation link

Recent studies show that high-level Candida colonization is associated with several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract including Chron’s disease and irritable bowel. Further, results from animal models argue that Candida colonization delays healing of inflammatory lesions and that inflammation promotes colonization. These effects may create a vicious cycle in which low-level inflammation promotes fungal colonization and fungal colonization promotes further inflammation. (2)

Patients with ulcerative colitis, another form of Irritable bowel disease, are also frequently colonized by Candida (2)

The acid link

CA encounters and responds to varying features of the physical environment such as pH, oxygen levels, and nutrient levels. (2)

In the human host, CA is exposed to a surrounding pH ranging from slightly alkaline to acidic. Additionally, depending on the location in the host, the environmental pH can be very dynamic.

The pH of human blood and tissues is slightly alkaline (pH 7.4), while the pH of the digestive tract ranges from very acidic (pH 2) to more alkaline (pH 8), and the pH of the vagina is acidic (around 4.78)

CA senses, adapts to, and strikingly, also actively modulates extracellular pH. All these features contribute to its remarkable capacity to co-exist and to prevail as a fungal pathogen in humans.

However neutral to alkaline pH can cause severe stress to CA. In healthy humans, the pH of human blood and tissues is slightly alkaline which should inhibit CA overgrowth (6)

Read more about Acid and Alkaline diets here 

The sugar link

It’s quite common for people with candida outbreak to have constant sugar cravings, as the yeast feeds off sugar. Results of one study indicate that dietary glucose intake is a key determinant of CA growth in the gastrointestinal tract. (7)

A study of 100 women was undertaken to attempt to gain insight into the role of dietary sugar ingestion in the pathogenesis of this disease. Urinary sugar patterns of glucose, arabinose, and ribose were elevated. These excretion patterns correlated well with the excessive oral ingestion of dairy products, artificial sweeteners, and sucrose. Eliminating excessive use of these foods brought about a dramatic reduction in the incidence and severity of Candida vulvovaginitis. (8)

It makes perfect sense when you consider that Candida is a fungal yeast, and we all know that sugar and yeast love each other when we ferment beer or bread.

I suggest going sugar-free until you have candida under control.

Read more about sugar addiction and quitting sugar here

The immunity link

Over 80% of your immune system cells live in your gut, so it’s no surprise that a course of antibiotics is well known to bring on an attack of Candida. This is because antibiotics disrupt the resident bacterial community, allowing CA to colonize. (2) Prolonged treatments with broad-spectrum antibiotics destroy the indigenous intestinal microflora, which provokes intestinal CA proliferation and adversely affects the immune system of the patient (3)

Candida albicans is a fungus that can cause life-threatening infections in immunocompromised patients (4) Blood is relatively rich in glucose, the preferred nutrient source of most fungi. However, white blood ‘immune cells’ (macrophages and neutrophils) can efficiently destroy CA. (6)

This indicates that a strong immune system is essential to controlling candida.

Read more about boosting immunity here

good fats for Candida

The Good fats link

Much of our diets today consist of processed foods containing trans-fats, and fried foods containing denatured fats due to heat. These fats do not provide the protective benefits our body needs from fats.

Results of one study indicate that fatty acid metabolic pathways can regulate the germination of CA and the local fatty acid environment can influence whether CA exists as a pathogen. (9)

Coconut oil has been found to greatly reduce inflammatory bowel conditions and support immune health. Results of one study suggest that coconut oil could become the first dietary intervention to reduce intestinal colonization by CA. (10)

Read more about good fats here

Natural Thrush and Candidiasis

Despite their frequency and associated morbidity, superficial CA infections are non-lethal. In stark contrast, invasive systemic candidiasis is associated with a high crude mortality rate, even with first-line antifungal therapy. (5) Patients in hospitals often die from invasive CA after antibiotic treatments.

Therefore prevention is the key to avoiding this insidious and potentially fatal disease.

Key Considerations: 

  • Build a strong immune system
  • Encourage healthy bowel flora
  • Reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics
  • Avoid inducing inflammatory gut irritants

Dietary advice For Candida

A healthy diet is a key to a healthy gut which is the key to healthy colonization of microflora and bacteria. The growth of the CA fungus is believed to be controlled through competition with other members of the intestinal microbial flora (6)

Therefore eating the right balance of whole foods is a major consideration.

Diet and Foods that can cause Candida
Foods to Avoid With Candida
  • Yeast and sugar and processed food in the diet
  • Acid forming foods such as alcohol, red meat, cheese, coffee, and sugar
  • Processed carbohydrates, pasta, noodles, crackers, chips, biscuits, and bread
  • Simple starches, potato, white rice, and anything containing wheat flour
Diet and Foods that can help reduce Candida
Foods Encouraged with Candida
  • Alkaline foods such as raw vegetables, fruits, and water, including sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in water
  • Consume plenty of good fats, oily fish, salmon, olive oil, coconut oil, and avocado
  • Use coconut oil in smoothies and for cooking
  • Use turmeric, garlic, cayenne pepper, and cloves abundantly (try clove tea)
  • Try Brett’s Mushroom Stroganoff recipe Click Here

To build the immune system:

  • Garlic: Eat 6-8 cloves of garlic daily. A vaginal cream containing garlic and thyme was tested and was as effective as much as Clotrimazole vaginal cream (Canesten) for the treatment of Candida vaginitis. (11)
  • Onions: In studies, Although garlic killed the fungi C. albicans and C. parapsilosis more efficiently than the onion it is my recommendation to use these together abundantly in your diet to keep Candida under control. (14)
  • Eat foods high in vitamin C and consume 1 tsp Vitamin C powder daily

Anti-inflammatory herbs to eat with food:

  • Turmeric 2 tsp with an evening meal
  • 6 Cloves into herbal tea 2 x daily
  • 1 x raw onions in a salad 

The Ultimate Herbal Candida Program

Complete a 30-day Double Deep Cleanse Program.

These AntiFungal herbs are Included:

The Herbal program includes to following:

1 x BodiClenz smoothie powder 500g (contains 28 Herbs). Take one smoothie each morning. 
1 x Ultimate Herbal DETOX (480 capsules), Colonaid 120 caps, Digezaid 120 caps, LivaFood 120 caps, Symlax 120 caps. Take 4 capsules from each bottle at bedtime with water. 

While completing this 4-week program follow the other dietary advice and recommendations above, and use the other remedies mentioned below.

To heal the gut wall and encourage healthy gut flora. Take 50ml from the fridge first thing each morning before your BodiClenz Smoothie

To encourage healthy gut flora:

  • Take a good course of 30 capsules (Biogaia L-Reuteri pIctured) Take 1 daily over the 30 days adding them into your morning smoothies.
    To Order Biogaia Probiotics CLICK Here
  • Eat natural unsweetened acidophilus yogurt 200-500ml daily
  • Brett’s Probiotic implant: Something I have personally seen wonderful results with. This involves an enema containing acidophilus culture. Take 1 liter of acidophilus yogurt and combine it with 1 liter of warm water. Stir in 6-10 capsules of pure acidophilus. Just empty the powder out and stir. Put a sealed lid on the liquid and place it in the warming cupboard overnight. The culture will become many times stronger overnight. The next morning you can use the liquid in an enema or colonic. Fill your lower bowel as much as possible and attempt to hold the liquid for up to 30 minutes before emptying. There may be a period of bloating and discomfort as the culture works on killing Candida. This can be the final solution to long-term infestation after following the rest of our program first for up to 4 weeks.   

ParaClenz – Herbal Liquid Formulation

ParaClenz Antimicrobial, and antifungal Liquid Formulation 500ml. 

It contains a blend of the following herbal extracts in a base of pure New Zealand bush honey.
Click the names to read more about each ingredient.

Take 15ml diluted in water at bedtime, over the 4 weeks.

For severe chronic conditions, Brett will arrange an extra 200ml bottle of Goldenseal Liquid for you. You may need to speak to him on the live chat to arrange that one.  

Click Here to Order the ParaClenz formulation

Click Here to Order the Complete ‘All in One’ Ultimate Herbal Candida Program and Save 20%

I hope this has been helpful and if you would like to share your Candida success story please post a comment below this article.

Many Blessings

Brett Elliott ®

Reviews and Feedback

NOTHING compares to this product

I have just completed my 3rd DETOX with Brett Elliott and every time I am more amazed than the last time how wonderful this product is. I have done a large number of DETOX’s over the years but NOTHING compares to this product and its assistance throughout the process.

Last year I started getting migraines for the first time ever in my life. After 10 months the frequency and intensity of these increased ten-fold, as well as the duration. I was beginning to have 1 or 2 a week often with numbing headaches in-between. Someone recommended Brett Elliott’s program to me and I decided to give it a shot.

After completing my first DETOX the headaches, which were a constant by then, ceased for the first time in weeks. Imagine my delight. I did another DETOX 3-4 months later as I felt the twinge of another migraine coming on. It didn’t come and I didn’t receive another for 9 months. On top of this candida and thrush which I have always struggled with since having children went away. I maintained a dairy free diet for the first 3-4 months after cleansing but occasionally have dairy in my diet now and it is not a problem. This is the first time in years I have been able to eat and drink such products without having a flare-up. I know the DETOX helped in ridding me of this. However, another miracle occurred during partaking in my third DETOX.

On the third day of taking the products I suddenly experienced a spiritual shift. The blockage that had been there for some months suddenly melted one evening and I know this was solely due to the DETOX (I was up to day 3 of taking the products). Clean digestive system and organs allows for a clean and focused mind opening the pathways to awareness and / or spirituality. This experience and realisation was both exciting and humbling. I hope many others get to experience even one of the benefits I mention. This product truly is the best on the market. Thanks for everything Brett, your products and knowledge are fantastic.

Kind regards,



My Brett Elliott's Detox Experience

I am a longtime fan of Brett’s Detox herbals. I used them for the first time six years ago to keep my candida under check. Now I use them not so much because they help me detox or loose weight (I live in Africa and look after my health) but because they keep my digestive system running smoothly. What I like is to embark on the 60 days program, meaning 4 pills in the morning and 4 pills at night. Bret Elliott’s nutritional recommendations during the 60 days program coincide with my normal diet: fish, legumes, vegetables, whole cereals without gluten. For me the pills are just an extra herbal help to ease my digestive movements. I believe they can be used the whole year round by anyone who has already developed such a diet.


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