Banana & Peach Smoothie

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Banana and Peach Smoothie
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  • 1 x DETOX ‘n SLIM sachet
  • 1 x banana
  • 1 x fresh peach (or tinned peaches in juice)
  • Cup of rice milk
  • Cup of unsweetened Yogurt


Break up the peeled banana into pieces and add to Ladyship Blender.  Add the peach pieces, the cup of unsweetened yogurt, the cup of rice milk and the DETOX n SLIM protein powder. Blend until smooth.

Did you know?
Overweight people are often malnourished because they are in a cycle of trying to fill a ‘void’ with nutrient-poor foods. DETOX ‘n SLIM supports your body’s nutritional requirements and curbs cravings. You feel fuller for longer with more energy and a decreasing desire for the types of food that sabotage weight loss.

Pretty Peaches:
Peaches are high in vitamin A, B2, B3 and C. Plus they have iron and calcium. 100gm of peaches contain, vitamin a – 880 iU, vitamin B – 02 mg, riboflavin – 0.05 mg, niacin- 0.9 mg, vitamin C – 8 mg, calcium – 8 mg and iron – 0.6 mg

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