Help me please!

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I have been actively trying to get pregnant for around 2 years now, and have not been on any contraception for 5 years after having my second child but have not gotten pregnant throughout that time. My periods are irregular, heavy and painful. I get alot of headaches, am extremely tired all the time, my skin is breaking out constantly, my hair is very fine and falls out a fair bit, I have put on around 5-10 kg and I just generally feel unwell and yuck. I have been very stressed in the past few years, and my diet has been very poor due to all the stress and tiredness. I am ready to get myself out of my health rut, and sort it out so I can be the best mum, and mum to be hopefully, wife and person. I just want to know if you think this could truly help me both with my health issues and with falling pregnant, and if you have had anyone come to you with these sort of problems before and how your program has helped them. Many thanks and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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