Avocado, Broccoli & Cucumber Salad

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Avocado Salad
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Avocado is highly recommended when detoxing as it contains great fats for your body and for that extra bit of healing energy.

Quick, easy, fresh, green, and lovely!

Serves 2 people


  • 1 large or 2 small avocados
  • 1 head of broccoli
  • 1 leek
  • 1 garden cucumber
  • Olive oil
  • Fresh basil or kalamata olives
  • You can add a boiled egg if you’re on a 1-month gentle detox.



Chop broccoli and leek into bite-sized pieces and steam or blanch until a little soft but still crunchy. Chop cucumber and avocado into bite-sized pieces and stir into a bowl with broccoli. Finely chop a handful of fresh basil and sprinkle it into the salad with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil or homemade aioli. Switch the basil for kalamata olives if you prefer.


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