Broccoli & Orange Smoothie

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Broccoli and Orange Smoothie
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This is a healthy green smoothie with the added bonus of being low on the Glycemic Index and high in protein. Great for your herbal Detox or Slim program.

Protein Content

  • Chia seeds contain 16% protein so 1 tablespoon (10g) = 1.6g protein
  • Broccoli contains 3% protein so I small head (250gm) = 7.5g protein
  • 1 slice of pineapple = 1g protein
  • BodiTune sachets contain 7.5g protein

Total protein =  17.6g or 35% of daily needs.



  • 1 x small head of Broccoli
  • 1 x large Orange with skin on
  • 1 x ring on pineapple
  • 1 Tablespoon of soaked Chia seeds
  • 1 x BodiTune Sachets (or 1 x scoop of powder)
  • 8 x Cubes of Ice
  • Water to smooth drink

Chop and place all ingredients in the blender with broccoli on the bottom. Blend until smooth adding water to give the texture you prefer.

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