Carrot & Mango Smoothie

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Carrot & Mango Smoothie
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  • 1 x large carrot
  • Half a mango
  • Half a lemon
  • 2 x sticks of celery
  • Cup of blueberries
  • 2 x dstsp of coconut oil
  • Large piece of ginger root
  • 1 x fennel stork
  • DETOX n SLIM Protein Powder
  • 6 to 8 cubes of ice
  • 200ml of water


Chop up celery into chunks and add to Ladyship Blender. Cut up one fennel stork and the half lemon then add to blender. Cut up the ginger, slice up mango, chop up carrot and throw in blender. Add 2 dessert spoons of coconut oil with ice cubes and water Blend until smooth and enjoy.

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Detox your body:
As part of a herbal detox program, this recipe can totally boost your metabolism and clear acids, reduce inflammation and pain plus give you real clarity. Over 75,000 people have completed this program see their detailed reviews here

Did you know?
Fennel contains its own original combination of phytonutrients. They include the flavonoids rutinquercitin, and various kaempferol glycosides – these all create strong antioxidant activity.Possibly the most interesting phytonutrient found in fennel, is anethole. In animal studies, it has been shown to reduce inflammation and to help prevent the occurrence of cancer. It’s most common use in herbal medicine is for the relief of digestive disturbances such as flatulent, bloating and colic. 


Perfect for:
Herbal DETOX Program
Herbal SLIM Program
Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program 

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