Beetroot, Celery & Chive Salad

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Beetroot and Celery Salad
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How simple can a great salad be?

Serves 2 people


  • 2-3 whole beetroot
  • ​½ a head of celery
  • a handful of fresh chives

Peel and steam beetroot until a little soft but still firm. Allow to cool, then chop into bite-sized wedges. Chop celery into small pieces and stir into beetroot along with finely chopped chives. Dress with fresh lemon juice or red vinaigrette.


Did you know?
Beetroot – A little red beauty!
Beetroot is packed with Glutamine, an amino acid, essential for the intestinal tract to be healthy and well maintained. Its fiber has been shown to increase the level of antioxidant enzymes in our bodies, (particularly glutathione peroxidase). It has also been shown to increase the number of white blood cells, which are responsible for detecting and get rid of abnormal cells. Some studies have shown beetroot juice makes difference in blood pressure, lowering it is great for avoiding heart disease and strokes.
Read more on the Health Benefits of Beetroot Here

Celery – Healing powerhouse.
Studies have shown that celery has an anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and healing effect on the stomach. It can also help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol and acid load in the body. Read more on the Health Benefits of Celery Here

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