Coconut, Apple & Date Whip

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Apple and Coconut Whip
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Ingredients: (per serving)

  • 1 x large apple
  • 6 x dates
  • 2 x dstspn soaked shredded coconut
  • 1 cup of unsweetened yogurt
  • Cinnamon sprinkle  ​

Soak coconut in just enough water to cover it for 20 minutes. Chop apple into quarters. Add to blender along with dates, coconut and ½ cup of water. Blend using the pulse function until apple is just minced and you get a nice thick lumpy paste. Mix in 1 cup of plain unsweetened yogurt and blend. Serve with a sprinkle of cinnamon.


Did you know?
There is an important saturated fatty acid in coconut called lauric acid. This increases good-HDL cholesterol levels in the blood. HDL is a high-density lipoprotein it is beneficial on the coronary arteries by preventing vessel blocks.

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