Super Alkalizing Green Detox Smoothie

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Alkalising Green Smoothie
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This is one of my all-time favorites, the super spinach alkalizing green smoothie, made in my favorite kitchen appliance, the Ladyship blender, and juicer.

Add some ginger to help reduce bloating and gas.


  • 1 x bunch of raw Spinach (or Kale)
  • 1 x 2cm thick slice of fresh Pineapple
  • 1 x Apple (optional)
  • 1 small Lemon (or orange)
  • 2 x stevia tablets (or dessertspoon of honey)
  • 1 x BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim smoothie sachet
  • 8-10 ice cubes
  • 1 glass of water to help puree

Blend until smoothie and drink until completely satisfied.

If you want to know more about the blender check it out by clicking here

You will be supercharged and ready to go all day with this meal in a glass. If you’re detoxing then this will solve the “what do it eat” question, as you simply don’t feel hungry after consuming this.

Perfect for:

This amazing superfood contains an incredible nutrient value. For example, it is a good source of:

Vitamins K (1,110% RDA), A (337.3% RDA), Manganese (84% RDA), Folate (65.7% RDA), Magnesium (38% RDA), Iron (35% RDA), Vitamin C (31% RDA), Vitamin B2 (27% RDA), Calcium (25% RDA) Potassium (23% RDA), Vitamin E (21% RDA), Fiber (19% RDA), together with other vitamins from the B complex, carotenes, iodine, phosphorus, some trace elements and several amino acids.

This smoothie is created to help reduce the toxic levels of acid in our body. Acid builds up when we consume too much fried food, sugar, meat, and coffee to mention just a few. Acid creates Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Gout by causing the body to leach calcium into the circulation.  Acid is another toxin that a good Herbal DETOX can reduce.

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