Serves 6 people as a side salad. Ingredients: 1kg (or about 2lb) tomatoes, chopped (5 cups) 1 x 400g (15-oz). can chickpeas, rinsed and drained or 1 cup home cooked chickpeas. 1 x 1/2 cups fresh or frozen corn kernels Handful of fresh basil leaves   Dressing ingredients: 1/4 cup lime juice 1 Tbs. grated lime zest 3 Tbs. olive oil ½ tsp unrefined salt ½ tsp jaggery (dehydrated sugar cane juice) optional   Method: Toss chopped tomatoes, chickpeas and corn in a bowl. In a bottle or jar mix lime juice, olive oil, lime zest, salt and jaggery. Shake well. Pour over chickpea mixture. Toss in basil. May be served cold or warm. Clever Chickpeas: Chickpeas have a low calorie count. 1 cup of cooked chickpeas yields only 269 calories, contain 15 grams of protein, 13 grams of dietary fiber, 4 grams of fat and 0 grams of cholesterol. In-fact chickpeas have been shown to help lower cholesterol. They are also great for supporting protein levels on a vegetarian diet.    Perfect for: One month Herbal DETOX program Herbal SLIM program Herbal DETOX n SLIM ProgramÂ