Chocolate Pineapple Yogurt

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Chocolate and Pineapple Yoghurt
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Try my latest favorite dessert – Chocolate Pineapple Yogurt! We ate it quite a lot during our last Ultimate Herbal DETOX.

It’s so fast and easy you won’t believe it. It takes about 5 minutes maximum!

Ingredients: (per serving)

  • 2 cups of plain unsweetened yogurt
  • 2 tsp of Raw Cacao powder
  • 1 inch thick ring of pineapple
  • 1 tsp Cinnamon
  • Small handful of raisins
  • 1 tsp of stevia powder

Put the yogurt into your dessert bowl and add the Cacao powder and crushed stevia powder (or drops). Stir with a whisk until smooth. Cut the pineapple into small bite size wedges and drop onto the yogurt. Sprinkle with Raisins and dust with the cinnamon.

I like about 6 dates with mine.

Mmmmm super delicious.

Perfect for:


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