Grape & Tamarillo Smoothie

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Grape and Tamarillo Smoothie
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We had so many grapes on our vine that we couldn’t eat them all. Then came the grape smoothie idea!!


  • 2 x Bananas (substitute with an apple on a 14-day Deep Cleanse program or less)
  • 2 dstsp of yogurt
  • 2 Dessertspoons of plain protein powder (or a sachet of detox ‘n slim)
  • About 20-30 grapes (Add a Tamarillo if you like)
  • 1-2 stevia tablets (or honey to taste)
  • 200ml Milk (Rice or almond milk)
  • 200ml Grape juice (amazing stuff)

Serves 4.

Blend in a Ladyship Blender until smooth and creamy. This is delicious and massively healthy.

Did you know?
The tamarillo is low in simple carbohydrates, high in fibre, copper, and manganese, and is a good source of vitamin a, B6, C, vitamin E, and thiamine.

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