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Unconditional Energy Healing – Part 7 – Tapping in

Woman Meditating
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  • 1 year ago
  • 19Minutes
  • 4039Words
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Theoretically, we can treat healing energy in exactly the same way as a reservoir that we can tap into. We always have access to this vertically-oriented healing energy deep within ourselves, but in identical fashion to how water moves through a pipe to be released, a tap must first be opened, providing space for the water (or energy in this instance) to flow.

The issue we have as human beings is that we are so busy all the time, especially in our minds with a wide array of things we need to be conscious of, planning for, and worrying about. This crowds our heads with a constant processing activity.

We’ve established that healing energy comes from above and moves downwards and outwards through our bodies. To start encouraging this healing energy to move through our physical body we first need to create some space for this energy to move into. All energy ultimately behaves in the same way as liquids and gasses and will naturally move where there is space available. If you want to attract energy, the simplest thing to do is create space, and energy will automatically come. This process is often referred to as simple diffusion. Remember of course, what we attract to fill such a space is determined by where we direct ourselves energetically, what we have tuned into, and if we have a secure connection.

The easiest and quickest way to create the necessary space within us is to quieten the mind and the thinking process, and the most effective way of achieving that is with a simple meditation. I the next few pages, we’re going to tap the healing energy reservoir by sharing possibly the most powerful meditation method to quieten the mind and create healing space. Now, let’s intentionally attract healing energy to start moving.

Where is the Energy Reservoir

According to modern astrophysics, the entire Universe is < 0.1% visible matter and >99.9% dark matter, dark energy, and other invisible wave/energy stuff. Scientists now acknowledge that this invisible matter/energy is what mysteriously designs, creates, and supports the structure of the visible Universe and also continues to cause its expansion. It fills what was previously thought to be nothing but empty space i.e. Outer space itself. This invisible stuff also fills the ‘inner space’ within the fabric of the visible material world in which we live, filling the gaps that exist inside atoms. Coincidentally, this invisible stuff that exists absolutely everywhere fits right alongside the proposed infinite nature of the spiritual realm, an omnipresent God, or other versions of the creative force, source, or creator. Interestingly, dark energy is quite mysterious, because this infinite energy does not disperse or dilute, but rather retains a constant density, even as the Universe rapidly expands. (1) This goes entirely against the basic laws of physics and defies understanding, as it should be losing its density and slowly running out of supply.

The only explanation is that dark energy must be infinite and actually emanate from another dimension above and beyond that which we presently consider part of our universe. Yet, this realm continually feeds our universe with an endless stream of ultra-fine, ultra-pure raw material. Just like our universe, our very own bodies grow from within and continue to expand outwardly and I don’t just mean gaining weight! I’m talking about cellular growth and regeneration. Within a few weeks, we grow billions of new cells and can replace old or damaged tissue. Every living thing inherently grows from within and expands in exactly the same way as the Universe itself. In this way, we are intrinsically connected to the universe and its creative force energetically.

Likewise, healing energy is within the fabric of our world and feeds us with information and energy to continue growing and regenerating. I refer to it as Unconditional Healing Energy. After all, the term ‘heal’ means to make whole. As we gain stronger connections to this healing energy and the information that comes with it, our genetic, metabolic, cellular, mental, and even our emotional signals become more intact, complete, and whole. Consequently, over time, we can potentially regenerate 100% correctly and be healed.

An ancient method used all around the world, which is known to open a channel and to connect us with this inner realm is the practice of meditation. There any many different forms and various techniques that can be applied in meditation, but I’m going to give you a specific method for tapping into healing energy.

For the sake of this ‘tapping in’ meditation exercise, I will mainly talk about inner light and sound and briefly touch on the term ‘Spirit’. I will keep this uncomplicated, and generic, as I want you to keep an open mind and grab the full potential of the meditation without challenging any belief, religion, or thought system. That’s my rationale for keeping this all as science-based as possible.

The Benefits of Meditation

There is only one ultimate purpose or desired end result of any traditional meditation practice and that is ‘spiritual illumination’. During meditation, we proceed to open up our senses until our ‘sixth sense’ is stimulated and activated. You have your own unique healing path to find and that is what this process is here to facilitate. All I have set out to do is open up a few doors and windows in your heart and mind with the desire to empower your transformation and healing. The meditations are based on this same principle, expanding your window of consciousness, so as to broaden your view, open up the inner channels, and give you a direct experience of healing energy.

The benefits of Meditation have been well documented such as experiences of ecstasy, peace, stress and pain relief, slowed aging, plus the reduction in many diseases. (2,3,4,5,6)

I have been meditating most of my life and have looked at a multitude of different techniques. I believe the method I have developed and described in this chapter will bring you the quickest, most powerful healing results, and quickest spiritual progress of any method in the world. Best of all, you can slot it right in with whatever knowledge, beliefs or religion you might already have.

During meditation, we may see, hear and feel things that appear to originate in another dimension. We can become partially aware of the >95% invisible fraction of our Universe. This in itself can change our perspective on life. This can change the way we view our world and our lives for the better, in many ways. We may find many benefits along the way, such as health, energy, clarity of mind, higher intellect, greater perception, bliss, love, and many other resulting changes that can spill over into our lives, but spiritual illumination and healing are the ultimate outcomes.

By experiencing this you may realise the higher truth about who you are and what it is you should do with your life. Your body will feel the changes, emotionally and physically very quickly. Your sense of colour and taste can become more pronounced. Peace of mind and clarity of thought can be enhanced. Intuition and guidance may start to become a little more than coincidental in your life.

It has been suggested that group meditation can affect large numbers of people for the better. Studies have shown that crime rates tend to drop when large groups meditate together. (7) This shows the power of meditation to influence and heal your surroundings. Imagine what it can do within your family, workplace, and personal health.

 As you connect with the higher power at work in our Universe and channel that power through your mind, and body as information waves, you begin to radiate this energy directly impacting everything around you. You start to send out a signal like a transmitter and all things around you respond in some way. Peace, love, harmony, happiness, energy, and light will appear to radiate from within you and affect your surroundings subtly.

Healing is a natural by-product of the type of meditation I’m about to share with you.

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The Meditation Process
I’ll share the meditation method I have found to work the very best. It comes in three major parts, which we will call exercises, all of which are ideally combined into your meditation.

Before you begin, find a quiet space where you can sit and be comfortable, relax, and not be interrupted. You can lie down if you want, but sitting does work slightly better, as you tend to stay awake longer. Falling asleep is fine, but staying awake means you will consciously remember more of the energy experience.

Close your eyes and allow yourself to breathe deeply and slowly. If you know the yoga breathing method you can employ that, but simply put, breathe deeply and slowly into your belly, breathing in through your nose and exhaling out through your mouth.


EXERCISE 1: Listening

To start getting results quickly with meditation, it pays to keep it very simple.

  • You will get better results by sitting upright as gravity seems to encourage a better energy flow when sitting.
  • Crossed legs and clasped hands also help create an electrical circuit which helps.
  • You can also do this when lying down before going to sleep or before rising in the morning

What is Sound?
Well, it all depends on how you look at it. Have you ever heard the sound of a computer or fax machine on your telephone line? It’s all hissing and crackling and yet masses of information are passing through with that sound. Imagine that our communication technology was advanced by another 100 years and you could pass the amount of genetic code information required to build a complete human being, down the phone line every second. What would the sound of that be?

Imagine the tone of a crystal bowl or glass ringing sweetly or even the harmony of thousands of crystal tones making beautiful music. I propose that these are the types of sounds you may eventually hear in meditation if you listen well. It has been coined “Holy Sound” by some in the Sikh religion, but we are going to call it ‘Healing Sound’.

Just sit and listen to this sound inside your head. In the beginning, it will sound like a very, very high-pitched whistle. It may be like a tiny crystal glass ringing or the electrical sound of something like a television or computer going in the other room, or perhaps many microscopic summer cicadas singing. That almost ultrasonic frequency of sound is what I suggest listening to. You might even think you have a case of tinnitus, but if you listen deep into it you will soon realize it is something else entirely. It has a deep penetrating feeling that comes with it. It comes with a healing energy if you accept it into your energy field. By listening to it and tuning in to this sound you will find that your intuition becomes clearer, your hearing becomes better and your ability to think and process information is greatly increased.

This inner ‘Healing Sound’ may be the quickest, simplest and clearest connection to healing energy, you can make, and may in fact carry genetic information. It can also help you gain subtle signals from your higher intuition or guidance from above. I suggest this because this sound fits within the realm of the universal information highway, similar to that discussed earlier. We can all hear it to varying degrees and increasing awareness of this type of sound often precedes personal spiritual experiences, which we will talk more about soon. Listening will open your sixth sense and increase your ‘still, small voice’ within (the voice of your higher intuition, the voice of the spirit, or the voice of God). Eventually, you can practice meditative listening anytime at all, even stuck in traffic, standing in a queue or waiting room, or any place providing an appropriate moment.

All you need to do is sit, listen, and listen some more. You may enjoy the feelings that come with it. Once your mind starts to wander, try the next exercise, Looking for light. To start with you should find 5-10 minutes of listening is enough.


EXERCISE 2: Looking

What is Light?

In relation to meditation, the term “light” may be used in reference to many things such as electricity, starlight, inner light, spiritual illumination, guiding light, or the force for good.

There really are no finite boundaries on light, only to the degree to which we can measure it. Light becomes invisible at a certain point and it can reach massive speed and infinitely small size. Gamma rays pass directly through our planet, and they are simply a very high-frequency form of light. Once again we are seeing the great mystery of the energy in our Universe. Dark energy itself may, in theory, be visible light, through different eyes in the spiritual realm. Science still debates whether light is a particle or a wave, but concludes that it could be both, a bit like a type of EM/plasma combination. In other words, it could be a finer form of matter than we can currently experience, almost pre-matter, but still matter.

Consider your dreams, for example, they can sometimes appear very vivid and real. We can feel things in our dreams, and these feelings can be very real, especially our emotions.

The pineal gland in our brain produces a natural chemical hallucinogen called N-dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Interestingly the pineal gland contains retinal cells, such as photoreceptors similar to our eyes. Does this explain why hallucinations are often seen as real, because we actually seeing into another realm, or seeing through a third eye?

Tests have shown that people who take synthetic DMT report experiencing a feeling of transcending one’s body and entering into an alternative ‘realm’, an audible perception of a high pitched whining/whirring sound during the onset of the experience, perceiving and communicating with ‘presences’ or ‘entities’, plus reflections on death, dying and the after-life. In addition, the reported vividness of these subjective experiences has led to near-death experiencers and DMT users describing the states they enter as ‘realer than real’. (6)

Because DMT appears to clearly be primarily synthesized in the pineal gland which is right in the centre of your head and because science yet to resolve the biochemical mechanisms by which the hallucinogens (psychedelics) dramatically alter perception and consciousness the process of waking “visions” and sleeping “dreams” remains a great mystery. (7)

This poses the question, do we actually have a third or spiritual eye?

This question also supplies another powerful exercise for meditation, namely, looking.

I suggest trying the following exercise.

Simply sit in a quiet place and find something about 5 paces away, maybe the wall opposite or the ceiling if you are lying down. This works best in the dark. Now slowly close your eyes while continuing to look at the distance of the far wall or ceiling. It is important to remain focused at that distance so you keep looking. Actually, the further away you can focus, the better. You can even look at the distance of the night sky while lying on the ground.

What you are looking for is light or colours of any description. The longer you look, the more you will potentially find, and you may be surprised at what you see. This exercise may improve eyesight and it will help you keep occupied if you’re doing the listening meditation and find your mind is wandering. (8)

At first, you may see thousands of tiny small dots and the occasional twinkling light. You might begin to see bright balls of light, patterns of energy, beautiful life-like moving patterns of light, moon or starlike objects, or even spiritual visions. Don’t be disappointed if you don’t see anything at all. This meditation is a bit like learning to play the piano; it takes time, but you have no lessons to take, as you simply need to practice looking for a few minutes a day and keep an open mind.

If you are lucky enough to see wonderful lights or perhaps even visions then I need say no more. Try both looking and listening at the same time to get the best experience. You will find that the sound and light are connected. If and when you do start hearing and seeing things, don’t start thinking you’ve gone mad. You’re just opening the doorway to a higher state of awareness and this is how you can connect very powerfully to the healing energy.

After a while, you may get tired of this exercise. You can then move on to the next thing, feeling. This is the big kahuna. The king of awareness when it comes to healing energy.

man staring at the sea

EXERCISE 3: Feeling

What is Feeling?
This is a very interesting question since we can actually feel sound, heat, light, air, water, emotions even mental impressions can be felt.

What you can do with this meditation is allow yourself to feel the energy moving into, around, and even through your body. If you hold no rigid belief system, stay humble, and purely have an open mind, you will be able to experience the full healing effects offered by this practice. If you have doubts or negative thoughts while doing this you will not achieve the benefits, so it is essential to focus on loving, kind thoughts and be in the highest possible moral position, mentally and emotionally when you start. I always ask myself to be open to only the highest good and take the universal, unconditional loving perspective that we talked about in earlier chapters.

Enter into the listening and looking meditation for a few minutes and then begin really focusing on what you can feel. It can be very powerful or it can be very gentle. It all depends on what you need at the time. The forces of nature and the energy of healing will always bring you the required response. You may feel a warmth, tingling, buzzing, humming, coolness, lightness, spacey, floating sensations, and many, many more feelings. Sometimes you may shake, tremble or convulse. This is all OK, must be let happen naturally, and will pass. Above all else, as time passes you may feel a lasting feeling of divine love and peace.

If you feel this then you have made the greatest of all discoveries you can make with meditation! You have discovered your true self, the very essence of what you are made of, and what it is that makes you. This divine universal love comes as a combination of light, sound, and a feeling of gentle bliss within. It is made of subtle electromagnetic plasma and information and has the power to heal you on all levels. It contains the fullness of all knowledge there is to know, and yet it shares itself with you as a feeling. Once you have found this feeling, you have the ability to transform any negative state into a positive state, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. Once you have located your connection with the great spiritual energy of universal love, you have found your unconditional healing energy and can connect with it at will.

The mind may step in the way, but we will come back and deal with that possibility in depth a little later. There is no point in attempting to place your experiences within a belief system but rather build your library of knowledge around your direct personal experiences. This way you can remain completely open to limitless new experiences and can continue to grow and progress.

A fixed belief system simply can’t contain these new experiences, but your true knowledge built from experimentation may endlessly expand and remain flexible enough to accommodate infinite new experiences. Otherwise, you simply miss out on many of the possible experiences offered by this meditation practice. You must leave yourself open to discover and experience what great infinite realities meditation offers, because if there is one absolute certainty in the Universe. It is this, everything must grow, change and transform.

Transformational healing is exactly that, a process of profound change deep within one’s energy field at an eternal soul level. This simple meditation method summarised again below will help open you up to this growth and change, and equally, it will allow your physical body to positively respond to these changes.

Meditation Method Summary

  1. Find a quiet comfortable place without music or any outer disturbance. Get comfortable;
    2. Take several slow deep breaths and then simply rest;
    3. Do the listening technique for 5-10 minutes;
    4. Move on to the looking technique for 5-10 minutes;
    5. Then focus on the feeling technique for 5-10 minutes;
    6. Try combining all three techniques for 5-10 minutes;
    7. Stop and rest for 5 minutes;
    8. Repeat the above as often as you feel comfortable;
    9. Allow some time afterward for stillness and reflection;
    10. Increase your time as comfortable, eventually aiming for an hour or longer.

By creating a quiet space for observation you will have opened up a channel and this naturally allows energy to move, by the law of simple diffusion. No effort is actually required. This is simply a process of observation.

By now you should have a reasonably clear understanding of the nature of healing energy, where it comes from, how it moves, how to connect with it, and also how to tap into it.

In the next chapter, we are going to get this energy moving through your body. The initial experiences with healing energy can be wonderful and uncomplicated, but as we progress the energy will start to work on us and we require some understanding of the healing process to facilitate more complete healing in the body, mind, and emotions.

I hope this gets you started and underway today with your practice of self-healing.

We are about to start using this healing energy in a more specific fashion in the coming chapters.

Continue with Part 8

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