Zendesk Chat History Clean3

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**Question:** Hey
**Answer:** Hey can I help?
**Answer:** Ask away if you need some help.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Do you need some help? I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Question:** Hey who do I speak to to find out if I can go to see [Name] in his clinic in Tauranga?
**Answer:** You can speak with me – I can book you in or answer any questions you may have πŸ™‚
**Question:** Can I get in today by any chance? I’m just in Tauranga just for the day
**Answer:** Bear with me and I will check for you
**Answer:** Is this Nicole?
**Question:** awesome that’s
**Question:** yes I just emailed too
**Answer:** Yes [Name] was just responding to you. He can see you by 11.30am at the latest.
**Answer:** Does that work?
**Question:** Yes I can do that
**Question:** whats the address again?
**Answer:** Awesome we will book you in
**Answer:** The address is 26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu, Tauranga
**Answer:** Cool thank you!
**Answer:** See you later – Were you looking for [Name]s profile?
**Answer:** This is his profile [Link](https://www.[Website]/brett-elliott) and I can give you the info about his clinic too
**Answer:** No no. Just wasn’t sure whom to contact regarding the clinic. Thanks see you then!
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/visit-brett-elliotts-clinic)
**Answer:** cool cheers
**Answer:** Awesome see you later πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I have nearly completed the 7 day detox. I have kept strictly to the food plan and was hoping also for some weight loss which does not seem to have happenned. Is there anything I am missing
**Answer:** Hi there, which program have you been using?
**Question:** the 7 day detox
**Answer:** The Detox capsules or the BodiTune drink?
**Question:** capsules
**Answer:** [Name] is coming online to help you directly
**Answer:** HI There,
**Answer:** I understand that you were looking to lose about 4kg?
**Answer:** Would that make your ideal weight?
**Question:** yes I am 1.55 cm and 52kg but do have some waist waight to loose
**Answer:** OK then you have a smaller frame and looking to trim. The detox was possibly not going to get that last little bit
**Answer:** It’s more designed to cleanse you out internally
**Question:** I am happy for that to as I plan to do that annually
**Answer:** If there is a little fat to burn then the herbal Slim would probably have been the better chioce
**Answer:** It’s good that you have done the detox anyway
**Answer:** as it will have reset your metabolism
**Question:** is the herbal slim capsules with a similar eating programme.
**Answer:** Also doing the herbal slim over one month will give your body the time it needs to trigger fat burning
**Question:** I have no problem with eating programme at all.
**Answer:** Yes the eating plan is similar although you can have a little white fish, eggs and even brown rice
**Answer:** The secret to getting the best out of the herbal slim is to eat only between 11am and 7pm or another 8 hour window
**Answer:** That triggers ketosis and you can still eat fruit and vegetables
**Question:** no breakfast at all?
**Answer:** You could have breakfast at 8am but then would need to stop eating at 4pm, it’s not essential but it does help the programme work better
**Question:** ok thanks will do thi s.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI. Does [Name] have a recipe book that I can buy, or is it all online? Thanks
**Answer:** Hi Sue, everything is online although 17 of the recipes are in his book Cleansed & Cured. [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** Thanks. Another question……is tomato paste “allowed” during the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Yes you can use tomato paste πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Great. Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Thank you. You are always very helpful and patient with my questions!
**Answer:** Hey no problem we wnat you to be successful πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Can you recommend a Thai curry paste? The commercial ones could be full of nastys!
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** [Name] uses Valcom Authentic Thai Red Curry Paste. Not too many bad things πŸ™‚
**Answer:** So, that would be OK for the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Yes it is fine
**Answer:** Yippeeee!!!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI. Can you please send me the link to the recipes page ( the one where there is a drop down menu to choose which plan, and which meal you’d like). I cant seem to find it ! Thanks
**Answer:** Yes you just hold your cursor over the resources section and recipes are in there
**Answer:** Thanks !!
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Question:** I am trying to buy the Ultimate Herbal Health detox program through the webpage, but I see Spain is not available in the list of countries. Do you ship it there?
**Answer:** We would love to be able to ship to Spain. However the customs authorities do stop natural products and destroy them. The only way we could get it to you is if it was shipped to another country and the person brought it in to Spain
**Question:** Really??? What a shame… I will see how can I do it. Thank you.
**Answer:** You are welcome we would love to be able to help πŸ™‚
**Question:** Or can you send it as another product not natural?
**Question:** Is there a way to buy it somewhere in Europe?
**Answer:** Our programs are all natural so it is a problem for us. Spain is the only country in Europe where we have this problem.
**Question:** I can’t believe it!!!!
**Answer:** We currently have no outlets in Europe we shipped directly to people’s doors. Would there be someone at side of Spain you could ship it to and they would be travelling into Spain and could send it to you?
**Answer:** Sorry someone out side of Spain you could bring it in to Spain and send it to you
**Question:** No. I can’t think of anybody right now
**Answer:** We would really love to help, but it would mean your program would be destroyed probably
**Question:** Can you send it to Italy?
**Answer:** I believe Italy is okay let me check for you
**Answer:** Bear with me a moment
**Question:** I have some friends who live there. And they could send it to me. I guess I wouldn’t have a problem as it is an European country
**Answer:** Yes that should be OK
**Question:** ok. Thank you. And sorry for the inconvenience. In NZ it must be quite late. So how, do I fill up the info in the webpage? I put the Italian name and address in the Shipping information?
**Answer:** Yes that will work fine
**Question:** ok. Thank you so much. Good night!
**Answer:** You’re welcome we will ship by DHL and send you the tracking information
**Question:** ok. I have to contact my Italian friends first. I will put my email, but their address in Italy. I guess they can send it to me by normal postal mail, as it will be inside Europe
**Question:** Or they can send it through DHL as well
**Answer:** Yes i think that is correct, as there will be no customs after it arrives in Europe, so standard post should be OK from Italy
**Question:** OK. Thank you again!
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, where can I buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox in or near Queen St in Auckland?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Lemon Tree Organics on Queen street should have the detox program
**Question:** Thanks very much
**Answer:** They are at 107 Queen St
**Answer:** Also Citymed Pharmacy 8 Albert St
**Answer:** We offer free delivery and I can also give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get 15% discount on this website
**Question:** OK thanks We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club would be great. Just reading about Detox vs Slim programme. Friends have done your detox and rave about it, but I need to lose more weight than they did but have tried so many things so not feeling too hopeful!
**Answer:** Ok yes, the detox actually is quicker at achieving weight loss
**Answer:** Most people lose about 5kg on the 14 day detox and then move onto the slim if they want to lose more
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is 15NOW which gives you 15% off at checkout
**Answer:** The detox gives your body a complete cleanse and removes build up from the liver, colon and also removes excess fluid, resetting your metabolism, that’s why its so effective a triggering weight loss
**Question:** tyanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi there
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** I would like to do the [Name] Elliot Detox but I am fructose intolerant so rather restricted with the fruit and vegies I can consume. Do you have many people with these allergies doing it?
**Answer:** Yes the diet can be 100% vegetable based during the program we have plenty of recipes and option like this
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m Here to help if you have any questions
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you have any questions
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hum since i coming from auckland it may be easier to do a on line consult can you send me a link [Email].nz Thanks John
**Answer:** Hi John, You will need to pay for it first and then the link is sent [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/online-consultation-brett-elliott)
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** is brets clinic open queens birthdat wekend
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Which day were you looking at?
**Question:** and any available 1.5 hour appointments
**Question:** saturday after noon
**Answer:** Yes he can do that – it would need to be at 2pm until 3.30pm
**Question:** ok hold taht spot i will confirm soon
**Answer:** OK please do not leave it too long
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** If you have any questions, I am happy to help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** i want to clean liver before i take my blood test on friday..
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Realistically the time is too short to do that
**Answer:** You would need at least 14 days to do it properly
**Answer:** You would need this program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** ohhh , so what can i do or what the quick fast to cleanse some before i take test
**Answer:** Plus this bottle of herbs [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/livafood-super-liver-tonic-120-capsules)
**Answer:** Can you delay the test?
**Question:** i call them to cancell , so they said if i cancell the last is on monday 28/5/[Phone]
**Answer:** It would not be possible to do a liver cleanse in that time frame. We would like to help but you would need two weeks
**Answer:** Your liver needs time to cleanse and heal as well.
**Question:** ohk,.. so if I want you guys so what can i do , where i get the medicine or what ?
**Answer:** You can buy it online from us – I gave you the links – you add the products to your cart and then go to check out. You can also buy the detox programme from Health shops in Auckland. If you tell me where you are I can let you know the best shop.
**Question:** Im in Clendon Park manukau
**Answer:** Ok you can get the Detox programme at Health [Phone] in Sylvia Park
**Question:** thankyou
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help today?
**Question:** Order [Phone]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You parcel was shipped on the 16th, so it should arrive either today or tomorrow, it has gone by standard NZ post so is untracked, but they are very reliable, so it would arrive in your mailbox
**Question:** I shipped it to a work address not a mailbox?
**Question:** we don’t have a mailbox
**Question:** I assumed it came by courier
**Answer:** Yes to the address you gave us for your order.
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I am just wanting to find out when my order will arrive please
**Answer:** HI There,
**Answer:** What is your name and I will look it up for you
**Question:** Stephanie Ashkettle
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi we are just going into the three day lead into the ultimate herbal detox which we plan to do over 1-2 weeks depending onhow it’s going. Just for a quick answer are the recipes we can use for this program for our chosen time length also be used for the lead in preparation time?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes you can use the same recipes during the prep stage
**Answer:** great thanks
**Answer:** Anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** When you refer on the recipes to being perfect for the herbal detox or ultimate herbal detox that’s the same program right? Also with the smoothie for eg broccilli and orange if I don’t want to purchase your extra satchet’s to keep it cheaper what could I use instead?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes they are the same program
**Answer:** You can use any plain unsweetened protein powder, I do recommend a pea based protein is best
**Answer:** It’s not essential in that recipe though
**Answer:** the spinnach and egg fritata doesn’t say if ok for herbal detox prog
**Answer:** hi still after a reply on that whilst I’m copying and pasting relevent recipes if you can thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes the eggs can’t be used on the 14 day program only on the 30 day gentle program
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** There is an option to choose your herbal program at the top of the recipe page so it filters the list
**Answer:** Then it will only display the recipes you can have
**Answer:** yes but i choose the 14 day detox program but still find some come up that aren’t suitable so have to look at each one. so the fritata for eg and one or two others.
**Answer:** as aabove it also brings up recipes for the 1-2 month programs
**Answer:** Oh OK, that shouldn’t be happening, must be a couple of wrong tags on them, its really only the eggs and fish recipes you cant have on the 14 day program, the rest should be all OK
**Answer:** I just checked and seemed to work fine, did you click on the orange ‘search’ button after choosing the program?
**Answer:** what can yoi replace theboditune detox an slim with inm the smoothies?
**Answer:** also you have smoothie recipes with banana but thought it not allowed in detox 1-2 week programs
**Answer:** That’s correct, you would substitute the banana for an apple in those instances
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome, thanks for keeping me on my toes, will have to make a couple of corrections πŸ™‚
**Answer:** all good the recipes look great, can’t wait to try some of the ones i didn’t try last time thanks again
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Good evening do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi. We were wondering if we can use NuZest Protein powder on the detox, please?
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Answer:** Or you can use our BodITune program too
**Answer:** Thanks, so we can make a smooothie, and pop the protein powder in? Is there a “limit” of how much to use? Sorry, I know I am being pedantic, but just want to gather as much info as I can!
**Answer:** Sorry, messages overlapped! What is the BodItune , please?
**Answer:** Bear with me
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** Oh, sorry, I could have found that myself!!
**Answer:** Thank you!
**Answer:** Hey it’s ok it takes a little while to understand the website
**Answer:** By the way you just use the protein powder as you see fit. Most people are ok with a scoop per day but you do get lots of protein from green veggies so it could be less.
**Answer:** Thanks very much Sarah. I dont particularly like the protein powder, but hubby loves it. I guess it is a matter of tapping in to what our body is telling us it needs. I suppose when your body has been running with crap food as energy, you lose that intuition for all sorts of reasons.
**Answer:** THanks for your help.
**Answer:** Yes that’s very true. You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can you eat mussels on 14 day detox
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah yes my sister felicity just finished this detox and introduced me to this wow sounds great I would like to try it
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI. Is it OK to continue to drink Green tea ( which does contain caffeine). Thanks
**Question:** Also, how do I update my info for this Live support?
**Answer:** Yes it is fine to take green tea
**Answer:** If you get be me your name I can update it for you
**Question:** Thanks . My name is Sue Mitchell
**Answer:** Thanks Sue
**Answer:** Can we help any further today?
**Answer:** I am preparing myself mentally ( and physically to begin my detox. I need to clear about the process, so just gathering information. Is there a shopping list specifically for the 14 day deep cleanse, please? Thank you for your help.
**Answer:** Yes there is a shopping list in the user guide on page 15
**Answer:** Oh !! So anything without a star?
**Answer:** It’s not specifically for each recipe but it helps you stock up with the things you will be eating, yes the star of Only for the 30 Day gentle cleanse
**Answer:** thanks very much! Its nice to know I can jump on here and ask any questions .
**Answer:** You’re welcome anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Where can I buy Ultimate Herbal Detox in Auckland?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** What part of Auckland are you in?
**Answer:** There are quite a few different retailers
**Question:** East – Glen Innes/St Heliers but I can travel
**Answer:** Health [Phone] at Sylvia Park is the nearest. We can deliver next day if you order online too. So Tuesday to your door.
**Question:** OK thanks Sarah – can you give me an alternative retailer as well in case Sylvia Park is out of stock tomorrow – keen to get started this weekend
**Answer:** Health [Phone] at St Luke’s too.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome. Best to call in advance
**Answer:** Get in touch if they have sold out. We can give you lots of others
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Question:** Does the detox replace meals or do I can I still have 3 meals per day with the protein shake?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You eat while you detox
**Answer:** Are you leaving looking at the BodITune sachets?
**Question:** Yes I am looking at the boditune sachets
**Question:** As i want to detox and lose weight
**Answer:** If so you decide over how long you wish to do the plan and then take the number of sachets.
**Answer:** If you want to do that and can cope with Capsules the Herbal Detox is the program to go for.
**Answer:** Weight loss is normally 3 to 10 kgs.
**Question:** Is it good to do both together?
**Question:** the capsules and the sachets together?
**Answer:** Yes you can do them both together. They get a great result. We sell them in the shop like that.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program)
**Answer:** You can do this program over a shorter time
**Question:** Ok cool, thanks.
**Question:** but if I stop taking them after I finish, will I gain my original weight again and start craving like before?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. Have just bought the package
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Keen to start, but feeling some resistance as well. Any suggestions?
**Answer:** Make sure you plan the time to do it. Watch some of the videos under the resources section. Your emotions are fighting the change you need to make – keep focused on how Good it is for you.
**Answer:** Did you see my message?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’ve done 10 day detox but want to lose weight. If I go onto 6 boditune sachets how many calories is this and will I lose as much not taking the tablets as well
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The sachets are 66 calories each, yes you could keep losing weight especially if you stay on vegetables and raw food
**Question:** ok thank you:
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Question:** Is there a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club special on detox tablets
**Answer:** You can get 15% off by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** His book is worth $[Phone]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi [Name] I’m asking a question on behalf of a young lady 17yrs old who needs to clear out her system for a drug test … she smoked cannabis last Sunday and now requires to do a drug test in a weeks time… can you help with any suggestions on what to do and how long does it stay in your system?
**Answer:** She could do the 7 day cleanse and do it with avocado, cream and yogurt smoothies
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** can u take other supplements like my multivatiom and fish oil pills while on this detox plan
**Answer:** Yes you definitely can
**Answer:** The program comes with a really nice recipe book and use it guide. Plus there are many other recipes under the resources tab
**Question:** thank u
**Answer:** O o
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there , I competed the herbal detox at the start of the year with great results . Over the past month I have gone back to old un healthy habits . I have ordered another detox to complete and was wondering about doing the 7 day one this time ? Do you still get great results from this one although it is shorter
**Answer:** Hi there Jo
**Answer:** Yes you can do that one especially if you focus on the raw food.
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi did you need some help?
**Question:** Not at this stage, thank you.
**Answer:** All good enjoy your visit
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** is the livafood liver tonic pill free of soy, gluten,dairy,wheat
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Yes it is
**Answer:** Hi did you see our message?
**Question:** is it egg free non-gmo no artificial sweeteners as well
**Answer:** Yes it is 100% natural herbs with no additives
**Answer:** All of our programs grams are
**Question:** thank u
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help and sorry about the extra my predictive text kicked in.
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Question:** no thank u
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** We suggest you do our detox program
**Answer:** We suggest you do our detox program
**Answer:** It is good at getting rid parasites
**Answer:** You could have them
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello can I help?
**Question:** Yes pls
**Answer:** Ok
**Question:** I have been experiencing some aches at my back for a while
**Question:** And after using different kinds of medications
**Answer:** That sounds like a side-effect for the medications
**Question:** And it was still persistent. Then I used a worm expeller
**Question:** Then the pains reduced
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** What I discovered was that I usually feel the pain at various points on my back
**Question:** Even at times I feel some irritations at my chest
**Question:** Please I will like you to advice me on what to do
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you have a question for us today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi – I wanted to check if the following are ok for the 14 day detox: nuts & seeds (inc almond milk) and decaf coffee? Thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** No nuts and seeds but almond milk is ok. Yes Decaf coffee is fine πŸ™‚
**Question:** thanks – I crave protein much more than sweets or carbs… so think I’ll get some pea protein πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes that would be good also increase your green vegetables as they ahve 10 to 15% protein.
**Question:** good to know – thanks
**Answer:** You amy find your carvings reduce on the detox mine certainly did πŸ™‚
**Question:** hope so… just need to continue to feed hubby who’s a builder and growing kids who need all the things I’m avoiding
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** hi Sarah we are on a cattle station in aussie and got our stores delivered and got normal yogurt supposed to natural ( they sent the wrong stuff ) we only get stores every @ weeks and @))kms away from town> do you think its ok to have that yogurt
**Answer:** sorry that was 200kms away and get stores every 2 WEEKS
**Answer:** It should be ok if it is in small amounts πŸ™‚
**Answer:** ok great as dont want to wait another fortnight…cheers marion
**Answer:** Yes totally understand! Happy to help and glad you are on the journey with us πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Have a great day Marion πŸ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** what works the best ?
**Answer:** The Herbal Detox program is our best and most popular program
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** thanks for the help
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚ The detox covers every area of the body plus is a heavy metal and parasite cleanse.
**Answer:** It is the best around as it does everything.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** i have fructose intolerences, garlic, onion, mango, apple pear , can the gut he healed to cope with these things and would the receipes be suitable due to the intolernces i hsve
**Answer:** Yes the program often helps reduce food intolerances
**Answer:** The herbs in the kit really help heal the gut
**Answer:** You could choose to have the vegetable based recipes more than the fruit and by the end you could try some of the foods you may have reacted to in the past
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, can u please send me the user account detail to login . It’s not letting me to login to your website. Thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Yes I can do that What is your email address?
**Answer:** [Email]
**Answer:** Bear with me I will reset your account password
**Answer:** okthanks
**Answer:** Please use ashnili1234 as your password
**Answer:** ik thank u
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi did you see our messages?
**Answer:** Hi . How many bottles of tablets are there in the 1 pack
**Answer:** The 1 xdetox has 4 bottles and the BodiTune has 32 sachets each pack. You would get 2 packs.
**Answer:** Ohhhhh
**Answer:** omg
**Answer:** thank u
**Answer:** You do it like this – On this plan you consume
**Answer:** thank u so much
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, how r u?
**Answer:** Great thanks do you need some help Ashnili?
**Answer:** i was chatting with Mr [Name] last week and he tex me back about the detox
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** he said that the detox 1 and 2 will be [Price] each and also gave me the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** but the totals price is [Price] and the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club of NOW25 does give me the total of [Price]
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** thank you so much
**Answer:** my Face book name is Ashnili Thurman
**Answer:** Doesn’t give me the total of[Price]
**Answer:** sorry haha
**Answer:** The information you have is correct. The one month steady combo gives you 3 packs at $[Phone] which is $[Phone] each
**Answer:** It is [Price] for 3 packs then 25% off so $[Phone] then divide by 3 equals $[Phone] each
**Answer:** What’s the 3 pack for
**Answer:** 1 detox
**Answer:** Click here to see the program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-steady-detox-program) you have 1 detox and 2 x BodiTune sachets
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah , how r u?
**Answer:** Hi Ashnili, can I help you?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello there, I am here to help if you need me πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello if you have any questions, I am here to help you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** If you are interested to see all of our programmes you can click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-store)
**Answer:** There are lots of recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** And useful articles here [Link](https://www.[Website]/herbal-health-articles)
**Answer:** Hello there if you order over [Price] this month you get [Name]s new book “Cleansed & Cured” free – it has lots of great information plus recipes inside.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** If we want to loose weight 3-4 kgs should we just do de tox or de tox and slim together? we have used the system before but they now look different.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** If you haven’t done the Detox for a while it is better to start there. Weight loss is normally 3 to 10kgs on the two week program.
**Answer:** This will speed up your metabolism and get everything moving well
**Question:** ok what do I order for a de tox for two people that happens over a short time frame
**Answer:** If you feel you wish to lose more afterwards then the Slim is perfect for one month.
**Answer:** Ok I can give you a link to the 2 x detox page
**Question:** thanks please
**Question:** how many days does this take?
**Answer:** Here you go [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20) – it takes 14 days of capsules and 3 days of prep so 17 days in total.
**Answer:** You alos get [Name]s new book “Cleansed & Cured” free. It has lots of recipes in it and good advice to help you.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi how much for the book please?
**Answer:** Hello there. The book is $[Phone] including postage.
**Question:** awesome thank you so much πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello there can I help you otday?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Ok we need a detox and slim programme a reset
**Answer:** Hello there how can I help you?
**Question:** just working out what programme to select for a smil and de tox
**Question:** slim and de tox
**Answer:** Ok what is your overall goal? Weight loss? Health issue? Or generally wanting to feel better?
**Question:** how many days is the ultimate slim product for
**Question:** weight loss about 4 kg each
**Answer:** Ok Have you done the detox before?
**Question:** yes we both have
**Answer:** It is normally the best place to start as you will lose between 3 and 10 Kg
**Answer:** How long ago did you do it?
**Answer:** And what is your diet been like since?
**Question:** maybe a year of more
**Question:** minimal bread lots of fruit and veges but have added a 10 year old fostor boy to our life and as a result some meals are tuned more for him.
**Answer:** Awesome that’s wonderful news. And is the weight gain over that time frame?
**Question:** yes
**Question:** does the slim programme do a de tox as well
**Answer:** okay you have a couple of choices. 14 day detox and cleanse everything and relieve some of the emotional things that will be going on with you. Or you could do the one months which has greater options for food has a similar weight loss that won’t impact on the emotional side
**Question:** is it the same product just taking less capsules
**Answer:** No it is a completely different project with different herbs. The slim contains herbs at reduced sugar cravings and help to balancer. It has a very small amount of metabolic herbs
**Answer:** Personally if I was you I would do the detox first for 14 days. See how I felt and then if I needed to lose more weight move on to the slim program. The reason for this is the detox will get everything cleaned out and working well Plus it will assist with emotional aspects at a higher level.
**Answer:** Does this make sense?
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** That is okay. We really want to make sure that your physical emotional and mental health ante improved too. A 10-year-old in the family can be interesting
**Answer:** Hi ! I’m Melissa from HumanFirst πŸ™‚
**Answer:** HumanFirst is like Zendesk /shortcuts for every single sentence you’ve ever typed – but unlike shortcuts, you don’t have to program or update them, HumanFirst does that automatically (it also learns your existing shortcuts).
**Answer:** what’s best is that HumanFirst doesn’t suggest pre-canned responses that sound like templates : they are your own words, your own expertise.
**Answer:** wveryone with a Zendesk account can install our secure browser extension in one click, it doesn’t need to be configured by IT or adopted across a whole company to work (you can install it by yourself, or invite your whole team)
**Answer:** I don’t think you’ve visited our site yet, so am letting you know about us first πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Check out our 50 second video and sign up (it’s unlimited and 100% free for users with an invite-code) ! : [Link](https://humanfirst.ai/?invite-code=a9b4)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hello can you please confirm that my order #[Phone] is the sachets and not the pots?
**Answer:** Hello there. Yes your order is the sachets are not the pots πŸ™‚
**Question:** Fab thank you!
**Answer:** No problem happy to help
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you have any questions for us!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I wish to try Ultimate Detox, please advise what diet is required when you take these tablets
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** I can help you with that
**Question:** Ok, great please go ahead
**Answer:** This page gives you a good idea of what you can eat [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-food-recommendations)
**Answer:** There is also a recipe page which you can select the program and it will filter the recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** If you select under Herbal Program – Detox 14 Day it will give you a good list
**Question:** ok, i am going to buy this 14 day programe via visa now
**Question:** IS there any We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code that i can use??? pls advise
**Answer:** You will also get a free copy of the glossy recipe book this week, [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Question:** Order number [Phone], all paid
**Answer:** It’s underway now for you, we will send tracking details tomorrow, thanks πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Susan, we are here if you need some help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello can I help you today?
**Question:** Looking to see if you have a meal plan for the 14 day detox programme.
**Answer:** There isn’t a specific meal plan as everyone wants different things. You can choose the recipes suitable for the program by selecting the program from the drop-down at the top of the recipe page. There is also lots of recipes in the User guide
**Question:** Pk. thanks. Have selected ‘more recipes’ but they haven’t come by email yet.
**Answer:** Ok they come once per week so best to look at the drop down to help you πŸ™‚
**Question:** oh ok.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help today?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello can I help You today?
**Question:** Yes. Firstly i’m from Turkey and my english is bad a little bit. Sorry for this
**Answer:** Welcome – take your time, I am happy to help.
**Question:** I want to know something about herbalism
**Question:** It’s history. It’s popularity today
**Answer:** yes go ahead
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** What would you you like to know?
**Question:** When started to use ?
**Question:** and where
**Answer:** It is ancient – it has been used since time began. It is not posible to identify where
**Answer:** All civilisations have used Herbal medicine
**Question:** How many people using herbalism today ?
**Answer:** Herbalism started with the cavemen
**Answer:** It all depends on the country – each country is different the charts show the major users
**Question:** Can you give number ? Millions ? Billions ?
**Answer:** It is in the Billions – 75% of people use Herbal medicne in the world
**Question:** Thank you for your help Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** oneday I want to use herbalism
**Answer:** Good it is amazing
**Question:** Where are u from
**Answer:** We are based in New Zealand
**Question:** What is the price of treats ?
**Answer:** Treats ? Do you mean the programs?
**Question:** Actually yes
**Answer:** About USD149 for the detox program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Thank you Sarah !
**Question:** You helped me so much
**Answer:** All good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there, just looking at the Chocolate mouse recipe. Could you replace the stevia with honey? I don’t like the taste of stevia
**Answer:** Yes you can do that
**Answer:** Awesome. Amount?
**Answer:** A teaspoon would be fine
**Answer:** Thnks Sarah. Have a good day.
**Answer:** Glad we could help Wendy. You have a great day to
**Answer:** I just orders detox set, is it all clear ??
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Yes it is all clear and will leave us tomorrow
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Looking at your supplements….[Name] ultimate herbal’
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** How can I help you today
**Question:** Are you coming to Wellington?
**Answer:** yes later in the year
**Question:** I would love to attend.
**Answer:** We have a show planned for early november
**Question:** Where?
**Answer:** OK if you give me your name and email I can make sure you are on the list
**Answer:** We haven’t booked the venue yet
**Question:** Yes please! I will drag friends along too. Will read your book beforehand I think!
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** Much appreciated.
**Answer:** We will also be doing the Go Green show in the waterfront stadium in November
**Answer:** Will keep you posted πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thats great to hear.
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi
**Question:** I’m wanting to purchase a detox to cleanse me and to flush marijuana out of my system
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Wendy, do you need some help?
**Answer:** All good. thanks Sarah.
**Answer:** πŸ™‚ Excellent
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Do you have some questions?
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi there you can buy these programs on Amazon if you want to. Just search for [Name].
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, if I am doing the the Detox n Slim in 8 days (4 sachets a day) do I just stick to smoothies, or can I eat the suggested recipes as well? Thank Wendy
**Answer:** You can do the recipes too although we find when most people do the 4 sachets a day it is enough
**Answer:** That’s what I thought. Thanks so much.
**Answer:** Excellent keep in touch and let us know how you go
**Answer:** Will do.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** i heard your interview about your book. where can I buy it?
**Answer:** Hello great to hear from you you can buy [Name]s book from our website I will give you a link.
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** It is also in Whitcoulls and paper plus
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** You can click on the link and it will take you to the page.
**Question:** thank you so much
**Answer:** All good we are happy to help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi! I am currently 1 week into your month long ultimate herbal detox and am finding the symptoms terribly overwhelming. I am also on my period but feel so unbelievable anxious and stressed it’s unreal! I’m normally a super laid back person and just wanted to see that these symptoms are normal and ask if there’s anything I could do to lessen the effect. Thanks!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi! I am currently 1 week into your month long ultimate herbal detox and am finding the symptoms terribly overwhelming. I am also on my period but feel so unbelievable anxious and stressed it’s unreal! I’m normally a super laid back person and just wanted to see that these symptoms are normal and ask if there’s anything I could do to lessen the effect. Thanks!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi, I have the boditune 500g tub and about to start the stronger cleanse. How many scoops per day would that be? It’s says 4-6 sachets but didn’t come with a program so just going off the website. Thanks
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Do you have a dvd on health issues?
**Question:** What type off health issue do everybody have on them?
**Answer:** We have [Name]’s book and free books plus videos on the website. Click on the resources button and you will see them.
**Answer:** You can click on the ailments button to see articles on health issues.
**Question:** Hi There! There is one more thing. I am having gall bladder stones and when I take fatty foods I have pain at the GB location. Will these herbs help GB also?
**Answer:** Hello yes the globe artichoke and Turkish rhubarb will certainly help there.
**Question:** Thanks!
**Answer:** The herbs are very soothing and healing
**Question:** Ok!, Thanks!
**Answer:** You are welcome by the way if you order over $nzd120 you get [Name]’s new book Cleansed & Cured free. Until end of May.
**Question:** The shipping charges @ 49$ seems to be a little higher. In addition to this these is customs which is as high as [Phone]%. It there a cheaper shipping method?
**Answer:** We ship as a gift and ship at a reduced price so the customs is unlikely to be that.
**Answer:** It will be fully tracked
**Question:** Ok! Thanks!
**Answer:** It goes by DHL courier do safe and fast.
**Question:** Ok!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Where can I purchase [Name] clean and cure detox book please
**Answer:** Yes you can let me give a link to click on to buy
**Question:** Yes please
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Question:** Thank you Sarah have a good evening
**Answer:** Happy to help
**Answer:** The book is available in Whitcoulls, Paper Plus and other great book shops too
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Question:** Hi, I am Ramana from India?
**Answer:** Hello can I help?
**Question:** I want to a mild detox as I cannot tolerate drastic detox. Will your herbs help me?
**Answer:** Our detox can be done over one month which makes it easier to do
**Answer:** And more mid.
**Question:** Which product should I choose?
**Answer:** The ultimate herbal detox program. I can get be you a link
**Question:** I suppose you ship to India!
**Answer:** Yes we can ship to India [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Thanks. I see that the total cost is 199 NZD. Do you have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.
**Answer:** You can use 15NOW for 15% off and there will be a delivery charge which is calculated when you go through the shop checkout.
**Question:** I have some chemical sensitivities which might be due to issue with phase II detox. Will your herbs address this?
**Answer:** Yes there are herbs which support phase two liver detox Plus there are herbs which helps regenerate the liver and protect the liver cells from damage that has already occurred
**Question:** OK! Many Thanks.
**Answer:** You are welcome. Here to help
**Question:** Hi [Name]! I have seen that there is a weight loss in the program. I am quite under weight. Should I avoid some part of the detox program then?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You won;t lose weight unless your body needs to lose weight. The herbs work with you
**Answer:** [Name] has had to answer another clients questions so has just stepped off the Live Chat.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Heelo if you need any help we are here to help.
**Answer:** Heelo, hvis du har brug for hjælp, er vi her for at hjælpe. (oversat)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello If you need some help we are here πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, yesterday was meant to be my last day of detox but I stupidly didn’t read the instructions and only increased to 40 caps on day 7 instead of day 5. I have a lunch booked today that I can’t get out of and options are going to be very limited food wise, will I totally ruin my end results if I break the eating program for one meal? Cheers
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** No it shouldn’t spoil the results but if you can eat as clean as possible with the food options it would be good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello I am here to help if you need me πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Can I help you at all?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hello
**Question:** I have a question about Detox
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** I am using Ultimate Herbal Detox with 2 weeks plan.
**Answer:** Please reply ASAP….
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Question:** Hi sarah, can you please tell me when i can order the boditune sachets again?
**Answer:** We are hoping to get them here on Saturday although you can get the pots now as they are the same πŸ™‚
**Question:** great thanks, i will order on monday to get the sachets as they are easier to carry to work etc than the pot
**Answer:** ok no problem πŸ™‚
**Question:** have a great day!
**Answer:** And you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** hi there, I’m 3 days into my cleanse but i drink kombucha and I;m just checking if i should be drinking it on the cleanse?
**Answer:** Hello yes that is fine to have
**Answer:** Oh great I got worried because of the fizz πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Lol the fizz is fine
**Answer:** Thank you!
**Answer:** In fact we could all do with a bit of fizz!
**Answer:** You are welcome anytime
**Answer:** i’d much rather be drinking prosseco!
**Answer:** You can soon!
**Answer:** It will be interesting to see how your body responds to it after the detox!
**Answer:** probably not very well !
**Answer:** Probably
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Thanks for your support. I’m a naturopathic student and I’m wondering weather to include wild yam in a liquid herbal mix with Devils claw, Celery seed, Californian poppy, Turmeric, Prickly ash for a case study for osteoporosis. As I need to have just 5 herbs for the mix. I also need to cover all the appropriate treatment objectives. So would Wild yam as a cream be as effective, and work as quickly as the liquid herb for modulating estrogen levels? If I didnt include Wild yam then would I need to remove one of the other 5 herbs to put in a liquid estrogen modulator. Or would the yam cream be strong enough?
**Question:** Thanks for your help. Sorry my email is [Email].au
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Hello?
**Question:** IS ANYBODY THERE0
**Question:** Snake?
**Question:** SNAKE?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** ):
**Question:** Is your refrigerator running?
**Question:** Help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, how can I help
**Answer:** I am going to order Detox today. Can I still get the same discount as before?
**Answer:** Yes the same We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club will work again
**Answer:** what was it? sorry I have a short memory.
**Answer:** NOW25 for a 25% discount
**Answer:** And also I have a friend who is exporting thiings from NZ to Korea
**Answer:** And he is interested in your products.
**Answer:** That’s great I think if they are shippped in cartons of 8 they should get through customs ok
**Answer:** Would you be interested in talking to him?
**Answer:** Yes of course
**Answer:** He can email me T [Name]
**Answer:** At [Email] or call on [Phone]
**Answer:** Sure thanks
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Question:** I believe I have parasites?
**Answer:** Do you know which parasites you might have?
**Answer:** Do you have symptoms?
**Answer:** Hello are you there?
**Answer:** Hello can you see my messages?
**Answer:** Hello did you see my messages?
**Question:** Don’t know which one I can feel it in my throat
**Answer:** What do you mean you can feel it in your throat?
**Question:** I keep having the urge to swallow
**Answer:** Swallowing is quite normal. Have you been checked out by a doctor?
**Question:** When I swallow it still feels like something there. No I haven’t seen a doctor.
**Answer:** You should go and see a doctor and get that checked out. That is not normally the sign of a parasite infection.
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Which product do you recommend
**Answer:** What are you looking to do?
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi
**Question:** Asl?
**Question:** how do i order the blue ultimate herbal slime program?
**Answer:** The Slim program?
**Question:** no the blue one
**Answer:** Yes this one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-slim-program)
**Question:** no i need the ultimate herbal slime program
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name]’s programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support you through your life changing process. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hello?
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** Snake? Is that you?
**Answer:** see you
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Question:** no whats up
**Answer:** Nothing just wondered if you had a question
**Question:** my dicks too big will it slim my penis down
**Question:** if i take thi
**Answer:** get stuffed
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Do you sell battle toads?
**Answer:** No we don’t lol
**Question:** You don’t? Oh. Do you know where I can buy them?
**Answer:** Isn’t it a game?
**Question:** I have the game already. I’m talking genuine collectible battle toads
**Answer:** We are a natural health company
**Question:** So you should have toads, right?
**Answer:** You are takign the micky see you
**Answer:** So why do you not think it can work?
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** There is a 100% guarantee on the program – you can have blood tests done before and after to prove it.
**Answer:** Our programs are Practitioner quality and we are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Is this a scam?
**Answer:** Pardon? Certainly not it is one of the best programs in the world
**Question:** Pretty sure it’s a scam
**Answer:** Sorry you are misinformed
**Question:** No, you are
**Answer:** You obviously do not look at natural health as an alternative option
**Question:** I’ll be sure to let others know
**Answer:** We are
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hello..I’m on day 11 of a juice fast and my energy levels have skyrocketed which is awesome …however – I do however have occasional “bloating” after some juices and wondering whether I may have some sort of food sensitivity and a friend suggested that perhaps doing a hair analysis or live blood analysis might help? She found she had one to garlic of all things!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Are you still there?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** It is possible you are reacting to something, but it’s also quite a big change doing the cleanse program
**Answer:** Your body does naturally go through a few changes while detoxing and this can just be part of the process
**Question:** That’s good to know and funnily enough today the “bloating” has gone away!
**Answer:** Yes it can just be a temporary effect of the cleansing process, and often a couple of bowel movements are neeeded
**Question:** I might just continue with the juice fast as I’m feeling so much better til my tongue is no longer coated and a pinky colour πŸ™‚
**Answer:** That’s great, keep up the good work
**Question:** Thank you and enjoy the rest of the week-end – keep warm and dry πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks, you too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Have you cured COPD sufferers?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** That’s not something we have specifically cured
**Answer:** But we do get lots of people with congestion, mucus, chronic sinus etc that it does help to clear\
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** HI Sarah I have…
**Question:** Thanks.
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** I was replying to earlier message.
**Question:** Cheers. Have a nice day πŸ™‚
**Answer:** lol and you
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there Sarah,
**Question:** Can a person take just one of the products such as symlax?
**Question:** when needed…
**Question:** instead of the whole package…
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** 5 pills a days x2 x4 products might be too much for a weak person… stroke patient.
**Question:** Other than that, does [Name] ever visit Rotorua?
**Answer:** Yes you can buy the products individually by bottles in the shop
**Question:** is that Ok to use individually?
**Answer:** Yes it is okay to use them individually
**Answer:** [Name] and Leanne was to Rotorua to visit the shops normally
**Answer:** We have had many/patience to the herbal detox program with great success. You don’t have to do the program over 14 days you can do it over one month which makes it much easier to achieve
**Question:** I already use a lot of the products in food as well as individual herbs psysillium, cascara sagrada… fennel etc…
**Question:** Sarah, what do you mean was to Rotorua?
**Answer:** Yes but they won’t be at the dates required to do a really good ccleanse
**Question:** Are they likely to be in Rotorua between 10 and 12 August?
**Answer:** [Name] only goes to Rotorua to visit the health shops that supply of products
**Question:** When is he likely to be at the Health Shop in Rotorua–?
**Answer:** I’m not able to tell you that as it’s not organised in advance. If you wish to speak to him directly you can phone of [Phone] during the week and they will put you through.
**Answer:** Sorry the number is [Phone]
**Question:** That’s alright… Thank you Sarah…
**Question:** Or is it better that I write on info@iconherbs…
**Question:** which is more convenient to [Name]?
**Answer:** Yes you could email him on info@ iconherb.com
**Question:** I don’t understand that part:
**Question:** “Yes but they won’t be at the dates required to do a really good ccleanse ”
**Question:** Thanks Sarah?
**Answer:** The herbs that You are using in your food or not at a higher enough dose To have the same impact as the herbal detox program.
**Question:** I also use in natural form, not synthetics… other herbs… and teas… so I don’t want to over do it…
**Answer:** Ok Email [Name] your questions and he will respond to you very quickly.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I have heard that eating poorly cooked pork can give you parasites that go to your brai, and that parasites can be passed on from your mother. Any thoughts on that?
**Answer:** Yes you can get parasites from pork
**Answer:** But they can’t be passed on from the mother
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Can I pay using Bartercard?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** We do Bartercard however we don’t offer any discounts
**Answer:** You would need to email us your details and your card number and we can process it
**Question:** How would I use my B/C for online purchases?
**Answer:** Please email [Email]
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I understand [Name] Elliot is on Bartercard, is that correct?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There – I’m 69 and in pretty good health for my age. How safe is it for me to go on the Keto way of eating?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** My email address is [Email]. As I receive all your updates/news, it will be in your contacts already. Thank you and look forward to hearing back.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello!
**Answer:** Was wondering how do I track my order?
**Answer:** My order number is [Phone]
**Answer:** Hi Dayna, Let me check, I will get you the link
**Answer:** Thank you!
**Answer:** You can track here [Link](http://www.fastway.co.nz/track/track-your-parcel?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-o_bBRCOARIsAM5NbIOkhzVdYnkz03sAtqn-1JnluuTsXntzns5XNImc484ud-MPKX04wSEaAs4EEALw_wcB)
**Answer:** [Link](http://www.fastway.co.nz/track/track-your-parcel)
**Answer:** Let me find you number
**Answer:** FA0035874116
**Answer:** It was just sent this afternoon, so it should arrive monday
**Answer:** Perfect thank you so much!
**Answer:** Youre welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Do you have an Astragulus & Ginseng formula/product?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** We don’t that that sorry
**Question:** Cheers
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, This week the discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is GET25 which you can apply at checkout for a 25% discount off your order
**Question:** Hi I am ordering Ultimate for the first time and trying to enter We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club number I have been given and its says unable to redeem We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** see above
**Answer:** What We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code are you trying to use?
**Question:** HOT50NOW
**Answer:** That We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club finished on 25th July we only keep them for a short time. I can give you 25% off with We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code GET25
**Question:** great I will try that thanks
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hi Robyn, your order will be out today and we will send you the tracking details – thank you for your order
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** HI. I am interested in purchasing the LadyShip Organic Essence Extractor LS-658. How much is freight to Kaitaia please? Sorry if I have asked this before!
**Answer:** Shipping in included in the price
**Answer:** And that [Price] is in NZ dollars?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Thanks heaps.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** HI. I am interested in purchasing the LadyShip Organic Essence Extractor LS-658. How much is freight to Kaitaia please? Sorry if I have asked this before!
**Answer:** Shipping in included in the price
**Answer:** It does come in from Australia, which takes about 1 week, but there is no shipping or gst to pay
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** Hi! I didn’t realise the HOT50 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club had a time limit otherwise I would of ordered back then- I just wanted to wait before I started the detox- my mums doing it an seems fine so that’s given me confidence to start
**Answer:** I can give you another We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for a similar amount of discount
**Answer:** You can use GET25 for 25% off
**Question:** ok I’ll give that a try
**Question:** thanks [Name] I am loving your book
**Answer:** Thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Where did you get it?
**Question:** and wish I lived closer to you so I could get muscle testing
**Question:** mum got it in whitcoulls in Auckland
**Answer:** awesome, maybe next time you’re in Tauranga
**Question:** yea good idea
**Question:** we are loving your recipes
**Answer:** they are a little bit spicy for some people, good on you for giving it a go
**Answer:** Love to hear about your results
**Question:** ok we will let you know!! Thanks for your awesome work – have a wonderful evening
**Answer:** you too
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi guys, Just wanted to show you this! Great alternative to the plastic packaging! Cheers, Monica [Link](https://www.tvnz.co.nz/one-news/new-zealand/could-m-ori-kete-part-solution-our-plastic-pollution-problem)
**Answer:** Thanks for that, we will pass it on πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi,
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** No thanks
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Stevie here
**Answer:** Hi Stevie, how can I help?
**Question:** just trying to track my order, it says access denied
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Order [Phone]
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** I have reset your password to Stevie4321 so you can go in and change it but I can give you the tracking details here
**Answer:** Kia ora Stevie,
**Answer:** It looks like there may have been a problem delivering it
**Answer:** So it has gone out for delivery again
**Answer:** I will keep an eye on it but you can call [Phone] and give Fastway the tracking number. They can then tell you what they are doing with it.
**Answer:** ok, perfect
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah, Fastway had my delivery adddress as 77, so they will change it to 137. It should be here tomorrow, thanks
**Answer:** Oh gosh I will let the administrator Kyle know – sorry about that -glad it will be with you soon πŸ™‚
**Answer:** No problems, couriers are always challenging, LOL
**Answer:** Certainly are
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** I usually do a cleanse in January when there are plenty of raw fresh vegetables available. My body feels like it needs to do a detox now, but I find it difficult to give up the carbs. Any suggestions on how I can do a detox during the winter?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We have a hit detox book we can email you. It has recipes you can use.
**Answer:** [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1We2er3E6qRCBs7L2OUpnrH7EVMuyz5Q0/view?usp=sharing)
**Answer:** Just click this link
**Answer:** Thanks.
**Answer:** Sorry a hot detox book
**Answer:** You can still have all your pumpkin, kumara and fruit etc. the soups are a great way to detox in the winter
**Answer:** What is [Name]’s new book about?
**Answer:** It is all about how detoxing can heal your body. It includes information on herbs and lots of recipes plus all the scientific background
**Answer:** It is proving to be extremely popular πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I will go onto your website and have a look for it.
**Answer:** There is lots of information and the introduction here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** Just click the link on this live chat and it will take you to the page
**Answer:** Intermittent fasting seems to be working for me.
**Answer:** That is great you can keep doing it on the Detox program
**Answer:** If you click on the earlier link that [Name] gave you higher up this live chat it takes you to the hot detox e-book which she has just done
**Answer:** My digestive system seems to have gone to sleep and my body feels better if I don’t eat much, but then my energy also goes down.
**Answer:** The herbs in the detox program normally stimulate your digestive system and boost your energy levels. Also the hot detox recipes will help to get things moving and keep your energy levels up.
**Answer:** Are you having any seminars in Wellington?
**Answer:** [Name] will be doing the Go Green Expo and presenting his Cleansed & Cured on 10 & 11 Nov. He might be doing a seminar at the Healthy Living Show in poirua 1 & 2 September. Just waiting to find out about that one.
**Answer:** I placed an order for [Name]’s book. Will it be sent out this week?
**Answer:** Thank you Daphne it will sent out tomorrow via NZ Post
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Molly do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** Hi there – website says that my We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club i not valid
**Answer:** Hi which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club are you trying to use?
**Question:** NOW25 – [Name] said it would bring them down to below [Price] each for two
**Answer:** Please use GET25 instead
**Answer:** The other one is out of date sorry for the inconvenience
**Question:** no worries
**Answer:** Great I see it worked
**Question:** can I pay online banking because my debit card is our of action?
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Answer:** You can pay via PayPal on the website or we can send you an invoice to pay online
**Question:** please send an invoice – or can we pick up and pay cash?
**Answer:** You can pick up and pay we would just need to plan when. Do you have a Day and time in mind?
**Question:** Happy to pay online and then pick-up?
**Answer:** Shall we send you an invoice and you can email us when you wish to pick up?
**Answer:** Thanks so much!
**Answer:** Will pay tonight and get my daughter to pick up sometime this week – will let you know ahead of time.
**Answer:** Ok awesome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi me again,
**Answer:** Yes Bridget how can I help?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah I just bought a kit and [Name] said it could be dropped off today so my workmate has decided she would like to do the DETOX kit now. Can she use the code GRAB80 aswell and have it dropped to our work too
**Answer:** Yes that should be ok – you will need to order soon as the shut off for delivery is [Phone] πŸ™‚ Please make sure the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is entered before the shipping details πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Cool, will get it done now. Cheers
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** We just used grab80 for Jess Abbott like we did for mine, hope that is ok
**Answer:** Sorry that is an automated message
**Answer:** Yes all good I can see the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code worked πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Cool, we all done. We can’t wait for delivery:)
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** Hi,
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help
**Answer:** Hi [Name], yesterday I spoke with Sarah to discuss which kit to do next. She also gave me a code to use of GRAB80. I just purchased the slim kit and used the code but I think it charged me full price. Can you look into for me please.
**Answer:** Yes you must have missed the apply We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club button, we can give you a refund for the [Price] right away
**Answer:** Fabulous thanks. How long till delivery?
**Answer:** We can drop it off today πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Is you place easy to find being 239 SH3
**Answer:** Kidiwise preschool and childcare, State Highway 2, Bethlehem. Entrance is beside Bethlehem Hall. Thats great service πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks, should be there this afternoon πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Cheers
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there I am looking at buying two detox kits – is there a special on this? Are you going to the Tauranga Expo?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** We have 25% off to detox kits at the moment and we will be at the Tauranga expo, the women’s lifestyle.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** Hi can you see my messages?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** does this product have kiwifruit?
**Answer:** Hi thete
**Answer:** Yes the digezaid has a tiny bit in it
**Answer:** It’s not in the Slim program
**Question:** Ok thanks. Am allergic so unfortunately not for me. Thanks have a great day
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I have an unused and unopened herbal detox and an unopened and unused herbal slim – the whole lot. Dated 10/[Phone]. Can I still use them?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Yes it will be ok to used
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** The expiry date is what we have to show however the herbs are ok for a lot longer
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** Can I get products delivered to a P.O. Box, or does it have to be a physical address?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It can be either type of address
**Question:** Ah – cool, that’s good! I am used to most courier companies not liking P.O. Boxes for delivery !- I could not see delivery options and costs listed on the site – so I was wondering
**Answer:** We deliver by NZ Post when it goes to s PO Box
**Answer:** Fastway otherwise
**Question:** πŸ™‚ I see, thats really useful to know for ordering form you , and in generaL. This will be the 1st time I have ordered form you too…. I have been recommended your products, but have not really had money until recently to give it a try…
**Answer:** Ok Well we are here to help you at any time while you do your program. We like you to be very successful πŸ™‚
**Question:** I must say being able to ask a question directly like this (like a messenger function) and get instant feedback is really encouraging and makes me feel good — thanks !- That makes me feel even more secure and “in the right place”. Cheers. πŸ™‚
**Answer:** That is great to hear. We cover this live chat from eight in the morning until 10 at night, so you can contact us any time with any questions.
**Question:** Cool- that’s quite awesome.
**Answer:** Thanks for your order Aaron we will get it out ASAP and send you the tracking details
**Answer:** Many thanks!
**Answer:** Any time have a nice night πŸ™‚
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, I started the day 5 40 tablets yesterday and struggled to get the 20 down before bed. Any tips? I was already full from dinner. In the morning I have 10 and put the other 10 in a smoothie.
**Answer:** Yes putting them in a smoothie is the best, or you can take them in smaller doses throughout the day
**Question:** Ok I just presumed before bed meant between dinner and bed.
**Answer:** That’s really just recommended for convenience, so it doesn’t impact on your day, but really you can take the capsules anytime that suits you
**Question:** Ok thanks, would be good to say that in the booklet.
**Answer:** OK, Thanks for the feedback πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** I have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code – how do I use this?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** You can apply it once you get to the checkout, just before you enter your delivery address
**Question:** Hi [Name] I live in Ohauiti and my friend Sally gave me a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for 50% off. Thanks I will try that now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** Its okay I got it thanks!
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Question:** Hi does the detox programme contain anything in it to help control appetite as well?
**Answer:** Yes the herbs Barley grass, psyllium and slippery elm all do that, but somehow once you start detox diet your appetite decreases quickly after a couple of days
**Answer:** We do also have a craving controller which you can use separately if needed [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/satisfed-craving-cutter-120-caps)
**Question:** Can you take the craving controller while you are taking the detox pills?
**Answer:** Yes, they work well together
**Question:** thanks very much πŸ™‚
**Question:** I have still got a full detox to start and I will look at getting the craving cutters and some of the protein sachets in about a months time
**Answer:** You’re welcome anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi I am about to start the keto diet from the 1st of August I was just wanting some more info on how long you should it for before you start seeing realitsy
**Question:** results I mean
**Answer:** That is quite a difficult question to answer because everyone is slightly different. Sometimes he will notice a difference in a couple of days or it could take a week before things start to shift. Whichever way whether it is slow or fast it is quite normal.
**Answer:** That is if you are using our detox program.
**Answer:** It is impossible for us to give you information on the Keto diet Specifically
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I am just about to finish my 2 week detox and i would like to continue on another one so am wondering if i buy another detox or move on to the slim one?
**Answer:** Ok what is your overall goals? It is weight loss or health related?
**Question:** A bit of both but mainly weight loss
**Answer:** Do you feel like the Detox has cleaned you out thoroughly? Or do you think there is more to come out?
**Question:** Maybe more.. still loose bowels if that’s anything to go by
**Answer:** Ok and what about your weight loss goal – what do you wish to lose?
**Question:** Prob about 5kgs
**Answer:** Ok The Slim prgramme is now the way to go – it will achieve the 5 kgs weight loss if you combine it with the Ketosis/Intermittent Fasting diet. Take a look here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** Great will hv a look. I was going to buy kit from grab one but can I buy direct from you guys for the same price
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Yes we can you can use GRAB80 as the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code πŸ™‚
**Question:** Excellent ta
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** One more question, so if I didn’t do the ketosis way then would I be better off to stick with the detox instead?
**Answer:** If you can follow the Detox for another two weeks then you will probably get a great result.
**Answer:** Ok cool. Thanks
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi do you ship to Aus?
**Answer:** We ship free of charge via DHL
**Question:** Thankyou. What’s the best program for weight loss? Aiming to lose 5kg
**Answer:** Teh best one is the Herbal Detox program.
**Question:** Is that the 10 day one?
**Answer:** It should give you that weight loss plus lots of other health benefits.
**Answer:** It is the 14 day version
**Question:** Perfect thanks for your help
**Answer:** If you feel you wish tt lose more then the Herbal Slim is great to do afterwards.
**Answer:** The 2 together are an excellent price at the moment
**Answer:** You can get 25% off
**Question:** Just having a look into it more. Waiting for payday but thankyou
**Answer:** Detox [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) Slim [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-slim-program) or both [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim) you can switch to Aussie $ at the top. The 25% off is until the end of August – just cone on and ask for the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code if you are wishing tog to ahead.
**Answer:** You can download the user guides here [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-ebooks)
**Question:** Great thanks for your help!
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Thai fish curry was a real success but I may have used too much cayenne pepper as I went 50/50 with the turmeric next time less cayenne.
**Answer:** Glad to hear your family enjoyed it! [Name] does like his recipes hot.
**Answer:** Helps to loose weight
**Answer:** Yes it does and it also aids digestion.
**Answer:** Do you work 24/24
**Answer:** Almost! It doesn’t feel like work to be honest George everyone is so nice πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks and goodnight.
**Answer:** You’re welcome good night πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** yes i have IBS get severe cramps and bloating in the stomach is this program good for me
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** hello
**Answer:** This program is ideal
**Answer:** It has a huge impact on both of those
**Answer:** Have you seen [Name]’s article on IBS?
**Question:** yes was just looking at the price for a consultation quite pricey and how much for the program
**Answer:** He has lots of great info on the right foods to have and the right program
**Answer:** The program is [Price] but we have 25% off with a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** The detox is the program for ibs And will also improve your bloating.
**Answer:** Click here to see Bretz article
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-natural-solutions)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** HI. Can you please share the link to the LadyShip extractor that [Name] uses and highly recommends, please?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** HI Sarah.
**Answer:** Yes I can there are 2 sizes
**Answer:** Hi Sue
**Answer:** Id like to check out both sizes, please?
**Answer:** And I will get the other
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ladyship-essence-extractor-ls-588f)
**Answer:** HI. the Link didnt come through?
**Answer:** I will get the other one
**Answer:** Sorry, yes it did….blinkin’ impatient….sorry!!!!!
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ladyship-essence-extractor-ls-658)
**Answer:** The 658 is better for families I use these and they are awesome!
**Answer:** They look fantastic.
**Answer:** Very reliable and you add the skins of everything to get all the goodness
**Answer:** Whats the main difference between the two?
**Answer:** They have the pourer too which great.
**Answer:** The 658 has a bigger jug and has a slightly stronger mechanism
**Answer:** Its just my hubby and myself at home, but if the 658 is better, I’d rather buy that?
**Answer:** Wow, I see it does almonds and whole fruit. Handy!
**Answer:** It’s definitely better – yes it’s very robust. I put everything in mine!
**Answer:** Thanks heaps for your help, Sarah. Enjoy the rest of your day.
**Answer:** And you take care
**Answer:** I did the 14 day cleanse about 6 weeks ago, and a little miracle has happened. I havent wanted to eat bread or meat ( a tiny bit of fish) and just feel so much better, It was perfect timing for me. The help and support I got blew me away – no question too big or small. I am extremely grateful and thank you all.
**Answer:** You are so welcome and really appreciate your feedback
**Answer:** Thank again, see ya !!!!
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Question:** Thanks, any specials coming up in August?
**Answer:** You can get 25% using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code GET25 I think it until the middle of august.
**Question:** Perfect, thanks, Ill order now
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Sorry that’s an automated message
**Question:** ill take the ultimate herbal detox and ultimate herbal slim combo, is that a good one?
**Answer:** Yes it is very good gives 6 weeks – 2 of cleansing and 4 of the slim
**Answer:** If you did the triple combo
**Question:** perfect, looking forward to it
**Answer:** You could add the sachets with the detox
**Answer:** And it really kick starts the detox and slimming process
**Question:** Ive still got the sachets left
**Answer:** Cool have with your detox
**Answer:** They will help the weight loss process
**Question:** i think the ultimate triple combo is better value?
**Answer:** It is a bargain with the 25% off
**Question:** nice
**Answer:** It should be there on Tuesday
**Question:** All paid, order number [Phone]
**Answer:** Excellent thank you Stevie. We will send the tracking details on Monday for you. And please come online to this live chat if you have any questions at any time πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok, great. Thankyou. It’s my third detox, i try & do one a year every august, & i just checked my calendar and I was like “opps, its august on wednesday…”
**Question:** thanks & have a great weekend
**Answer:** Awesome thank you and have a great weekend too
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, is it ok to have an occasional la coffee on the detox ?
**Answer:** We recommend if you are a regular coffee drinker you should not stop having it. The reason for this is you may get withdrawal symptoms. You could perhaps try switching to decaf coffee which is a little bit more gentler on your system.
**Answer:** Can you see my message ?
**Answer:** ok thank you
**Answer:** also my bowel motions seem to have slowed the last day and today is this normal ?
**Answer:** Yes that is quite normal fir a few days of slowing down. [Name] covers it the FAQ page
**Answer:** I will get you the link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-faqs)
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** How do you find the e book titles please
**Answer:** Let me give you a link
**Answer:** Click this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-ebooks)
**Answer:** All click the orange button at the top of the page
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** How do you register please
**Answer:** Register to buy or for info?
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** Here to help anytime
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** If thats possible!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You can use GET25
**Answer:** And get 25% off
**Answer:** Thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hey to Add your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code you need to do that before you put your shipping details and so please pop back to the right spot thank you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hello can I help?
**Answer:** I do e my shopping but didn’t find authentic green curry sauce is there a brand name?
**Answer:** Good question let me check the brand [Name] uses
**Answer:** Bear with me a moment πŸ™‚
**Answer:** He uses Valcom authentic Thai green curry paste
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome George
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** What are the implications of a long term keto diet?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** [Email]
**Answer:** Manythanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** I have seen your question
**Answer:** There is no reason why it can’t be done indefinitely
**Answer:** We don’t recommend meat though – [Name] believes fasting on the right food and using the herbs is the right way to go
**Answer:** It’s also not good for people under weight
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** i am vegetarian and it’s really hard for me to go on keto diet
**Question:** any suggestion
**Answer:** [Name] suggests doing his detox program and timing Tye food. It’s not about the meats
**Answer:** In fact they make your breath smell
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome [Name]’s article is really useful
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi I am a new subscriber and will cook this Thai fish recipe for my family tonight.
**Answer:** Excellent I’ve had it quite a few times and it’s really nice.
**Answer:** Sorry sent defore finished. Doesnt lemon fish have high levels of mercury in it?
**Answer:** Gosh I’ve never been asked that one let me check for you
**Answer:** I may try another fish all the same. Thanks Sarah
**Answer:** It can do but it varies where you get it from
**Answer:** I always use Trevally
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I have read the herbal detox user guide and watched the video of [Name] in the last few days. I’m just writing an email explaining my interest in a thorough and ongoing detox.
**Answer:** Ok thank you for the info. We have no problem shipping from New Zealand to Australia
**Answer:** We ship there almost every day
**Answer:** Glad to hear you have been reading up and watching a [Name]’s videos it is always good to be informed.
**Question:** There’s no mention on the website but a question is there somewhere close by where one can go and undertake a detox with supervision?
**Question:** It must be rather late for you in New Zealand
**Answer:** I’m not familiar with any however we do support all our clients as they go through the detox so we do supervise I suppose.
**Answer:** [Name]’s book is also really useful as it has processes for decision making and keeping on track.
**Answer:** It’s 8.10 so all good
**Question:** I’ve just sent a short email outlining my issues and asking for guidance before I make a purchase.
**Answer:** Ok thank you I will ask [Name] to respond to you himself.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** I am suffering really bad acid reflux throughout the whole day and its making me feel blah. How do I detox to help my gut so this stops and so I can lose weight
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** I want her full detox program reduces acid which is part of the reason why reflux because it alkalises the body and helps it to heal it self.
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** Sorry my predictive text is working very strange tonight!
**Answer:** The herbal detox program is the way to go.
**Question:** so how do i do this
**Answer:** It also has a weight loss of between three and 6Kgs
**Question:** cool thats what I need
**Answer:** Let me get you s link to [Name]’s acid article and to the detox program .
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/acid-reflux-heartburn-indigestion-natural-treatment)
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Click on the link and you will find some reasons why the reflux is occurring and also the foods and herbs that help. I will not give you the link to the program that you would do on this page you can also download the user guide and have a read.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** how much is the program
**Answer:** It is normally [Price] but we have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for 25% off at the moment.
**Question:** ok thank you so much I will look into it
**Answer:** If you click on the resources button at the top of the website you will see options of recipes articles videos etc that may help you to.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Is it ok to take my prescription medicine while doing a cleanse with herbs
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi I make Thai green curry alot. tours has got a lot of coconut cream in it…. I thought this is very very fattning and unhealthy??????
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Coconut cream and coconut oil contain a very good and super healthy fat
**Answer:** It’s processed and trans fats that are bad for you
**Answer:** Good fat will not cause your body to put on weight, in fact its mostly carbs and sugar that are the problem
**Answer:** You dont see that many fat Thai and or Asian people i general and they eat a lot of coconuts and coconut oil πŸ™‚
**Question:** Polynesian people can be very fat
**Answer:** Noodles, rice and processed meat will be the cause of that, not coconut oil, or raw fish.
**Answer:** Here is a good article about fats [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/losing-weight-part-1-dietary-fiber-fat)
**Question:** ok thank you so much
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello I am here to help if you need me πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Hi there we see you have Lousias We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code that it awesome!
**Answer:** As you know she has just done the programme – we love that real people are sharing πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello can I help this morning?
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Donna, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi can you please tell me what symptoms i should expect after a 14 day detox? eg will i feel lethargic and get sick, will my body be tired from all the detoxing etc or can i just go back to my regular routine? also is it okay to exercise during the detox or best to let the body rest?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Most people feel very energised after they have done the 14 day detox. Their digestive system is Working well, their skin can be clear and they feel lighter in general.
**Answer:** The 14 day detox can encourage change of eating habits so lots of people don’t go back to their normal regime.
**Answer:** It is best to do gentle exercise while doing the detox things like yoga and Pilates. It is best not to do heavy exercise like cardio and heavy gym work. Meditation long bath’s, relaxing walks are all good for your body during this time
**Question:** Great! thank you, can you also please tell me if i can have pea protein on the detox? I’m worried about eating low protein for two weeks!
**Answer:** Most people will get some detox symptoms during the 14 day plan. But these will pass in 24 to 48 hours.
**Question:** awesome
**Answer:** All green vegetables have protein in them and you can use P protein to top it up if you feel you need to. Also milk and yoghurt are full of protein.
**Question:** great thank you for your reply!
**Answer:** You are welcome, we are here to help any time.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Jane, your old acount has been deactiviated and the new one you set up is the one with your order on it.
**Answer:** Okay. How do I get my name back? When I try to edit my profile to “Janne” it says my name is already in use, which it was, by the old account.
**Answer:** PS Does that mean I’ve lost all my records of past orders too?
**Answer:** The system has become confused because of the two accounts and the changes
**Answer:** I have reset your username to Jannew with your new email address
**Answer:** The last order we had from you was four years ago and yes we dont have the records for them, sorry about that
**Answer:** Gosh, 4y, that passed quickly. Okay, no problem but does all this mean I can’t get “Janne” back as my username or does it mean I just have to wait a few days and try again to change it?
**Answer:** We are also having a little trouble communicating with the blender supplier, but will keep you posted. If we dont hear back about your order by the end of the week, we should consider a refund. Hopefully it’s just a communication error, but will stay in touch about it.’
**Answer:** Best to keep using Jannew for now
**Answer:** Oh okay, that would be shame. I’m not in a hurry so if its just a delay that will probably be okay πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok we wil keep in touch with you
**Answer:** Okay, Great, thank you for your help <3 xo
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Btw How do I correct the spelling of my name on this chat window?
**Answer:** It is hsowing as Jane Witt to me – I am not sure if you can change it?
**Answer:** But it has your old email address
**Answer:** My name is Janne not Jane πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Which I can change Ok will change now
**Answer:** Thank you! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, Sorry, I’m confused :\ When I signed in with [Email].nz and the password you gave me it has opened the new account that was just opened yesterday. I was trying to open my old account and update the email address.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I forgot my password but I have changed email addresses. How do I find out what my password was for my old email address?
**Answer:** PS My name is Janne not Jane.
**Answer:** We will need to give you a new one – bear with me
**Answer:** You can access it via Jane4321 and then reset it for yourself πŸ™‚
**Answer:** So put my old email address in and use Jane4321 as the password?
**Answer:** Yes – the orcon email address and then the password
**Answer:** It wasn’t an orcon address, it was a “rock3” address. The Orcon address was given an account yesterday when I made an order and used my new email address.
**Answer:** Can you give me the email addess you want to use please.
**Answer:** My old email address was either [Email].nz or [Email].nz
**Answer:** Please use [Email].nz and password Jane4321
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi . I am currently in day 6 of the Ultimate Detox
**Question:** Can I do exercise ?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Exercise is ok but it is better to do more genlte exercise like yoga or pilates rather than hard cardio.
**Question:** ok – how come that is recommended ? Curious
**Answer:** It is a time for rest and relaxing
**Answer:** Your body is cleansing reparing itself so
**Answer:** It is better to be gentle with it and give it a holiday πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok thanks for that
**Question:** advice
**Answer:** You are most welcome any time as we want you to be successful πŸ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Happy to support you at any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hey if you need some help we are here πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there I’m on a weight loss journey but also wanting to detox before I start ivf. Which would be best suited for me do you think
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox Programme is perfect for you
**Answer:** I can give you a link
**Question:** Thankyou
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** This is a complete cleasne – colon; liver; intestines and kidneys plus it cleansers heavy metals and parasites
**Answer:** Just click on the link and it will take you the page with information.
**Question:** Great sounds like the perfect one for me and I suffer kidney stones so they will need a good cleanse
**Answer:** Yes and it will help with any positive diet changes you wish to make and prepare you body for the IVF. It is a bit like turning over the ground and cleaning it up before you put down some seeds for a gorgeous plant πŸ™‚
**Answer:** The 14 day version of programme will be perfect for you. There are instructions in the user guide on how to do that.
**Question:** Thankyou for your help
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** You are most welcome – we want you to be successful so get in touch any time
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** all good thanks
**Answer:** Thank you for your order it will go to soon as possible and we will send you the tracking details.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi, I’ve just started the detox, do I take the tablets before or after breakfast?
**Answer:** It does not really matter, so long as you take them each day, but I prefer taking them before food, so the food goes down after the herbs
**Question:** great, thanks
**Answer:** anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi there, do u take the tablets before or after breakfast and dinner ?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** It does not really matter, so long as you take them each day, but I prefer taking them before food, so the food goes down after the herbs
**Answer:** That can prevent any repeating of the herbs
**Answer:** Hi There, would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** Please
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** Let me get one for you
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** 15NOW will give you 15% off
**Question:** I’ve got a 25NOW voucher but it won’t work
**Answer:** That one has finished I am sorry πŸ™
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Can you please tell me if i can continue taking my own herbal medicine while i do the herbal detox cleanse? Im currently taking a blend of st johns wort, kava, black cohosh and a few others. thanks
**Answer:** Yes you should keep taking your other supplements and herbs etc
**Question:** thanks for your reply!! So there are no contraindications?
**Answer:** no
**Question:** thank you very much
**Answer:** anytime πŸ™‚
**Question:** i have one more question!!! would you recommend the 7 or 14 day detox? I’m 21 and consider myself really healthy so thinking 7 days is okay for myself? however my mum is 50 and not so health conscious so she would be more suited to the 14 day or could she also do the 7 days?
**Answer:** Sorry let me reply
**Question:** thank you!
**Answer:** I think you could do the 7 days and your mum should do the 14 days
**Answer:** You can easily switch plans depending on how you react i.e. increase or decrease the dosage to suit the results you are looking for
**Answer:** Bowel movements are a good measure of how your body is responding
**Question:** Awesome, that’s great thank you so much.
**Answer:** you’re welcome
**Question:** Hi, I’m on day 3 of Detox and have not had any bowel motions today – is this normal ? Anything I can do ? Or just wait it out ? Thanks
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** It is normal for nothing much to happen in the first few days, but just keep eating a good volume of food and it will happen
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, I’m on sat 3 if Detox and have not had any bowel motions today – is this normal ? Anything I can do ? Or just wait it out ? Thanks
**Question:** *day 3
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I wish to drop 5ks, should I use the detox or the slim kit?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** It is best to use the detox first
**Answer:** And if you wish to lose more then the slim afterwards
**Question:** I used this when Bret first designed the detox kit and it was great…but I found when using a year late that the recipe had changed and it didn’t agree with me.. I was constantly in the bathroom!
**Answer:** If you wish you could use the herbal slim but you could also consider doing the detox over one month to easy the bathroom visits.
**Question:** Great thanks! Q. How long I should the detox kit generally
**Question:** is the
**Answer:** Most people do it over 14 days
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** It can also be done over one month and 2 months. Lots of options
**Answer:** The slim has gentler herbs so won’t have you running to the bathroom. You do that program over one months to.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** HI George, Just let me know if you need anything else, [Name]
**Answer:** I still can’t log in or open new account
**Answer:** Let me double check again, one moment
**Answer:** Can I ring you again
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** hi there,
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** do you have the 1kg boditune tubs?
**Answer:** Not at the moment but if you put 2 x 500g tubs in your cart it will discount them 20%
**Answer:** Plus I can give you a 15% We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to make it even better
**Question:** perfect done deal.
**Answer:** just apply 15NOW at checkout at it will give you the extra 15%
**Question:** many thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Question:** Slimmer user guide is not downloading in full format when opened on Kindle?
**Answer:** Yes they are PDFs so not the greatest on a Kindle, better just using a standard document view
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** What is your Nearest supplier in Coromandel
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Do you sell on health shops
**Answer:** We don’t have one we ship overnight there
**Question:** Thanks, is the slim kit a month supply
**Answer:** Yes you do it over 30 days
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** ?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** i came along to your seminar last night and wondered if you could call me on [Phone]
**Answer:** Ok πŸ™‚
**Question:** regarding an order I placed online this morning thanks Sally Blackler
**Answer:** Can I call now?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, I was making an order on your site and got a pop-up window offering me a [Price] discount code “HOT50NOW” but when I put it in the “We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code” box I got the message “Unable to redeem We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club”. How do I redeem the discount code?
**Answer:** Oops, yes that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club has expired, but I should be able to reactivate it for you, one moment πŸ™‚
**Question:** That would be great thank you. I’d love to purchase a ladyship blender πŸ™‚
**Answer:** OK, if you refresh your page and try again it should work
**Question:** That worked, thank you! Kind regards. Janne Witt.
**Answer:** The Blender ships from Australia, so it can take up 7-10 days to arrive
**Answer:** Oh. any problems getting it into the country through customs? Are there any extra customs charges on top of purchase price?
**Answer:** No we use a courier, and declare lower than Gst threshold, so no problem there
**Answer:** Awesome! I have no idea how my name got misspelt btw. I am Janne not Jane lol
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi I bought some products off grab one Karen howard , 20 Barry Curtis way levin. Can u let me know if this has been sent pl?
**Answer:** HI Karen,
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** It was sent on Monday so should arrive today
**Question:** Excellent thanks very much
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Can I help you today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Good morning Sarah
**Answer:** This is Yena
**Answer:** How are you doing?
**Answer:** Hi Yena
**Answer:** Good thanks, how is your day?
**Answer:** I have some questions regarding your US website
**Answer:** I’m doing great and busy working πŸ˜‰ for brett’s items
**Answer:** Yes, go ahead
**Answer:** [Link](https://blog.naver.com/daitda_/[Phone])
**Answer:** my Korean marketing agency used those images from [Website]
**Answer:** but I have no idea which page they get this
**Answer:** Is it your old pics?
**Answer:** Yes I don’t know either, maybe they have been on an old Taobao listing?
**Answer:** ah ha
**Answer:** it is from Tao bao
**Answer:** ok I got it I will ask them to get rid of those pictures
**Answer:** Even the program 10 day, 25 day and 50 day are from the old version from [Phone]
**Answer:** yes I got it
**Answer:** I should let them know
**Answer:** Yes, and they have mentioned “Holistic wellness”, who we no longer work with, and used our old company name “ultimate Natural health” which is also wrong
**Answer:** yes I totally understand
**Answer:** the agency made a mistake. I gave them guildleline but they didnt apply properly
**Answer:** Well I will solve it out
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** All images and company name and method of taking pills must be changed
**Answer:** Yes, they should get everything from our website onyl
**Answer:** only
**Answer:** Yes Yes
**Answer:** I will work it out
**Answer:** And get back to you after fix everything
**Answer:** Thanks for everything πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, am about to start detox, should tablets be taken on a full or empty stomach? Or doesn’t it matter.
**Answer:** Good morning
**Question:** Hi, am about to start detox, should tablets be taken on a full or empty stomach? Or doesn’t it matter.
**Answer:** It is better to take your capsules before you eat but if you forget then it’s not going to harm.
**Question:** Ok thanks.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there Sarah.
**Answer:** Hi Joe, how can I help?
**Answer:** Sorry Jo
**Answer:** I just did your Ideal Weight Calculator. I weight 55 Kg for 1m72 or 5.7 inches… and it says that my Target weight loss is 30 kg… If I lose even more 30kg I’ll be real skinny… is there a problem with the weight calculator.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah..
**Answer:** THanks.
**Answer:** That seems strange.its been fine all day. Will need to get it checked
**Answer:** Can you try adding your numbers again please
**Answer:** Thank you Yes it said twice : “Your Target weight loss is 30 kg or 66 lb” after I put the above information.
**Answer:** I’ll try again.
**Answer:** Same answer — recommends the super combo ten week plan.
**Answer:** I’ve just tried your figures and it told me you need to gain weight.
**Answer:** In fact I probably need to stay same, but add more muscle tone.. as I am thin…
**Answer:** Are you putting in 172 cms and 55kgs?
**Answer:** Choose kgs and cms
**Answer:** Really — it doesn’t come like this on my end. I am putting 55 kg and 1.72 or I tried 5.7 inches.
**Answer:** will try without the .
**Answer:** yes now it worked, needed to remove the dot.
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah. It doesn’t say how much weight gain is needed… I have never been more than 59 and 60 kg. I feel Ok at 55kg… but need to get more stamina, in view of my current situation (carer etc…)
**Answer:** Sarah, when I put the inch at 5.7 or 57 it says again I need to loose 30 kg.
**Answer:** dots may need fixing…
**Answer:** Have a good night.
**Answer:** Ok will tell the techys goodnight
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Not sure why you have rated a chat bad. We haven’t actually communicated with each other.
**Answer:** Have we upset you?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I am doing the 14 day cleanse and I’m just wondering if chickpeas are allowed? I was thinking about making a humus for all my raw veggies
**Answer:** Hi there you can have a little bit of hummus that’s OK but we don’t recommend using chickpeas as a main part of your meal such as Currie
**Question:** Ok cool, it’s my first day today and now I’m considering doing the power cleanse… this is my third time doing this detox but I am still breastfeeding my 1 yr old, would that be recommended?
**Answer:** Yes we say it’s fine to do the detox while you are breast-feeding so long as baby is over three months old so you will be fine
**Question:** Ok great so would you say the power cleanse has the ultimate results?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** I would say that the 14 days deep cleanse is the best all round program, it has the ideal dosage and time frame for most people
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah. Are [Name]’s seminars being held in any other centers. I live in Napier. Thanks Pamela
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Jo do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, Good afternoon.
**Answer:** Sorry I was finding the order number [Phone].
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** I was wondering if it had been sent by courrier or postal? I haven’t received it yet.
**Answer:** It has been sent by Courier – here are the tracking details let me check where it is for you.
**Answer:** The tracking says the order has been delivered today at 11.26am
**Answer:** Ok, I will go to the front to check, as whoever delivered hasn’t come to the back door porch.
**Answer:** I’ll just go and check now and let you know. Thanks Sarah.
**Answer:** The address we ahve is 109 Buckley Road
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, when you do get a chance please reply to the comments about the foot, and the drinks…
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** And if you can still email me yesterday’s chat… thankd.
**Answer:** Yes I can do that for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, were you able to read the comments. Thanks.
**Answer:** You can eat as you feel you wish to while taking the sachets
**Answer:** I can’t answer you about the needle – best to speak with your Docter directly.
**Answer:** I don’t use pharma. doctors, as I am trained herbalist/aromatherapist.
**Answer:** Maybe [Name] might have an idea. Just concerned that tip could travel further out of the ball point of the foot…
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah.
**Answer:** Bertt is consulting at the moment but it is better to get it out if you can.
**Answer:** yes except I can feel it on the ball point but can see how I could get it out, unless I opened…
**Answer:** I have just emailed the transcript to you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you Sarah.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Best wishes for your upcoming book promotions… I’d like to get back to you on this, after other things are out of the way (particularly still dealing with aftermath of 2 earthquakes)… and bureaucracy.
**Answer:** Best wishes. And keep up the good work.
**Answer:** Thank you and enjoy the programme πŸ™‚
**Answer:** yes I’m sure I will and thanks for providing it. πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi you need some help?
**Question:** Hi there we are doing the 2 week detox but I’m having trouble sticking to it we are 1 week in but my work load has just doubled as calving has started early. I was wondering if it would still have the same effect if we switched to the 1 month plan but continued to take the same amount of pills
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes you can do that – it will give you the sae resut but it will be more gentle.
**Answer:** This might help with calving going on too
**Question:** Awesome thank you I’m just finding that I’m continually hungry and tired and I thought adding a bit of chicken or fish into our diet might help
**Answer:** You can take protein drinks too like smoothies – there are lots of options for protein for energy. I can give you an article
**Answer:** Plus you will be feeling tired due to the detox symptoms
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/good-protein-sources-during-your-program)
**Question:** Yeah I have been having protein shakes I just struggle as I dont like fruit and I’m not a big fan of vegetables so probably not the best diet for me but it really helped last time with my IBS
**Answer:** Did you take a look at the article? there are some options for protein there πŸ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, just to let you know that we are on line to answer any questions you may have at any time. All communication is confidential.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, just to let you know that we are on line to answer any questions you may have at any time. All communication is confidential.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** I would like some here please
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Answer:** I have just bought the 2 bodiitune but forgot to enter promo code HOT%)NOW
**Answer:** would it you be able to help?
**Answer:** my order number is [Phone]
**Answer:** Yes I can give you a refund for that [Price] no problem
**Answer:** great thank you so much
**Answer:** You’re welcome, we will do it now
**Answer:** For some reasons I just didn’t enter it when making an order
**Answer:** must be babybrain
**Answer:** thank you a lot
**Answer:** Anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Just how stimulating is Gymnema Sylvestre? Can it cause facial tics?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Hi It’s [Name]
**Answer:** Gymnema is not stimulating at all, it helps control blood sugar and food cravings
**Answer:** We can give it to you again
**Answer:** Gymnema is not stimulating at all, it helps control blood sugar and food cravings
**Answer:** Can you see Bretz
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Please thank Sarah also for her kind assistance today. Enjoy a good evening.
**Question:** Jo.
**Answer:** Will do that
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, can you please let me know whether the sachets contain any synthetics at all…
**Question:** Do you sell them by sachets, or in group…
**Answer:** No synthetics
**Answer:** They are 100% natural herbal and plant-based and we only sell them in the pack of 32 sachets
**Question:** I mean in a package. Do you sell directly to the public or only via some health stores…?
**Answer:** Directly to the public. You can buy them here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Question:** Hi there, I would like to buy some trial ones… as I am a caregiver (basically unpaid) for a stroke patient on SLP (Supported living).
**Question:** Are there any trial products available.
**Answer:** We don’t do trials sorry
**Question:** Where do you sell otherwise in Wellington, or Rotorua? As well as New Brighton Christchurch
**Answer:** Most health [Phone] stores have the product in Wellington Rotorua and Christchurch
**Answer:** Willis Street in Wellington
**Question:** How many sachets are in the package.
**Answer:** There is a shop called the Health shop in Rotorua
**Question:** Yes I know that shop (in Rotorua) –Where do you sell in Christchurch?
**Answer:** And there is a shop called the Health shop in Center City new Plymouth
**Question:** Not New Plymouth… New Brighton or South Brighton in Christchurch.
**Answer:** Health [Phone] Riccarton
**Question:** I see it does Heavy Metal detox.
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I use a water purifier, but it doesn’t remove all fluoride… can you please tell me if the product would remove any residual (not eliminated by the liver) from the liver…
**Question:** Would product also help a stroke person
**Question:** Hi [Name], I met you at a trade show in Wellington. I don’t like capsules, and only use powder or if I have to grate the capsules.
**Answer:** Fluoride is not something the program deals with specifically but yes it will help a stroke person with recovery and healing
**Question:** I believe in the work you do. As I am trained in herbalism/naturapathy and healing… but right now I do basically volunteer work as a partner to the stroke person…
**Question:** I have a connection with both New Brighton/South Brighton and Rotorua.
**Question:** It would be nice if it was possible to try the product at a lesser price if possible.
**Question:** It would be nice if it was possible to try the product at a lesser price if possible.
**Question:** It would be nice if it was possible to try the product at a lesser price if possible.
**Question:** It would be nice if it was possible to try the product at a lesser price if possible.
**Answer:** You could always purchase a copy of my book from this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** And I would send you 10 free sachets guys along with it to trial
**Question:** I have already read your book and also booklet and Icon News.
**Question:** I do private unpaid research on brain and gut… Too much reading at present… and yes I do know about chronic toxic overload. I deal with the situation (of stroke patient) day in… and stress/emotions do not help either..
**Answer:** I can give a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get 30% off the pack of sachets
**Question:** That is very helpful [Name]. Thank you.
**Answer:** You can use LOYAL30 at checkout and it will reduce the price by 30%
**Question:** I would like to purchase from a store is that going to work out too?
**Answer:** No we can’t give discounts and other retailers as they set their own prices and we have no control over that
**Answer:** Also we don’t know whether the retailers have stock of all the products as sometimes they don’t keep everything in store
**Question:** Ok, so only from the website that Sarah sent?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** That is your website correct?
**Answer:** Yes the link I gave you earlier
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Question:** Don’t need to slim, but to support metabolism and do a 10 days detox.
**Question:** How many sachets per day will be needed, 1-2 and any food in between or just the sachets?
**Answer:** Using BodiTune that’s exactly what you can do especially if you take three drinks a day and follow a clean diet your body will only lose weight if that’s required, if not it will simply support your metabolism
**Question:** I already have a clean diet, but lots of stress which also impact on gut health.
**Question:** Thank you [Name]. I will go on the site after I finish the live Chat.
**Answer:** Ok thanks
**Question:** Another question, what European countries aside NZ Aus $ USA are you in?
**Answer:** We export to 45 countries by direct mail from the website but we don’t have distribution and any other country
**Question:** I’d like to discuss this further with you, after I am happy that the product gives good results…
**Question:** By the way how long is the BodiTune Detox supposed to last?
**Question:** And how long will it reach me in Wellington when i order today?
**Answer:** It usually gets delivered within two days and most people continue taking it as long as they feel the need for a bed of a pick up or metabolic support so there’s no harm in taking it indefinitely but you can also do a good clean in 10 days by taking the three sessions a day for 10 days
**Answer:** 3 sachets a day
**Question:** How many in the package?
**Answer:** 32
**Question:** OK. I hope and trust that it can rebalance a stroke patient who always craves food…
**Answer:** It definitely helps with food cravings
**Question:** I know you have the craving cutter, (more destined for diabetics), but they are capsules not powder… stroke patient with disability can’t use capsule, neither do I like them… just powder.
**Answer:** The craving control herbs also in the drink powder sachet
**Answer:** It’s all written in the webpage
**Question:** Great — Thanks [Name]. I see you have a Fbook page, and I signed up (I am AV Healingjourneys ) … I will be in touch for feedback either on Live Chat here, or on Fbook.
**Question:** Thanks again [Name]. You are a blessing πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** Have a lovely day. We’ll meet again I’m sure.
**Answer:** You too
**Question:** How long for reaching wellington when I make the purchase now.?
**Answer:** You should get it tomorrow
**Question:** How can I send this chat to my email: [Email] thanks.
**Answer:** Will do
**Question:** Hi again [Name], I am in the middle of the transaction 119 – 30% should be [Phone]. It comes out as [Phone] is there an extra charge added?
**Answer:** Sorry that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is for [Price] pff let me find another
**Answer:** You could try 30NOW
**Answer:** DETOXUSER30 should also work
**Question:** It says unable to redeem We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club. Sorry a friend stopped by whilst i was in the middle of the transaction.
**Question:** Perhaps I’lll try again.
**Question:** SUCCESS!! Thank you so very much [Name]. For Delivery please indicate back door (back porch) only, otherwise package could be misdirected if front door.
**Question:** I suspect instructions on how to use it come with product. Do you encourage soy?
**Answer:** Yes instructions are included and will give courier instructions
**Question:** Stroke patient can only use thick drink, due to muscle in throat being loose. He likes soy… as he doesn’t use milk… Almond milk is what I favour and recommend.
**Question:** Soy for a man? hummm.
**Answer:** Yes it’s ok for a man, or almond is better
**Question:** soy has been linked to hormone disrupting… and some products (Australian) contain maltodextrin…
**Question:** Soy is a controversial product… I do use soybeans in salads or tofu, but not all the time… but better for a woman I think…
**Answer:** It all gets a bit speculative when it comes to that kind of thing and there is a lot of scare mongering around so I take the pinch of salt but you since your chores and obviously I’m in milk is a better option for me
**Answer:** I’m sorry but I’m going to have to go off-line for a while as I’m traveling at the moment
**Question:** Milk if person isn’t allergic, and also unfortunately too thin for a stroke patient. Also organic milk best.
**Question:** Thank you. and please email me the live chat when you can.
**Question:** Happy and safe travels. Jo.
**Answer:** Thanks you too
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there,
**Question:** Can you please tell me what product has not capsules… but just powder.
**Answer:** That would be the boditune sachets
**Answer:** Let me find a link for you
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Are there parasites known for causing hairloss and fatique.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Definitely fatigue but not hairloss normally
**Question:** My friend was bitten by a rabbit and had a horrid reaction, diarrhea, etc. afterward plus hair fallout immediately after.
**Answer:** The hair fallout could have been body shock
**Answer:** The diarrhoea etc could have been from what the rabbit was carrying
**Question:** She has continued with hairloss ever since. Thank you, maybe we’ll try another avenue.
**Answer:** Was it a wild rabbit?
**Answer:** You should seriously consider a detox as it will clean out the body and that helps with healing
**Question:** No, and the rabbit died shortly after. It was actually a neighbor’s animal and she tried to clean it’s cage..
**Question:** That’s what I was thinking but I know that finding parasites in stool is not very efficient.
**Question:** I looked at various rabbit diseases.
**Answer:** That is so true very hard to find. Sometimes it’s better to look the other way ie clean the body fully and build up the immune system so it can fight the issue.
**Question:** Yes, that is probably the best way to deal with this. Thank you so much.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah,
**Question:** My name is Nhan from Medistar Vietnam co., ltd
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** How can I help?
**Answer:** We would like to import Goldenseal Root extract (Hydrastis Canadensis)
**Answer:** We don’t supply the raw ingredients only complete programs
**Answer:** What complete programs do you provide?
**Answer:** Herbal detox and weight loss programs
**Answer:** Hey are all here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-store)
**Answer:** With complete products, if we buy them.Could you provide us the clinical evidence or research about that?
**Answer:** All the research is available on the website. So yes we can.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/herbal-health-articles) Everything can be found here
**Answer:** It is interesting. Let me read them first
**Answer:** We also import ingredients and complete products
**Answer:** Yes of course
**Answer:** Could I have you email, please.
**Answer:** You can email us on [Email]
**Answer:** Thank you. I will read first and contact you later
**Answer:** Thank you so much
**Answer:** Excellent happy to help you
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, How about clinical evidence? Where is it
**Answer:** It is the ingredient research as we don’t yet have clinical trials on the products as they are herbal supplements
**Answer:** But you don’t sell ingredients, right
**Answer:** No we don’t our products are made for us only in a GMP factory and we ship finished products all over the world.
**Answer:** Can I help any further at this stage?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi – I just ordered the detox and slim programs- how long will they take to arrive? I’m in whangarei
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** They are usually shipped the next morning and arrive the day after if your address is not a rural delivery
**Question:** Ok I can’t wait to start! Thanks
**Answer:** We will email you the tracking details tomorrow morning
**Answer:** Feel free to talk to us anytime if you have any questions πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** How much does the detox cost, and can you take it with garcinia?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It normally costs [Price] but IO can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for [Price] off today
**Answer:** Yes you can take it with Garcinia
**Question:** my pay doesn’t go in the bank until about 8 o’clock tonight. Is that ok?
**Answer:** Yes the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club will still work then,
**Answer:** You can use HOT50NOW at checkout and it will deduct [Price]
**Answer:** It will work on the Detox or the Slim orogram
**Question:** Can you do the detox and then the slim program one after the other?
**Answer:** Yes that works perfectly
**Answer:** The aeverage result is about 5kg with each pack
**Question:** Do I just use the same We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club if I buy both products? Will it deduct [Price] off each product?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Or you could buy this combo which is already 20% discounted [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim)
**Answer:** Then also apply the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for [Price] off
**Question:** Ok – thanks!
**Answer:** Anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi happy to help if you need us
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hello can I help you today? We ship free of charge to Aussie πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey sorry to bother you again. Is there anything else you can have that’s not on the list when you do the one month detox?
**Answer:** Let me double check for you
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** A bit of humus and a couple of eggs per week are ok πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Everything else is covered on page 15 πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok perfect
**Answer:** thanks again
**Answer:** No probs come online any time and we can help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** will do thank you
**Answer:** One more thing seeing that we can have brown rice is brown rice crackers ok?
**Answer:** That is a processed food so best to try and avoid them πŸ™
**Answer:** Ok no problem.. can do that
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey my husband and I are doing the herbal detox now we have chosen to do the one month one. I was wondering if we do the one month one can we have chicken? As we don’t eat fish?
**Answer:** Hey my husband and I are doing the herbal detox now we have chosen to do the one month one. I was wondering if we do the one month one can we have chicken? As we don’t eat fish?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can have chicken on the one month plan πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Perfect thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, just to let you know that we are on line to answer any questions you may have at any time. All communication is confidential.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I was just wondering if the detox has any effect on periods? Like as in they don’t come? Just checking here before I go consult my doctor
**Answer:** Our detox does not affect periods but it is better to start it just after your period.
**Answer:** As it can make your period a bit heavier
**Answer:** Ok cool I’ll go see my doctor thus week as I started when I was meant to get it but it’s been 3 weeks and it still hasn’t arrived. There is no possible way I can be pregnant ether, that is why I was asking here in case it did effect it in some way
**Answer:** It is possible it can reset your period cycle as it does flush estrogen from the liver.
**Answer:** Ah ok thank you. I will wait until I have finished the pills and see what happens from there
**Answer:** Ok keep in touch and let us know you go.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello there, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello I am here to hep if you need me.
**Answer:** We delvier all over the world so if you are in Indonesia we can deliver there.
**Question:** How long would the delivery take.
**Answer:** To deliver to Indonesia it takes 3 to 5 days via DHL
**Answer:** We send tracking details
**Question:** Any idea of the approximate price for DHL shipping?
**Answer:** The best thing to do is to go to checkout and inout your shipping details. It will give you the price based on the weight and size of your order.
**Answer:** Sorry you input your address details and it calculates it automatically.
**Question:** ok
**Question:** Thanks veyr much.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hi Wayne, do you need some help?
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** Great fire away
**Answer:** I’m working on getting through your site .And do’nt know which button to push to get your free booklet
**Answer:** Ok which booklet did you want? I see you have signed up for the parasite eBook. Was it this one? Or another?
**Answer:** yes this one
**Answer:** Ok it is on a little timer – can you check you emails as the first one has been sent. It will come from [Email] – it might have gone into your spam folder as we haven’t communicated before. The ebook will be the second email but I can send it to you directly now.
**Answer:** Hi Wayne, I have just sent it to you directly so you don;t need to wait.
**Answer:** My email login is not working right now.But thank you I’ll know where to look for it now. I’ll check for it tomorrow.Thank you Sara
**Answer:** Ok awesome – we are here to help you any time if you have further questions when it arrives. We ahve other eBooks here too which may be of interest [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-ebooks)
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hey
**Answer:** Hello can I help?
**Question:** Can you eat seeds on the detox
**Answer:** Flax and Chia seeds are fine on the 14 day plan. You can have seeds if you are doing the one month plan.
**Question:** Ok no worries we are on the 14 day one, so was seeing if pumpkin and sunflower ones were ok. No worries will just leave them out
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Bethany, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I’ve done the detox a few times now and i was wanting to try the slim package
**Answer:** Hello yes
**Answer:** I thought I had a discount code but i don’t
**Answer:** You can use HOT50NOW for [Price] off orders over [Price] πŸ™‚
**Answer:** ahh brilliant thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** We are here if you need some help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi What would happen if circumstances meant we had to eat out one night and didn’t have anything with us would we need to start the detox again from the start
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You wouldn’t have to start the detox again if you can eat as clean as you can.
**Answer:** For example choose the vegetarian option
**Question:** But if I eat with knife and fork I wouldn’t get too dirty would I…. Haha just kidding thanks for that
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Guys, I have just finished the detox today and have probiotic tabs to start taking, feeling great thanks
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Woops my question is where to from here? I am on holiday in two weeks and plan on no restrictions eek, I want to get myself back on track straight after my holiday, what do you suggest? Ps loved that I lost a couple of kilos detoxing and would love to keep this at bay..
**Question:** Hi there!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** We’re a Montreal company working on a AI-driven assistant to help Zendesk & Zopim agents, you can think of it as super-powered shortcuts.
**Answer:** No thank you we are fine
**Answer:** We need humans to answer our technical questions
**Answer:** Hi Sarah πŸ™‚
**Answer:** HumanFirst is not a bot, it doesn’t answer automatically.
**Answer:** It always leaves the human in control, you always decide what will be said and how.
**Answer:** Sorry we offer a human service with big technical support
**Answer:** You feel the diversity of you conversations are too complex to be aided by this kind of tool?
**Answer:** I’ll stop taking too much of your time.
**Answer:** If ever you are curious, see: [Link](https://ww.humanfirst.ai)
**Answer:** Have a great day πŸ™‚
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.humanfirst.ai)
**Question:** Hello, Can you please tell me your retail stockists for this product in Dunedin? Thank you
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** Hi there!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Hi there!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** How would you get rid of worms in a cleanse home remedies
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Did you get our messages?
**Question:** no i didnt
**Answer:** Ok I will bring them forward bear with me a mo
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Sarah has joined.
**Question:** how long will i deal with withdrawal symptoms if i took it only for one week
**Answer:** I can’t really answer you as I don’t know the detox you are using and what it has inside it. You would need to contact the company who do the detox you are using.
**Question:** if i take curcurmin and omega 3 would it be beneficial for the headaches
**Answer:** Possibly but I can’t promise
**Question:** i lost alot of weight from the detox. does this mean the detox is already done ?
**Answer:** I can’t tell you that as you haven’t done our program. It is best to contact the company you got it from.
**Answer:** Our program is the rolls royce of detox programs and I can tell you alot about ours but not a lot about the others as they are so much weaker and missing things.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** can I just turn up at tonight’s session at ASB arena Mt Maunganui?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** We have only 2 seats so please turn up early and pay at the door [Price]
**Question:** Can I order online
**Answer:** We will open the tickets for you now please order straight away as they have been closed – go to the shop
**Answer:** Please refresh your page if you are in the shop
**Answer:** Are you ok? Do you need help?
**Question:** couldn’t find the tickets in shop
**Answer:** Please refresh your page it should be at the top now
**Question:** not there
**Answer:** Go out and go back in again
**Answer:** Give us your name and we can do eftpos at the door
**Question:** Denis Toovey
**Answer:** Ok Denis we will add you to the list and hold your spot – see you at 6.45 tonight suite 4 Baypark
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Question:** Buts chia seeds are ok yes ?
**Answer:** Chia seeds in something are fine
**Question:** So for example chia putting with coconut cream ?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, when doing the 14 day detox can I eat cacao ? And nuts and seeds ? Thanks
**Answer:** Cacao yes nuts and seeds no as they are hard to digest
**Question:** ok thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I just brought the ultimate herbal detox & slim pack. I am wanting to do the rapid plan. Do you use the sachets as a meal replacement?? So no eating for 3 days?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We recommend doing the sachets over one week. They can be used a meal replacement
**Answer:** But you do need fat and sugar too in your diet
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** is it normal to be quite bloated ?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** \Yes it can be like that for a day or two, but should ease off once the bowel movements start to kick into gear
**Answer:** Hi [Name],
**Answer:** as things get moving around in your body it can be a little disruptive in the beginning, but once the cleanse starts to happen it can be very enjoyable
**Answer:** when can i expect to experience increased bowel movements ?
**Answer:** It varies from person to person, but usually after about 3 days on the herbal capsules things should be starting to happen
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** You’re welcome anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** cool – Just placed order so hopefully i was in time
**Answer:** yes you were I just checked – thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** does this [Price] off still apply as it is 23rd today and it has come up or have you just forgotten to take it down?
**Answer:** It is just about to be taken down so if you get in fast you will be ok πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** is it ok to carry on taking my other supplements with the detox ?
**Answer:** Yes it is perfectly fine to do that πŸ™‚
**Question:** great, thank you πŸ™‚ first day of 14 today !!
**Answer:** Awesome keep in touch – we are here to support you as you go along. Any questions just ask away πŸ™‚
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, just checking did you get my email of new order last Friday? it’s Grace from Nelson
**Answer:** Hi Grace, yes I did I am just sending you and email about them. We have a shipment arriving tomorrow so will be shipping them out then.
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** can i have an updated price list pls.
**Answer:** Yes I can send that through to you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hello
**Question:** I was interested in knowing if Cayanne Pepper is safe and effective for Crohn’s
**Question:** I hope to hear back. [Email]
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Hi can I still take my normal supplements along with the 14 day detox ? I’m starting in the morning πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi can I still take my normal supplements along with the 14 day detox ? I’m starting in the morning πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI there,
**Answer:** Hello can I help you today?
**Answer:** I see you are looking at the vegetarian diet page. Do you have a question about it or anything else on our website? I am a real person so can help πŸ™‚
**Question:** I am preparing to start the detox when I receive my pack this week. Just a few questions. Are the recipes for Stage 2 and 3? I see there are no bananas or potatos in Stage 1 but included in Smoothies. Also what yoghurt do you recommend and what Probiotics for Stage 4.
**Question:** Many thanks.
**Answer:** The recipes are for stage 2 & 3 – there are lots of other options on the website too.
**Answer:** re the bananas
**Answer:** they are smashed to bits in a smoothie but can be binding in the body when taken by themselves.
**Answer:** [Name] suggests a normal probiotic like Inner Health Plus is fine
**Question:** What Protein Powder do you receommend?
**Answer:** As long as it is unsweetened and plain any protein powder is fine – our BodiTune is amazing to do along side the detox as it enhances the results but it is up to you.
**Question:** And what yoghurt is best?
**Answer:** plain unsweetened yogurt is good
**Question:** OK thanks.
**Answer:** You can have coconut milk and yogurt too. Plus plain cream. You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry you disappeared
**Answer:** Home made salsa, aioli and vinaigrette are all fine – we have some in our recipes.
**Answer:** As long as the protein powder is plain and unsweetened you will be fine πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome. Thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome – come online any time and we can help as you go through the process. You order will be out tomorrow so should be there on Tuesday.
**Answer:** Look forward to it :).
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello we are online do you need help?
**Answer:** I see you asked a question earlier can we answer it here?
**Answer:** Thanks have just placed my order. My sister has done it before but I just want to clarify the whole protein powder thing. We can continue using it – is that right. Also can we have salad dressings over the next couple of week or so?
**Answer:** Yeah the question was the same as this one lol. I’m just eager as to Star
**Answer:** Home made salsa, aioli and vinaigrette are all fine – we have some in our recipes.
**Answer:** As long as the protein powder is plain and unsweetened you will be fine πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. I’m going to start the detox for the first time ever and just getting my head around stuff. Are there any salad dressings/ sauces etc that we can have. And I can still use protein powder is that right? Thanks heaps
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Message above.
**Question:** [Email].nz
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Your cures are a lie. Your detoxes are don’t exist. This is all a scam.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** Doterra is bad enough, do not keep peddling your trash.
**Question:** tell your boss he’s a cunt for me will yah?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I make a payment yesterday night but no send me the confirmation of that
**Question:** It’s a new Zealand industry
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’d like to order some powder please
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Do you have samples
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I like to lots wait what is the best products you can offer me
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** The best program is the ultimate herbal detox. This will give you a weight loss of between 4 and 5 Kgs
**Answer:** It would also make you feel amazing as it cleanses your colon, liver, intestine’s and kidneys.
**Answer:** It resets your metabolism and if you feel you want to lose more weight afterwards you could do the ultimate herbal slim program.
**Question:** I like to lots 20 kgs
**Answer:** Have you looked At our weight calculator? It will tell you exactly the right program. I can give you a link
**Question:** No how I do it
**Answer:** Click on this link and fill out the details [Link](https://www.[Website]/ideal-weight-calculator)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi when is the ultimate herbal detox tablets likely to be on special again at [Price]
**Answer:** You could buy it on Grabone that is the best deal – I can’t tell when it will be [Price] as I’m don’t know.
**Answer:** It is [Price] on Grabone
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** I started the 21 day Standard Process cleanse on Monday. I have had a headache ever since. I am working under a natural doctor. But…the only thing I was told was “if you experience symptoms just take a few less cleanse pills for a few days.” But…he didn’t say if there was something else I could do for a freaking headache. Any suggestions. I am not home but I do have raw apple cider vinegar. and…some Himalayan Sea salt. Ideas
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** That is a challenging question as we don’t know the detox cleanse you are doing. Peppermint tea and feverfew chewed may help but is very hard as we don’t know your plan.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** It won’t accept my Canadian visa ?!
**Answer:** Is it a normal Visa card?
**Answer:** Not MasterCard?
**Question:** yeah it is
**Answer:** It might be that it has a block on being used overseas?
**Answer:** I can call you and put it through manually
**Question:** We use it in America , I’ll try again from my computer
**Question:** oh that’d be amazing!
**Answer:** Would that work for you?
**Question:** yes thanks
**Answer:** Ok 1 minute
**Answer:** do you need any help?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Do you ship to Canada?
**Question:** i desperately need this and so do many Canadians
**Answer:** Yes we do all the time via DHL
**Answer:** Happy to help
**Question:** Omg yes!!!
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** ok I couldn’t pick Canada to ship it
**Answer:** Sorry about the message it’s automatic
**Question:** ok is it easier to order an amazon
**Question:** haha it’s ok
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** You should be able to put CANADA as your shipping details
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Ok thanks!
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to support you at any time
**Question:** The website isn’t working very well for me here. Pretty challenging to make an order but I’ll try again
**Answer:** Are you Kelly?
**Answer:** Hi Steph
**Answer:** We have just seen your message
**Answer:** Did you wish to see [Name] for a full consult or just to get a cleanse and ask some questions about it?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Hi Trixina, order received thank you πŸ™‚ Will be out on Monday via Fastway
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** how do i purchase the boditune detox sachets?
**Answer:** You can buy them online and I can give you a link to the shop
**Answer:** Just click on this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to help any time
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Just looking at your products. Had a friend at work that ordered your Boditune and said they are fantastic, so gona give it a go.
**Answer:** Excellent glad to hear πŸ™‚ We are on line any time to help you as you go through the programme.
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** What are you looking to achieve? I might be able to help you then πŸ™‚
**Answer:** energy, losing weight .. thinking of the boditune
**Answer:** Ok if you ahve not doen a full detox before and can cope with capsules then the Herbal Detox over 14 days will be amazing for you – between 3 and 10kg weight loss and your energy will be sky high
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** This will clean up your colon, liver, intesines and kidneys, get rid of parasites, heavy metals, improve your skin and make you feel amasing! Boditune is perfect in between detox programs as a pick you up or maintenance program.
**Answer:** You will be very surprised at the results! Plus you can get [Price] off with the special We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code.
**Answer:** Diet is fruit and vegetables and lots of great recipes here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Just choose the 14 day program from the drop down
**Answer:** Yeap just having a nosey at all the products.
**Answer:** All good take your time although the special We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club runs out today unless out IT accidently leave it running a bit longer!
**Answer:** [Name] is online if you want to talk to the man himself πŸ™‚
**Answer:** He mans the Live Chat to understand the needs of our clients:)
**Answer:** How many capsule do you take per day with the Herbal detox?
**Answer:** This page has everything you need to know about he capsules per day [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Ive done detox before and dropped my excess weight. Im gona go for the Boditune sachet one month mulitpack. I eat quite clean, and i exercise daily BUT have some sugar cravings in the afternoon due to the lack of energy i get.
**Answer:** Sounds good πŸ™‚ Enjoy!
**Answer:** thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Marian do you need help?
**Answer:** Was trying to use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code but I don’t think I have s big enough order
**Answer:** Ok your order needs to be [Price] or over πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You could add an extra item to get the [Price] off πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** The herbal detox says cant eat bananas, potatoes, rice, fish but on the 1-2 month it says you can eat
**Question:** can you explain plse
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Yes on the shorter timeframe you need food which will go through fast and be easy for your body to process.
**Answer:** On the longer programmes this is not quite such a priority.
**Answer:** These foods take longer to go through your body
**Question:** I want to do the programe but will find it hard to stick to it on the 7-14day
**Question:** would you recommend the 1-2 month in this case – is there an added benefit doing in such a short amount of time
**Answer:** I said that until I did it. You will be surprised how easy it is once you start and use the recipes. The shorter version gets slightly better results. If you ahe not done it befroe the 14 days is the one to do – only experienced detoxers do the 7 days. Have you seen all the recipes and food options?
**Question:** okay yes I have looked at the food options and I want to do it again in the future. More like ongoing basis.
**Question:** The 14day will have slightly better results but I want to form better eating habbits over time so I think will do 1-2 month.
**Question:** I will limit the banana, potatoe intake and try get as much vegetable intake as possible
**Question:** Thanks for your help.
**Answer:** ok all good – please get in touch if you need more help at any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I am keen to do one programme but unsure which one and am aware the discount ends today. Can I phone someone for some advice please.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Yes you can please call [Phone]
**Answer:** Thank you! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome – we are here to help you at any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, I canΒ΄t access my account. My e-mail is [Email] Thanks
**Answer:** Hi let me check it for you – I see you have just ordered.
**Answer:** Yes, exactly.
**Answer:** Please use your email address and the password Monica1234 and then change it to something you can remember. Your order is being processed now and you will receive the tracking details soon via email. We ship via DHL. Thank you for ordering from us.
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Until 20 July you can get NZD 50 or equivalent off your order if you order [Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi! Can the diet be purchased from Spain? I have a relative that may want to buy one from there
**Answer:** Unfortunately Spain is an issue as they tend to destroy items like ours. If it can go to another country and be brought in by a person it will be ok.
**Question:** what about if I buy it here in NZ and I send it to them?
**Question:** Immigration Spain is not very picky with that
**Answer:** Yes you can πŸ™‚
**Question:** Why do they destroy the Γ­tems if you send them?
**Question:** Sorry just curiosity
**Question:** when my parents send me things it is quite tricky with nz immigration
**Answer:** Because they think we might be sending drugs!
**Question:** Ah! I see. Do you need to fill any papers for the ministry of Primary
**Question:** ?
**Answer:** sorry I swtiched on the captials
**Question:** cool perfect!!!
**Question:** That deal that you have, is it until tomorrow including tomorrow? I need to wait until they wake up to ask if they want me to order for them
**Answer:** Yes the [Price] off is until 11pm tomorrow night πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi & author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. Until 20 July you can get [Price] off an order of [Price] or over by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code HOT50NOW If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi There, I just want to double check my order just went through??
**Answer:** Hi Jane, Yes you order has been received thank you.
**Answer:** brill thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** If you have any questions at any time just pop on this Live Chat and we can help you out πŸ™‚
**Answer:** ths
**Answer:** i mean thx
**Answer:** lol all good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi i would like to ask pls if i cn eat almonds
**Answer:** or what snacks can i have
**Answer:** thank u
**Answer:** No almonds sorry
**Answer:** vegetables are good as snacks – dates, prunes, figs, grapes raisins, mandarins are all good
**Answer:** haha ok thank u
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hello, I made a purchase last night but I never received a confirm email and when I went to get a new password no email came through.
**Answer:** Ok what is your email address please
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Thank you bear with me and I will reset your password
**Answer:** Hi Anna, we have reset your password to Anna1234 you can go in and change it to anything you wish. I will ask our IT people to look at why your password did not come through – apologies for that.
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Two days ago I ordered a second round of your Ultimate Detox. Yesterday I inquired about the parasite cleans Bonus. Can you please explain again why the Bonus was not available to me. Thanks
**Answer:** The bonus is added to the product by using a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and the cost is [Price] for the combination deal. I gave you a [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get the Detox for [Price] instead
**Answer:** Hi Dennis, did you see [Name]’s message?
**Answer:** Hi Thanks for your answer. I am having computer problems and [Name]’s message has gone missing. I probably pushed the wrong button as I am not good on computers. Thanks Dennis
**Answer:** The bonus is added to the product by using a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and the cost is [Price] for the combination deal. I gave you a [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get the Detox for [Price] instead
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can we eat gluten free bread?
**Answer:** Sorry not during the detox or slim program, in fact I don’t recommend bread anytime, the very occasional piece of toast maybe but better to get off bread if you can
**Question:** thanks!
**Answer:** Sorry to disappoint
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** do you have anything that can stop on going yeast infections
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** hi do you have anything that is a detrox so it can stop yeast infections because my doctor has tried multiple things and she said i have a serious yeast infection and i have been boold tested
**Question:** and i dont have any diesease so what type of strong detrox do you have to get rid of this yeast infection
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Charmagne, your tickets have been emailed. Have you received them?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** hi good am. i would like to ask pls if i cn drink milo and milk. its my 2nd day of preparing for detox
**Answer:** and can my 2 yr old son drink the smoothie with the detox protein drink?
**Answer:** Milo no,. milk yes – you can try raw cacao
**Answer:** Yes your 2 year old can drink it just not late in the day it might keep him awake
**Answer:** nice to know about raw cacao
**Answer:** okay thank u so much
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi its my 1st day of preparation before the 2wks derox
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** is it alright that im using the protein drink at the same time?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine, they work well together
**Answer:** okay thank u.have a good evening
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hello πŸ™‚ i have got the detox program but i cannot food the booklet anymore, is there an online version you could send me?
**Answer:** Yes you can download it under resources and books. Let me get a link for you
**Answer:** [Link](https://[Website]/download-brett-elliott-ebooks)
**Question:** Thank you!
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can I order from you?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** What can I help you with today?
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Question:** Ill get back to you if I can’t get in. Thanks
**Answer:** I’m here to help anytime πŸ™‚
**Question:** Yes please reset my password
**Answer:** OK what is your email address and I will look it up
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** One moment and I will be back with your new pssword
**Answer:** You username is dennisconquest and you password is dennis1234
**Question:** Thanks: Earlier today you sent me a discount voucher. Can you please give me the details again. Thanks
**Answer:** Yes you can use HOT50NOW to get [Price] off
**Question:** Thanks: I’ll order now.
**Answer:** Remember to enter your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code and click apply We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** All done. Cheers Dennis
**Answer:** Thanks Dennis, we will get it shipped ASAP
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Is the ultimate herbal detox okay to do whilst breastfeeding?
**Answer:** Yes it is OK while breast-feeding baby is more than three months old and doing well
**Answer:** Yes. He is 9 months now but won’t gwt off the breast lol
**Answer:** Then you should be fine
**Answer:** Thank u
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Just to let you know you can order in Aussie dollars by changing the currency at the top of the page.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi there, did you see our answers?
**Answer:** Sarah12:16 PM
**Answer:** Brilliant thanks Sarah, I did the detox many years ago and found one satchet in my cupboard yesterday and thought about the product again. go well and thank you – serendipitous!
**Answer:** Excellent πŸ™‚ Just to let you know you can order in Aussie dollars by changing the currency at the top of the page.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi Sarah, is product available in Australia, if not, what is the postage costs? thank you, Patricia
**Answer:** Hi Patricia
**Answer:** We don’t yet have any distribution in Australia so we shipped free of charge via DHL.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, what is the source and amount of protein? is it either gluten or dairy free? thanks, Patricia
**Answer:** It is pea and rice protein. 7.5grams in the BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim sachets and it is gluten and dairy free.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Question:** Hi, what is the estimated shipping time to Auckland?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Delivery to Auckland is normally next day.
**Answer:** Are you still there? We were a bit slow getting to you!
**Answer:** Hello?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** thanks Sarah.. I had left to prepare the herbal potion in blender… very pleasant taste, with other fruits and veggies. Thanks.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Great πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi Stefan, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there Sarah – I am just starting today on t he detox. Small question: Do I just use the sachet with either almond drink or almond/coconut… that is plain, or can I add other vegetables with the product.
**Answer:** Or do I do the vegetable separately.
**Answer:** Can any fish be eaten during programme.
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Licorice root… How much of it is contained in the sachet. As it needs to be avoided for stroke patient.
**Answer:** You can have the sachet with anything except coffee or alcohol
**Answer:** Yes you can have fish
**Answer:** I don’t drink coffee or alcohol.
**Answer:** Can I put herbal teas in the sachet.
**Answer:** The licorice is a tiny amount and therefore ok for stroke patients. It is there to help with the taste
**Answer:** Do you have access to deglycyrrhinizinated Licorice…?
**Answer:** Yes you can add to herbal teas
**Answer:** good… thanks… Sarah.
**Answer:** Still working on Sunday?? Thank you for this. All the best.
**Answer:** I would have to ask [Name] about the licorice question
**Answer:** Yes we cover the live chat all the time
**Answer:** Will…
**Answer:** thanks.
**Answer:** Good end of the day your way πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Fish though is not to be included in the blender… just eaten separately right?
**Answer:** Yes that’s right
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** hi there
**Answer:** Can children use the Colonaid Anti Parasitic
**Answer:** Yes, you would give them 5 daily instead of the adult dose of 10 daily
**Answer:** what is the best if there are visible signs of worms
**Answer:** And also what would you recomend to take and what order to cleanse out parasites and colon cleanse ?
**Answer:** Normally you would take colonaid fo0r 10 days, and repeat it 6 weeks later as a preventative
**Answer:** Ok great
**Answer:** There is also an eBook which you can download, which helps get the best result, I will get the link for you
**Answer:** [Link](https://qd227-3b1502.pages.infusionsoft.net/)
**Answer:** thanks . So could you also advise me if I do the parasite cleansing and than if its safe to straight after do a herbal detox ( is the herbal detox for the colon specifically )?
**Answer:** The herbal detox is broad spectrum, is covers colon cleanse, parasite, heavy metals and liver, it is actually the best place to start and you can still follow up with colonaid in six weeks to double hit the parasites side of things
**Answer:** right Ok – will look into it to buy thnaks for your advice
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** can kids do it as well ? or could i purchase the colonaid for the kids separately
**Answer:** Children over 12 can do the detox, but if its just parasites you want to treat them for the colonaid would do the job
**Answer:** thanks !
**Answer:** I am purchasing but dont understand the terms of service
**Answer:** could you sum it up for me ?
**Answer:** It’s all very long, but its all standard stuff, very hard to sum it up, Is there anything specific that concerns you about terms of service?
**Answer:** if i order its not a monthly thing is it ?
**Answer:** just a once off payment im making for the specific things i want to order
**Answer:** No you would have to subscribe for membership and we do that over the phone
**Answer:** Yes you only pay once and we send you the order, that’s all there si to it πŸ™‚
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** and the discount i received theres no catch to that either ?
**Answer:** We give you tracking details by DHL and it takes about 3 days to arrive
**Answer:** No catch, we sell to over 45 countries and have been doing it for over 20 years πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thank you @
**Answer:** anytime, we are here to help
**Answer:** Thanks for your order, it will be shipped on Monday morning and we will email you the tracking number then
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** i cant seem to log in
**Answer:** I will set a new password for you, one moment
**Answer:** i have created an account but cannot see my order
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** An account was created automatically for you when you ordered, your username is kirrilywatson87 and your password is kirrily1234
**Answer:** Please login again and see what happens
**Answer:** thank you so much yes it worked .
**Answer:** Look forward to it .
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** are the postage options . is it tracking ?
**Answer:** Yes it is tracked, we will send you the details on Monday when the courier comes
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’m just trying to decide between the detox and the slim. Just wondering why to choose one over the other?
**Answer:** Hi There, I can answer that for you
**Answer:** The Detox is better for a metabolic reset and to get yourself back on track with good habits, it’s also good for 5kg weight loss in the two weeks
**Answer:** The Slim is good if you already have already done a cleanse but just need to lose a little extra weight
**Question:** ok great thanks. Also, I live in Wellington. How long will it take to get here?
**Answer:** It usually comes overnight, but should probably allow 2 days
**Answer:** It would get shipped on Monday so could be Wednesday delivery at the latest
**Question:** ok, thanks
**Question:** and last question, a friend of mine who is vegan used the powder instead of the capsules and I just wondered about how that works?
**Answer:** The powder is combined with protein and is intended for maintenance, or as a companion to the other products, as it works slowly, the capsules are up to 5 times the strength
**Question:** ok thanks very much. I think I will go with the 2 week detox
**Answer:** That’s always a good place to start and get great results
**Question:** so is that the Ultimate Herbal Detox?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello there I have a recipe I would like to share with you and the community. How would I go about doing that
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey is it ok to take panadol and nurofen while on the detox?
**Answer:** Yes thats fine
**Answer:** Better to have what you need and carry on with the program
**Answer:** Ok thank you. Getting a few headaches
**Answer:** That can be your brain detoxing, but definitely take a panadol if you need it
**Answer:** ok will do thanks for your help
**Answer:** anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Can we help?
**Question:** Yes. I’d like to order some products
**Answer:** Yes ok
**Question:** Could I also order some parasites with the order?
**Answer:** Sorry? Parasites? Our programs can help get rid of parasites.
**Question:** will they get rid of giant snakes living in my stomach?
**Answer:** Do you mean tapeworms?
**Question:** yeah
**Answer:** Have they been diagnosed?
**Question:** Yeah, he said I had tape worms
**Answer:** Our programs will get rid of tapeworms
**Question:** Cool, do you ship to NZ?
**Answer:** We are based in NZ in Tauranga
**Question:** Amazing, I live in tauranga too, Matua actually
**Question:** the products shouldn’t take too long to get to me. Well I better get to ordering
**Answer:** You would need the herbal detox and do it for 14 days followed by the Colonaid anti parastic
**Question:** Sold
**Answer:** You can get the Colonaid free if you use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code PARASITEBONUS
**Question:** thumbs up
**Answer:** if you have any questions at any stage we are here to support you
**Question:** Thanks, have a good night
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** If I doing Isagenix s how can I use the [Name] slim and detox sachets
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes they work very well together, we have people doing that very successfully for weight loss as well as detoxification
**Question:** do u know how it work or just for cleanse days
**Answer:** It can be used at anytime during the isagenix program
**Answer:** you wont need to do your isagenix cleanse during the herbal detox
**Question:** sounds like a snack
**Answer:** it is 7.5g protein but mostly herbal ingredients for detox and metabolic boost, fat burning and craving control
**Question:** ?
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is a Kiwi and the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Do you have any specials on body tune at the moment
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club Code [Phone] will give you 25% off πŸ™‚
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** We are online to help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** If you have any questions I can help.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you have any questions
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi is there a deal if i buy 2 packs?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** If you buy 2 you can get 20% off 0 you just add them to your shopping cart πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You can also use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 15NOW to an extra 15% off that price
**Question:** Great thankyou, i will do that
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** can i do the detox pack and take the boditune sachets at the same time
**Answer:** Hi There, Yes that’s fine they work perfectly together
**Question:** Thank you im really excited to start tomorrow
**Answer:** You’re welcome anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I am interested in the herbal slim program. I don’t suppose you can extend the Fieldays special for my 1st month?
**Answer:** Hi there, so sorry the fieldays special has finished but we can give you another We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club so you can get it for [Price] instead of [Price]
**Question:** Hi, yes that would be great. So my objective is to obviously loose weight. I purchased the boditune sachets at the Fieldays so this has got me a little confused in which direction i should be heading.
**Answer:** OK I can help
**Answer:** Have you ever done a Detox before? Usually people lose between 3 and 6 kgs in 2 weeks on it.
**Answer:** Once the body is very clean they go onto the Slim program if they feel they need to lose more weight.
**Answer:** The Detox cleans everything out and gets the body moving food through quickly.
**Answer:** Then the Slim program works on sugar craves and balancing the blood levels.
**Answer:** If you feel your body is clean then go for the Slim.
**Answer:** If not then consider the Detox with its fruit and vegetable diet.
**Answer:** You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for either – it is 125KIT
**Question:** I’ve done a detox on the Isagenix program, but there’s was only 2 days once a month from memory. I didn’t complete that program as i could no longer stand the shakes. I probably have 15 sachets of the boditune left, can i do the detox using that or should i go for the detox 1st?
**Answer:** The sachets are gentle weight management and often used as a follow up to the detox. If you can cope with 40 capsules a day (you can add them to a smoothie) and a diet of Fruit and vegetables for 14 days then it is the way to go. It is about 10 times more effective than the Isagenix one.
**Answer:** There are lots of recipes for it too
**Answer:** This page will help you understand the 14 day program [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** Thanks i’ll look into this further when i get home tonight. How many days does the detox pack cover?
**Answer:** It is best to do it over 14 days – you get 480 capsules – you start on a lower dose and then it increases so you are taking 20 in the morning and 20 at night. We are online until 10pm so get in touch if you have any questions
**Question:** I’m Not really a person
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I am πŸ™‚
**Question:** Do you like sex
**Answer:** yes I do
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** can you still drink coffee on the herbal slim pack?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes, you can on all of our programs – we do recommend switching to decaf though if possible.
**Question:** Is it caffeine in general that isn’t good to have with the products?
**Answer:** It is fine to have actually – you can get bad withdrawal if you stop. Water based Decaf is a bit better for you than normal.
**Answer:** Can I help any further today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Thank you for your response re Lectin content in Detox n Slim. Another question please, does the Pea protein, barley Grass & Kidney Bean contain lectins or have the lectins been denatured? Thank you and kind regards
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes they are denatured as we use purified extracts called Pea Protein isolate and Kidney bean extract (phase 2). The barley grass is actually the young green shoots, and not the barley grain
**Question:** Hi [Name], Thank you very much for this. I am removing/reducing lectins in my diet & have noticed a big difference in my health per the Steve Gundry protocol. I will now return to purchasing your product. Best wishes to you from Caroline White
**Answer:** Thanks Caroline, Good to hear of your progress
**Answer:** Cheers signing off now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Testing dev site
**Answer:** hey
**Question:** Awesome, all up and running here
**Answer:** awesome thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi thanks for visiting us
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** hello,i am sorry i lost the link you sent for the herbal detox and the code for the discount to kill all these parasites. could you send it again please , thank you
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me help
**Question:** brett just sent me a link to a 137$ herbal detox and a code for the parasite cleasne
**Answer:** It’s at the bottom of this page πŸ™‚ [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies)
**Question:** whats the code for the extra bottle?
**Question:** no thats the wrong link
**Question:** brett sent me one where its 137$
**Question:** can you ask him?
**Answer:** I think you have to switch it to US dollars to get the price
**Answer:** If you just clicked on the link and didn’t change the currency it will stay On New Zealand currency
**Question:** nope
**Question:** he sent me a different link
**Answer:** Can you give me your name and I will ask him. He is in a consult at the moment
**Question:** whats the code for the extra bottle
**Question:** ok, he sent it like 5 minutes ago with a discount code for the 6 weeks cleanse
**Question:** perfect thanks!
**Question:** appreciate it
**Answer:** You definitely need to change the currency and use PARASITEBONUS
**Answer:** Try this [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** thanks team! I’m trying to get the whole globe on this cleanse. its a part of my health and wellness business. can’t find anything like it. thanks for you work
**Answer:** You’re welcome.
**Question:** Sorry to bug you, I can’t see on the order history the extra bottle with the code i put in. Just really want to make sure i kill these eggs and get the full 6 weeks, thanks so much
**Answer:** I think the code was overtaken by the 2 x 20% discount but we will include an extra bottle of Colonaid for you, no problem.
**Answer:** It only works with one discount or bonus per order, but we will include it for you anyway
**Question:** I truly appreciate it!!!! be gone worms!!!
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hello! I can’t find where to order the paradise cleanse
**Answer:** Hi There, let me help
**Answer:** Thanks [Name], I have ringworm
**Answer:** and need a full 6 weeks cleanse
**Answer:** You just order the Ultimate Herbal Detox and add the code PARSITEBONUS to get the extra free bottle you can get it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** That gives you the full six week program
**Answer:** Thanks so much!!! I’ve done the herbal detox before when I lived in New Zealand and loved it
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hello, please, would it be possible to get an earlier appt next Friday with [Name]
**Answer:** HI Margaret, let me check for you
**Answer:** How is 10am?
**Answer:** That would be great…many thanks [Name].. see you then.. have a great week..
**Answer:** Perfect, I will book it in
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** steve5591
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi we want to know when black stools will come out that is rubbery in texture?
**Answer:** Lol, That’s a bit of a myth
**Answer:** 99.9% of people don’t have anything like that, it’s very rare to actually have impactions
**Question:** yeah we are at the last day of taking pills doing the 7 power cleanse, feeling good but have seen nothing radical, or is it still to come?
**Answer:** It all depends on your body, if there was no impacted build up, then it’s often just a good bowel cleanse, but a lot of the detox can actually be liquid, and leave the body via the kidneys and other toxins via the liver
**Question:** ok thanks we will stay on the diet for another two days then have a colonic booked on Tuesday. Onwards and upwards, cheers
**Answer:** sounds perfect
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** i started the programme 7 days ago which includes the 3 day elimination. I am doing the deep cleanse and started with 40 capsules per day…. I’m still a bit sluggish.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Hi There, I can help. Are you normally a bit sluggish? i.e. bowel movements everyday or not?
**Question:** yes, I am to be fair.
**Answer:** OK, then it can take a little bit longer, also are you using the spicey food recipes in the booklet?
**Answer:** That always helps
**Question:** yes, I am using the spicey curried vegetables only really. It’s far more tasty and fresh friut
**Answer:** Great, Maybe also have a look on this page and choose curries under the cooking method selector. Keep up the curries and see how it goes over the next few days, fresh fruit is good during the day especially apples and the hot food at night
**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** Will do – thank you.
**Question:** one other question. Will the deep cleanse give you the same results as the power cleanse?
**Answer:** The dosage is double on the power cleanse but the time frame is halved, so it’s 50/50. I would suggest if you have a history of sluggish bowel that the deep cleanse is better, as it will give you more time to start a pattern of regular function
**Question:** That’s what I was thinking… plus I’m hoping I will sustain the cleaner eating. Thank you again – much appreciated.
**Answer:** Anytime, keep us posted
**Question:** Will do πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** i am interested in doing a body cleanse but am unsure on how to do it
**Answer:** There is a good page which explains it quite well, let me get a link for you to click on
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** The 14 Day option using the Ultimate Herbal Detox program is usually the best place to start as it gets the best results
**Answer:** Feel free to ask any questions
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, we h
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** can I help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Thank you for the E-books, Smoothies, & Ingredients here in Digezaid. But peppermint always upsets my stomach, & Ginger to a lesser extent, plus the formula is quite expensive, so I will stick with what I have. – Thank you for your U-tube videos as well. God Bless you [Name]
**Answer:** Thanks for your comments and good luck with everything
**Question:** Thank you. – Also I was born & raised in Europe, & once in the USA have shared with others a Whole+Diverse Plantbased way of eating, that is foreign to far too many Americans. Also am in process of writing a simple book.
**Answer:** Well done, keep up the good work
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** has papaya fruit has any beneficial effect for cancer patients?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi Sarah
**Question:** is the papaya fruit any good to take for breast cancer patients?
**Answer:** There are specific types of payaya and various extracts that have been studied,
**Answer:** But no claims can be made on the fruit
**Question:** great thank you
**Question:** your information is fantastic.
**Answer:** Thank you [Name] writes everything
**Answer:** He is as fussy over his accuracy as he is his products
**Question:** are [Name]’s products in australia?
**Answer:** We sell directly from our website into Aussie. It’s free delivery
**Answer:** We sell many there as there isn’t anything like it
**Question:** ok thank you. i will have a look at your products
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Ali did you see my message?
**Answer:** great thanks sarah
**Answer:** Great πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI Sarah its Ali from Waters Company, I have moved to Auckland now and am working from home, Am i able to buy another herbal detox cleanse from you for myself again?
**Answer:** Hi Ali
**Answer:** Yes you can do that – are you still working for the Waters Company?
**Answer:** How did we do it last time?
**Answer:** Hi Ali are you there? πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there sorry yes I still work for Waters co, just looking after upper north island based in Auckland
**Answer:** where abouts in Auckland is your clinic or shop?
**Answer:** We are in Tauranga not Auckland πŸ™‚
**Answer:** How did we do your sale last time?
**Answer:** Oh ok, so lat time we ordered a minimum of 3 and paid via credit card, is it better to just maybe wait and see you at the go greens christchurch and buy one for [Price]
**Answer:** If you are looking for one then yes it is best to do it at the expo. If you need 3 then the credit card is ok.
**Answer:** Hi Ali, is that ok?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good morning. Would you please advise the lectin content of Herbal Detox. Thank you and kind regards
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** I am keen to find out the lectin content in your products. Thank you [Email] Caroline White
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Where can you get this in New Zealand
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You can buy online and get it delivered to your door for free. Or we can let you know a retailer nearby to where you are.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** do you need some help?
**Answer:** Delivery is free to Aussie if that is where you are πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I can answer any questions you may have πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Very interesting website, thinking of doing a detox and slim down…. am very over weight, sit in an office all day – time to start looking after me instead of everyone else.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Sounds like a great idea
**Answer:** How overweight do you feel you are?
**Question:** Uum probably 50kgs
**Answer:** Ok it might be a good idea to start by looking at our weight calculator. It recommends the right programme based on your weight and body style.
**Answer:** I can give you a link to click on
**Answer:** click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/ideal-weight-calculator)
**Question:** Thank you.
**Answer:** I am here to help any time
**Answer:** The weight calculator will help with the programme and I can help you with why the programme is the right programme for your needs. Do you have a health condition too? or is it just weight loss you are looking for?
**Question:** No health condition…..I am probably about 5ft 8 what is that in CMs?
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** 177cms
**Question:** Recommends The Ten Week Super Combo is perfect for a natural powerful inner body cleanse detox while helping to balance your metabolism over ten weeks.
**Answer:** OK that programme gives significant weight loss. You start by doing 3 detox programmes in a row
**Answer:** and then the slim programmes
**Answer:** It cleanses the body internally where there can be a significant build up
**Question:** Wow thank you – what is the cost of that programme, if I decide do I just order online?
**Answer:** You also take the BodiTune drinks alongside the detox and slim programmes
**Answer:** Here is the page [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-10-week-program) YOu can order online and we deliver next day free of charge. We can also give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for a bit more off the price here. We support you all the way through.
**Answer:** You can also download the user sheet here [Link](https://qd227-a33a30.pages.infusionsoft.net/)
**Answer:** And lots of food choices here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Do you have to pay up front or installments?
**Answer:** We can send you an invoice and you can pay in installments. When complete we can send – lots of people do it this way. We don’t have an afterpay service yet.
**Answer:** Could I do it [Price] per week for 10 weeks?
**Answer:** Yes, that would be ok to do. What we would need to have from you is your full name and delivery address. A telephone number we can get you on and your email address. We send the invoice with our bank account details and you pay in per week as we have agreed. Each time you pay we send you the invoice with the amount taken off so you can see where you are at.
**Answer:** Maree King
**Answer:** 72 Glue Pot road
**Answer:** Tauranga
**Answer:** [Email].nz (home)
**Answer:** [Email].nz (work)
**Answer:** [Phone]
**Answer:** no turning back now πŸ™
**Answer:** OK Maree – we will process your order at [Price],000 rather than the $[Phone]. We will send through the invoice now via our Xero system so it will pop up as Xero – keep an eye out on your spam folder in case it goes in there.
**Answer:** Once you have paid for the whole thing we can speak with you about how it all works and how we support you through. This is a life-changing program and we are delighted to be able to help you on the journey πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Sorry, does that mean I pay [Phone] for 10 weeks then start the programme or pay each week as I go?
**Answer:** You pay [Price] per week for 10 weeks and then we send it to you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** So you pay and then we send it and you start.
**Answer:** Okay might have to see how I can pay up front can’t wait 10 weeks to start will loose my nerve πŸ™
**Answer:** OK well you can pay it off faster via the invoice at any point. Or we can call you and it can go on a credit card
**Answer:** Thank you, I will be in touch πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Sounds good – I will send you the invoice so you can see the payment details whilst you decide the way forward πŸ™‚
**Answer:** It will be great to be ready for the new you in the spring πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you have any questions
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** does the 125kit code not work for the boditune program? ie the 2 x detox and slim for [Price]?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hi Paul, It only works on the Detox and the slim Herbal Programmes. You can use LOYAL30 for [Price] off the BodiTune
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, I ordered the detox program with the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club 30DRY. Is that not still a valid We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is valid for the Detox program and Slim program only. Are you looking to buy something else?
**Answer:** Yes, thought about ordering another box of the shakes.
**Answer:** Let me see what we can do for you
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** You could use 15NOW and get 15% off πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Okay, thanks.
**Answer:** You are welcome Sandra πŸ™‚
**Answer:** t Hi, I have done the detox and plucked up courage to weigh myself today = 71.5kg, 168cm tall. I think my ideal weight is about 63 kg, so have 8.5kg to lose. Can i do the rapid plan? and I have the shakes also – so if I take between 2 – 4 shakes a day? I would like to lose the rest of the weight by Christmas (or faster if I can do it without getting hungry). Detox has stopped sugar / sweet desires and feeling good.
**Answer:** HI Katie
**Answer:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** So are you saying you haven’t actually started anything else yet
**Answer:** I finished the detox yesterday. have the slimmers herbs to start today. and have the boditune shakes. today off work so planning on easing back with green smoothie and soups
**Answer:** Yes you could start with the rapid plan and just make a pact with yourself to only eat whole-food and nothing processed
**Answer:** Great thanks. I can do that. I notice I get water retention anyway if I eat anything processed.
**Answer:** It also helps to keep up the spicy foods in the evening meals add even to skip breakfast to trigger a little ketosis
**Answer:** Okay thanks for tip.
**Answer:** anytime
**Answer:** and I thought I would do one day a week of green smoothie, body-tune and soup going forward. feels so good afterwards
**Answer:** sounds like a good plan, keep us posted
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi what would be the best herbal tablets to buy for number 2s
**Answer:** I normally buy you colonaid
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** To get a regular bowel movement the Colonaid are the best
**Answer:** Which 1 would u recommend colonaid or cleanse
**Answer:** Ok cool do you guys have a discount code I could use pls
**Answer:** Definitely the Coldnaid
**Answer:** 15NOW will give you 15% off
**Answer:** Have u not got the 30
**Answer:** The 30 is for the full kits – the detox and the Slim.
**Answer:** You could buy the detox and get all the extra benefits if you haven’t done it fir a while
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I’m here if you have any questions
**Question:** Hi there, we saw this at Field Days, I am very interested in giving it a go, I have done the dr carous detox where I lost 5 kgs on the 7day detox. I am Weighing up the difference between the 2, I Do want to loose more weight but am unsure how to go about it wither i do the detox followed by the detox n slim or what to do?
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox used over 14 days is the most reliable for around 5kg weight loss and is the best place to start, most people use the other products as follow up if they want to lose more
**Answer:** If you used the detox followed by the detox n slim (bodiTune drinks) then you could get more like 5-7kg result
**Answer:** There is a good combo deal here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program)
**Question:** So start with the detox – then do you go to the ultimate herbal slim with the bodi tune drinks
**Answer:** Yes that would be the ultimate triple combo, you can get a great deal on that here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-triple-combo-3-month-program)
**Question:** can my field days discount be applied to that? how is the last link a 3 month supply when one box is the drinks to take with the herbal slim?
**Answer:** Ah yes sorry the fielddays We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club would need to be used with the individual items to get the half price deals on the kits, and you are right if you did the two week detox and a one month slim and boditune drink together it would be a six week program, but that would actually be the best approach for weight loss.
**Answer:** Let me give you the links to add each product individually then your couppon will work on all three
**Answer:** Herbal detox [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Herbal slim [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-slim-program)
**Answer:** BodiTune drinks [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Question:** 6 weeks is half of 3 months – I dont think that you should be advertising something that’s recomended use is only 1/2 of the time frame advertised – seems a little off
**Answer:** The programs can be used over different time frames for different purposes, so that combo is what people buy if they choose to do each pack over one month. In your case, we are suggesting using them faster for a quicker weight loss result
**Answer:** It’s just a different dose and speed of using the porducts
**Answer:** For exmaple, you can combine the slim and drinks or you could use them one after the other
**Question:** I’ve typed the same question 4 times now ‍ is there another way to communicate with you?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** What did you wish to know?
**Answer:** Are you the person who asked about the slim v detox?
**Question:** Yes that was me
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes the Detox is often the better choice to start with. If you did want to send the pack back to us at the address below, we would be happy to ship you the Herbal Detox at no charge.
**Answer:** 26 Fantail Drive, Tauranga
**Answer:** You could always do the Detox then do the Slim afterwards
**Answer:** That gives an extra good result
**Question:** Great thanks for that! I started my first 4 pills this morning but will put them aside and go get the detox one to start on
**Answer:** I think that’s a good choice. I hope it goes well
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I accidentally placed my order twice. Can you please cancel one of them?
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Yes we can sort it for you Sandra
**Answer:** Thank you.
**Question:** Hi I bought and have started with the ultimate slim pack yesterday but after reading the reviews, would it be better if I started with the detox instead?
**Answer:** Hi Tracy
**Answer:** I just sent an email
**Answer:** Yes it is often better to start with the Herbal Detox if you haven’t done a good cleanse in a while
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Heya can eat soups from supermarkets, and also is miso soup ok.
**Question:** ive been on ultimate detox 3 days now feel real hungary
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Have you bee snacking in between meals, as there is a lot you can eat
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can consume all my tabs in blender with my protein powder
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes but if it taste bad leave out the Colonaid
**Answer:** Taking the capsules with a warm drink helps too
**Question:** Thank you ..Brandon
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** If I buy the detox kit for show price of [Price], does this just include the 4 bottles of vitamins? If so, do I also need to purchase the drink satchets as well to do the programme?
**Question:** Many thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It has the 4 bottles of herbs as shown in the shop
**Answer:** If you wish to get the drink as well you will need to do 2 different orders
**Question:** do you need the drink satchets as well for the 2 week detox programme?
**Answer:** This will give you the show price
**Answer:** You get better results with the drink as well
**Question:** Is the drink used as a meal replacement
**Answer:** Yes it can be used as that
**Answer:** As long as you eat at other times
**Question:** but using just the herbs will still get good results?
**Answer:** You need the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club Maine the herbs with the foods in the user guide I can give you a page to look at
**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** it doesn’t mention the drink satchets
**Answer:** You do the sachets alongside it
**Answer:** You just use 2 sachets per day for 16 sachets while doing the detox
**Question:** ok ta
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** If I do the one month gentle cleanse, is it likely I can still loose weight like the 14 day one?
**Question:** im doing the ultimate herbal cleanse one haha
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi Sarah Jane
**Answer:** It is possible but not quite as quickly
**Answer:** It depends how strict you are with the diet
**Question:** So do you loose more on the 14 day one?
**Answer:** Not necessarily more just a bit quicker
**Question:** would u recommend in general doing the 14 day or 1 month cleanse
**Answer:** The 14 day is the one we would recommend and has the most reliable dosage of the herbs to get the best effect
**Question:** oh okay perfect thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** I need a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, trying to find boditune drink powder
**Answer:** Hi Leah
**Answer:** Are you looking for the pots, they are out of stock until the end of next week
**Answer:** do you have a 1 kilo one?
**Answer:** We will have them next week, if you want to order one then I can put it on order to go on the courier on Monday 15th
**Answer:** ok, what’s the 1 kilo price?
**Answer:** they are [Price] and you can get it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot)
**Answer:** Just put an order in. Look forward to getting it when it is in stock. Thank you
**Answer:** Yes thatnks for that Leah, I will make sure you are first on the list for the stock when it arrives.
**Answer:** wonderful, as missing it currently
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Amy, I just thought you should know that the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you have used will expire in the next 24 hours, if you wanted to use it for the 25% discount. [Name]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Great thanks so much πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Sorry did you send it through or where you going to?
**Answer:** You dropped out, here they are
**Answer:** this page is a great help [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-diet-plan-made-easy)
**Answer:** Oops sorry. Awesome your a gem thanks so much appreciate your help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Thanks Sarah. I brought the detox kit at a recent evening [Name] held. Just wondering if there is an eating plan online anywhere to go with the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Hi There, let me get it for you
**Answer:** this page is a great help [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-diet-plan-made-easy)
**Answer:** Also there are many recipes here which you can choose from [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Just follow the links
**Answer:** We send out weekly emails with recipes and other ideas, would you like to go on the list for them
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hey, will you still get the same results from the 1 month cleanse on the detox programme, as someone who does it in 14 days?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You get the same healing benefits but
**Answer:** Not as dramatic with weight loss
**Answer:** It all depends how strict you are with diet
**Question:** Ok cool thanks for that. πŸ™‚ Just have issues with some organs so don’t want to make them worse by detoxing too fast
**Answer:** Then the one month would probably be better for you
**Answer:** Good thinking
**Question:** Brilliant. Thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You are welcome here to help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I see you asked a question and we missed you “Kiaora Sarah, it’s Jo. Looking to buy a couple bottles of colonaid. Also [Name] made me up a candida / fungal mix a while back. I wonder if he could do that again?” He can do the mixture again for you. What is your last name Jo?
**Question:** Tito
**Answer:** Great if you wish to order the Colonaid again we can add the herbal mixture in. Would you like us to send an invoice and you pay on online?
**Answer:** that would be great thanks Sarah, my email [Email] You probably already have. I’ll pay that as soon as you send me the invoice, thanks!
**Answer:** How many Colonaids did you need?
**Answer:** x 2
**Answer:** I’ve been overseas and want to make sure I have a good clean out. I had a bit of diarrhea when I came back, just to make sure.
**Answer:** Sounds like it is just what you need – I will get it done now for you – keep an eye on your emails πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thanks!
**Answer:** All sent πŸ™‚
**Answer:** just paid thanks Sarah πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome thank you Jo – will get [Name] on the formula πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Kiaora Sarah, it’s Jo. Looking to buy a couple bottles of colonaid. Also [Name] made me up a candida / fungal mix a while back. I wonder if he could do that again?
**Question:** actually just on the website also looking at what things to eeat. Clove tea and tumeric
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** does the kit come with recipes
**Answer:** The user guide has recipes in it
**Question:** for everyday?
**Answer:** There are heaps of recipes under resources lots for every day
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Click here to see
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I am trying to book a day at Rimu Room Paraparaumu on the 8th of July but it says Feilding – shall I proceed?
**Answer:** It is next Monday at 11am please go ahead and we will correct it
**Question:** Thank you – will do.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have had two rather large tattoos over the past few years, I want to completely detox the chemicals/heavy metals caused from these. Can this cleanse do that??
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes the Ultimate Herbal Detox Program can do that for you
**Answer:** It has herbs that cleanse and remove heavy metals
**Question:** Is it more effective to do it over 2 weeks or a shorter time period? I am already very healthy other than the exposure to heavy metals from the tattoos
**Answer:** The best results will be by doing the 14 day cleanse
**Answer:** And following the diet plan
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program) It’s called the deep cleanse
**Question:** Okay fantastic, thank you for your help. Am I able to pick up one of these detoxes? My mum and I do one every year, I have been able to pick them up from Maungatapu in the past, is this possible instead of having one sent?
**Answer:** Yes you can pick one up we would just need to organise a suitable time. We can do it with the special We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club which gives 25% if you do it this week.
**Question:** Great, that would be wonderful. So what is the total amount the cleanse comes to?
**Answer:** It would be [Phone]
**Question:** Great, yes I will do that πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok when do you wish to pick up and what is your name?
**Question:** My name is Jessie, and Wednesday would work
**Answer:** Hi Jessie, what time on Wednesday?
**Question:** 1:30?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine
**Answer:** See you then
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I’ve just purchased the Detox online. I am in Auckland – when ca I expect the courier to arrive?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It will leave us tomorrow and should be there Tuesday. Latest Wednesday.
**Answer:** We will send the tracking details. It is sent by Fastway
**Answer:** Thank you πŸ™‚ It has been a while since I’ve last used it – probably 5 years (the 2 week detox). I presume the formula is the same (certainly the packaging looks familiar πŸ™‚ )
**Answer:** Yes it is 2weeks. It was lady updated in [Phone] around May so after then it will be the same.
**Answer:** Do you wish to download the user guide?
**Answer:** I can give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome get in touch any time
**Answer:** Thanks! have a good day!
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** How many boditune drinks per day when taking ultimate detox?
**Answer:** or range that is beneficial
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** You can have one or two drinks per day
**Answer:** It is good to have at least one meal in the evening
**Answer:** ok thanks – I can’t remember how many i have had today, might have had 2 already. I will have some soup
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hello, i am trying to re order the boditune 500g pots, they dont seem to be showing??
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We are out of stock at the moment due in during July
**Answer:** The sachets are the same if you need them quickly
**Question:** i was just wanting to get the 25% discount running in june, but dont need them urgently.
**Answer:** Mmm you might miss on the 25% as it finishes tomorrow
**Question:** Hon brett
**Question:** Erica here . I have used your detox previously .
**Question:** I M member of Bartercard and will pay by Bartercard .
**Question:** I am interested in the Detox programme .
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi morning
**Answer:** Yes you can buy in Bartercard through their website
**Answer:** I would like the Detox kit . Pls suggest long term plan . I am happy to take 4 capsules morning and 4 at night .
**Answer:** Mis that the one I get the one for [Price] which shows 4 bottles
**Answer:** That is the long term maintenance plan – it maintains regularity
**Answer:** Di I take 0ne capsule of each of the 4 bottles a day ?
**Answer:** Yes the detox has the 4 bottles
**Answer:** is that a one month plan
**Answer:** You take 1 from each bottle in the morning and the same at night before bed
**Answer:** It’s a 2 month plan
**Answer:** so that is 8 a day . If I get the 4 bottles , will it last a month ?
**Answer:** Can I take on empty stomach
**Answer:** I mean with a cup of tea as I normally do t have breakfast
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program) Yes 8 a day and it will last 2 months
**Answer:** Yes fine with tea in the morning
**Answer:** ok I will purchase on Bartercard website
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** shall I put my address here
**Answer:** Yes please do that and it can get Monday when you get your order through
**Answer:** Addtess
**Answer:** 5 Oakford Park crescent
**Answer:** 5 Oakford Park crescent, Greenhithe , north shore city , Auckland [Phone]
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Great thank you
**Answer:** Thanks Erica
**Question:** hi there, how are you?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** whats the June code??
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can use the code MIDYEAR25 for a 25% discount on any order
**Question:** hey brett, sorry to bother you friday night
**Question:** perfect, how long is that valid for?
**Answer:** No worries
**Answer:** Until Sunday
**Question:** perfect, i’ll definitely order before sunday, thankyou & have a great night
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** thanks, just ordered, [Phone], thanks again
**Answer:** Anytime, thanks for your order, will get it shipped first thing monday for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** perfect, enjoy the weekend
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hiya.. just started detox yesterday, feeling great so far. A couple of questions please. Is Soy milk ok in smoothies? Or only almond milk? Are seeds ok? ie sesame, pumpkin? Is coconut water/juice ok? Eggs? Thanks Raewyne
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Soy milk is great
**Answer:** No seeds are allowed sorry
**Answer:** Coconut milk, water, cream are all good
**Answer:** NO eggs unless you are doing the gentle one month plan, then once a week is OK
**Answer:** Fabulous thank you… my Hubby starts Tomorrow.. have a happy weekend
**Answer:** Hope it goes well, I’m here to help anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there I am looking at the Ultimate herbal detox and the price i [Price] .. how do I deduct the 25% off ?
**Answer:** You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club MIDYEAR25 at checkout and click the orange button ADD WE NO LONGER OFFER DISCOUNT COUPONS, BUT INSTEAD OFFER A VIP MEMBERSHIP WHERE YOU CAN GET. 50% DISCOUNT. CLICK HERE HTTPS://WWW.BRETTELLIOTT.COM/SHOP/VIP-CLENZ-CLUB
**Answer:** You need to go to the shopping cart, then click checkout, then you will see the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code area
**Question:** ok I have not gone far enough into process .. ta!
**Answer:** I am having trouble paying .. say there is a problem with website … I have entered my Visa twice.. are you having website problems .. ??
**Answer:** No problem that we know of, are you using a Visa or Mastercard?
**Answer:** visa have double checked number and security no ??? .. will give it another go then leave it .. will try again tomorrow.
**Answer:** You can message me your card number here and the expiry and CVV code in a text and I can process it for you at this end
**Answer:** I have sent you a text now
**Answer:** umm might have to do that .. Visa
**Answer:** Visa [Phone] [Phone]
**Answer:** Is your name on the front
**Answer:** C.M. Smith
**Answer:** Yes that went through fine, we will get it underway for you ASAP
**Answer:** It will get shipped first thing Monday morning and we will email you the tracking details
**Answer:** Thanks for the order
**Answer:** Awesome … many thanks for your help. MESSAGE TO COURIER Please leave parcel at front door INSIDE chilly bin. Ta!
**Answer:** Will do πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Enjoy your weekend … bye
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I’ve signed up for information but haven’t received the first email. I was after the cholesterol e-book
**Answer:** Hi Rachel
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** Can you advise what you signed up for?
**Answer:** I can check where it is at
**Answer:** lower cholesterol ebook
**Answer:** OK bear with me
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** That is very strange as it looks as though it has gone – I will email it to you directly. Please keep an eye on your spam folder in case it pops up there πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thank you – will do
**Answer:** All sent πŸ™‚
**Answer:** got it – thank you!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Morning
**Answer:** Thank you for the comments re [Name]’s seminar I will let him know πŸ™‚ Re Salmon – on the 14 day program is off the menu but on the 30 day it can be eaten.
**Answer:** Cool thanks also eggs with your salad to
**Answer:** Exactly the same as the Salmon πŸ™‚ (and chicken)
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome Amy πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** I take it that my order has moved to the shipping point and can you give approx.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** time line when I expect the product
**Answer:** Are you by any chance Robert?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** Ok it is ready to ship and is awaiting DHL. It normally takes 2 to 3 days as it is coming from New Zealand to California.
**Answer:** They will be picking up in about 2 hours
**Answer:** The tracking details should already with you from DHL so you can follow it.
**Question:** I am a single digit typing skills so be patient
**Answer:** All good πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thank You
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help any time πŸ™‚
**Question:** I will say good bye & a truly good customer support
**Answer:** Thank you, Bob πŸ™‚ appreciate your comments
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi will you guys be setting up an after pay account.
**Question:** It will just make things alot easier to purchase all the time
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hi I live in Chattanooga TN and I live with my youngest daughter and my 2year old granddaughter. My gums started itching and they became inflamed. My teeth started feeling weaker and weaker. On top of that there was a feeling that some microorganism was moving up and down my teeth. I also experienced dental pain so I went to the dentist. I was upset and scared that an organism was decaying my tooth and I couldn’t get it out
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Did they find anything?
**Question:** My dentist noted that i was on psychiatric medication and prescribed periodontal fluid and referred me back to my psychiatrist since he didn’t see anything. Of course the slimy worm would hide and when I got home caused me more problems
**Answer:** Have you seen a doctor to get checked out?
**Question:** Yes after I got some calming medication from my psychiatrist I went to my primary physician who couldn’t find anything wrong which was because I rinsed my mouth and brushed and spit out the worm and eggs. After I left my doctor I went to 2 ER rooms. One couldn’t find anything wrong and prescribed me know lidocaine d
**Answer:** Did you keep the worm and eggs you spat out to show the doctor?
**Question:** For pain and told me also to follow up with my doctor. The other ER found a worm and prescribed me penicillin which worked wonders. The worms that were burrowed understand my teeth fled to my throat and would go up and down my mouth avoiding mouthwash suffocation. So my dentist is now awaiting culture results from my primary physician and will treat my mouth.
**Question:** No I was by the sink and just spat them out.
**Answer:** You could do a parasite cleanse which will help by the sound of it
**Question:** Now I have itching around my anus and I can feel them moving . I had to wash some of the worms that was protruding through my skin but when I went back to the doctor they said it was normal like folliculitis. And would not prescribed me any more antibiotics since the vaginal test was negative. I am still waiting on the results if the oral culture but in the meantime….they could grow again
**Answer:** Our herbal detox is used for resolving parasites
**Question:** How do I get it?
**Answer:** You can download [Name]’s rebook too
**Question:** OK thanks for the advice and time
**Answer:** [Link](https://qd227-3b1502.pages.infusionsoft.net/)
**Answer:** This is the link to get the free book
**Answer:** It explains the program fully
**Answer:** Plus recommends certain foods
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** Hi Rose, Sarah here
**Answer:** Are you chasing your liquid formula?
**Answer:** It is on its way -:)
**Answer:** The courier got delayed yesterday and is picking up today.
**Answer:** Have started reading your book and I cried when I read the introduction re How our Heath system is failing our beautiful people. It was like reading words and thoughts from my own mind And the main reason why I left nursing. I lost belief and could no longer work in a system that I no longer believed in as I saw people getting sicker day in and day out inspite of Drs advice and medication.. so dreadfully heart breaking. And hi Sarah! . Im not chasing anything lol. .just wanted to say thank you x
**Answer:** Thank you Rose – I will pass on your thoughts to [Name]. It is heartbreaking and so sad that all the wonderful people in health care are having to do something which we’re sure they don’t want to. Many blessings x
**Answer:** would you mind if we added your comments to [Name]’s book page – we wouldn;t mention your name
**Answer:** Yes! But I couldn’t sell my soul just for the money anymore. Happy for you to use my comments..it’s about creating awareness and conversations. Love and blessings back x
**Answer:** Thank you I can feel you are a kind hearted soul
**Answer:** Lol. To my detriment at times in the past!
**Answer:** Have a wonderful afternoon. Beautiful winters day here in Blenheim x
**Answer:** Yes and you from a beautiful day in Tauranga xx
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah I was looking at boditune
**Answer:** Hi There, can I help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hello I have done [Name]’s detox about 6 times in the past when it was called the ultimate cleanse and sold through health house nz. I recently purchased the same cleanse pack and noticed [Name] is not affiliated with it now and the guidelines have changed. It is recommending that I can eat eggs chicken and fish while doing a ten day cleanse. Will this be harmful to me body if I follow this?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** [Name] hasn’t been involved with that one for about 9 years
**Question:** Hi there are you able to help me with my question?
**Answer:** We can but the detox you have has not changed fir 9 years
**Answer:** Eggs and chicken slow down the cleanse
**Answer:** We don’t recommend having them on [Name]’s 14 day cleanse
**Question:** Ok thanks so by slowing down the cleanse does that mean it could be harmful to my intestinal health?
**Question:** I swear I did the same cleanse about 3 years ago and it never said I could eat meat
**Answer:** Hi It’s [Name], No it won’t be harmful, it just slows the process down, it could make things a little uncomfortable. They are not following my original program
**Question:** ok thankyou for the info I’m really busy working at a construction site and if it’s not going to harm me I’ll probably have some chicken in my salad at lunch as I got really light headed last time. Thanks again your detox’s are great
**Answer:** youre welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I’m looking to purchase more of the BodiTune powder in the 500g pots. Are these still available, I can’t see them on the website anywhere? Thanks, Simone
**Answer:** Hi Simone
**Answer:** The pots are out of stock and will be another month. We can do the sachets with 25% instead
**Answer:** They are the same thing both in product and volume
**Question:** OK thank you, I’ll order those. I just prefer the pots as it’s less waste πŸ™‚
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to use is MIDYEAR25
**Question:** Thank you!
**Answer:** For 25% off
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello…just a query, as I have just started the detox programme…how many meals of vegies am I allowed during the day as have been feeling a tad hungry..Thanks Margaret
**Answer:** Hi Marg, you can eat as often as you like during the detox. It’s normal to feel a little more hungry in the first few days, then things should settle down
**Answer:** great…Thank you [Name]…so really, I could have a couple of smoothies a day & that yummy apple & yogurt
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** And as much fruit as you like
**Answer:** Thanks & have a great evening…oh ok…any sort of fruit except bananas..
**Answer:** Correct πŸ™‚
**Question:** Can you buy cleansed and cured at book shops?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It depends where you are.
**Answer:** It can be ordered from the retailers that don’t have it on the shelf.
**Answer:** Where is your retailer?
**Question:** okay i will be in Tauranga for holidays in mid july from overseas.
**Answer:** You could buy it from us and pick it up from here – we are in Tauranga. Otherwise, you may need to call the retailers or order it from them and wait for it to arrive.
**Question:** Okay I will contact you via email when I am in Tauranga in 3wks time.
**Answer:** Ok all good πŸ™‚ you could call us on [Phone] if you wish too. It is free.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good morning when doing the detox do you still have 3 meals a day? I am considering taking the Ultimate herbal detox which is on special at this time. πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You eat as you feel you need. πŸ™‚
**Question:** Ok so not too much drama .. one can continue to live ones life πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes πŸ™‚
**Question:** Ok I have just registered .. will have a wander around and see if I have any further questions. Thank you Have a great day. Carolyn
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** There is a lot of info under the resources pages – ebooks, recipes etc
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** looking at the boditune sachets versus boditune capsules….is the only difference the protein? is obe sachet same as 4 capsules?….
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes the only difference is the protein
**Answer:** Some prefer a drink version as it is filling and has the protein in it
**Question:** im goung to india for a few weeks and plan to cleanse when i get back….but also wondered about taking something as support while im away?
**Answer:** The capsules would be best for that easy to carry and take while you are away.
**Question:** or do you have a super immune and gut support for while in india?….
**Answer:** You could take the Colonaid while away as it is a great antiparasite and good for travelling
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/colonaid-anti-parasitic-120-caps)
**Question:** true…i was planning that for when i get back too. thanks!
**Answer:** Both of the capsules would be ideal for traveling
**Answer:** The BodiTune to keep things clean and the Colonaid to fit the parasites
**Answer:** Did you know we have a 25% Discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you can use this week?
**Answer:** If you use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club MIDYEAR25 at checkout it will give you the discount
**Question:** Great thank you
**Answer:** Anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there and happy Friday!
**Answer:** Thanks Rose
**Answer:** Received the herbal detox today feel very motivated. Am starting on 1st july as nxt week my daughter is home from Aussie and its my birthday week lol.. would you be able to still send me the tonic that you said id be able to have included as i paid full price.. hopefully you can recall our previous chat. I have also ordered your book. Have a wonderful blessed weekend
**Answer:** Hi Rosie, I must have forgotten to put it in your order. I will get on the courier on Monday. Sorry about that.
**Answer:** No worries at all…perhaps put with the book if that hasn’t been sent yet? Really appreciate it
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I was hoping to get my order today to have the chance to go to the market tomorrow but it won’t get here till tomorrow…
**Question:** so I was wondering if there is a list of ingredients I need to shop with
**Answer:** What is your name and I can check?
**Question:** Paola Llosa de Rowden (or just Rowden)
**Question:** Not sure how I signed up.
**Question:** also do I plunge into it on Monday or is it recommended to start with the program on the weekend?
**Answer:** Yes it has left us but will be there on Monday. I woud suggest downloading the user guide here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide) as it gives you all the info on food. There is also a page here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** You will need to do 3 days of taking certain foods out of your diet – so if you start that as per the User guide you can start taking the capsules on Tuesday which will help you at the weekend if you get any detox symptoms.
**Answer:** Elimination Diet:
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** The user guide can be emailed – would you like me to do that?
**Question:** Yes please just so I can get my head around it on the weekend.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I am here to answer any questions you may have πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I’ve just started the 14 day detox this morning. Is it normal to feel quite I’ll just after swallowing the pills? They were quite hard to get down and they are burning my throat. Unsure I will keep them down.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It is good to take the capsules with a warm drink to help you swallow
**Answer:** If you feel a little bit off then it is good to have some orange juice
**Answer:** It may take a little while for your body to adjust
**Question:** I’ve had a couple glasses of water to get them down. I couldn’t do it dry. Which pills can go in a smoothie without tasting too bad?
**Answer:** Water is cold and restricts your throat Best to use a warm tea to take them with.
**Answer:** The Colonaid are the ones you shouldn’t add to s smoothie
**Question:** Ahhhh ok I’ll try that tomorrow. Awesome thanks for your help. So all the others can easily go in the smoothie with it still being drinkable? Lol
**Answer:** The orange juice will improve the burning today if you have it
**Answer:** Yes they are fine in a smoothie – try [Name]’s berry smoothie
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/black-forest-berry-smoothie)
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi can I help
**Question:** I bought this detox program on Amazon, and I would like to know if I can take L-Glutamine Powder, zinc suppliments while on this detox?
**Answer:** Yes you can take those supplements with your detox πŸ™‚ you can actually take any supplements with our herbal detox.
**Question:** wonderful. thank you
**Question:** I hope this will work for me
**Answer:** What kind of result are you looking for? I can possibly help you with food choices to get a better result.
**Question:** I have been diagnosed with Crohns for over 6 years now, and I am determined to reverse it naturally
**Answer:** Okay have you checked out [Name]’s advice on the Crohn’s page of our website?
**Question:** I have read the ebook about Crohns by [Name].
**Answer:** Perfect you have all the best information. If you can follow the advice in the book you should get a nice result.
**Question:** I live in Jamica, and some of the recipes I am sure I won’t be able to find ingredients to make
**Question:** I’ll try to substitute where necessary.
**Answer:** If you are able to follow them as much as you can that would be great. You can always use a live chat here and ask advice from [Name] and the team at any stage they will be able to help you with food choices
**Question:** wonderful. I planning out my recipes and food plan this weekend, the off the the market I go.
**Question:** thank again. toodles
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi Kim
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** Kim from Taupo here, I’ve just placed an order for Ulitmate Slim, could you check it that’s whatI’m getting? According to email just received I’m getting the detox?
**Answer:** Ok bear with me and I will check for you
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** It is definitely a slim program πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Fantastic ! Thanks so much x
**Answer:** You are welcome it will be out to you soon x
**Answer:** Great service as always
**Answer:** aawww thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Please does [Name] have an affiliate system? Can I promote his products as an affiliate?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** We don’t currently have an affiliate system but you
**Answer:** Could email [Name] on [Email]
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** And ask what he can do.
**Question:** OK, thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hello, How can I help?
**Question:** What is your suggestion for helping migraine reduction? I am menopausal 51yrs and getting a migraine approx every 3 days. Eat gluten and dairy free as much as I can. Love my fruit and veges and dislike processed foods. I do not agree with and am sensitive to a lot of prescription meds. I take clinicians brand Migradol x3 daily and 5HTP. Wanted to run as fast as I can from my GP as suggesting beta blocker. My normal BP is around 100/70..say no more! I am slightly overweight and gained quickly with onset of menopausal symptoms
**Question:** Sorry not 5HTP…CoQ10..not thinking straight as currently have migraine. Desperate
**Answer:** Have you ever completed a detox program. I have found many people with migraines gained some relief after completing our 2-week detox program. It’s not a quick fix, but can give some long-term results. I would also recommend a combination of brain herbs in liquid form, which I can supply along with the detox. That would be a great combination.
**Answer:** Checkout the program here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Thank you..will check it out. Approx cost please..one off or ongong?
**Answer:** The detox is a one-off (annually) and costs [Price], but I have a 25% We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clube which you can use to get a discount this month, but the brain formula I would suggest using for 2-3 months, That would cost you $[Phone] per month.
**Answer:** The liquid is high concentrated practitioner only from my dispensary and would include, 200ml blend st john’s wort, valerian, bacopa, ginkgo, bacopa, feverfew, saffron, turmeric and licorice. You would take 5ml twice daily.
**Question:** That’s affordable for me as I really have spent well in excess of 1k seeking anything that may help me.
**Answer:** If you bought the Detox program at full price I would include the liquid formula for Free. Just click this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Awesome..thanks so much. Rose πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I will keep an eye out for your order
**Answer:** Are full instructions attached?…what to do dietarty wise in days prior to starting programme? Sorry…its the ex nurse coming out in me.. forever curious lol
**Answer:** Yes it comes with a full instruction booklet, you can download it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Here is a brief outline of instructions [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Trying to do order and it doesn’t have the full price..cannot remove the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club discount..help pretty please
**Answer:** let me check for you
**Answer:** Ok it is removed now
**Answer:** Not having any luck..We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club still applied. That will be ok but want the other product as well
**Answer:** Otherwise I can phone for help tomorrow?
**Answer:** Ok please try one more time, it looks like there was an error with that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, it should work OK now
**Answer:** Sorry about that
**Answer:** I will get your order underway tomorrow,
**Answer:** Job done.. you have been so helpful..im very grateful
**Answer:** You’re welcome, I hope you get great results, and I am always here to help. It would be good to talk again when you’re ready to start
**Answer:** You can also get 7 days of prep emails and coaching by signing up here [Link](https://brettelliott.lpages.co/leadbox/15597bdfc972a2%3A114bbf0d1746dc/5490224095690752/)
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** No prob now lol..all sorted
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Where do I buy tickets?
**Answer:** Let me give you a link, one second
**Answer:** just click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-live-mt-maunganui)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Would we be allowed to swap two ultimate detoxes for 2 of the slim detoxes and still get the 40% off?
**Answer:** Yes we can arrange this in your delivery, as the prices are the same, If you order 8 x detox we will put 2 x slim in the package in place of 2 x detox, to make up the 8 packs
**Question:** Ok thank you should I ring and order to arrange this or just write it in the notes when I order online?
**Answer:** If you order now I can make the notes for the dispatch team, as they will be packed this afternoon, no problem
**Question:** Ok do I just do it through the link you sent me?
**Answer:** Yes that will work perfectly
**Answer:** I will stay online if you need any help
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Question:** Sorry I will have to order in a few days I don’t have all the funds yet
**Answer:** I can give you a little more discount if that helps, like a 10% We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Question:** Oh yes please thank you I’m just a little short
**Answer:** Try this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club when you are at checkout SPECIAL10 then click “add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club”
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Question:** Thanks all done it’s ordered in the name of sheree if you could please swap two for the slim detox thank you very very much
**Answer:** Yes I see it now, I will get that sorted out for you today, thanks for your order, I hope it all goes well for you
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi just wondering if we buy 7 detoxes if there is a discount thank you
**Answer:** Actually we can give you a 40% discount if you buy 8 packs, let me give you a link
**Question:** Oh perfect thank you
**Answer:** Try clicking here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/8-x-herbal-detox-deal-save-40)
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good morning
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** Is the digezaid the same as [Name]’s original digestaid formula?
**Answer:** Let me check for you – I think it has been upgraded
**Answer:** It is now 120 capsules and has had the enzymes Bromelain and Papain added.
**Question:** Thank you. I’m buying it for my husband. The original one worked really well. I’ll get this and hope it works as well
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi does brett do hormone testing? or do you know where I can get one
**Answer:** HI There, we dont do that sorry.
**Answer:** I also don’t haver anyone I can recommend, sorry about that
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Question:** hellow
**Answer:** Hi there can I help?
**Question:** i would like to know milk thistle and its affect on high fat liver and high cholestrioll
**Answer:** One moment and we will give you a link to a useful page
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/milk-thistle-silybum-marianum-herbal-monograph)
**Answer:** Click on this link and it will give you all the details
**Question:** thanks
**Question:** are you online or robot answering
**Answer:** I am a real person
**Question:** thats good
**Question:** is there any other way to communicate with you
**Question:** like social media
**Answer:** You can email [Email] or go to our Facebook page. Search [Name]
**Answer:** We can answer questions here just like messenger
**Question:** this will be good i you recommend your massanger whatsup or viber
**Answer:** Here is better
**Answer:** What do you wish to know?
**Question:** because i am using hormons for body building and i need your recommendation
**Answer:** We can’t advise on that as it is not in our area of knowledge
**Answer:** We answer medical issues
**Question:** good can i ask your which country are you
**Answer:** New Zealand
**Question:** iam not want to make it long can i communicate with you through your personal media\
**Answer:** No it needs to be on here. This is where we support our customers
**Question:** so thanks have a good time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hello there do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi – i have done the detox before, but am thinking the boditue might work better for me at present, as had a virus and want to energise, cleanse & lose weight.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** The BodiTune is very gentle
**Answer:** It will boost your energy but the weight loss is much lower 1 to 3kgs over the month.
**Question:** ok. so might be best to do cleanse.
**Answer:** It is easier to do as it goes into drinks and smoothies πŸ™‚
**Answer:** The cleanse is the best πŸ™‚
**Question:** how much can i expect to lose doing cleanse? and can i also use the boditune while doing the cleanse?
**Answer:** 3 to 6kgs on average on the cleanse but more if your diet has been not been so good. Yes you can do them together. That combination is in the shop
**Question:** thanks. i will go shopping. as a previous customer are there any deals on ?
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program)
**Answer:** You can do it over 14 days πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I can give you a link to the user guide so that you can download it and find out the information you need
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Ok sure. Thank You
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Just click on the link and then enter your details the user guide will be emailed to you very shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** I forgot my password
**Answer:** What is your email address and I can reset it
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Bear with me
**Question:** I sam starting Detox tomorrow. I just want to know what to eat what not to eat . Where can o find information. Please let me know . I lost the booklet . Thank You
**Answer:** Your password is now Help54321
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello there, I would love to come to Bretz information evening in Mount Mangonui but unfortunately I work nights. I am really interested as my dad has suffered what was first diagnosed 40 years ago as colitis then they decided it was Crohn’s disease. Now after his yearly colonoscopy they have decided that as neither it is now diverticulitis. I really would like to help my dad as he has suffered for 40 years and basically sits at home where he is close to a toilet. I was wondering whether [Name] does individual consultations?
**Question:** thank you Cheryl
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes [Name] has a clinic in Maungatapu
**Answer:** He sees private patients on Tuesdays and thursdays
**Answer:** The full 1.5 hour consultation details can be seen in this page
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/visit-brett-elliotts-clinic)
**Answer:** Just cleanse click on the link
**Answer:** The consult is [Price]
**Question:** My issue would be getting my dad there, as he has tried so many remedies and medications he has had enough. My dad has a bad hat and has had two small strokes, so you can imagine the amount of pills he has to take on a daily basis. I was wondering if I could talk to [Name] and maybe he could help me out with Some safe herbal supplements that could help my dad?
**Question:** Sorry bad heart not hat
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** I’m here to help
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi,
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Understand your frustration – we do special offers occasionally
**Answer:** Now you are on the email list you will be able to see them as they come through.
**Answer:** Great to hear the cleanse went well.
**Question:** Absolutely – but for an offer for the month of June would have been helpful sent maybe the 1st of that month, I have been on the mailing list since December last year.
**Answer:** Yes, I agree will see how we can do that going forward.
**Answer:** You will have had a number offers then if you first purchased in December
**Answer:** Our previous offer finished on 31 May and this one started on 5 June
**Question:** Yes correct:) I will provide feedback once I have completed the program, as the cleanse was really good and not hard at all alot easier than when I done the first one 17 years ago and it was not yet in pill form.
**Question:** Have a great day.
**Answer:** Thanks you too
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Question:** Can I empty the capsules into juice rather than swallowing the capsules
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello, was wondering please if I could make an appointment..I am a woman of 6 years of age & feeling in need of a good going over!! I still work 34 hours a week.. & have Wednesdays & Fridays off…Thank you Margaret Penney
**Answer:** Hi Margaret
**Question:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** Let me check a date for you
**Question:** I am 66 years of age, sorry
**Answer:** I could do 11am on Friday 21st June – would that work?
**Answer:** May be a wee bit late as am privileged to take my grand daughter for her school visits from 9.30am till about 10.45am & were are you
**Answer:** OK I could do 12pm on the same day. My clinic is in Maungatapu Tauranga
**Answer:** I can send all the details if we can confirm the time and you give me your email address.
**Answer:** Great will see you then,.. [Email]… thankyou
**Answer:** Great – when I send the email there will be a link to click on and it will take you to a form to fill out details before you come along πŸ™‚
**Answer:** What is your phone number Margaret?
**Answer:** Thanks [Name], looking forward to getting on track…. [Phone]
**Answer:** Great see you then
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI There, Do you have afterpay or layby options?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Not at the moment but it is coming πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We should have it up and running within 6 weeks on our new updated website
**Question:** Am I able to visit in Maungantau to pick up some potein powder?
**Answer:** We are away at the feildays the rest of this week, but yes after that you could, although we only have the sachets in stock
**Answer:** The protien pots will be back in stock in around 6 weeks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi , I try to find the container with bodiTune. I think it was 500 gr and one bigger. Do you still have them available?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** My email is [Email].nz
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey sarah, just a note about the recent orders I got off you- a couple customers counted their pills (I don’t even know why) and the amount was really inconsistent. Missing pills in one bottle, extra’s in some of the others. So maybe you need to talk to the packaging department?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Where are your detox and slim tubs?
**Answer:** They are out of stock st the mo. Due back in 6 weeks.?
**Answer:** The sachets are still available
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hey an you take disprin while on the detox? I am in my second day and have a massive headache. I usually take disprin when I have a headache but unsure if it’s safe to do while on detox
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes it’s fine to take
**Answer:** The headache is normal
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Panadol is better
**Answer:** It will pass
**Answer:** It’s a sign of detoxing
**Question:** panadol does t really work for me πŸ™‚ yeah it’s a good headache that’s all I’m thinking off
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have type 2 diabetes ive had it since [Phone] i always have good control of it by eating right and exercising and end up getting pregnant
**Answer:** HI There,
**Answer:** Do you have a question I can answer?
**Question:** I have now had my tubes tied and am trying really hard to eat right again. I have just been told im on the border line of liver cancer. Ive lost 20kgs but told i need to lose another 20kgs. Is bitter melon good for these 2 diseases i have and how do i eat,drink the bitter melon
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** I’m sorry but I can’t really help you with that
**Answer:** We specialize in detoxing and provide detox and weight loss programs and advice on them
**Question:** Detox
**Answer:** Yes body cleansing for general health, you can see the program here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah,
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** ive got the detox kit, but I really don’t want to alter/my full diet
**Question:** im not eating unhealthy or processed foods
**Question:** and have stopped carbonated drinks
**Answer:** You can do the gentle plan which is a bit easier, but the results aren’t quite as noticeable
**Answer:** you can see the options here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** Great
**Question:** so I can continue with the detox 30 day option
**Question:** ?
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** You can eat a little fish, chicken, eggs, soft cheese and even some porridge, but only one of these each day
**Question:** Can your Detox system rid the body of various parasites like tapeworm, round worms, pin worms, flukes, etc.
**Answer:** Yes it is designed to do just that
**Answer:** Let me give you a link to our parasite page Collaboration on Seminar
**Answer:** Oops typo [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies)
**Question:** Thanks! Do you recommend your parasite cleanse if you feel that you have a parasitic infection?
**Answer:** Yes, I actually recommend completing a good parasite cleanse annually
**Question:** Thanks! Have had cleanses before but not one as thorough as your program sounds. If you suspect that you have round worms in your lungs or throat, what should I do? I know regular Dr’s can’t treat you if they cannot find anything, even though you are explaining all of your symptoms. And also have had extensive tests
**Answer:** Using program along with lots of hot mustard and wasabi will help. Also you should do steam inhalations of camphor and peppermint oils
**Question:** Thanks! The fact that I have irritable bowels, very very constipated, once I start the program, will there be any difficulty emptying my bowels? Even though I know that the cleanse has a laxative in it.More recently I have been having diarrea just lately.
**Answer:** The herbs are very healing for the digestive system, so the usual effect is regulating either way, so it should help you find balance long-term after completing the course. You can get a gentle cleanse but you should not experience a lot of diarrhea.
**Answer:** In saying that if you eliminate parasites then it can be a big clean out but should feel great
**Answer:** loose bowels indicate some kind of infestation, either parasites or imbalanced bacteria
**Answer:** either way, the program is designed to help
**Question:** Thanksli feel like it’s a wonderful program and cannot wait to get started. The only thing is, that I have schedule a colonoscopy in about 3 weeks in which I would have to get off of the cleanse program for at least 1 week before the procedure., Which would interrupt my progress.
**Answer:** They usually give a lot of powerful chemical laxatives before the colonoscopy so you would be better to do the herbal program a couple of weeks later
**Answer:** It usually takes about 5-6 days to arrive when ordered in the USA
**Answer:** Delivery is free of charge
**Question:** Okay thanks,i thought so which that makes a lot of sense. I’m just anxious to get well& feel better. Hopefully I can endure! I’m at the point where I’m getting pains in my chest, which from the symptoms, it’s the parasites. I can always go to the emergency room. Just hope that I haven’t waited too long. It’s very serious. Thanks for your help!
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** Sorry this is absolutely the last question! It sounds as though your program will help detox the body of Candida, and yeast also?
**Answer:** Yers thats correct
**Question:** Ok thanks very much! You’ve been VERY, VERY helpful! I’m ready to order later today! I’m signing off, goodnight!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** Hi I had requested for the Herbal Crohn’s ebook and put in the email details but haven’t got it.
**Answer:** OK let me give you a link
**Answer:** Try clicking here [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JEeArGOCBsiCchxQLoNIL1fNXAdUIBOd/view?usp=sharing)
**Answer:** It could also be in your junk folder
**Question:** Great!! Got it. Thanks [Name]
**Question:** Thanks for the ebooks. Loved the video
**Answer:** You’re welcome I hope it helps
**Question:** I hope it does. Thanks again πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I sent one
**Answer:** I can email you an invoice and you can make 6 installments, then we ship once the invoice is paid in full
**Answer:** The Herbal detox would be ideal for recovery especially if you follow it over one month
**Question:** ill be back I’m dropping my daughter of to school n have no mb data
**Answer:** All good talk soon
**Question:** Yes please, how?
**Question:** much weely
**Question:** Can I pay in six small amounts? I’m a worker, I’ve had six surgeries last year
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes we can help
**Answer:** I can email you an invoice and you can make 6 installments, then we ship once the invoice is paid in full
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there – where are the big BodiTune smoothie containers (not the sachets, the 500g and 1kg containers)? Thanks
**Question:** I can’t see them in the shop
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We are currently out of stock
**Question:** Oh bummer – a friend was going to bring them back to the UK for me
**Answer:** We do have the sachets
**Question:** As I find the sachets too much plastic and packaging
**Answer:** At the same prices
**Question:** When are they due back in?
**Answer:** They will be about a month. We rejected 2 of the herbs through through quality checking process
**Answer:** The sachets can be taken out of the plastic box from transportation
**Question:** Are the sachets recyclable as paper?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Sorry they aren’t
**Answer:** Would you like us to get in touch when they are ready?
**Question:** Yes please – I might buy a smaller amount in the meantime so my friend can bring some across
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Ok what is your name and email address?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I just purchased aBoditune system today. Can I mix the powder with Kangen alaline 9.5 water
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can do that it will be fine
**Question:** Thank you .I have been reading on the website. This is great information
**Answer:** Thank you glad you are enjoying it.
**Question:** I know it doesn’t cure but are there any results for liver cancer
**Answer:** I can’t say specifically. The program does however give the liver a complete clean so it certainly wouldn’t do any harm.
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I am happy to help you any time just ask as I am a real person πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello I can help you at any time. I am a real person πŸ™‚
**Question:** Hi, I’m interested in this program but don’t know where to start. Realizing all things to improve your health will take progressive steps. What is the first step if you have a parasite problem and you want to get to the root of your problem very. very soon?
**Answer:** Ok I can help there
**Answer:** The program to do is the Ultimate Herbal Detox
**Answer:** It has the parasite herbs in it plus herbs that cleanse all areas including taking heavy metals away
**Answer:** This is the one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** If you use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code PARASITEBONUS you get the extra product free for the follow-up
**Question:** Thanks, sounds good! I will check this out! Which of the free downloads would you suggest at this time? Are there any testimonials to read from people with similar problems
**Answer:** I can give you the link to download the parasite ebook and the user guide
**Answer:** Parasite ebook here [Link](https://qd227-3b1502.pages.infusionsoft.net/)
**Answer:** And user guide here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Just click on the link to open the page
**Question:** Thanks! When ordering the cleanse that I need, how long will it take for my order to arrive?
**Answer:** The reviews are a challenge they are written by real people and we don’t edit them. You could try the search at the top of the page and put in parasite and see what come up πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Where do you like?
**Question:** How do I update my info?
**Answer:** Sorry live?
**Answer:** You can order via the website and you add your info in there then. Where do you live? I can advise the delivery time then.
**Answer:** Delivery is normally 3 to 5 days maximum – we ship via DHL so you can track it all the way. Delivery is free if you are in the USA, AUS or NZ.
**Question:** Thanks, I live in Atlanta, Georgia. Do you guarantee your products if not satisfied? Thanks, you have been very helpful! Have a goodnight!
**Answer:** There is a 100% guarantee on a number of health issues
**Answer:** Goodnight πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Looking to puchase a blender and wondering which one is the quietest?
**Answer:** LOL they are all about the same but the smaller one is possibly just a wee bit quieter.
**Answer:** LS-588F
**Answer:** So … likewise the cleaning of each would be similar to each other
**Answer:** Yes similar – the big difference is the volume it will do
**Answer:** The larger one is great for families
**Answer:** Note they have Australian plugs so adapters necessary
**Answer:** It is 2litre versus 1.5litre – no adapter required it comes with NZ plug
**Answer:** Sounds good – I’ll make a decision shortly
**Answer:** Will the mid year discount apply
**Answer:** All good and yes it will apply
**Answer:** Thanks a lot
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Stephen
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, am I allowed to use canned vegetable broth for making soup?
**Answer:** Im on the 2 week detox program
**Answer:** hi Corey
**Answer:** Canned is processed but you can make soup from scratch
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome – try [Name]s pumpkin soup its stunning!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello there, the ingredients specify fresh cream, but in the method it mentions sour cream. Whick do you use please
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes sour cream is ok πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hey… are there specific serotonin producing food… like with gut health
**Answer:** As in 90% of the serotonin involved in mood management are found in the gut
**Answer:** Cherries and mushrooms are both good
**Answer:** Or is that more the pre and probiotics
**Answer:** Ah okay…just trying to get the brain/heart/gut thing sorted for these classes I am working on
**Answer:** I miss cherries…. I ate a ton load in the summer
**Answer:** Lavender is good for dopamine which is also relaxing
**Answer:** Peppermint may be supportive
**Answer:** Yes… dopamine and serotonin are the main hormones we need. I dont want to go to deep at this stage
**Answer:** This ones good [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/mushroom-stroganoff)
**Answer:** I am also seriously considering signing up for the HeartMath Tutor classes. That is all around resilience and sound exciting as it is Heart/Brain/Gut related
**Answer:** Like the look of that recipe…… Yummo
**Answer:** I will let you go. Thanks for your help
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Thanks [Name]
**Answer:** This is meant to be about Animal Communication but to be honest if people are not able to connect with themselves they have little change of being able to intuitively connect with anything….
**Answer:** True
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I purchased the Ultimate Herbal detox about a month ago now and have been waiting for a good time to start. But I have now misplaced the booklet and I am hoping you might either have a spare copy or a PDF you could send me of the different options/ recipes etc. Can you help me? thanks Maria
**Answer:** Hi Maria
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Yes you can download it. Let me give you a link to click on
**Question:** that’s fantastic – I want to start Friday. thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You can also see recipes here just choose the program you are doing from the drop down
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** Hi – I have what I think is an aloe in my back yard but I am loathe to use it in case it’s not the correct one. (as per eating ‘any old mushroom’). How do I know for sure it’s safe and got the polysaccharides I’d like? Thank you. Helen (Wellington)
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** You would have to get a local expert to check it for you.
**Answer:** You would need to get the botany of the plant looked at
**Question:** …do ou mean a gardening expert? thanks.
**Answer:** A gardening expert or a botanist
**Question:** Just watched your video, and I didn’t see mentin of how to know which plant is the correct one.
**Answer:** We aren’t doing botany, you would need to get your plant checked out. [Name] purchased his and nurtured it.?
**Question:** Okay, thank you. Appreciated.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Do you ship to the USA?
**Answer:** Yes it’s free
**Answer:** Very quick via DHL
**Question:** Great, thank you! I just discovered [Name] Elliot’s website, so I’ll read more about his protocols.
**Answer:** Excellent enjoy
**Answer:** Happy to help any time
**Question:** Which product should I begin with? I’m trying to be cost efficient so I am unable to do everything.
**Answer:** The ultimate herbal detox is the one to go with first. It gives excellent all-round results
**Answer:** Do you have a specific goal in mind?
**Question:** Not necessarily… just overall health and weight loss. I have Hashimotos so it’s difficult to lose weight due to elevated antibodies. It’s a catch 22! I’ve done detoxes before, but I would like a product that’s clean and pure without extra additives (whey, soy protein isolate, gluten, etc.)
**Answer:** Okay it sounds like a detox would be the ideal program. It is all natural herbs and you use the foods alongside the herbs to get the results. It is a full:, kidney, intestine’s and liver cleanse. Plus it detoxes heavy metals and also parasites. On the page you can download the user guide to have a look at some of the recipes.
**Answer:** Most people do the detox over 14 days.
**Question:** That’s what was appealing to me: the fact that he uses herbal remedies! I’m on the “slim” page now. Where would I find the user guide? I’ve been tested for heavy metals and parasites… all negative! However, I haven’t done an herbal detox. Since I’m in the US, can I only order through Amazon?
**Answer:** Let me give you the user guide page
**Question:** I found the user guide and recipe booklet!
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** You can order on our website all Amazon it is totally up to you πŸ™‚
**Question:** Okay, great! I’m excited to get started! I found you all by searching information for a friend related to Crohn’s disease. Apparently it was also meant for me. πŸ™‚ Have a good night. Thank you for your help!
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** I have printed the boditune book
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I see now what to do
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** When I am on the boditune is it ok to eat x 3 times per day from the food guide and take 2-4 smoothies a day ?
**Question:** Hi I seem to have worked it out reading the guide – :)))
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi,
**Question:** I have the satches of the powder
**Question:** we have x 2 boxes and I am not sure how to use them, what I mean if I do a 2 week cleanse how many satches do I dribker per day ?
**Question:** Which book would be good to follow that I can down load ?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** I have been struggling with extreme tiredness, low energy.Just generally unwell constantly and have done the detox with the tablets but will use up the powder satches, they are still current and not expired which is good.Sorry for all the questions .
**Question:** The tablet detox was 2 years ago and gained some good results.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. I bought the detox
**Question:** I wanted to start tomorroe
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** but I haven’t done the prep
**Answer:** OK
**Question:** can I just go ahead do you tbink
**Question:** i wanted to start over long werkend
**Answer:** It all depends on your diet
**Question:** its not great
**Question:** as in bad
**Answer:** If you eat mainly fruits and vegetables you will be fine to start. If not it is best to do the prep
**Question:** bugger can I just do it for one day?
**Question:** What can I get away with
**Answer:** Your body may respond drastically to the change in diet and the capsules straight away.
**Answer:** What have you eaten today?
**Question:** steak and salad for dinner McDonalds sausage roll
**Question:** chocolate
**Answer:** Oh dear
**Question:** I know
**Answer:** I think you will need to do at least 2 days of prep before you start the capsules
**Question:** ok
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** I don’t want to have your body go into a bit of shock due to the diet change and capsules
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok! Dammit. Thanks
**Question:** see you
**Answer:** Let us know how you go
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I dont know why but I cant seem to download the cholesterol e-book. I have tried numerous times both from the emails and the website
**Answer:** Hi Glenys
**Answer:** Let me check for you but first have you checked your spam folder it may have popped in there.
**Answer:** Hi Glenys, I can see you have opened the email however did you click on the button to open it?
**Answer:** The button was on the email yesterday.
**Answer:** Normally when I download something like this it comes up on the bottomleft hand corner of my computer and I can either open or save but I cant seem to get anything up
**Answer:** I can send a PDF version if you can’t find it.
**Answer:** Thankyou
**Answer:** Will send now for you.
**Answer:** Just left should be with you soon
**Answer:** Thankyou very much it has come and I will find time to read over the weekend.
**Answer:** Awesome – have a lovely weekend πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** How does the slim detox work?
**Answer:** Do you mean the BodiTune program which has both Detox and slim herbs?
**Question:** How quickly? I am looking to lose weight as fast as I can. As I have put a load for weight on really quickly. I’m always hungry. I also take thyroxine. Is it ok to do this with that?
**Question:** brett Elliot one
**Answer:** The Herbal Detox is the place to start
**Answer:** It gives about 3 to 6 kgs in 2 weeks
**Answer:** And can be more
**Answer:** I can give you a link
**Question:** yss pleade
**Answer:** Click here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** is it ok to take when taking thyroxine
**Answer:** Yes it is fine to take with that
**Answer:** It is very safe
**Answer:** You can download the user guide too
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Download it via the link
**Question:** And it’s for 2 weeks?
**Question:** And this is better than the slimming one?
**Answer:** That is the best way to do it
**Question:** and do I still eat too
**Question:** or is that less
**Answer:** If you have never done a detox you should do the detox first
**Question:** like having protein powder etc
**Question:** ok will do
**Answer:** If you want to lose more afterwards then the slim is the one
**Answer:** You need to get your body working well first and lose the internal fat
**Question:** do I just eat normally at the same time
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** The slim then works on cravings and blood sugar levels
**Answer:** The diet is fruit and vegetables
**Question:** ok cool.
**Answer:** The user guide shows heaps of recipes plus
**Question:** Thanks for your help. I’ll gave a look at the info more
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** There are heaps on the website
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I ve paid for my invoice INV-[Phone]
**Answer:** i replied to your email too
**Answer:** just letting you know
**Answer:** We’ve seen that, we can ship it tomorrow
**Answer:** Appreciated
**Answer:** Do you think it will get there by tomorrow night?
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** My brother to hand carry on his way to the island Sat morning
**Answer:** No it would be Tuesday morning delivery
**Answer:** Oh ok
**Answer:** His wife need to post then
**Answer:** You could pick up from us in tauranga
**Answer:** Im in the island
**Answer:** No problem
**Answer:** whats the fee if i want to deliver tomorrow?
**Question:** I’m doing apples is this good
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Thank u very much
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** By the way I wish I could video it to u I’m a diabetic an cancer will it help me any with those problems
**Answer:** Yes it can help with all of those problems
**Question:** How often should I use it.
**Answer:** It would best to use about 25-50ml of the liquid gel every day for long-term until you have recovered, then use 20ml each day after that
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** How many times b4 it start working going to the bathroom I have to drink
**Answer:** It varies greatly from person to person, and also on the source of Aloe that you use, but it can be within a few days, although aloe is generally gentle unless you take a large dose
**Answer:** like 100ml-200ml daily
**Question:** I have 1 LG piece an a lemon an honey will just that will it work
**Answer:** You would probably need to do it for several days to get a good effect
**Question:** So what I have is good enough
**Answer:** It could be if you can repeat it each day for a few days
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Your Slim program for [Price] how long does it last for
**Answer:** Hi Linda,
**Answer:** There are a couple of options, depending on the dose you take
**Answer:** Most people seem to respond well to the one month program
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I was just checking to see if I could see the progress of my orders but I can’t see them mentioned in my order history. I made 2 orders a week ago through live chat and my husband paid through PayPal.
**Answer:** Hi Debra,
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Can I come back to you I can email as soon as I have caught up with the warehouse staff
**Answer:** Ok, thanks Sarah
**Answer:** Hi Debra are you still there?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi which would be most effective for weightloss the herbal slim or ultimate detox..want to lose about 6 kg..thanks..is the ultimate detox 7 day effective fpr tjos?
**Answer:** Depends on your diet – it is is good the Herbal Slim over one month
**Answer:** If your diet is not so good then the Detox over 14 days
**Answer:** If you have not done our detox before it is best to do it over 14 days.
**Answer:** Does this answer your question?
**Question:** I am already great with my diet my only down fall is alcohol..although getting better I also exercise everday running and walking kids to school for ..I have done ultimate detox before was good just want to get excess water etc out to feel good seems not to budge and I drink 3 litres of water a day no carbs no sweet
**Answer:** OK so it sounds like the Herbal Slim is the way to go for you from what you have described.
**Question:** how much can you lose on this and can you have the odd drink? sorru for questions
**Answer:** People normally lost between 3 and 5 kgs over 14 days but it can be as much as 10kgs if the smoothies are used. Yes you can have the odd drink. oh and the odd coffee
**Answer:** There is great info here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-faqs)
**Question:** sorry what is the diff with the detox n slim drink? so you think 1 month on slim will do it?
**Answer:** Sarah stepped away, but I can answer for you
**Answer:** Actually, the herbal detox is better for initial weight loss than the herbal slim for that firat 5-6kg
**Answer:** The detox n slim drink is more gentle and slower with weight loss, but makes a great companion with the detox to help eat less food and feel more energetic
**Answer:** I would recommend the Herbal detox over 14 days with the detox n slim drink alongside, with a goal of 5-6kg weight losss
**Answer:** Here is a great combo [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program)
**Question:** so the herb detox will get that pesky 5 kilo off can you have a drink if have to eg alcohol on it or not
**Answer:** ideally not for best result, but is OK to have a sneaky one if you must, it won’t completely ruin things, better results without any alcohol though
**Question:** thank you there are so many diets around but I would rather know whats going in my body and not starving myself..will order now
**Answer:** You’re welcome anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi There
**Question:** how to add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** You go to the checkout to where you add in your shipping details and it is just above shipping details
**Answer:** You have to checkout so a bit further than where you are now πŸ™‚
**Question:** Please enter a code.
**Answer:** Yes just type in the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Question:** ok Thank you
**Answer:** I will watch and make sure you are ok πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you Ben – we will get your order moving for you and send the tracking details.
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi how much weight can you lose doing the 14 day fast ultimate detox thanx
**Answer:** hi there
**Answer:** Most people lose between 3 and 6 kgs
**Answer:** but it vcan go as high as 10kgs depending on your body
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, where are your products manufactured?
**Answer:** In Auckland New Zealand
**Question:** Hi [Name], thanks for that. I just foudn that info in the fine print.
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** Are the products tested for purity and ingredient strength, etc?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** They are tested for quality and any heavy metals etc
**Answer:** They are tested for purity, heavy metals, pesticides and bacteria etc but we don’t do chemical analysis for actives, the herbs are pretty standard within the industry and we don’t make any claims for active constituents
**Question:** Perfect. Thanks for that. Cheers.
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** I do this cleanse each year and last time I ordered it took sometime to arrive. If I order today will it be posted out today. I would like to start on Tuesday. thank you.
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** Yes it can go out today if you order straight away. The courier comes at 11am πŸ™‚
**Question:** Perfect, ordering now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Excellent I will follow it for you πŸ™‚
**Question:** All done. So excited to start this again
**Answer:** Awesome We will get the tracking details out as soon as it leaves πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Sir
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** This is my email sir .. [Email]
**Answer:** Thank you sir .
**Answer:** We dont understand Russian either
**Answer:** You dont have our product if its in Russian
**Answer:** Its ok sir .. i want you to see if it is safe or not .
**Answer:** I can’t help if its not our product I’m sorry
**Answer:** You need to find the manufacturer
**Question:** Hi , may name is christian jade orteras 22 years old from philippine i want to ask how to take detoxic capsule , ? Thank you .
**Answer:** Hi Christian, Let me give you a link to click
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** This page explains how to do it [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Thank you sir .. do you have facebook account sir brett ? Can i adda you on facebook to chat and ask more question about this product ?
**Answer:** Better to talk here if you have questions
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** I already buy the detoxic capsule but i’m scared to take this product .
**Answer:** It is safe to take, and you can start slowly to see how you feel for a few days
**Answer:** But can i take one capsule daily ?
**Answer:** I can’t understand the word in the box of detoxic because its a russian word
**Answer:** Yes you could take one of each for 2-3 days and see if you feel ok, then increase by one every few days and it will still help
**Answer:** It does not sound like our product, because we dont print in russian packaging
**Answer:** Yes .. sir i see that .. sir please can we message on email .. i will send you the picture of this product
**Answer:** You can attach a picture to this chat using the attach button below
**Answer:** Yesterday it is
**Answer:** Sorry yes it is
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Predictive text!
**Answer:** It is about 5 times more gentle than the capsule detox or slim programmes
**Question:** And there isn’t any eating restrictions with doing detox. Mainly just as clean as possible ?
**Answer:** Yes that is correct
**Question:** awesome thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome. Happy to help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hey Sarah I’m interested in the boditune detox. I read that it is a mix of the detox and slim is that correct
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** what food to take
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** If you look further down towards the bottom of the page you will see the recommended diet plan
**Answer:** Did you need some help Amy?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** If I detox can it reduce acid reflux
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes it can do that very well
**Answer:** It reduces the inflammation which causes the issue
**Question:** What is bloating
**Answer:** Let me get you the article which will help you
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Just click on this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-help-bloating-gas) the article has the definition
**Question:** If I detox can I loose a bit of my belly
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Answer:** Usually about 4 to 5 kgs
**Question:** Citroma is good
**Question:** How often should a person detox
**Answer:** It’s a chemical we are all natural
**Answer:** Twice per year
**Answer:** Autumn and spring
**Question:** Ok what must I use to detox properly
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox Program plus follow the diet.
**Answer:** This program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Ok thanks have a great day
**Answer:** You can download the user guide via this page
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, just wondering if there is a discount offered to customers who have purchased a product before and have an account? Thanks!
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We have to [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club fir orders of 120 or over. Please use SHAPE45
**Answer:** It is valid until 31 May
**Question:** Ok great, thanks!
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi, ive been doign the ultimate cleanse and will finish in a few days, i have a kit of the Slim, and thought to continue on…..is the diet the same? ive been really strict and although that great, i would like ot be able to eats eggs for breakfast sometimes! and a bit of chicken, tempeh etc sometrimes….
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The Slim diet is a little easier – you can have fish, eggs, and chicken, however, try to have them just once per week πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok….what about a coffee now and again?!!!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** looking for a homeopathic parasite detox that works for humans and dogs
**Answer:** Hi there – we just do the worlds best human herbal parasite cleanse
**Answer:** We don’t work with animals sorry
**Question:** Thx!
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah. I am a chiropractor. I have purchased a few UHD kits over the past 2 years. I just wanted to confim that the price is [Price] plus shipping?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** What is your name and I can check for you
**Question:** Dr Chad ESaiah
**Answer:** Ok bear with me
**Answer:** They are [Price]plus gst plus shipping. As per your last order
**Question:** ok thanks Sarah
**Question:** I will place an order this week
**Answer:** Ok great I will let [Name] know
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello – I’m trying to order the BodiTune – Detox ‘n Slim 500g Pot (DSB500) but can’t find it on the site anymore. Is it still available?
**Answer:** It has sold out at the moment, and should be back in a few weeks, but we have a couple of 1kg pots lef
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get [Price] off that one
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot)
**Answer:** You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club SHAPE45 to get the discount at checkout
**Question:** Oh yes please. I’m just trying to avoid the sachets as they have too much packaging
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI there. My 10 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with a medulloblastoma brain tumour. The tumour has been removed and she is about to begin radio and chemo therapy. I have been reading up on a website called kickcancermovement.org the benefits of detox and dietary support through the treatments and wondered if [Name] can assist in this process
**Answer:** HI There, It’s [Name]
**Answer:** Yes I have treated people in the past going through these treatments and the detox can be beneficial before and after chemo and also during radiotherapy
**Answer:** It can usually help reduce the side effects
**Question:** my daughter is only 10 so I don’t think she will cope with your normal detox program.
**Answer:** OK, then it would need to be a gentle program, but it can be done, with lots of smoothies, soups, fruit and salads, along with a low dose of the herbs
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** im about to finish the ultimate cleanse in a couple days and thought to continue on into the slim….id still like to lose more weight…is the diet for the slim the same? or can i eat a few things again like eggs….a treat now anf again….! ill tey to dtay off coffee….but i might have one now and again is that going to be ok?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Morning
**Answer:** It can happen. It is your body moving the toxins around and pulling them out.
**Question:** Okay thanks
**Answer:** Please keep in touch with us and lettuce know how you go.
**Question:** Thankyou!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We are here to help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I’m doing my 4 days lead in of taking 20 pills I forgot to take them this morning will it stuff it up if I take them tonight or should I go home and take them
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It is ok to take them tonight as long you take them πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Best to set your phone to remind you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** 3
**Answer:** Sorry don’t know what you mean.
**Answer:** Do you have a question?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi again Sarah, thanks for all your help this morning. I have received your invoice for the 2 orders. Unfortunately because things took a little longer than expected my husband had to leave for work and won’t be back till around 4pm Brisbane time to do the PayPal payment. But this will definitely be done this afternoon. Hope this is suitable for you. Cheers, Debra K
**Answer:** Yes of course that’s fine
**Answer:** Great. Thank you. πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** I can’t see the price of the 500g Boditune on your website
**Answer:** Maybe I am just having a moment lol
**Answer:** It’s just been sold out and could be 6-8 weeks before they’re back in stock, we have a couple of 1kg pots left though
**Answer:** Holy Shite
**Answer:** You can’t run out of this product ekkkkk
**Answer:** I know we ordered [Phone] pots buts it running late
**Answer:** OK so I have a 500g and a client is asking or a price. How much would it be
**Answer:** In a perfect world ol
**Answer:** lol
**Answer:** They are [Price] but the sachets are also 500g per pack
**Answer:** oh so not a lot of difference really
**Answer:** No not at all
**Answer:** BTW… can you make sure my shipping address is 2 Victoria Ave, Whakatane plz
**Answer:** Yes absolutely
**Answer:** Hannah intercepted my last order … by time I worked that out she was well into a Detox and so far has put a mere [Price] into my account
**Answer:** Bloody Kids aye
**Answer:** Oh no so sorry
**Answer:** No worries
**Answer:** Not your fault
**Answer:** I should have been more observant lol
**Answer:** Better dash…. heading off to make sure I dont miss out on some veggie soup
**Answer:** Our fault we should have switched the address back
**Answer:** Nice
**Answer:** All good….
**Answer:** Yup I know. Having the local fruit shop soup maker on your detox defo has advantages
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, ive just started the detox and finding it hard to have coffee. are you allowed coffee will that ruin the detox?
**Answer:** Yes coffee is fine
**Question:** what about mochas?
**Answer:** Not so good
**Question:** Haha so just normal coffee with soy milk is okay?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** is normal milk okay in it too? sorry for the questions
**Answer:** Yes that’s ok too
**Question:** Thankyou
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Debra, I could call you and do the order over the phone if that works for you?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I was hoping to pay by PayPal
**Answer:** Yes we can do that by sending you a payment request via email.
**Answer:** If you just let me know what you wish to order I can take off the discount and we can send you a PayPal request to the email address linked with your PayPal account and then you can pay it and we can dispatch πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We have our IT team looking at the issue but it might not be resolved quickly.
**Answer:** Ok then. The email address attached to the PayPal account is my husband’s so I will need you to copy it to my email address as well. Shall I just type the info in this live chat box?
**Answer:** Please let me know what you wish to order via the Live Chat plus your husbands email and we can get it going. Is the delivery address the same as your other orders?
**Answer:** Sarah, can I use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club on twoj separate orders each over [Price]?
**Answer:** If you did 2 orders then yes you can
**Answer:** We would send them altogether though
**Answer:** Ok then! Could I have one order of 3 boxes of the BioGaia Probiotics please, and one order of an Alka jug (blue if possible), a replacement filter cartridge, and another box of the BioGaia probiotics please.
**Answer:** [Email] is my husbands email and mine is [Email]
**Answer:** Great will get moving – we only supply x white jug
**Answer:** That’s fine. White is great.
**Answer:** Will send that through in around 30 minutes
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi just wondering with the slim is there any fruit/vegetables that can not be eaten
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Not really you can have any of them.
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi just had a question about the slim program
**Answer:** Hi there. Fire away I can help.
**Question:** The book says “Take two capsules of each product (total 8 capsules) twice daily, morning and night or take one capsule of each product (total 4 capsules) four times daily 1⁄2 before food (this will work slightly better)” will taking the four capsules four times daily meaning 16 would you still have enough capsules for the length of the program
**Answer:** Yes they are both 16 capsules per day so the same amount
**Question:** Awesome thanks, do you know why taking them as four lots works better?
**Answer:** Taking them half an hour before food reduces your appetite a little and this is why it works slightly better.
**Question:** Ahh awesome thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi again [Name], I’ve now tried several new browser attempts on NZ dollars and even a different search engine but the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club won’t redeem. Would you like me to leave ordering it till tomorrow? And Sorry to disturb your Sunday. πŸ™
**Answer:** Must be a technical issue, The other option is we can give you a refund immediately;y for the [Price] NZD
**Answer:** If you go ahead and order I will refund you now
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** [Name] I will have to try and order again later. I am logged in but now the site doesnt have any of my details and I have to go.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I tried a new browser and whole new order but it won’t redeem the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.
**Answer:** It’s struggling with AUD, can you change your currency to NZD at the top right of your page
**Answer:** Then it will work
**Answer:** Hi Debra
**Answer:** We’ve just got your message.
**Answer:** Just had to reset the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for Aussie dollars, it should work now
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, it still doesn’t work.
**Answer:** Please bear with us we are getting it checked for you
**Answer:** Quick Question did you start again with an order through a new browser?
**Answer:** If not can you do a new order through a new browser
**Answer:** No, was I supposed to?
**Answer:** It might be that your computer cookies might be remembering the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club didn’t work
**Answer:** Yes please if you can thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi a friend told me there was a [Price] discount offer at the moment I’d love to use this to try this product, she had good things to say about it!
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Great to hear do you have the code?
**Question:** No that’s why I’ve contacted you to see if there is a discount code I can apply
**Answer:** If you order over [Price] you can get [Price] off using code SHAPE45 all capitals
**Question:** Fantastic thanks very much!
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help any time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can you have salted peanuts on the steady 1 mth detox
**Answer:** Yes, but just a small handful, not a whole bag
**Answer:** Even Better to have raw nuts if possible
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi, i have just purchased the boditune sachets, would i be better going with the detox or the slimming package alongside the sachets?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It all depends on your goal.
**Answer:** What do you want to achieve?
**Question:** i need to lose 7 kilos
**Answer:** Ok have you done a cleanse in the last 12 months?
**Question:** no
**Answer:** If you haven’t it’s best to go with the detox alongside the sachets
**Question:** so why not the slim?
**Answer:** Because the detox resets and reboots the metabolism and digestive system. Most lose 4 to 5 kgs on it
**Answer:** From internal weight loss
**Question:** ok cool, so is it more effective then , than the slim option?
**Answer:** The Herbal Slim works on boosting metabolic rate and controlling cravings. And it works better after the detox.
**Answer:** Esssentially yes in the beginning
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Happy to help any time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi, im doing the ultimate detox…..is it ok to still take a powdered magnesium supplement?
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine
**Question:** ok great thanks
**Question:** and probiotics, is it best to start them now or after ive finished all the herbs?
**Answer:** You can start them anytime actually, and they work fine alongside the herbs, but it’s always good after the detox
**Question:** could you reccomend a brand of probioitcs you think is best?
**Question:** ive used inner health before….ive had a history of parasites so my gut has been a on a hard joutrney….
**Answer:** Yes we actually supply the best, let me give you a link
**Question:** thankyou
**Answer:** click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/bioagaia-probiotic-l-reuteri-200-million)
**Question:** dairy free?…
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** This culture was developed from human breast milk, and that’s why it’s so good at taking hold of the human digestive system
**Question:** ok great , i already have some to use up first, the radiance brand ones and it has about 15 strands on it 100billion…..any good? or a bit general….?
**Answer:** That would be a good start, then you could always follow it with the L-reuteri to finish the job
**Question:** Hi there,
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Question:** Just wanted to confirm that The Ultimate Herbal Detox has NO spirulina
**Answer:** That is correct, no spirulina, it is used in the Xtrafood product in the Herbal SLIM, and it is in the BodiTune drinks, but is not used in the Herbal Detox Program
**Question:** Great!
**Question:** I wonder if I could ask your opinion on something…….. I was on the Ultimate Herbal Slim and took 1 of each of the 4 products 2 x daily. I found I was eliminating well, but I actually put on 3 kg’s after the programme! My binging was unbelievable in the evenings.
**Question:** I am not sure why I was binging like this!
**Answer:** Wow, OK, could it be that your body was addicted to something that you had quit?
**Answer:** Often that results in bing eating
**Question:** I found I was so starving!!!!!!
**Answer:** Were you still eating meat, eggs, nut etc
**Question:** Maybe I did the programme over too long a period
**Question:** On a restricted basis
**Answer:** Yes 1 each daily is a low dosage and perhaps over 1 month, or even two weeks would have been better first time around
**Question:** I could not get full if i did not eat these products
**Answer:** The detox is actually best to start with, then the one month herbal slim as a follow up,
**Question:** That is what I did
**Answer:** I am always happy to help, so if you get into the program and get stuck you can talk to us anytime
**Question:** ok Thank you
**Question:** So I am going to do the Herbal Detox and see how it goes
**Answer:** It’s really good with lots of soups at this time of year. plus apples are in season so I highly recommend eating 3-4 apples a day in between meals
**Question:** Thanks for that [Name].
**Question:** If I order it now, can I possibly get it by the weekend?
**Answer:** Are you in the north island and in town then yes
**Question:** Christchurch πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok, then more likely Monday or Tuesday, unfortunately, it ads 1-2 days
**Question:** No problem………thanks for all your advise [Name] πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime
**Question:** I have just put the order through and put the “SHAPE45” code in but did not receive my [Price] discount.
**Answer:** OK, you may have missed the add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club button, I can refund the [Price] but it will take a few days to appear back in your account
**Answer:** I may well have. I will really appreciate the refund. Thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Agent uploaded: Screen-Shot-[Phone]-at-[Phone]-AM.png
**Answer:** PLease the refund receipt attached
**Answer:** Wow!!!!!!! You sure are an efficient guy!!!!!!!
**Answer:** Have a great day [Name]!!!!
**Answer:** You too, hope it goes well
**Answer:** Thanks a lot.
**Answer:** I will let you know how I do wityh the binging
**Answer:** Yes, try apples
**Answer:** I will!!!!!!!
**Answer:** Bye for now
**Answer:** See ya πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good morning. I’m into day 6 of the 14 day detox and doing okay, however, I’ve noticed a small amount of blood (appears to be coming from my vagina/like period blood). I’ve been through the menopause and haven’t had a period for several years. I did/do have endometriosis. Wondering whether it’s part of the clean out or something I should be concerned about. I’m not experiencing any pain, but a few days ago I did have a short bought of pain similar to the cramping/pain I used to get with endo when I was having a period. Any ideas?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes that can happen and yes it would be just a little bit of a clean out
**Answer:** We don’t recommend the program during pregnancy, and it can often restore menstrual regularity, so it does act on the uterus a little
**Question:** Good-o. Full steam ahead then. Thanks.
**Answer:** Yes you should be fine, I think just keep on eye on it, but it should settle down from this point on as your body adjusts to the herbs
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there I have recently tried a days worth of the body tune sachets and loved it
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Glad to hear πŸ™‚
**Question:** have I read it right that the detox and slim are in that one sachet
**Question:** or would you suggest doing the pills instead
**Answer:** Yes they are but at a lower dose than the Detox capsule or Slim capsule programme.
**Answer:** It depends on your goals.
**Answer:** What are you looking to achieve?
**Question:** ultimately weight control/management
**Answer:** And how much are you looking to lose?
**Question:** I haven’t got a particular number but long term 10kgs
**Question:** The body slim detox is what interests me if your saying the pills are a higher dosage of the sachets
**Answer:** OK have you checked the weight calculator? It will help you look at the right programme for you. Normally for 10kgs you start with the capsule Detox.
**Question:** No I will check this now
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/ideal-weight-calculator)
**Answer:** Here it is πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Which programme did it suggest?
**Question:** It suggested both the detox and slim
**Answer:** Ok – the Detox will clean your body and people normally get about 5 to 6kgs weight loss and the Slim programme works on craving and balancing blood sugar levels. It normally gets 5 to 6kgs too.
**Answer:** Best to do the Detox 1st as it prepares your body.
**Question:** Ohkay awesome so the detox first
**Answer:** Yes, that is right – for 14 days and then follow immediately with the Slim.
**Question:** Ok awesome thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome – would you like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get [Price] off your order ? it is for orders over [Price] and it is valid until 19 May.
**Question:** Yes please
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is SHAPE45 which you can apply at chekcout
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Answer:** I am on a second detox as recommended by you as I am trying to get rid of candida. I have done 3 enemas and am still feeling itchy any other tips.
**Answer:** Yes you could try a probiotic implant using the enema kit. I can email instructions on how to do it, but I do suggest using the L-Reuteri probiotic that we supply, as it is the best. YOu can see it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/bioagaia-probiotic-l-reuteri-200-million)
**Answer:** Do you use an enema bag or do you have a kit with a small bucket
**Answer:** A Bag and I added probiotics to the Acidophilus yoghurt.
**Answer:** That’s great. Did you manage to get a litre of liquid, and hold the liquid in for a few minutes? It works best if held for up to 20 minutes before emptying?
**Answer:** It may be worth doing it 2-3 times over the period of a week.
**Answer:** You could drink the culture as a smoothie to get it from both ends.
**Answer:** Yes I did. ok I haven’t tried drinking it. Do you still leave it in the hot water cupboard over night. Before drinking?
**Answer:** Yes that would be ideal. Maybe blend it with some ice and papaya before drinking. I think it’s worth persevering and repeating a few times, especially if it’s a stubborn chronic infestation.
**Answer:** Do you feel that your new Probiotic is more effective? I have been using Light House Says high strength
**Answer:** Yes I think it is the best around. It’s practitioner quality and has a lot of clinical studies to back it up. [Link](https://www.biogaia.com/research/)
**Answer:** You can get it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/bioagaia-probiotic-l-reuteri-200-million)
**Answer:** ok thanks I can look at trying yours after I finish this one. Also I have another question. I don’t tolerate sugar it gives me migraines. But I still crave something sweet especially after a meal. Is that the candida or is their a way to stop the cravings? I am usually satisfied with carob with my cravings.
**Answer:** Apples or oranges are good, they have a small amount of sugar, but excellent at getting rid of the cravings. I usually chop a couple into pieces and snack on them after dinner. It’s a lot better than chocolate or icecream
**Answer:** Yes I have apples or pineapple. Im not so good with oranges I thought it was because they are high in sugar? I can’t tolerate chocolate or ice cream because of the sugar but I thought carob was a great alternative?
**Answer:** Well I must get some sleep now. Thanks for your help. Night.
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi. Can raw coconut be eaten as part of the herbal detox? Or just the coconut cream and milk?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can I eat fresh coconut on the deep cleanse diet?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have just bought the detox pack to help with my irritable bowl. Will I lose weight too?
**Answer:** It is normal to lose weight on the program if your body needs to
**Answer:** If your body does not need to lose weight then generally anything lost will come right back as you start your normal diet again
**Question:** ive gained 10 kgs since having issues with my bowls over the past year and hoping to lose some of that through this detox. Woul the slimming one be better for me or the detox as it will aid with my bowls also
**Answer:** The detox over 14 days would probably be the best place to start, as that helps to reset the liver, bowels and heal the gut. Especially if you follow it with the probiotic we recommend.
**Answer:** You could then use the herbal slim or Boditune as follow up programs
**Answer:** This is the probiotic [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/bioagaia-probiotic-l-reuteri-200-million)
**Answer:** The herbal slim is more hormonal so not as good for healing your bowel as the detox and probiotic combo
**Answer:** We do have a [Price] discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at the moment
**Question:** I’m defiantly more focussed on helping my bowels first but the weightless would be a much appreciated bonus.
**Answer:** The average weight loss is about 5kg with the 14-day detox.
**Question:** I have already purchased the Detox program but will be keen to look into the boditune one after. I also currently take probiotics already everyday so would it still be ok to just keep taking them or is the BioGaia the only ones to use during this
**Answer:** They will all help, but the bioagaia is the best one we have found, as it’s got a lot of clinical evidence that it actually takes hold of the gut long-term
**Answer:** I think the BodiTune after your detox would be the perfect combination, along with the probiotic
**Answer:** Then if you needed more later, then you could try the herbal Slim
**Question:** All sounds great ! Do I have to go meat free during it? And do I fast at any point or still eat but only particular food
**Answer:** It is best to go off red and processed meat during the entire program if possible. Fish or chicken breast maybe 1 a week each, and eggs perhaps twice, but vegetarian the other night is recommended
**Answer:** Fasting once a week for 24 hours would be a great idea, or you could just eat stewed apples and yoghurt one day a week
**Answer:** I suggest avoiding too much raw food, especially brassica. This is a good article to read also [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/irritable-bowel-syndrome-program)
**Question:** awesome im not a big meat eater so that’s ok but the appleas and yoghurt are a good tip thankyou. I will look up the article now , thanks
**Question:** i really appreciate your help
**Answer:** Anytime πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, can I take this while I’m on warfarin and sotolol?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You would need to check with your Doctor before you did.
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, I’m day 8 on the 14 day detox programme and going great. Feel great – but boy did I get killer headaches on before after the lead up and about Day 1 & 2!. Anyway, my question is what is the best product afterwards to keep me full? The body tune sachets or the satisfed capsules? I feel I’m going to need something for a few weeks after this to keep me on track. Or should i do the slim programme straight after? thanks Annette (2nd time user of this detox!)
**Answer:** Hi Annette
**Answer:** Great to hear you are on your journey πŸ™‚ The headaches can be a challenge – [Name] has a great article on them for next time if they occur. [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/managing-detox-headaches-and-withdrawal)
**Answer:** Re the next stage
**Answer:** It depends on your goals – are you looking to continue with a weight loss goal? or just general health and wellbeing?
**Answer:** thanks Sarah. Both really but I want to stop my craving for carbs. I’ve realised this time how they impact on my well being, my mood and my weight.
**Answer:** thanks for the article.. i’ll have a look.
**Answer:** Ok I just checked with [Name] and he says the 2-month Steady slim would be perfect for you. [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/two-month-steady-slim-combo-0) You would do the Slim programme with the sachets and then continue the sachets into the 2nd month.
**Answer:** This will help cravings and keep things moving for you
**Answer:** You can also use the SHAPE45 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for [Price] off πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you. I’ll have a look at this.
**Answer:** Love your product and following you guys on Instagram, very motivational.
**Answer:** Keep up the great work.
**Answer:** Thank you it is lovely to get feedback πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi There, I am on day 3 of my Detox (taking the capsules). All is going well so far. Unfortunately I have a cold and wondered if this was a symptom of the detox or just poor timing? I have been following the diet since Sunday.
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Yes it can be a symptom – your body can be throwing out the bad stuff and it feels like a cold
**Answer:** It should pass in a couple of days – do you have headaches?
**Question:** Ok thnak you πŸ™‚ No I haven’t had headaches as such, just a ‘heady’ feeling.
**Answer:** That is quite normal I can give you a link to an article which will help you
**Question:** Ok thank you Sarah
**Question:** It doesn’t worry, on the contrary I find it all fascinating!
**Question:** *worry me
**Answer:** It has some tips in here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/managing-detox-headaches-and-withdrawal)
**Question:** On another note, how soon after the Detox could I do the Slim program?
**Answer:** You can actually go straight into the Slim from the Detox with no gap – your body will be fine with that.
**Question:** Ok thank you, I’ll see how I go
**Answer:** Great keep in touch we are here to help anytime πŸ™‚
**Question:** Fantastic customer support πŸ™‚
**Answer:** aaawww thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I am trying to make a purchase using a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club from the Ladies Expo and it is not being accepted. The code is 19WLP. Can you assist please?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Which product were you trying to order?
**Answer:** 120 capsules?
**Question:** Yes that’s correct
**Answer:** OK please try refreshing your page and re-entering the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club number
**Question:** Thanks will do
**Answer:** Done thanks.
**Answer:** Awesome, it’s on the way
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** How to Sue We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code from expo
**Answer:** Do you want to use a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** You add your product to the cart then go to checkout then you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code before your shipping details
**Answer:** You don’t have to set up an account you can go through the checkout without doing that if you don’t want to
**Question:** Yes i see that but i would like to a bigger order that doesn’t work
**Answer:** The expo We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is for one item. You can do more than one order with that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to do your bigger order. They will be shipped together for you
**Question:** I don’t can do it. Tomorrow I will ring you
**Answer:** Ok that’s fine [Phone]
**Answer:** What did you wish to order?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Is it ok to eat gluten free bread regularly ie daily?
**Answer:** I would not recommend eating any refined grain product daily, as they all have a binding inflammatory effect over time
**Answer:** Maybe once or twice a week, to avoid any long-term irritation
**Question:** Ohhh ok thanks, trying to put weight on and if no gluten free bread I loose more weight
**Answer:** Try eating more brown rice, porridge, root vegetables and bananas,
**Answer:** Good yoghurt, milk or soft cheese is also OK
**Question:** Thank you [Name]. I eat no gluten or dairy and currently cutting out sugar but will do as you have said above and try more brown rice and porridege and root veges :))
**Answer:** Fruit Smoothies are also good for healthy calories
**Question:** I do a few smoothies, mostly veges, bloating and flatulence if too often and careful with fruit
**Question:** you are very helpful
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** :)))
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi SArah
**Answer:** Hi Anniki
**Answer:** How can I help today?
**Answer:** I just wanted to ask if I can mix the BodyTune Slim Protein drink with a smoothie and would that be enough to replace my breakfast?
**Answer:** Yes thats a great idea, it’s what we recmmend
**Answer:** I am also transition over with the BodyTune Detox and SLim capsules for a month. Sarah told me to eat the fish, and eggs once per week and no more?
**Answer:** transitioning
**Answer:** OK good job so far
**Answer:** Yes, I have been feeling great. what about legumes?
**Answer:** The same for them, best to have then only once a week, it’s good to mix it up with the others on different days, eggs, fish, legumes,
**Answer:** I have cut back on red meat but should I include some back?
**Answer:** its mostly fish for me
**Answer:** It’s over to you, but we recommend avoiding it if possible
**Answer:** fish and chicken are better
**Answer:** Yes. I have been low in iron…Do any of the herbs help with the iron absorption ?
**Answer:** Low as in, the past few years and I am taking iron supplements
**Answer:** vitamin C helps with iron uptake, so important to have fresh fruits and vegetables often. Good iron sources are beetroot, raisins, prunes, and berries
**Answer:** All greens are also good for iron
**Answer:** and I eat them all πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** thank you [Name]! have a good night
**Answer:** anytime
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good morning, my husband and I have done your detox 3 times now, we also aytended your seminar in tauranga, we want to do it again but was wondering if you have any half price deals coming up soon for the detox kit?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** My email is [Email].nz
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, I seem to keep getting directed to a US store and the prices aren’t what I’m used to seeing. Can you help?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me see if I can help
**Answer:** Could you try a different browser? I think your computer is using cookies and remembering an old address
**Answer:** Which product are you after Janine?
**Answer:** I might be able to link you directly
**Answer:** I tried the other browser and same issue. I’m just trying to log into my work site and see if that helps.
**Answer:** I want the Boditune in the tub.
**Answer:** The 590gm or 1kg?
**Answer:** 500 sorry
**Answer:** 1kg if possible
**Answer:** Ok bear with me
**Answer:** It’s working now – must have been the link through my work. Thanks for your help!
**Answer:** Awesome glad to hear you are ok
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hey Sarah just wanted to ask you when I transition over from herbal detox to toneslim, can I include some gluten free flour for making homemade gnocchi?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Ideally we recommend no processed foods, especially refined carbohydrates, so all flours are avoided if possible, including breads and pasta
**Question:** Ok that does make perfect sense…is brown rice ok ?
**Answer:** Yes and also legumes and nuts are allowed
**Question:** But they should be eaten in moderation right ?
**Answer:** Correct
**Question:** Ok thank you so much
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Just looking around the website while I am on hold to another company, not sure how I got on the email list
**Answer:** LOL ok – did you enter a draw at an event?
**Question:** No idea lol, but I have found the website interesting. After a head injury last year I have put on weight, but am still not cleared for exercise so I found the information on the Deotx and Slim interesting. Unfortunately a couple of the slim products contain ingredients I cant have, but I may look into the Detox further
**Answer:** Ok the Detox is the place we ask everyone to start – weight loss is normally between 3 and 10 kgs – most people get 5 to 6kgs.
**Question:** I see from a few testimonials that people have become vegan, is that a requirement?
**Answer:** The diet for the 2-week detox is fruit and vegetables but that is all. The recipes are amazing and very filling – you can see them here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** I will check that out, however I am allergic to latex and that rules out a lot of fruit and vegetables
**Question:** I also cannot eat anything from the nightshade family
**Answer:** There are lots of variations in there
**Question:** I will watch some of the videos but I am pleased that I actually opened one of the emails to have a look. I am allergic to eggs, soy, latex, and highly intolerant to grains, legumes, dairy, nightshades so my diet is very simple, no processed foods, mostly meat and veges.
**Question:** Oh and and seeds
**Question:** nuts and seeds lol
**Answer:** Ok it might be a nice idea to download the user guide and take a look it has a list of the foods on the Detox which will help you.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Question:** done, almost two hours of being on hold with people coming and going trying to sort things has had an upside
**Answer:** lol it certainly has! 2 hours waiting is terrible!
**Question:** Thats Vodafone for you
**Question:** No nice people to chat to on their website lol
**Answer:** lol, they probably have a robot!
**Question:** Yep, it is a robot on the only chat option they offer
**Answer:** Real people are being made redundant!
**Question:** Yes. Would I have signed up to email at a Go Green Expo? Really have no idea how I got on the list lol
**Answer:** Yes you could have signed up at our stand for the prize draw but it might have been at the entry for the door prize as we gave a gift there.
**Answer:** Well Vodafone reckon they have finally got an issue sorted, that means I can move and go and feed my dogs lol. Thanks for the chat, I will go and look at the information in more depth.
**Answer:** Awesome have a great night πŸ™‚
**Answer:** you too
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi can we eat home made popcorn doing the 14day detox
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Sorry no
**Answer:** It is a processed food
**Answer:** Its like having potato chips πŸ™
**Question:** You are so mean…… Haha:)
**Answer:** LOL oh no we aren’t – at least we try not to be! lol
**Question:** Can we have a bit of butter on our veges
**Answer:** Yes you can πŸ™‚
**Answer:** See I am nice LOL
**Question:** Yesssss, me and mate are having a mass debate on what we can and cant eat. We are on day 5 and going great guns!! Cheers
**Answer:** Awesome! Keep in touch would love to know how you go!
**Question:** Thanks
**Question:** Hi,
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** I have a question about this product.
**Question:** Bioagaia Probiotic L-Reuteri 200 million
**Question:** How many come in each box?
**Question:** How can this help with a fatty liver and leaky gut, etc?
**Answer:** 30
**Question:** About one month supply. Do you offer bigger sizes?
**Answer:** We should add that to the website – sorry it’s not there
**Answer:** Only the one size sorry
**Question:** Do you produce them like the other products you offer?
**Answer:** Not at the moment – [Name] is looking to develop one but this is the best currently available and as his customers were asking for one he sourced it.
**Question:** Can it be shipped overseas in transit? I attempted to order from other sources, but they refused to ship.
**Question:** I mean a different product.
**Answer:** Yes we can ship it – are you in Israel?
**Question:** Yes.
**Answer:** Yes we can do that
**Question:** Thanks for your help.
**Question:** Enjoy the rest of your night.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I see you started to place an order – did you have some questions?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help? I can answer any questions.
**Question:** Can you use cacao powder on the steady fast
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes you can πŸ™‚
**Question:** Not steel oats tho
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** Is it the steady slim you are on?
**Question:** Steady detox
**Answer:** You can have oats once per week on that programme.
**Question:** Is there info regarding what I can have somewhere?
**Answer:** Page 15 of your Detox user guide has the foods
**Question:** As I’ve only got the detox one.
**Answer:** Yes taht is right page 15 of the Detox user guide
**Question:** Yes I have that. What about eggs it’s not on it either?
**Answer:** All the items on the one month plan you can have
**Answer:** We don’t put everything on the list because people think they can have them all the time – you can have eggs but just once per week as they re binding.
**Question:** Wholegrain rice cakes?
**Answer:** Again once per week
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Haha… Just received your email re: Hannah as I was checking out your BioGaia product
**Answer:** Hi Jilly
**Answer:** Yes [Name] is stocking the probiotic as lots of people ask for them.
**Answer:** Yes what do you wish to do re Hannah
**Answer:** SO many on the market aye
**Answer:** Okay, well here is the situation… You know what kids are like, well this one is pushing financial boundaries.
**Answer:** HI Jillly, The L-Reuteri has been shown to take a stronghold of the gut and has dozens of clinical studies to prove its effect. It’s a practitioner grade product
**Answer:** Oh awesome
**Answer:** So supports Gut/heart/brain coherence then πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** perfecto….
**Answer:** Its the same strain as human breastmilk
**Answer:** Been a while since I have had any of that
**Answer:** Nuture the inner child
**Answer:** Whoooohoooooo
**Answer:** OKay, I am in… been doing some notes on gut intelligence for my soon to be launched Animal Classes
**Answer:** How was your weekend btw
**Answer:** It was good to see everyone in Palmerston, great response, will be going back next year
**Answer:** Awesome…
**Answer:** Hopefully we can get you down to our place when you have a slot for us
**Answer:** We could do early July?
**Answer:** Could be a plan…. Thinking of an evening or saturday or what ever suits you best but would have to run passed my coworker and check dates on our calendar.
**Answer:** Love busy months
**Answer:** We’re pretty free between 10th and 23rd of July, so happy to work around you at this stage
**Answer:** OKay sweet… can I get back to you at the beginning of next week when Robyn is back
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** Did you hear I have the lady who makes the soups, at our local veggie shop on the Herbal Detox. WOrks well for me as every week day I now have someone else making me my lunch soup following your recipes
**Answer:** Win win
**Answer:** awesome
**Answer:** Which reminds me, I havent seen my last order yet
**Answer:** That is odd
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** Thank You
**Answer:** It says delivered to the door yesterday, but we will double check with Fastway and let you know
**Answer:** Hmmmmm
**Answer:** I definitely haven’t got it…. will check next door
**Answer:** Hi Jilly
**Answer:** Nope not at AA and Citizens Advice next door is closed
**Answer:** I have just checked and they ahve said they have left it at the front door.
**Answer:** 26 Victoria Ave
**Answer:** Sorry 2 Vicotria
**Answer:** or 26 Claydon Place
**Answer:** Can you check around and let us know as we will need to do a claim – they have said 26 Claydon Place
**Answer:** lol, thats Hannah’s place
**Answer:** She will be thinking all her Christmas’s have come at once
**Answer:** Oh sugar that is not good! Can you check with her?
**Answer:** What should be the correct address?
**Answer:** Maybe but don’t you worry, I will call in there on my way home
**Answer:** Jilly Blythe
**Answer:** OK great will switch back now – hope we are able to get them from Hannah πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Will let you know…. and also get back to your re: tHe Pre-bi’s that I spoke to [Name] about. Not really worth grabbing on pack
**Answer:** OK πŸ™‚ x
**Answer:** one pack
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi how can I help?
**Question:** How do I book a place in one of [Name]’s seminars in Katikati that is coming up please
**Answer:** You actually dont; need to book it is free so you can just come along πŸ™‚
**Question:** Ok great thankyou!!
**Answer:** Katikati Library, 21 Main Road, Katikati [Phone] at 5.30pm
**Question:** Thankyou, and that was on the 22nd May I believe
**Answer:** on 22 May – bring anyone you feel might benefit πŸ™‚
**Question:** Awesome, thanks so much
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi I am here to answer any queries you may have πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** can i eat meat? i have just started yesterday on the month one
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can have fish, and chicken but no red meat. The chicken and fish is best once per week
**Question:** that sounds good with me. is there an alternative to bread? wraps?
**Answer:** not really
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Before commencing a slim programme is it best to do a detox?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Ideally the detox is best before the Slim program, as it resets the metabolism
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** It also helps clear the liver of excess fats and hormones, and alkalises the system which helps get rid of excess fluid etc, most people get around 4-5kg from the Detox
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I am doing the Ultimate Herbal Detox – I’m on Day 4 and feeling amazing πŸ™‚ Just wanted to know if its ok to drink hot cacao, with coconut oil and maybe 1/2 teaspoon blackstrap molasses while in the detox? I am missing these!
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Great to hear you are feeling well πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes you should be okay to have that drink. Just not too often πŸ™‚
**Question:** Oh fabulous! thank you, I’m going to make one right now! ha ha πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there did you see our message?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I was wondering if I could buy a detox under my mums name as I know she gets a discount haha
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** If you have her discount code you can πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You just order it online πŸ™‚
**Question:** Oh I know she doesn’t get a code, just [Name] gives it to her at a better price.
**Answer:** I would need to check what is her name? And what are you looking to order? Normally people get a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code. Is she a wholesaler?
**Answer:** Also what is your telephone number and I can get back to you. When [Name] is available.
**Question:** Her name is Jilly Blythe πŸ™‚ and she gets them sent to my address. 26 Claydon place Ohope. My name is Hannah Blythe πŸ™‚ my phone number is [Phone] πŸ˜‰
**Question:** I’m looking at buying a herbal detox.
**Answer:** Okay we know Julie well is she able to put the order through for you by email and then we can sort it out. We would need to order paid for before it leaves. Is that okay
**Question:** Oh that’s why I want to do it so I can use my credit card πŸ™‚
**Question:** I’ll see if she can email πŸ™‚ do I get her to put my card details on the email?
**Answer:** Give me your email address and I can send you an invoice. You would need to put your credit card details into different emails or email part of them and text the rest to O2 [Phone]. As it is not safe to send credit card details in one email
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah what is the average weight loss for following BodiTune Dteox?
**Answer:** eating strict diet (no meat,no cheese,no gluten)
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The average is 2 to 3 kg per month but it does vary.
**Answer:** what would you suggest if I wanted to lose between 3-4?
**Answer:** in terms of food..
**Answer:** I walk every day nearly 1 hour..and try to go to the gym but I had an injury so only gentle Yoga/Body balance class
**Answer:** You would need to focus on green smoothies in the morning, A couple of pieces of fruit during the day, preferably apples or oranges. And a very spicy vegetable dish for dinner.
**Answer:** Take a look at our curries, stirfries and soups.
**Answer:** Hmm…but I could still eat eggs?
**Answer:** and chickpeas
**Answer:** Only once a week.
**Answer:** The same with fish.
**Answer:** why once per week?
**Answer:** only once?
**Answer:** It is better to include those with spicy food where possible.
**Answer:** i do love spicy foods
**Answer:** Because they slow down your digestion.
**Answer:** eggs and fish?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** what about brown rice
**Answer:** Eggs or fish actually not both on the same night.
**Answer:** Brian Rice once a week as well
**Answer:** yes of course
**Answer:** Sorry brown rice once a week
**Answer:** Hmm..ok thank you for that.
**Answer:** I am just filling in the form…I am needing to get the package sent to my work
**Answer:** I added this in the second line
**Answer:** Okay
**Answer:** Is TEC the company?
**Answer:** Yes, its a government agency
**Answer:** Tertiary Education Commission
**Answer:** we are in Level 9 44 The Terrace
**Answer:** Ok great I will let the packing team know
**Answer:** my order number is [Phone]
**Answer:** Thank you for doing that Sarah
**Answer:** Yes I can see it
**Answer:** Do you use the herbs yourself?
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Yes I do, I do the detox at least twice a year and use the BodiTune sachets in smoothies regularly.
**Answer:** I find this time of the year drinking smoothies difficult because its colder outside..so I have been having coconut yoghurt with berries
**Answer:** Fair enough – the sachets would go well in that – might try tomorrow
**Answer:** oh that is nice..would it not change the taste ?
**Answer:** I love coconut yogurt
**Answer:** The sachets have natural fruit flavours so it would enhance rather than change the taste. But I won’t know until i try it lol
**Answer:** That would be good to know actually. Can you please update me on this?
**Answer:** i would be keen to know
**Answer:** Yes will do I have your email address
**Answer:** thank you. I suppose you dont sell them in one piece?
**Answer:** single serving I mean
**Answer:** I will see if I can get one sachet popped in your order
**Answer:** That would be amazing. I would love to try them and see how it tastes with the coconut yogurt
**Answer:** Excellent
**Answer:** Thank you Sara and have a good night
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah i am about to fibish the detox course and was hoping to continue with BodiTune Detox ‘n Slim 120 Vege Caps
**Question:** What is your advice to continue taking these capsules
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** I have cut down on red meat and would be looking to only eat fresh fish and veggies with some grains
**Question:** Also, I am dairy free so no cheese etc
**Answer:** They are perfect to continue on with. They are great fir helping with cravings, blood sugar balance and keeping the system clear.
**Answer:** Great to hear you have cut down on red meat – good result
**Question:** Yea I thought so too…What advice would you give about the food to consume?
**Question:** Yes I think the balance is the key
**Question:** Is it normal that I feel bloated nearly all this time during the detox ?
**Answer:** There are no issues continuing with the food options you have now. They are perfectly okay with the BodiTune capsules.
**Answer:** The bloating can happen if you eat too much raw Brassica. That is quite normal.
**Question:** Ok,should I follow the list of foods to eat from your website ?
**Question:** Yes I thought so too.
**Answer:** You might have also been eating a bit too much food. Or if you have a buildup yet to come out but will also feel like bloating.
**Question:** I think I had too many raw veggies this afternoon for a snack
**Question:** Also I am pmsing
**Answer:** If you follow the food list for the BodiTune program It will be good.
**Question:** Ok Thank you..if I order the capsules today when will they arrive in Wellington?
**Answer:** Ginger or peppermint tea will help with that.
**Question:** Yes I drink a lot of peppermint tea
**Question:** I am reading that average weight loss is between 1-2kg per month….it’s not really my goal but I would feel lighter to shed another few kilos..Eating no red meat and dairy should help ?
**Answer:** Yes it wI’ll Plus the blood sugar balancing herbs won’t have you reaching for food so often. The sugar craving herbs should reduce any drive towards sweet things. And the herbs for your intestine’s and: will keep everything moving.
**Question:** I actually feel no desire for sweets..I have had some dates and figs but that’s about it
**Answer:** Excellent that’s good πŸ™‚
**Question:** And honey the other day but no sugar cravings
**Question:** So when would the capsules arrive if I order today
**Answer:** They should be with you by Thursday at the latest if you are in the North Island. Friday if you’re in the South Island πŸ™‚
**Question:** I am in Wellington
**Answer:** Should be Thursday then πŸ™‚
**Question:** Ok excellent thank you Sarah !
**Answer:** You are welcome I’m happy to help any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi is getting an itchy anus common when doing the 14 day detox. we are up to day 3
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi is getting an itchy anus common when doing the 14 day detox. we are up to day 3
**Answer:** Yes it could be if your body is eliminating parasites
**Answer:** Keep an eye on what comes out
**Question:** Cool what usually comes out?
**Answer:** Everyone is different but it could be worms
**Question:** Exciting thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Pagan001$
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi just wanted to ask if sundried donates are ok to eat during detox?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes they are fine
**Question:** Also, if Japanese seaweed Wakame is also ok
**Answer:** Yes that’s good too
**Question:** I love it because of its health benefits
**Question:** What about b12
**Question:** Do I get enough from the herbs
**Answer:** You don’t get b12 from the herbs. It takes many years to be deficient in b12.
**Question:** Oh right I was worried about it but I am not deficient in b12
**Answer:** All good
**Question:** Another thing I wanted to ask is…my sleeping has been terrible but mostly because of son e stress from work…I don’t know if taking the herbs twice has something to do with that as I don’t feel tired in the evening?
**Question:** As in I have a lot of energy and i can’t fall sleep
**Answer:** It’s not likely to be the herbs but you could take the second lot before dinner in the evening. It’s likely to be your body still letting go of the streets. Do you meditate at all?
**Question:** I don’t really but I thought about it today…
**Question:** I will do some meditation in the evening before going to bed
**Answer:** [Name] has s good technique in his article
**Answer:** Would you like me to give you the link?
**Question:** Yes I have seen it but didn’t have the time to read..
**Question:** Yes please
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Ok bear with me
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/meditation-finding-spiritual-illumination)
**Answer:** I do it and it really works
**Question:** I will read up
**Question:** Many thanks Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, wondering if you could tell me what detox products might be best for me? I’m new to detoxing but really feel as though I need one currently to reset myself. I am struggling with addictive food tendencies, weight gain, low energy and mood swings. I have had ongoing digestive issues for atleast 5 years which worsen with stress. I’m finding it hard to get time to make good food choices so I know I am missing a lot of what I need to be healthy. I have a history of thyroid issues and adrenal fatigue and am concerned I am doing damage. Any ideas on what products may be suitable for me? Thank you for reading πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes I can recommend the best program for you to start with
**Answer:** It would be the 14 day detox program, this is the one we use for really getting things back on track
**Answer:** let me give you the correct link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Are the meals difficult or time consuming to prepare?
**Answer:** I have a very basic kitchen available at the moment and odd work hours
**Answer:** Hi Again
**Answer:** The easiest meals are soups or curries that you can make in one pot or in a wok
**Answer:** I can give you a link to them
**Answer:** You can go to this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) and click on the cooking method and choose curry or boil to see those recipes. They are for lunches and dinners.
**Answer:** I usually suggest making them last 2-3 nights so it’s easier
**Answer:** Perfect, that sounds really good! Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I am wanting assistance with addictive eating behaviours.. as well as getting more energy and loosing excess weight. Would slim detox or the regular detox be appropriate? Or perhaps a different product? I’ve never taken detox products before so unsure how my body will go..
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Evening, I purchased the Boditune powder today and if I was to detox, would I require the detox capsules as well? Thank You.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** If you want a thorough body cleanse then yes. The BodiTune will give you a gentle cleanse.
**Answer:** Ok Thanks. Is there a special deal for the woman’s expo for that today?
**Answer:** Yes it is [Price] instead of [Price]. Are you coming tomorrow?
**Answer:** Yes might have to look at that. Thank you.
**Answer:** Ok great will let Sarah and [Name] know
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah just wondering about the slim plan…is there any particular reason why the foods listed are allowed to eat during this program and not anything else ?
**Question:** And should these foods be eaten in moderation ?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** I am near completing the herbal detox and would be interested in continuing with the slim plan
**Answer:** The reason of those idiots is because we don’t want people eating processed foods which are full of processed fats and sugars plus they go through the body easier.
**Answer:** You eat as you feel you need – the Slim has herbs that reduce sugar cravings and balance blood sugar which means people tend not to eat so much
**Question:** So these foods are easily digestible
**Question:** Is it still possible to lose some weight without any excessive excersise ?
**Answer:** They are ok for the slim program
**Answer:** They are mainly fruits and vegetables plus some fish , chicken and eggs
**Question:** Yes that is great thank you for that
**Answer:** Yes it is possible to lose weight without excessive exercise but you will probably end up with half the result
**Question:** I don’t consume any dairy so I wouldn’t eat any cheese
**Answer:** That’s fine
**Answer:** my sons in his 3 rd week of the detox and is using 3 kits over 6 weeks yet we’d like to spe\read it out of\ver time as we are killing candida. Would this be ok to make the kits last longer to have himtake the pills one time a day rather? AND IF THIS IS OK WHICH IS BEST AM OR PM? tHANKS
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine and taking them at night is best.
**Answer:** Great to know…we are doing enemas so should still be pushing all through so as to not absorb back into the bloodstream. Cheers Sarah~!
**Answer:** Excellent Amy keep in touch and update us as you go
**Answer:** Will do πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah..its Amy ive spoken with you a few times re the detox. Can i ask a question re dosage please?
**Answer:** Yes fire away
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hi is anyone there ?
**Answer:** Yes can I help?
**Question:** I found you by searching for turkey Rhubarb My question is ,,how many years of growth before you can harvest the root ??
**Answer:** I’m sorry that is outside the scope of our information. We just use the roots as part of our product. You would probably need to ask a grower
**Question:** Thanks Sarah have a great day
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** I’m a little skeptical, is Sarah your real name?
**Answer:** It is
**Question:** I just orderdered 2 detox kits, my brother has done it before, can you tell me about what you need do for the week before you start the program?
**Answer:** Yes I can help you with that
**Answer:** Have you downloaded the user guide? If not I can point you to the page on the website that has the information about preparation.
**Answer:** What is your star sign sarah?
**Answer:** Tim, I think you have the wrong website lol
**Answer:** This page has the info you need [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Sarah I think you are a bot
**Answer:** and it annoys me that i have just bought two detox packs and the chat function is a bot
**Answer:** Stage 1 is the info you need. It explains the preparation stage and the foods you take out of your diet to get ready to take the herbs.
**Answer:** I am not a bot
**Answer:** I’m real and I work until 10pm most days
**Answer:** Would you like to chat to [Name] he is also online from Tauranga
**Answer:** We don’t use bots they can’t answer the questions people have about what goes on in their body.
**Answer:** I’m a Sagittarius
**Answer:** Ok, Shit, you are not a bot then. I am looking forward to doing the detox program. I would love to talk to brett, my concern is about what i eat every night, i am the sort of person that is happy to eat the same thing every day
**Answer:** Ok he is coming on line now get in touch during your detox I’m here to help.
**Answer:** HI Tim, It’s [Name]
**Answer:** I have an idea for you for the food. Can you click on this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** yeah it’s more that i want the simplest recipe to do for the whole month
**Answer:** Yes if you click on the link I will guide you to it
**Answer:** ok done
**Answer:** Ok just scroll down a little and you will see some selectors which drop down, like ‘Herbal Program’, ‘time of day’ ‘special diet’
**Answer:** On the one that’s called ‘cooking method’ choose curry
**Answer:** done
**Answer:** You will see about 5 curry’s come up, I suggest the Green fish curry, or the zhuccini red curry
**Answer:** you could have it without the fish 2 nights, then with the fish every third night
**Answer:** and eat it over and over? do i need to eat three meals a day?
**Answer:** that’s just dinner, or if you click soup, there also a good one or two I would recommend
**Answer:** if i can do the same thing every day i would be over the moon!
**Answer:** I think you will need to have one thing for maybe 3-4 days then try something else for 3-4 days, those recipes make about 4 servings anyway
**Answer:** It’s better if you choose what you like the look of from what I suggest
**Answer:** like 4 days on a curry, then 4 days on a soup etc
**Answer:** ok. I can’t wait to start. right now we are being unhealthy. have a wedding to go to on saturday and then we need to start the week of starting to be heathy. then four weeks of detox. then i think i want to try the weight loss program
**Answer:** Yes they are ideal back to back, people often lose between 5-10kg
**Answer:** We are here to help anytime
**Answer:** thanks! i will log in with the email you’ve sent and give an update
**Answer:** Ok, I look forward to hearing about your progress
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Yes I was wondering is this diet for the psoriasis and the cleanse is it safe for children
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** May I ask how old your child is?
**Question:** He is 9 and he has the plaque psoriasis and it’s just getting worse
**Answer:** The diet is perfect but the detox program would need to be over 1 month due to the high dose of capsules.
**Answer:** It would really help.
**Answer:** It would improve the Liver function which where the issue starts.
**Question:** so what would I all have to do or how would I do it cuz I’m kind of new at this I mean I’ve been taking him towards the doctor but he may need to get steroid cream but it doesn’t go away either because I got to keep bandages on and I can’t keep bandages on all the places so I would really like some help
**Answer:** OK, you would need to get the Ultimate Herbal Detox program and follow the one month plan. You would also have to follow the foods recommended on the Psoriasis article page and avoid the ones highlighted. If you give me your name and email address we can send you an email with all the information on it so you can see.
**Question:** My name is Martha and my email address is marthad [Phone]@ gmail.com
**Answer:** Thank you, Martha – we will be in touch soon. Just keep an eye on your spam folder in case our email pops in there. It will come from [Email]
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help? Or are you all good?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** what does Pat do for the Boditune sachet that is in the smoothie?
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Not quite sure what you mean. Can you give me more info?
**Answer:** Do you mean the diet they follow?
**Question:** Yes it is in the super green Alkalizing Green Detox smoothie and the berry smoothie recipe from [Name]s site.
**Answer:** Yes they are the best for him
**Question:** ok where does he get those from? pat has the detox pack.
**Question:** If you have them could you possibly give some to our daughter Bridget who is seeing [Name] this afternoon
**Answer:** If he is doing the detox he can follow the detox diet. The BodiTune sachets are available through the website but they can be made with normal protein and not the BodiTune
**Answer:** I can see if he can sort them but can’t promise as I may miss them
**Answer:** Missed her sorry she has left
**Answer:** HI There, it’s [Name]
**Answer:** Bridget has left, but not to worry, it’s not essential to include the BodiTune sachets in the smoothies Pat
**Answer:** Thats ok we will just use protein powder that we already have. Thank you .
**Answer:** Anytime
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** In Whitianga on the coromandel
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Ok it is normally a next day delivery unless you are a bit outside of the delivery area then it is 2 days.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** How much will the detox be if you buy 3 at once? And are you doing the [Price] deal again anytime soon?
**Answer:** Hi there – we only do the [Price] once a year
**Answer:** I can’t tell you when the next one will be as it is ad hoc
**Question:** What time in the year are you doing it thank you
**Answer:** If you bought 3 today the cost would be
**Answer:** $[Phone] each
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/3-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-30) and use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code SHAPE45 to get an extra [Price] off the [Price] price
**Answer:** Delivery is free
**Question:** Ok thank you for your help
**Answer:** Where are you based?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, just wondering, once I have completed the herbal detox next week, can I then continue with the Slim program and adjust the foods accordingly?
**Answer:** Yes absolutely – you can go straight into it.
**Question:** I dont have a lot of weight to lose tbh, its more around the inflammation and build up but I am very keen to maintain the healthy weight and healthy habits
**Question:** how long does it take for the delivery?
**Question:** I am seeing there is the 45 discount offer
**Answer:** Delivery is 1 to 2 days and yes the [Price] is valid for a slim program
**Question:** is there a fee for delivery
**Answer:** It’s free
**Answer:** Where do you live?
**Question:** I live in Wellington
**Question:** Awesome
**Answer:** Ok it should be with you on Friday if you order today
**Question:** great – I was planning to do the rapid monthly plan would that be a wise option after the detox?
**Answer:** Yes that is a good option after the detox
**Answer:** It keeps the metabolism moving, helps with cravings and blood sugar balancing
**Question:** and tell me this, how should i transition back eating fish and eggs (are they allowed back) ?
**Answer:** Yes they are allowed. It’s best to have a small amount of each in seperate meals and see how your body feels.
**Answer:** It make tell you the small amount is enough
**Answer:** If you don’t feel a bit bloated or full
**Question:** Hmm even now, into my 5th day, I feel the desire to eat a lot of fresh salads and not so much cooked meals.
**Question:** i havent completely managed to avoid coffee…but I have reduced from 2 cups to one
**Answer:** That’s great
**Question:** I wish avocados where in season!
**Answer:** We actually recommend not stopping coffee just reducing, so you are doing well
**Answer:** I love avocado too
**Answer:** H do you need any further help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI Looking to do the Boditune Rapid Plan, do you also eat from food list while doing this or is it a Liquid plan ?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** let me help you find the answer
**Answer:** You can still eat from the food list but you will get a quicker and better result if you sue the smoothies.
**Answer:** The food list is on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-what-do-i-get)
**Answer:** And I can show you the smoothies here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) just choose the BodiTune 7 day smoothies from the Herbal Program drop down
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Click on the links to see the pages πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Question:** How can I reduce bad cholesterol
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You are looking at the page which has all the details on how to do that
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-lower-cholesterol-naturally-herbs-food)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Ok I am not sure how that works sorry
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I don’t think our website will be able to cope with that sorry
**Question:** So you do payment plans for the detox program
**Answer:** You can get an invoice and pay it off for any of our programmes
**Answer:** We ship when the payments are complete
**Question:** That’s good
**Answer:** Ok all we need is your full name, address, telephone number and email address plus the programme you wish to buy.
**Question:** So I need to pay it off first before starting
**Answer:** We can then send you the invoice and you can pay it off. With each payment, we send you a statement so you can see what is owing.
**Answer:** Yes you do – we don’t have an afterpay type service yet.
**Question:** I have a genoapay account that I can use so I will organise that
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Do you do payment plans
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** If you wish to purchase we can send you an invoice and you can pay it off over time – would this work for you?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Question:** its my 3rd day and I was wondering if I can increase the dosage tomorrow onwards?
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** Yes you can increase it
**Question:** or from today so the detox would be 12 days and not 14
**Question:** what would be the impact if I do that
**Answer:** Yes no problem if you feel ok with it
**Answer:** It might speed things up by 10%
**Answer:** But everyone is different
**Question:** and after I am finished this course..
**Question:** what would you suggest?
**Answer:** The BodiTune sachets are a great way to keep things moving
**Answer:** Can be used as maintenance between detox programmes
**Question:** and how about readjusting with foods…I really miss eating brown rice, eggs and hummus….also fish..
**Answer:** You can have all of those on the BodiTune. As you introduce foods back into your Feit, listen to your body.
**Answer:** It will tell you what it doesn’t like. You will be able to feel it
**Question:** i have noticed these past few days that I am not liking some veggies…and prefer to have just light fresh salad as opposed to roasted and cooked veggies
**Answer:** That is a natural process part of the process. Often your appetite can disappear for a day or so. It is your body’s way of healing itself by going into a fasting state. Just go with your gut and how you feel.
**Question:** thats true…I wish avocados were in season!
**Question:** but the mental clarity has been amazing
**Question:** especially at work
**Answer:** That is great to hear πŸ™‚
**Question:** as for the tonics, can these be mixed with juices?
**Answer:** Yes they can be mixed with juices. They are also really good and smoothies, you can have them with water and some people like them with natural yoghurt and a little bit of banana mixed together.
**Answer:** Lots of options πŸ™‚
**Question:** btw, i made pumpkin,soaked dates, cacao and coconut oil brownie ..it turned out amazing. I love making raw desserts and it turned out great…tho my sweet cravings are gone too
**Answer:** We would love to share the recipe πŸ™‚ if you give us the details of how you made them will pop it on the page for others to access. We are always looking for great ideas πŸ™‚
**Question:** I will do it up again as I am big into re-creating my own recipes and take some photos for your website πŸ™‚ next time I want to add in some shredded coconuts for the crunch
**Answer:** That sounds awesome πŸ™‚ I would really like those!
**Question:** yeah i discovered them in commonsense organics..and just fell in love!!!
**Answer:** what are the common side effects now that I have increased the dosage?
**Answer:** It does vary but you shouldn’t have any different affects than doing it over 14 days. It could possibly 10% stronger so you might go to the bathroom 10% more.
**Answer:** today I have been fine to be honest..yesterday not so much
**Answer:** few days prior preparing I noticed the urge to use the toilet more frequently
**Answer:** It is normal to feel a bit off colour for some of the time. Everyone’s bowel is different in terms of cleanliness so it really does vary person to person.
**Answer:** yes that is very true..
**Answer:** You can always reduce the dosage if you feel you want to pull back a little.
**Answer:** also, I am pmsing! how will the detox effect
**Answer:** affect
**Answer:** It might make your period a little bit bigger but it should reduce the effects of it.
**Answer:** my period has been quite bad the last few months..so I should expect even bigger? why is that?
**Answer:** Because it is cleansing your body in all areas.
**Answer:** So it can be bigger
**Answer:** Hmm ok thats good to know
**Answer:** It is a good thing. It can also help to reduce PMS in the future maybe.
**Answer:** and feeling bloated after eating is also normal?
**Answer:** oh I would hope so!!!
**Answer:** Yes it is very normal for detox FAQ page has some good tips on that
**Answer:** have you had a feedback from someone regarding the pms?
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** You could be eating a little bit too much raw food and might need to reduce it a little bit.
**Answer:** Hmm..possibly
**Answer:** but for dinner I didnt eat any raw food, just cooked veggies
**Answer:** Yes we have had a lot of feedback on menstrual irregularities
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-faqs) There are some good tips on here
**Answer:** Menstrual problems are linked to the congestion of the hormones in the body and the blood.
**Answer:** I will read up on this..many thanks and have a good night
**Answer:** Great have a good night yourself and sleep well πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** My husband’s psoriasis is out of control. It makes me hurt looking at it. Now his hands are swollen, red, flaky, and sore! He’s had psoriasis for years, on his knees and elbows. I tried telling him about the 10 day detox, but he doesn’t believe me that it would help. Is there a free booklet that I can receive for him to read. He needs help
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes I can give a link to get the booklet, one second
**Question:** Thank you!!
**Answer:** You can download it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Is he 100% gluten free
**Answer:** This is worth sharing with him also [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pbsNd1RYW0M)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Good Morning
**Answer:** Hi Jilly πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I have been asked to find out which is the the cheapest way to buy Boditune… Sachet or powder??
**Answer:** So I figured I’d ask you to save my braincells
**Answer:** ANd guess who wants to know!! Our local Free Fruit and Veg Mart who have a steady trade of smoothies and juices heading out of the door
**Answer:** It is the same cost if the pot is 500gms – the cheapest way is to buy the 1kg pot at [Price].
**Answer:** They might qualify for wholesale proces if they are a business
**Answer:** Ah I thought so
**Answer:** I would need to check with [Name] πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Shhhhhh… they can buy through me for now
**Answer:** He is in a consult at the mo
**Answer:** lol ok πŸ™‚
**Answer:** No seriously though, I know you guys will see me right
**Answer:** Funny… I’e just been in there and Katie now has broccoli soup from [Name]s book… tomorrow is veggie and wednesday Tomato and capsicum πŸ˜‰ Love it. Win Win for me. [Price] a large mug with a bread roll
**Answer:** Nice!
**Answer:** Reckon….
**Answer:** I will send through an order soon… hopefully now things will get back into a routine for everyone
**Answer:** Yes it has been . weird few weeks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Truly has…. I’ve been so lost with the days lol…. have to check my phone more regularly. I have had two weekends off teaching which confused me even more
**Answer:** LOL
**Answer:** Ah well…. in for the long haul now. Not a fan of winter at all. I came to NZ for the sunny climate, not rain
**Answer:** Me too!!
**Answer:** Catch ya laters. Better do some work, not work when it is a passion but you know what I mean
**Answer:** Have an awesome week
**Answer:** Yes I know what you mean! Me too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Say Hi to [Name] for me
**Answer:** Oh hey, is it cheaper for you to send me an order to Brisbane or for me to do it
**Answer:** Will do – he is a bit full on at the mo! Lots on this month πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Should I say, easier
**Answer:** Is he up to anything exciting or just the usual
**Answer:** 6 seminars and 3 expos and the national herbalists conference – heaps
**Answer:** Where can I find out where he will be?
**Answer:** I’d like to learn more
**Answer:** Here is the link [Link](https://www.[Website]/brett-elliott-event-calendar) – he wants to do a session in Whakatane at the library we just haven;t got to it yet πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Please do one with us instead
**Answer:** Plzzzzzzz
**Answer:** Yes I am sure he would – just need a date tht works
**Answer:** He did say he would be interested
**Answer:** I am sure he would do a seminar on his book for you
**Answer:** Maybe I need to have a chat with him sometime… probably better to email
**Answer:** Sounds good
**Answer:** I’ve got some other stuff to chat about about cellular trauma
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Kiaora [Name] & Sarah, I hit a bit of a plateau in the weekend with my detox, I’m on day 11 today of my 14 day detox. But I was constipated and bloated! Argh is this normal at this time. I thought I wasn’t drinking enough water so upped my water as well. Any suggestions?
**Answer:** Hi Jo
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Yes it is quite normal
**Answer:** I’m glad to hear that!
**Answer:** Don’t eat too much raw food
**Answer:** especially and brassica foods.
**Answer:** Actually I’m mainly eating cooked food
**Answer:** roast veges which are actually getting me through the detox
**Answer:** And smoothies with feijoa and pineapple, apple
**Answer:** Drink some ginger or peppermint tea.
**Answer:** Ok will do that
**Answer:** Tehre is some info on the FAQ page – I will get it for you
**Answer:** I haven’t been eating brassicas at all, not a lot of greens either. I do have spirulina in my smoothie
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-faqs)
**Answer:** Ok thank-you
**Answer:** If there is something to be moved from the body – bloating can occur so hang on in there
**Answer:** I thought also maybe I’m not eating enough. I don’t actually eat until around lunchtime and the last meal at 6pm
**Answer:** ok will be patient πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Should I be exercising? My exercise is limited to day to day tasks at the moment, a bit of yoga but nothing strenuous
**Answer:** Eating will slow down so keep on doing what you are doing and take look at the FAQs page
**Answer:** ok thank-you
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I am so sorry I missed the cut off date to get another Ultimate Herbal Detox at [Price] with my We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 19GGW. Is there any way I could please get this product at [Price], I would be most grateful
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Whereabouts do you live?
**Question:** Auckland, Half Moon Bay
**Answer:** Ok have you tried the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code in the checkout?
**Question:** Yes and it comes up with the message tat it is only valid 04/07/19 to 04/25/19 (american format date)
**Answer:** Pleases try it in a new browser as it has been reactivated for you only.
**Question:** Thank you, I will log back in, really grateful
**Answer:** It worked, thank you so very much
**Answer:** All ordered I see
**Answer:** It will leave us today Jane – thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I’m truly grateful, I have discovered how many foods are just not right for me as I went through this first round, thank you so much
**Answer:** You are welcome – Keep in touch if you need any help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I certainly will, as I am struggling to get dinners that are tasty as I have been a “traditional” eater all my life and not necessarily good. I’m carrying way too much weight and need a lot of help, than you for being there for me, sincerely appreciated
**Answer:** Have you looked at the recipes?
**Answer:** The page has heaps of great ones
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** will do thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Click on the link and choose the programme you are doing from the herbal programme drop-down.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah I started wirh the program and it’s my second day today…I have been been experiencing excessive bloating and gas..is that normal
**Question:** I ate some apples and pears which I don’t usually eat because of my IBS
**Question:** I started with herbal detox
**Answer:** Yes it’s normal to get several changes in the first few days but things should settle down as the days go by
**Question:** Should I avoid eating these foods I don’t normally eat that I know of causing me bloating?
**Question:** I tried eating cauliflower the other day and i was in so much pain..
**Answer:** Yes take them slowly at least. Yes don’t eat large amounts of raw food especially brassica, here is a good page to Read [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-faqs)
**Question:** Ok thank you I will read
**Answer:** This might help also [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-help-bloating-gas)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi. What countries do you ship?
**Question:** with the 20% off buying 2 programa, is the delivery free?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It depends on the country
**Answer:** Where do you want it shipped?
**Question:** France
**Answer:** If the order is over nzd for 2 then it will be free
**Answer:** You would need to order in nz dollars
**Question:** I can pay with Credit card, so i think it doesn’t matter.
**Answer:** You will need to choose nz dollars to get the free delivery. It’s fine to pay by credit card.
**Question:** i live in Mexico, but my daughter is in France, sobsge can receive it.
**Answer:** You would change the current at the top of the shop page
**Question:** in the USA, is the delicery free too?
**Question:** delivery
**Answer:** Delivery to France is fine and by DHL fully tracked
**Answer:** Yes it is free to the USA too
**Question:** thanks alot. I’ll get addresses and proceed.
**Answer:** Ok great we are here to help anytime
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi there If you need any help we are here
**Question:** My husband purchased a bottle Diet- Detox a while ago , what this supposed to do ?
**Answer:** Was it the Ultimate Herbal Detox programme with 4 bottles
**Question:** What that mean Ultimate Herbal Detox
**Answer:** Our detox program is called the Ultimate Herbal Detox and has 4 different bottles – 1 called Symlax, 1 called Digezaid, 1 called Colonaid and 1 called Livafood. Was it these?
**Question:** Oh wow !!
**Question:** Special this one Diet- Detox , what the do in your body
**Answer:** This is our detox programme [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) – our program does deals with Liver cleansing, parasites, heavy metals, and digestive health. And you follow a special diet.
**Question:** Thank you for the information, let me check out !! …another question
**Question:** The bottle say , take 2 pills , can you take both in the nigth?
**Answer:** I don’t know if you have our product – what is the name on the bottle?
**Question:** Worldwide Herbals
**Question:** Worldwide Herbals Diet- Detox
**Answer:** You will need to go to their website [Link](https://www.wwherbals.com) We don’t do that we do a much better and totally different detox program – it is much more comprehensive.
**Question:** Thank you for the information!!!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah i have been speaking with you in the past ( i probably should have introduced myself – Anniki) I asked about different foods for breakfast as I am lactose intolerant but love anything with coconut. I am doing the preparation for the two week detox programme and wanted to ask if having the symptoms whilst preparing, are normal? i.e I feel the urge to use toilet quite a bit now that I havent had any meat and gluten free breads/pasta
**Question:** I havent really cut back on coffee these days..but I know I should…
**Answer:** Hi there, Yes your symptoms are quite normal. Your body will be adjusting to the change in food and suggests you will get a good result from the Detox.
**Question:** I have been eating quite a bit of fruit and veggies, most of my meals are veggie based these days
**Answer:** You should keep having coffee if you have alot of them – justt a cut back or a switch to decaf would be good.
**Question:** and having some dates/dried figs is ok?
**Question:** yes I thought about that too..and if I feel I cant cope, I would have a small coffee
**Question:** or decafe as you suggest
**Answer:** Yes dates and dried figs are fine
**Answer:** Don’t stop the coffee as you can get a withdrawal from that too
**Question:** I have had this in the past and I had no energy at all..
**Question:** made me very unwell and all I wanted was to eat carbs
**Answer:** Do you mean you switched to vegetables and fruit and it made you feel bad?
**Question:** oh no, sorry I meant..when I cut back on coffee in the past (no coffee for a week)
**Answer:** Can i ask you about this salad dressing [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/spicy-salad-dressing) Is Mustard ok ?
**Answer:** Yes, I can understand the response to coffee it is a hormonal effect on the brain which is addictive. It can give a false sense of energy.
**Answer:** Yes, mustard is good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes, and that is when I realized how addicted I was to Coffee.
**Answer:** That is good. That salad dressing looks yumm πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes it is one of my favourites!
**Answer:** also, this recipe calls for cacao poweder?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/chocolate-mousse)
**Answer:** i didnt see cacao in the list
**Answer:** this is one of my favorite recipes
**Answer:** Yes raw cacao is allowed it got missed off the list
**Answer:** Oh right.Is there anything else that has not been included in the list
**Answer:** That means I can make the yumm raw balls? with dates and cacao?
**Answer:** This list might help [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program) Yes raw balss are good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Move towards more vegetable foods and vegetable protein sources such as beans, lentils, dahl, tofu, hummus, chickpeas, corn, and brown rice.
**Answer:** Does that include for 2 week detox?
**Answer:** None of those are on the 14 day plan sorry πŸ™
**Answer:** Only the one month
**Answer:** not even corn?
**Answer:** corn on the cob is fine πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok I see that is the follow up after completing the 2 week programme
**Answer:** Yes that is right πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok cool that list is better and makes more sense..
**Answer:** Mustard is not included in the list?
**Answer:** Great πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Mustad is good πŸ™‚ will get it added
**Answer:** Thanks for your help today πŸ™‚
**Answer:** very happy I can have the bliss balls πŸ˜›
**Answer:** No problem happy to help – enjoy the bliss balls – send us a picture of one and we can add it to the website πŸ™‚ [Email]
**Answer:** Yes I will do that. Also, I was wondering if people were adding their feedback to your website or somewhere else? There arent too many from this year..it would be very useful
**Answer:** although everyone’s journey is very different
**Answer:** We get feedback through a feedback system after the programme via email – many people do not want to share their journey because it is personal and challenging for some. We do ask πŸ™‚
**Answer:** There are some amazing stories of success we have received.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Heya, I ordered 3x detox packs on Wednesday- they have just arrived but unfortunately you have sent the wrong product. You sent me the ultimate slim packs
**Answer:** Hi Melissa
**Answer:** Let me check for you what happened – we will resolve it straight away and resend today. We will send instructions on how to return them to us.
**Answer:** Yup that would be so great, thank you
**Answer:** I do need them urgently as I have two clients due to start a detox program on monday
**Answer:** Ok we will get out today for you urgnetly
**Answer:** thank you!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** I have a lean choc protein powder can i have this with oats for breakfast on the skim programme I have this with osts and al
**Answer:** Does that make any sense??!!
**Answer:** Yes that will be fine
**Answer:** cool thank you
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi where do I pit the promo code that you gave me?
**Answer:** Is this for the slim?
**Question:** yes please
**Answer:** It’s 19GGW
**Question:** yes thank you for that but where do I add it to it just takes me straight to shopping cart
**Answer:** You have to go to the checkout after the shopping cart. You then add the code before you add your delivery address
**Question:** oh donkey!!!thank you
**Answer:** I will keep an eye on it as you order
**Answer:** Remember to click the add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club button after entering the code
**Answer:** It won’t except it otherwise πŸ™‚
**Answer:** All done it will leave us on Friday and we will send the tracking details to you as soon as we can
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** What happened there!!
**Answer:** You can use the 19GGW to get [Price] off the Herbal SLIM, You will need to use that one tonight as it expires tomorrow
**Answer:** You must have lost signal somehow
**Question:** Thank you [Name] I will do it for 4 weeks and keep you posted Sarah knows me quite well now!!! Thank you
**Answer:** Thats a good idea. I recommend trying intermittent fatsing with the herbal slim for best results. You can read about that here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Answer:** The easiest way to do intermittent fasting is to just skip breakfast and start eating at lunchtime, then eat nothing after 8pm at night. It help trigger fat burning.
**Answer:** it works even better with a short burst of exercise in the morning like 20 sit ups and 20 press ups. The combination is amazing.
**Answer:** There is no guarantee on weight loss for the detox program and as Weightloss is only achieved by cleansing and. It isn’t a weight loss program. Take a look at the guarantee here [Link](https://www.[Website]/terms-service)#guarantee
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** One thing we can do for you however to help you achieve your result, is to offer a herbal slim program for [Price].
**Question:** That would be great Sarah can I do it with you now??
**Answer:** Yes I can get you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code bear with me a mo
**Answer:** You can use 19GGW to get [Price] it runs out tonight so best to use it asap
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Question:** me agsin!
**Answer:** All good how can I help?
**Answer:** Did you want to buy the Slim program?
**Answer:** What do you have some more questions I can help with?
**Question:** my friend said as I lost little weight and no real change in energy do we get a refund as I didn’t get the results I was looking for
**Question:** do I thought I would adk
**Question:** Ask
**Answer:** I have you checked the terms and conditions on the website? These give details on the guarantee.
**Answer:** I can give you the link to them so you can take a look
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Andrea, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, how long does it take for shipping in NZ please? Looking at the 2 x detox pack.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It normally is next day or 2 days if in the South Island
**Answer:** Tomorrow is a holiday so we would ship on Friday
**Question:** Ooh, that’s quick. How much for shipping please?
**Answer:** It is free within nz
**Question:** OK, one last question which is a bit cheeky. Do they have to go to the same NZ address? Looking to detox with a friend
**Answer:** No they don’t but you would need to email the other address to [Email]
**Question:** Thanks so much! Will order now
**Answer:** Great will keep an eye out fir your order and email
**Answer:** Hi Claire thanks for your order. Would you like to give me the other address here?
**Answer:** Wow, that would be awesome. Thanks so much! The other address is Jo Bushe, 60 Owhiro Bay Parade, Owhiro Bay, Wellington [Phone]
**Answer:** Can you give me Jos email address and telephone number too please. Needed to email the tracking details and the phone number for the Courier
**Answer:** Sure it’s [Email].nz and [Phone]
**Answer:** Perfect thank you will leave on Friday and we will send the tracking details to you both
**Answer:** That’s hugely appreciated. What fabulous service!!! Goes with a great product πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful day off tomorrow
**Answer:** Thank you so much for the compliments we do like them πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi if you need any help we are online until 10pm
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Sorry I don;t understand ‘skim prigrammetomy email ”
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Sorry can you please send to my email address the info and slim plan
**Answer:** What is your email address? πŸ™‚
**Question:** [Email].uk
**Answer:** [Email].uk ?
**Question:** if I order tonight will I get it by the weekend to start 4 weeks on Monday??
**Answer:** There are no pickups tomorrow due to the holiday so it is likely that it will get there for Monday morning.
**Answer:** If you order now we could get it out today but you would need to do it in the next 5 minutes.
**Question:** So if I don’t have the tablets mon am and start mon night what can I have for Breakfadt and lunch so that I am starting!!
**Answer:** You can download the User guide and see I can give you a link
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** Sarah thank you I’m sure I’ll soeak to you again I’ll order tonight
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-slim-user-guide)
**Answer:** Ok all good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Thank you will def do tonight now can u send me the link about skim prigrammetomy email ??
**Answer:** Sorry I don;t understand ‘skim prigrammetomy email ”
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I can answer any questions you may have πŸ™‚
**Question:** Hi there you may remember me as the lady who asked so many questions on the herbal detox plan well I did it only lost 1.5kg so am feeling a bit deflatedso now thinking after 3 weeks of waiting doing the slim detox diet is it basically the same food??whats different food wise? I’m 5 ft 6” and weight 76kg I really want to get to 70 do you think I will on the duet programme??
**Question:** from Nathalie
**Answer:** Hi there Nathalie
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** The food is slightly different – you can have eggs, fish, and chicken however if you did follow the detox diet you would get a better result.
**Question:** And it’s [Price]
**Answer:** If you didn’t lose much on the Detox is it likely that your body is clean on the inside so the weight loss needs to come from elsewhere.
**Answer:** The programme is [Price] and we have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for [Price] off that if you buy before 20 May.
**Answer:** This is the Slim programme [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-slim-program)
**Question:** Omg so it’s 155$???
**Answer:** This may have been what you were lookign at [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-rapid-slim-combo-0)
**Answer:** Yes it’s [Price] with the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is SHAPE45
**Answer:** You can use it at the checkout
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey, Melissa Garrity here again, just wondering if you could please give me a quote on 3x detox packs
**Answer:** HI Melissa
**Answer:** Let me check for you, one second
**Answer:** ta
**Answer:** It’s $[Phone] including delivery and Gst, you do get 10% discount if you order 6, that’s all
**Answer:** okay, how much is it for 6 please??
**Answer:** $[Phone] inclusive
**Answer:** okay mmmmm ill grab three to start with please
**Answer:** Thanks for the order, did you want that on your credit card ending in [Phone] expiring 12/21 ?
**Answer:** yup that’s the one- thank you!
**Answer:** All good, will get it out this afternoon for you, thanks again
**Answer:** cheers
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah Hema here. i need to buy Herbal slim program and Herbal body tune pot. I have my We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code. where should I buy it? online or in the shop?
**Answer:** Hi Arun, Let me check for you.
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** The best way to get it would be to buy this combo [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-rapid-slim-combo-0)
**Answer:** And you can use your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and we will give you the Herbal SLIM and the BodiTune 500gm pot which is of exactly the same value.
**Answer:** The deal is not available in the health store, so would need to use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club online
**Answer:** ok. I saw online but there is no such option of We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club no.
**Answer:** OK, just click this link and add to your cart, then I will show you where to put in the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-rapid-slim-combo-0)
**Answer:** yes i add to cart.
**Answer:** OK, then click ‘go to cart’
**Answer:** then you can remove the other items you didn’t want
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** The click ‘checkout’
**Answer:** OK, now you can see where to enter your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** done
**Answer:** Once you have entered your code, click ‘add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club’
**Answer:** yes it’s there.
**Answer:** After you enter the code it should reduce the price
**Answer:** thank you. ok
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** today I will send you an email Arun’s blood report. it’s done 15 – 20 days ago. there is no CRP test done.
**Answer:** That’s great thank you
**Answer:** can he eat fruits as he got very high blood sugar? pinapple, apples and pear? please suggest
**Answer:** Yes he is better to eat more vegetables than fruits, but apples, lemons, oranges and pears are the best fruits to have with under 10% sugar
**Answer:** Okay thanks a lot for your great help.
**Answer:** you’re welcome
**Answer:** Please let me know after the detox program what should he continue to lower his blood sugar and excess weight. thanks
**Answer:** I suggest the Herbal SLIM for one or two months, plus he can use the BodiTune alongside this, or afterwards keep going with the bodiTune
**Answer:** It is best to keep going with these and probably lose 1-2kg each month as a steady approach
**Answer:** With exercise, and a little fasting it can even be a little faster
**Answer:** so how many and what should I buy for him?
**Answer:** is fasting good for diabetes
**Answer:** Is he on insulin or not?
**Answer:** Type 1 or type 2 diabetes
**Answer:** Doctor says if he is not improved in one month she will put him on insulin …type 2
**Answer:** thats why we decided to do your program
**Answer:** OK then, yes it would be good to do a couple of days of just eating apples at the end of his detox program, and maybe once every 10 days for a start, and see how he goes
**Answer:** sorry i didn’t get you
**Answer:** I would suggest this program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-rapid-slim-combo-0) repeated twice and used over 2 months. It would be best to only have meat (chicken or fish) 1-2 times a week during this time.
**Answer:** it would be good to do a couple of days of fruit fasting (just eating apples) at the end of his detox program, then repeating it again every 10 days
**Answer:** eggs??
**Answer:** Yes they would be OK, twice a week, but important to have 2-3 days a week of vegetarian food, lots of greens and brassica (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage)
**Answer:** Is he having any green smoothies in the mornings?
**Answer:** yes celery , winter melon(green), ginger, cucumber juice
**Answer:** great, it’s better to have smoothies in a blender that having just the juice, as the juice can be high in sugar. It’s better to use your blender and drink everything including the pulp and fibre
**Answer:** oh ok
**Answer:** Here is some good recipes [Link](https://www.[Website]/search/node/smoothie)
**Answer:** great… thank you sooo much
**Answer:** This might be a good page also [Link](https://www.[Website]/search/node/diabetes)
**Answer:** Hi sorry.. I add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club no but it shows the same amount. and i have already done the process. its [Price]
**Answer:** Hi there I will get [Name] to refund it to you
**Answer:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club did you have?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi [Name], I wanted to ask about fasting during the detox. Am I able to do this? I mentioned earlier that I am on Day 5 on the 14 day deep cleanse
**Answer:** Hi Jo
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** [Name] is in a consultation at the moment – I can get him to email you back when he is out if that is OK?
**Answer:** And if I can fast, can I just drink water with lemon or something similar. I feel like I need to take food out all together to deal with the candida.
**Answer:** Yes please thank-you
**Answer:** By the way, you can fast on the Detox if you feel you wish to.
**Answer:** ok thankyou
**Answer:** Yes you will be fine with water and lemon
**Answer:** I saw that he drank orange juice, what does this do? Ok thankyou
**Answer:** I’m guessing that the herbs can really get to work without the food
**Answer:** Yes they can and Ketosis can kick in.
**Answer:** ok thanks Sarah!
**Answer:** You are welcome – I will let [Name] know you popped back on to ask a question πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thank-you.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi there, couple of questions. How bad is the β€œcleansing” process? Will this impact working? I’m worries about this as I won’t take time off work to detox
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi Arun, Do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah I have started my detox. today is the tenth day. after this can I start slim program immediately?
**Answer:** Yes you can start it straight away after the Detox programme.
**Answer:** I am taking your bodytune protein powder with almond milk during detox . is it okay?
**Answer:** Yes it is great with that πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Oh thanks. I have lost 4 kgs
**Answer:** That is great to hear πŸ™‚ And how are you feeling?
**Answer:** My wife is also doing detox with me but she didn’t loose any weight. she is doing this detox second time. last time also she did not loose any weight. what is the reason?
**Answer:** HI There, It’s [Name], let me answer for you
**Answer:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** Often there is no weight loss, if the body does not have internal build-up
**Answer:** For example if she is eating mostly vegetables then build up may not occur
**Answer:** The weight loss from people get from detoxing is not from fat burning but rather comes from cleansing the inside of the body
**Answer:** If fat burning is what is needed, then it is good to follow the detox with the Herbal Slim or BodiTune programs
**Answer:** Okay got it. you mean to say she has to include protein in her diet.
**Answer:** No, I mean that if she is not eating much meat, then the build-up is usually less, so not so much weight loss occurs when detoxing. This is a good sign that her body is not overloaded with build-up
**Answer:** Okay thanks . Hi [Name] Hema here. My weight is 71 since last 6 months and now during this detox it increased 1/2 kg more
**Answer:** OK, Have you been getting any extra bowel movements during the detox, and how many days into the program are you now?
**Answer:** today is my 9th day. 4 to 5 bowel movements
**Answer:** 4 to 5 over the 9 days in total?, so once every two days?
**Answer:** no no . everyday 4 to 5
**Answer:** Oh Ok, That is a lot, even that should be causing a good cleanse!!
**Answer:** I think if you keep going until 14 days is over, you should have lost some weight
**Answer:** Maybe try eating a little less, and have more raw food if you can for the rest of the program
**Answer:** Apples are really good, Check out this little video [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5ypuzgg2sg)
**Answer:** 4 years ago i had done this detox but not lost any weight but inches.
**Answer:** That’s interesting, but even inches are good sign
**Answer:** I have hypothyroidism and stomach ulcer, acid reflux that’s why i eat less raw food.
**Answer:** i take vege juices of celery, carrot, ginger, apple and orange mix . is that ok?
**Answer:** Yes that’s good, I suggest getting some Aloe Vera Juice and also cayenne capsules which should help heal the stomach ulcer, but it’s better to talk to somebody in a health shop about those. Apples would be a good OK also as a food to eat during the day, 2-3 apples each day should help with some weight loss. I hope that helps,
**Answer:** [Name] has had to go into a consultation but if you have any further questions you can email him on [Email] or pop back on to the live chat at about 6pm
**Answer:** Ok Thanks a lot
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** sorry i have one morfe question for brett!
**Answer:** He is in a consultation at the mo but I might be able to help if not I can ask him to email you.
**Answer:** okiedokie
**Answer:** im curious if he recommends starting to kill the candida with the colloidial silver and more im using…at the same day as the enema and implant or let it build before starting to kill it…?
**Answer:** OK best for [Name] to answer that one – I will let him know and he will get in touch bu email.
**Answer:** ill email it to him if ok?
**Answer:** If you want to go ahead, no probs
**Answer:** ok will do…think we have a thread going yet still pass it on ive emailed pls pls thanks again for all you do
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good morning Sarah
**Answer:** Hello there, how can I help?
**Question:** I recently purchased the 14 day detox herbs and I wanted to ask about some of the foods I can eat in abundance and/or moderation. What fruits i should keep an eye out and what fruits are ok to eat as needed?
**Answer:** Eating as your body needs is the right way to go – the list of foods at the bottom of this page gives you the options [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Fruits are good to keep close to address headaches or hunger feelings.
**Question:** Thank you for that. Can I still roast veggies with some olive oil?
**Answer:** You will find you intake of food with change while you do the programme – it will probably reduce
**Answer:** Yes they are fine with olive oil
**Answer:** [Name] mainly usess coconut oil to do the vegetables
**Question:** I have had an inflammation the past 6 months, which has reduced a little bit but feeling fatigue, tired,bloated, and in general lack of energy are the triggers why I was keen to do the herbal detox.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/roast-vegetable-salad)
**Question:** Yes I actually love coconut oil
**Question:** I am low in iron, and I am taking the iron supplements, shall I still keep taking them whilst doing the program?
**Answer:** The Detox will help with inflammation greatly. It should help with the fatigue, tiredness and bloating too – plus I am sure you will seee an improvement in your energy. Have you seen the recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) – just choose the program from the drop down
**Answer:** Yes keep taking any supplements you are taking currently – it won’t do any harm either way.
**Question:** I have seen that yes and I was thinking of starring with the deep cleanse – 14 days
**Question:** starting
**Question:** also, I am not eating any dairy so coconut yogurt should be a good option for breakfast ?
**Answer:** Yes coconut yogurt is perfect πŸ™‚
**Question:** with some berries?
**Question:** what else could I include
**Answer:** Apples, Dates, Figs, Kiwifruit, Mango, Passionfruit, pineapple, raisins or melon are all good
**Question:** so its ok to eat dried fruit?
**Answer:** Yes it is ok
**Question:** some are very sugary, or is that just with natural sugar
**Answer:** Natural sugar – it is ok for you on the detox πŸ™‚
**Question:** ah thats good πŸ™‚ I will need to stock up on fruit then. Is there anything else you would suggest for breakfast?
**Answer:** Smoothies are good
**Answer:** Leftover vegetables from the night be are are good
**Question:** I find it hard to do smoothies during cold months
**Question:** are chia seeds ok?
**Answer:** Miso soup or soup for breakfast are good too
**Question:** I am looking at the list here and can see the Chia seeds
**Answer:** Yes chia seeds are ok
**Question:** Hmm, its interesting that chia seeds are ok?
**Answer:** Yes chia seeds are in the detox too
**Question:** Is it just tomatoes or also canned tomatoes?
**Answer:** You can do both – just choose a tinned on with no added sugar
**Question:** Thats great thank you so much. You have been very helpful
**Answer:** You are welcome – get in touch any time πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thanks a lot again have a lovely day
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah…Im supposed to speak with [Name] today could you pass this onto him when g\he has time πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** Morning [Name]…todays the day we start with the 2 weekly enems.
**Answer:** Hi Amy
**Answer:** [Name] is online now
**Answer:** He will answer for you
**Answer:** cheers
**Answer:** Hi Amy, It might be better if I give you a call?
**Answer:** ok sounds good let me get my pin and paper
**Answer:** What’s your number?
**Answer:** [Phone]
**Answer:** ready when you are
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I received my detox pack and free colonaid last Thurs, thank-you. I also ordered the alka jug cartridge pack. Was there supposed to be two cartridges in the pack as I only received one.
**Answer:** HI Jo, There should only be one cartridge per package, although they are packed in the boxes that used to contain two. Sorry for any confusion.
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** I’ve been really craving sweet on this detox. Have been having a few dates in my smoothie, is there anything else that I can have to curb that. I’m also trying to deal with a candida problem which I think has improved since the last detox but too much fruit is probably not good either?
**Answer:** I’m on Day 5 of the 14 day
**Answer:** You could try some pickled onions, olives or gherkins during the day as snacks, also baby carrots, cherry tomatoes are good. They are all fairly low in sugar as well.
**Answer:** ok. Is avocado ok?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** and can I add cacao powder to my smoothies?
**Answer:** Yes thats OK
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Anytime
**Question:** Sorry I keep falling out of the livechat
**Answer:** Yes he will respond to you first thing in the morning.
**Question:** Ok if you have the right email. Then I will just wait
**Question:** Are you too based in tauranga?
**Answer:** Yes we are all based in Tauranga. And I will ask [Name] to check the email when he sends it.
**Question:** It should be fine, as you said you have the right email. All good and thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Question:** I didnt get an email from
**Question:** you.
**Question:** please check email address
**Answer:** Did you check your spam folder?
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** Its an underline / underscore?
**Question:** I checked spam
**Question:** _ this after t
**Answer:** Yes it was sent to the email address that you left on the message.
**Question:** hmm. Strange
**Question:** Ok [Name] will reply to that then?
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Did you see my message?
**Question:** When is the chat back
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We are here now
**Question:** oh hello.
**Question:** Ive message the other day with some questions
**Question:** Regarding heavy metal detox.
**Question:** Did you get it?
**Question:** Il have to go now. Back soon
**Answer:** Yes we emailed you back to let you know it has been passed on to [Name]
**Answer:** He is away until tomorrow morning and will get back to you by email at that point.
**Answer:** Please keep an eye on your spam folder in case it goes in there on your email
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** slim can eat fish and chicken
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Question:** ok thanks
**Question:** no rice and bread right
**Answer:** Brown rice is ok
**Answer:** Bread isn’t allowed sorry
**Question:** how about oat
**Answer:** Sorry no oats
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** when I finish ditox can I start with slim
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can start
**Answer:** Straight away on the slim
**Answer:** Immediately after the detox
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello. I’m looking for advice on heavy metal detox.
**Answer:** Yes I can help you with that
**Question:** I believe its due to vaccination from gardasil.
**Question:** And affecting my memory
**Answer:** [Name] has an article on the topic which will help you just click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detoxing-heavy-metals)
**Question:** I went to natural pharmacy and she recommended the detox Programme
**Question:** Ok I will read this, thank you
**Answer:** [Name] suggests doing the Detox over 14 weeks then again over one month if you feel there is some residual.
**Answer:** He also suggests lots of green smoothies and coconut cream.
**Answer:** The fats and the greens help to get the heavy metals out through the Liver and Bowels.
**Question:** I do realize it’s not a quick fix as I need to do it slowly yes
**Question:** So, it means the package over 4 weeks. Then another 4 weeks.
**Answer:** The first detox you do over 14 days and the 2nd over 4 weeks so 6 weeks in total.
**Question:** Are the herbs for heavy metal detox already in packet? Because if I add the removing ones too quickly my liver might not be able to get rid of it?
**Question:** Ok I understand. I will need two packages.
**Answer:** The Detox has all the herbs for th4e heavy metal detox
**Question:** Ok.
**Answer:** [Name] does it all together – heavy metals, parasites plus bowel, liver, and intestines.
**Question:** I hope this helps to get my health right again.
**Answer:** It goes right down to cell level.
**Question:** As it is affecting my brain. Memory and I’m not quite myself
**Question:** Has it worked with other people? Especially with brain related
**Question:** I will go with your Programme. I live in nz too. Good to know its from here
**Answer:** Quite often the brain gets cleared through the detox. The brain gets affected by the build of stress as well as toxins – it’s like giving it a holiday!
**Answer:** Yes made here πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thank you for the information.
**Answer:** You are welcome would you like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get some discount?
**Question:** Yes you can send to my email [Email]
**Answer:** I can give it to you here
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Just use SHAPE45 and you can get [Price] off until 20 May.
**Question:** Great thank u
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** You saw me under massive Tazor attack by 6 in June [Phone]… Said its over…. But to this hour police have not taken Tazor off them or stopped it.
**Question:** Can you go in to that place and stop it for me and wait for me to get in with you please… Nz police would have to tell you where they are.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, im planning to start a 14 day cleanse, n i saw to cut out eggs
**Question:** can i still eat eggs or no
**Answer:** Yes that is correct – no eggs – they bind you up and slow down the cleanse
**Question:** Ok thankyou
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** why can not eat meat
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Meat is very very difficult for the body to digest so when you’re detoxing you need food that go through easily. This is the reason why meat is not allowed.
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** I eat Canola oil in todayso what can I do
**Answer:** Can you use coconut oil instead
**Question:** next time I’ll try
**Answer:** That’s great
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hiI just want konw can eat watermelon when I do programs
**Answer:** Hi there yes you can that would be fine πŸ™‚
**Question:** watermelon have lots of sugar
**Answer:** As long as it is natural sugar it is fine. The problem is the process sugar. Most fruits have sugar in them and it is fine to eat those.
**Question:** OK
**Answer:** How are your headaches?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Can I eat any other dairy free yoghurt during the detox ?
**Answer:** Yes any type is fine, so long as it is sugar free
**Question:** I just bought your 14 day detox capsules today and noticed that yoghurt has been mentioned but since I don’t do well with dairy, wonder what can I incorporate wirh non dairy yoghurt for breakfast
**Answer:** Coconut yoghurt is great, I often use coconut cream as well
**Question:** That’s amazing I love coconut yoghurt. Can you recommend any good brands in nz ?
**Question:** Are there any other recipes available online in addition to the ones on the website
**Answer:** Not really that we have put together, but any others that fit with the program instructions can be used, if you look for vegan recipes they are usually OK, jsut avoid nut, grains and seeds if possible
**Question:** Ok thank you for that
**Answer:** Have you looked on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** Yes
**Question:** Just seeing it now
**Question:** Can I eat sweet potatoes every other day
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Do the portions matter too ?
**Answer:** Not really
**Question:** Ok, I am a little bit concerned about how my body and mind will respond to this detox because in the past I started to overindulge..as I was restricting myself from eating certain foods.. Do you have any advice on that
**Answer:** Yes, try snacking often
**Answer:** I suggest eating apples and oranges every hour or so,
**Answer:** Also nibbling on raisins, grapes, mandarins, dates, even pickled onions and olives are good
**Answer:** Its good to prepare yourself each day to have some snacks on hand
**Question:** How about sauerkraut ?
**Answer:** yes that’s OK
**Question:** That’s good to know I will prepare the snacks to bring with me to work.
**Question:** And dates are ok in moderation?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** Cheers… got the discount code from the Green Expo which gives 30% off
**Answer:** Excellent tht is great πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Oops bad spelling!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** With the herbal detox… how long is the programme and is one pack for one person.
**Answer:** Hi there, the program is just for one person and it can be done for different ways. Most people do it over 14 days as that gets great results
**Answer:** Sorry that might of confused you you can do it over four different Lancs of time.
**Question:** That’s a lot of capsules each day
**Answer:** Yes it is, that is why it that’s amazing results πŸ™‚
**Answer:** It is a very high dose of herbs
**Answer:** Which you take along with the foods
**Question:** Capsules are good… I’ve used liquids before but they make me reach
**Answer:** Oh yuck! I do believe that that’s the reason why brett has put it in Capitals πŸ™‚
**Question:** Is there a link so I can see the daily program
**Answer:** Yes I can give you a link
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** You can also download the user guide here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Question:** That’s very helpful thank you.
**Answer:** All good – we aare here to help if you have any questions at any time. If you would like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club we can give you one for some discount
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I was able to apply the shape45 bonus for May but that has nothing to do with the bonus bottle of colonaid does it?
**Question:** I’m also buying an alka jug cartridge. This is me, who was trying to put in the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code before.
**Answer:** Sorry no it’s only possible to use one We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code at a time
**Answer:** Would it be easier for me to call you? We can do it over the phone
**Question:** I couldn’t put in the other code but that one worked. So I’ll just take the code off keep my order the detox and alka jug and then you just add the colonaid?
**Answer:** Yes if you don’t use a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club we can add the extra Colonaid for you
**Answer:** If you leave in the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club we won’t be able to send the freebie
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Thanks Sarah, I did the cleanse a few months ago, should I do it again?
**Answer:** If you are looking to get rid of parasites and Candida then the detox with the extra Colonaid forafterwards is the way to go. There are foods for both of those health issues that it would be good for you to follow.
**Question:** ok thanks. So nevermind the boditune. Just do the detox first?
**Answer:** The detox is five times stronger than the BodiTune So if a big cleanse is what you need then the detox is definitely the way to go.
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies) This is the parasite page
**Answer:** And this is the Candida page
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Answer:** They both have foods that [Name] recommend you use while doing the program πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there if you put the detox into your shopping cart First and then add your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code it will give you the Colonaid free
**Question:** ok I was trying to figure that out
**Answer:** the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is PARASITEBONUS
**Answer:** All capitals
**Question:** it says can’t redeem
**Answer:** Ok sorry about that you might need to open another browser as your computer is remembering the past entries. If You don’t want to do that just order the herbal detox and I will make sure that the extra item is added to your order straightaway.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, if I put in an order today, will it get sent today to get here tomorrow?
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** If you order in the next hour it will leave today and should be there tomorrow if you’re not in the South Island πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok great thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** Do I need the whole boditune pack or the sachets are ok on their own. I’m wanting a parasite clean too, candida so should get colonaid too?
**Answer:** To do the full cleanse with Candida and parasites it is best to do the ultimate herbal detox which is capsules and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get the Colonaid free
**Answer:** This is the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get the Colonaid free PARASITEBONUS
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** how can stop headaches
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Is this through the Detox program?
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** How long have you had them?
**Question:** two days
**Answer:** It is normal to get a headache is normally lasts a few days – take a look at [Name]’s articles here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/managing-detox-headaches-and-withdrawal)
**Answer:** It is important to keep
**Answer:** your sugar levels up via fruit
**Question:** you mean i need more sugar
**Answer:** You need to drip feed the sugar so small amount sof sugar regularly. Small pieces of fruit every 10 minutes is good. 20 long deep breaths are also good.
**Answer:** Pleae take a look a the page link to [Name]’s headaches article it will help πŸ™‚
**Question:** Why do I take detox products for headaches
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Most headaches are caused by toxins
**Answer:** Doing a detox spped up the elimination of toxins and can stop the headaches
**Question:** How long will it take
**Answer:** It can be done over 7-14 days, you can see the options here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** I mean how long the headaches will stop
**Answer:** It all depends on the exact cause, but they usually stop during the detox program after about 10 days, espeically if the program is followed properly. There is a recipe book and extra recipes on this webstie that you would need to eat as well as taking the herbal capsules that come in the detox prgoram
**Answer:** Just click on the link and you can see how it works [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry you came in and out so got the message again πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** Happy to help with any questions
**Question:** I am looking into the Ultimate detox
**Question:** does it contian any dairy
**Question:** contain
**Question:** and how about someone with IBS?
**Answer:** No dairy or gluten
**Answer:** Very good for IBS
**Answer:** [Name] has an article on it
**Answer:** I can give you the link
**Question:** oh wonderful..please do so
**Answer:** Here you go [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/irritable-bowel-syndrome-ibs-natural-solutions)
**Answer:** Just click on the link and it will take you to the article page
**Question:** thank you..can I see the reciepes from the booklet or do I need buy the products first? I am curious what meals I should follow
**Answer:** If you click on the article it suggests the right foods.
**Answer:** You can see the recipes under the recipes on the website
**Question:** awesome thank you
**Answer:** Just look look under rsources and you can see them there
**Answer:** Resources is on the home page
**Question:** I am seeing them now thanks Sarah
**Answer:** Get you can also download the User guide and eBook on IBS via the eBook page under resources
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** herbs good for the liver?
**Answer:** Yes they are
**Question:** which ones
**Answer:** Let me point you in the right direction
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-herbal-liver-detox-program) click on this article to see them
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi there we are signing off now
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry I logged into my account now but can’t find your special anymore of 20% discount for 2 detox
**Answer:** Let me get the links again for you
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** for the detox [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** and the Boditune [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-20)
**Answer:** so I can just click on that and it will automatically go into my account
**Answer:** Yes, kust click add to cart
**Answer:** then you can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club on the checkout page
**Answer:** SHAPE45
**Answer:** You can see all the products here by scrolling down the page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-store)
**Answer:** If it’s easier for you we can take an order over the phone?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Question:** Hi I have changed my email from [Email].nz to [Email] Could you change this in the system or should I make a new account
**Answer:** I cna change it for you, one moment
**Question:** sorry should be vodafone, wrongly spelled it
**Answer:** I have changed it
**Answer:** i hope I can remember my password , it has been a while I have ordered the detox. Wondered also if I ordered 2 times the detox I would receive the discount for each detox?
**Answer:** I can reset it for you also, jsut a moment
**Answer:** Your new password is truus1234
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Yes you can get the 20% off for 2 x Detox by clicking here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** Then you can also use the discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club SHARE45 and get the extra [Price] off
**Answer:** Awesome thanks a lot. We are ready for another round of detoxing
**Answer:** Its a good time of year for it too, with the seasons changing
**Answer:** Do you also have the combo of the detox and sachets
**Answer:** Sorry the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club should read SHAPE45
**Answer:** Yes let me get the link for you
**Answer:** sure thanks
**Answer:** This is it [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-20)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you have any questions
**Question:** Hi [Name], I have just become aware of your detox programme at the Wellness Wave clinic in Tauranga. I would just like to ask – is it better to do a colon irrigation before or after your detox programme? Or does it not matter either way? Jill
**Answer:** HI Jill, It canbe done at both ends, no pun intended, as a colonic is a good way to start but also a good way to finish
**Answer:** If you had to choose one over the other I would say afterwards to give that final rinse so to speak
**Question:** Ok thanks for that.
**Answer:** I do have a [Price] discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you can use this week for the Herbal Detox on our website
**Answer:** You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club SHAPE45 to get the discount
**Question:** Thanks. I will consider it, but probably not convenient to use at the moment.
**Answer:** You’re welcome, I’m here to help anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Poop
**Answer:** nice thanks xx
**Answer:** Can you help with that
**Answer:** oh yes go to the bog
**Question:** I will love to know the best way remove bad cholesterol herbally.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** You can see the program here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-lower-cholesterol-naturally-herbs-food)
**Question:** Hi [Name], ok thanks ,just check it out now.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello I have finished the detox last Wednesday. and have been feeling a bit low vibe and head achey. I don’t tolerate sugar too well and am struggling with what to have for breakfast. Any ideas will be appreciated.
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Did you enjoy any of the smoothies
**Answer:** I would recommend trying the BodiTune smoothie [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** It’s a great way to keep the herbs going and pick up the energy
**Answer:** Porridge is a good option or poached eggs on spinach
**Question:** They don’t work for me I tried one with your detox sachet and felt nauseous with an upset stomach and my blood felt out.
**Question:** Porridge is too starchy for me. I find I get a sore neck when I have too much starch
**Answer:** It’s a little difficult then, often there is a period of feeling off as your body adjust to healthy foods and herbs, but that’s all part of the healing process, as change is essential
**Answer:** we often hold onto our old energy which continues to make us unwell, it’s sometime hard to let go and go through the process of change, but that’s the only way to truly heal ourselves
**Answer:** Does that make sense
**Question:** Thanks I will feel into it. and see what I need to release. But sugar has always been a problem for me. That’s all sugars
**Answer:** Did you try the green smoothie at all? [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/kale-lime-smoothie)
**Answer:** That could be a good breakfast for energy
**Answer:** It’s low sugar
**Question:** Raw is also hard on my gut first thing in the morning. But can have a look
**Answer:** Ok, often the week or two following the detox is when your body does a lot of healing, so get plenty of rest, as you heal most when resting, I hope it goes well
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi there, just wondering if I can consumer small amounts of flaxseed or LSA on the detox
**Answer:** Sorry nuts and seeds and grains are not allowed on the 14 day plan.
**Question:** cool thank you
**Answer:** Hi Lauren, we are here if you have any questions.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** biological source of fennel
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** We import ground fennel seed from china
**Question:** biological source of fennel please
**Answer:** I don’t know what you mean, it comes from the fennel seed
**Question:** ok thanks
**Question:** standard parameters of fennel?
**Answer:** For what purpose
**Answer:** YOu can look at this [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3b91HS9bgiXZkZkU3F4d0lUaXM/view?usp=sharing)
**Answer:** Thats what we use
**Answer:** Its an old batch certificate
**Question:** actually i am student of bpharm and thish qusetion is in our past exam pepper
**Answer:** OK, I dont have any more information than that sorry
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi We have finished detox and waiting for Slim Programme to arrive. Should we restart a good probiotic now or wait until Slim is completed? Thanks Alan & Sue CHCH
**Answer:** Hi Alan
**Answer:** You can start the probiotic now if you like
**Answer:** It’s great just after the detox
**Answer:** Ok will do. Thanks
**Answer:** Hope it goes well
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You can see details of the consultation here [Link](https://www.[Website]/visit-brett-elliotts-clinic)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Does [Name] do personal consults
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes he does
**Answer:** Normally on a Tuesday or a Thursday
**Question:** can you give price and availability details?
**Answer:** Yes the cost is [Price] for the 1.5 hour appointment. He is free next Tuesday at 1pm or 11am or 1pm on 3- April.
**Answer:** Do any of these work?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I am a 49 year old active female. I have done a couple of detoxes a few years ago. Now my hormones are starting to change and I have gained a
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** sorry I have pressed send before I finished my story. I have gained a
**Question:** little bit of extra weight (1.68cm 64.5kg ) I am wondering which product kit you recommend for me.
**Answer:** A detox is always the best place to start and the Ultimate Herbal Detox over 14 days is the ideal reboot for the whole system. Usually it results in about 5kg weight loss which is a nice bonus
**Question:** Thank you for your advice
**Answer:** If you need to go further then the Ultimate Herbal SLIM is good for another 4-5kg. It works more on fat burning and craving control
**Question:** will it also help to balance the hormones
**Answer:** Yes, because it flushes excess fats and estrogen from the liver
**Answer:** There is a [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club available at the moment which you can use on either program
**Question:** the ultimate herbal detox does or the slim kit
**Answer:** The detox
**Answer:** The slim helps a little with hormones, but it’s actually works better after the detox
**Question:** How can I option the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is SHAPE45 and it can be applied at chekcout
**Question:** Thanks a lot
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** where to access shedual ? of events
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me give you the link
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.[Website]/brett-elliott-event-calendar)
**Question:** ta
**Answer:** Do you need any further help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can we replace gluten free bread with thin vogels on the slim diet?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** Hi,Di from Coromandel here.
**Answer:** Hi Di,
**Answer:** Gluten free bread is not actually any better, in-fact it can be even harder to digest
**Answer:** I suggest super grainy, thin sliced and well toasted and only one piece every other day, if at all
**Question:** Ok,we have’nt been,but we’ve done 30 days now without carbs,bananas,etc,and were hoping for a bit of bread.
**Answer:** That makes sense, yes you could have a bit, like I was saying toasted is actually better to destroy the gluten, or a couple of ryvita maybe
**Answer:** It’s just a good idea to stack them with toppings so you only need one or two at the most
**Question:** Lovely,thanks-we have lost 4kg each,not as much as we hoped,but we feel marvellous,thanks.
**Answer:** Well done, keep up the good work
**Answer:** Did you know we have [Price] off the products this month? You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club SHAPE45 to get the discount
**Question:** Thanks! Bye for now,you have helped a lot of people which is really great.My friend lost13kg in a month! Shes eating so much better-we already have a whole food diet and grow our own meat/fruit/veg/eggs/milk etc,so our change wasn’t as drastic as hers-she rarely ate veges and fruit.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Alex, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello again all…Ive got couple more queries! Apologies for the constant need yet were just wanting best results
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Fire away we are happy to help πŸ™‚
**Question:** Hello Sarah..i think i spoke with you last week/
**Question:** Great…im wanting to find out about the colema board kit vs colonics and enema kits?
**Answer:** Okay [Name] is just coming online and I think he would be best to answer your queries. Just bear with us while he switches on.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** It all depends on your goal and what you’re wanting to treat yourself foe
**Answer:** for
**Question:** my son prefers to do an enema from home that he can just buy the bag and always have…will this still work for candida systemic and what would i use for minerals, probiotics and chloryphyl to implant
**Question:** [Name] hi its amy again…just trying to buy all equipment and have all ready. are getting the colloidial silver soon too
**Answer:** Yes the enema should work OK, but just need to get at least 1 litre of probiotic implant in after the herbal detox program is completed
**Answer:** I can help with the recipe to do that implant
**Question:** ok good to know ill add this to my list. hes on the 6 week detox so an enema at 2 weeks and at 6 weeks or as much as tolerate or…what would you recommend? Thanks again for all
**Answer:** I would suggest L-ruteri as the best bacteria to use, and I have some practioner quality here. Check out this article on this strain [Link](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5328390/)
**Question:** ok ive added this to my file and will have a read…glad to know your have it!
**Answer:** I would suggest 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks. To use it twice, with plunger coffee the first time and the L-ruteri in the second time using 2 enemas each time.
**Answer:** The one I supply is [Price] for 30 caps, he would only use 4 caps each time so have the rest left over to use afterwards
**Question:** great…can i buy some now to have here at home? And what coffee would you use? and would you add any minerals or chlorophyll to implanting. so the coffee enemas to be held for 15 min or so and the probiotic implant x3 in those 6 weeks try and hold a litre over that time? just want to make sure im right! If i can get an email copy of this convo that would help
**Answer:** Yes you are right the last implant is good to hold for as long as posisble 20 minutes is even better. Organic coffee beans if possible and freshly ground and make a large stong plunger full, then dilute 50/50 with cold filtered water. I can talk to you about the implant closer to the time.
**Answer:** goodo! thanks so much…you must have so many people needing you all, really appreciate this
**Answer:** If you want the probiotics now I will need to email you an invoice as we dont sell these online, just need your full name, delivery address and email
**Answer:** + phone
**Answer:** Amy Matarese 113a Glengarry Rd., Glen Eden- Waitakere [Phone] [Email]
**Answer:** Ok, I will email you an invoice in a few minutes
**Answer:** Thanks so much
**Answer:** I will email you this chat afer we log out
**Answer:** ps would you add minerals to an implant and or chlorophyll? just ordering things today
**Answer:** Need your phone as well
**Answer:** and ok will log out after this…think we’ll be done till implant time and will just be following the regime so thanks for your time
**Answer:** [Phone]
**Answer:** No I wouldn’t add those to the implant, they could actually make things worse πŸ™‚
**Answer:** ok good to know coffee and probiotics it is then πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** yeah seems a bit direct without the digestive system in action…
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** cheers over and out πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Question:** Is this choc mousse recipe ok for 14day ultimate herbal detox?
**Answer:** Good news, YES
**Answer:** Raw cocoa powder is the best if you can get it
**Question:** Cheers
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hello again Sarah! Amy Matarese here…ive spoken to you a few times now re being on the detox here
**Answer:** HI Amy, It’s [Name]
**Answer:** Sarah is away at the moment
**Answer:** How can I help
**Answer:** Im just curious if [Name] would recommend adding to the detox diatomaceous earth to the smoothies by chance? Hi [Name]!
**Answer:** Yes that would be a great idea
**Answer:** ok thanks just wondered if ti would be a waste or not…Ive added Vitc too just to boost us up during inflammatory responses and possible stirring of viruses tucked away!
**Answer:** You’re doing a great job, well done
**Answer:** thank you YOU too πŸ™‚ Hope to meet you one day!
**Answer:** I would love to meet you also, We are inn Auckland a few times this year, you can see when here [Link](https://www.[Website]/brett-elliott-event-calendar)
**Answer:** Ooooh ok that would be great! My soon to be business is called Knock Knock and I help ones living with brain trauma get off the orthodox meds so dependent on that can cause chronic illness in the long run and they get addicted in the mean time all while trusting their drs so Im thinking after i experience to detox to add it to my system of support for ones in need to get out of the clutches of the FDA!
**Answer:** Great idea, and we supply at wholesale rates to other businesses also
**Answer:** Great…yay for us πŸ™‚ Ill load your dates into my dairy that your in auckland and keep this in mind when i build my system for promoting. Thanks for all [Name]!
**Answer:** See you sometime soon then
**Answer:** Yes yes…go well till then πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You too’
**Answer:** Thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I am about to start the Gentle Cleanse Detox programme, I have looked in the guide book and am a little confused. How many capsules do I take in the Lead-In 2-4 days? then do I go onto the 16 capsules a day from then on? Many thanks Jane
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me help you
**Question:** Hi there, I am about to start the Gentle Cleanse Detox programme, I have looked in the guide book and am a little confused. How many capsules do I take in the Lead-In 2-4 days? then do I go onto the 16 capsules a day from then on? Many thanks Jane
**Answer:** You actually do the elimination days and start straight away with 2 capsules from each bottle in the morning and
**Answer:** Repeat at night
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Page 13 of the guide will help you
**Question:** Got it thank you so much
**Answer:** Awesome here to help anytime
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi We are both about to complete the Herbal Detox, and as pensioners we wonder if you offer a discount to go on to the Herbal Slim programme?? Thanks Alan & Sue, Christchurch
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes I can help with that, we’re you both thinking of doing it?
**Question:** Yes both of us.
**Answer:** OK, then the best deal would be to click here and you will see 20% off for two pack [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-slim-save-20)
**Answer:** Then you could use this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club SHAPE45 to get an extra [Price] discount off that deal
**Answer:** That gives you $[Phone] off each pack in total
**Question:** Thanks doing that now!
**Answer:** Just enter the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and click add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** Thanks [Name], now purchased. Have done really well on the detox over 3 weeks. Regards Alan & Sue
**Answer:** That’s great news Alan. I would love to hear more about it, if you feel like sending me an email [Email]
**Answer:** We will get your order on the way ASAP, keep up the good work
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi sarah…
**Answer:** Hi Amy, Can I help?
**Answer:** my son is on day 2 on the detox program
**Answer:** and is already having headaches…he has systemic candida and heavy metal toxicity from being a welder hence needing the cleanse. weve opted for the 6 weeks of the deap cleanse yet must he cut back during symptoms or keep on same regime
**Answer:** It is best to stay on the programme as is at the moment as he is expericnng totoally normal symptoms. It should pass in 24 to 48 hours. It sounds like he really needs the cleanse. [Name] has an article on headaches let me get you the link
**Answer:** yeah we figured its a very good sign!
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/managing-detox-headaches-and-withdrawal)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is actually 19GGW
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** So sorry we gave you the wrong one
**Answer:** Add it and then save it
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hello πŸ™‚ I try the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and isn’t work GGA19
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** We will test it so bear with me a mo
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi There, did you need some help today?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I have had a parasite off and on for years, it is really bad now. I have seen 3 doctors about it, they just give me antibiotics. I feel wiggling at my rear end, pain in my abdomen and kidneys, blood in my poo, and hard to go to the toilet. Can you recommend something to get rid of this post?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** You can use our parasite program,
**Question:** Post is ment to be pest.
**Answer:** Let me give you a link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** I’m in rotorua new zealand, will the health shop have that here?
**Answer:** There is also an article and eBook to go along with this program,
**Answer:** Yes ‘The Health Shop’ has the program
**Question:** Okay great!
**Answer:** Did you want the ebook? You can download it here [Link](https://qd227-3b1502.pages.infusionsoft.net/)
**Question:** Yep, thank you.
**Answer:** Sorry try 19GGA
**Question:** What is 19gga?
**Answer:** Sorry I’m Talking to two people
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi Sarah
**Question:** what is the code to order detox kits at a special price as at Go Green expo?
**Answer:** Acutally it’s [Name]
**Question:** sorry!
**Question:** it showed as Sarah
**Answer:** Yes I just jumped in, The code is GGA19
**Question:** thank you!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hia
**Answer:** Hi Jilly
**Answer:** Hi Sarah…. sorry I forgot that part
**Answer:** They are High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar, High Cholesterol and weight gain
**Answer:** I can give you the link to the questions and you can share it to interedted people πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Sweet, I just had a client who has the first 3 and also has had breast cancer and now having huge sinus issue… basically is now a toxic disaster from Pharm Drugs too
**Answer:** She sounds like a good candidate πŸ™‚
**Answer:** The link would be good… hopefully she comes back in a couple of weeks. I do have her email address too
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://brettelliott.lpages.co/human-study-applicants/)
**Answer:** Yup, makes you wonder how some people survive… her past is pretty traumatic
**Answer:** Cool …. Thanks
**Answer:** Gosh poor thing
**Answer:** I know. you would not believe the life path some have chosen
**Answer:** So her name is Jackey
**Answer:** she is from Taneatua…..
**Answer:** I will leave it with you
**Answer:** I have sent her the link
**Answer:** OK cool will keep an eye out for her:)
**Answer:** I do hope she responds
**Answer:** I cleared a few beliefs and gave her some essential oils for her nasal congestion but she just walked in off the street so I was unable to give her a full session
**Answer:** Okay thank you for the background info πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Will let [Name] know
**Answer:** SHes been farming for years too so probably has a build up of glyphosates in her system too
**Answer:** Have a good arvo… and an early night <3
**Answer:** Yes a very very very very early night! We are both exhausted πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I bet but I think people like us run on a passion for what we do
**Answer:** I’m so pinging today its not easy to sit still
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Amy
**Answer:** Hey [Name]..I got your emails cheers πŸ™‚ Just online reading your website! It is a wealth of information thank you
**Answer:** Awesome, You’re welcome, Yes I try to provide as much support as possible. I hope it goes well, please keep me posted as to your porgress
**Answer:** Support is important for success i believe so it is great to be here and see it being done to a grand level. And yes yes will keep you posted as we go! Thansk again
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there – Id id a detox programme years and it was great – and I’d like to try the bodytone….however im wondering if you have any samples available first – so I can check the taste?…Cheers vivienne
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Sorry we dont do samples of that, but we could organize a smaller amount for you to buy at first
**Question:** ok – and can I use it to do a gentle cleanse – using 1-2 sachets a day?..is that effective for weight loss and cleanse?.
**Answer:** Yes you could do that if you took 2 superfood smoothies each day and replaced meals with the BodiTune smoothies
**Answer:** Then just had one vegetable based evening meal
**Answer:** I could organize a 7 day sample pack for you for $[Phone]
**Answer:** Have a look at this [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-7-day-quick-detox)
**Question:** are the ingredients diffrent to the bodytone?.
**Answer:** Actually it is the same product and they are both called BodiTune πŸ™‚
**Answer:** It’s just a sample pack
**Question:** oh ok…..sounds good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi can you suggest some 3 meal a day recipes for the lead in stage?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It would be better for me to email you – can you give me your emeail address and name please? πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I can gie you th links then πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can actually have any of the detox recipes on the elimination diet
**Answer:** Let me give you the link and you can see them
**Question:** thanks
**Question:** [Email].nz
**Answer:** Click on this link and then choose the 14 day program from the Herbal program drop down [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** I’m interesting in doing the 14 day detox and ordering the herbs using the special but just wanted to see how hard it would be to do the upfront prep?
**Question:** ok i’ll follow the link -thks sarah
**Answer:** Best to start with the recipes as they are very filling! I love the Mushroom stroganoff
**Question:** great! and these are fine for the first few days before you start the herbs…
**Answer:** yes they are perfect at th start and all the way through πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thks….they look really good even for my boys!
**Answer:** Yes they are awesome!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Gee Seriously are you back online after your busy week? Go to bed!!!
**Answer:** lol just going!
**Answer:** Good… you must both be exhausted
**Answer:** Yes we are! Totally
**Answer:** Catch up next week, with an order
**Answer:** Ok take care
**Answer:** WIll do… heading off to Palmerston North to do some public speaking so should go get some sleep too
**Answer:** oh and our local fruit shop, the guys who make my smoothies have some boditone sachets to try and have a copy of [Name]s book to read
**Answer:** You may hear from Katy
**Answer:** Night night
**Answer:** That’s wonderful thank you fir sharing. Night night
**Answer:** (Y)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi there do you need any help?
**Question:** It wasn’t listed on the food lust
**Answer:** They are ok but do create a bit of wind which is why [Name] leaves them off
**Question:** oh ok!!!!
**Answer:** Yes be careful lol
**Question:** Hi there
**Question:** can I have Brussel sprouts on the 14 day detox??
**Answer:** Yes perfect
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** cold cofee is alright boss
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Just not with any added sugar, like Barrista Bros cold coffee has a lot of sugar
**Answer:** nippy
**Answer:** too much sugar in Nippy
**Answer:** 40 g
**Answer:** Yes that’s about 8 teaspoons, so not good
**Answer:** ya broo
**Answer:** i drunk haif
**Answer:** i will running 30 mints
**Answer:** sry
**Answer:** OK, but maybe next time try orange juice instead
**Answer:** Or just plain milk
**Answer:** i eaten 3 orange one pear
**Answer:** thats good
**Answer:** i do my best
**Answer:** lets see end of this week
**Answer:** You are doing good
**Answer:** what about checkpeas
**Answer:** Not yet, but you can after you finish the capsules in a few days
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** i eaten just little bittle with onian ginger
**Answer:** this is like indian curryu
**Answer:** I wont do much, but better just to have the other vegetables
**Answer:** ok boss i will
**Answer:** in morng cofee then 11 smoothie afternoon salid box 4 pm fruits night cucuber
**Answer:** excellent, keep it up, how is your weight ?
**Answer:** 103 in monday
**Answer:** Great, let me know again tomorrow,
**Answer:** Was it 108 when you started?
**Answer:** 107
**Answer:** when i start
**Answer:** tell u tommorow
**Answer:** cool
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. Have just brought 2 detox kits. Trainer had recommended my wife dorscdetox as well.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** What is your name?
**Question:** This will be the first time she will have home the detox. What protocol do you think she should follow. 14 days?
**Question:** mike doyle
**Answer:** If she in generally good health, then yes the 14 day plan is best for the first time
**Answer:** She has fibromyalgia
**Answer:** The yes that would be pefrect as it reduce the CRP inflammtory response dramatically and could help relieve her symptoms
**Answer:** i did the 14 day a year ago. Health is better now. I have ulcerative colitis in remission. Should I stick to 14 or could I try 7 days.
**Answer:** I would stick to the 14 days, as it help a little more with healing each time you do it,
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** You’re weclome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi [Name]. Further to my “brew” that you suggested I keep taking. The ingredients are maca, goji berries,aΓ§ai, hemp, cacao, wheatgrass, bee pollen, spirulina and chia seeds. I presume cacao is a no-no because of caffeine? Are all the others ok while on the detox?
**Question:** Woops. That is from Audrey Lewis (Waihi)
**Question:** Also is coconut cream ok?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Audrey I will get [Name] to email you directly
**Answer:** HI Audrey, Yes those are all OK, including the Cacao
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** I just deleted your feedback can you please tell me your suggestion about why I have no weight loss
**Answer:** Yes bear with me
**Answer:** By the way are you having smoothies?
**Answer:** Here it is – Yes your weight can fluctuate right throughout the program so don’t be too concerned about that but what you could is reduce the dosage of the capsules to just 20 day every other day and then do 40 day on alternate days and that will give you the full 14 days on the program and maybe a day or so extra and that could work very well for you, I hope that helps
**Question:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** 4 days into the 14 day detox is it normal not to have lost any weight but put on ??
**Answer:** Is that Nathalie?
**Question:** Yup !!!
**Question:** sorry getting to be a pain
**Answer:** We tried to respnd last night but we had an internet issue in the area – Yes your weight can fluctuate right throughout the program so don’t be too concerned about that but what you could is reduce the dosage of the capsules to just 20 day every other day and then do 40 day on alternate days and that will give you the full 14 days on the program and maybe a day or so extra and that could work very well for you, I hope that helps
**Question:** Ok I’ll try that thank you
**Answer:** Keep in touch and let us know how you go πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** How can we help?
**Answer:** Can you see me ok Nathalie?
**Answer:** i weighed in today at 78.6 on day 3 of the 14 day diet and realised I was taking 20 tablets am and pm when it should have been onlymorning:( but 3 days ago I was 77 when I started is this normal??
**Answer:** to have put on so much weight??
**Answer:** Yes you weight can’t fluctuate right throughout the program so don’t be too concerned about that but what you could is reduce the dosage of the capsules to just 20 day every other day and then do 40 day on alternate days and that will give you the full 14 days on the program and maybe a day or so extra and that could work very well for you, I hope that helps
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need some help logging in?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Brittany are you OK?
**Question:** Good night
**Answer:** lol it is
**Answer:** 4.15pm here πŸ™‚
**Answer:** in NZ
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** It that save to take so many pills in one day
**Answer:** Yes it very safe to do – it is best to do the 14 day cleanse if you have not done it before. The high dose of herbs gets the results.
**Answer:** They are totally natural so casue no problem to the body.
**Answer:** You can also open them up and add them to a smoothie.
**Answer:** But not the Coloniad nes as they make your smoothie taste yukkie!
**Answer:** Sorry Colonaid ones
**Question:** ok, I think I will do that, it sound better, thanks for the tip
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to support you any time πŸ™‚
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi I am here – can I help you?
**Question:** can you please send me the instructions of how do I use the pills?
**Answer:** Yes you can click on this link and see how to do it [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** It shows you the number of capsules and 4 stages for doing the Detox program.
**Answer:** It also lists the foods you can eat
**Question:** Ok I will open the link to find out, thanks Sarah
**Answer:** No problem – if you would like to see the recipes I can give you the link to them too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’ve read the email about the 8 week shape up challenge. is there a “bundle” available to purchase??
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes there is a combo deal let me give you a link
**Answer:** This gives you a great deal, plus you can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club SHAPE45 with this, [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-triple-combo-3-month-program)
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there I just ordered the body-tune and entered the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code shape45 but I’m not sure whether it reduced the price to [Price] are you able to confirm this please? Thank you Kristen
**Answer:** Yes I can see you order – it is ast [Price] – you need to add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code and then save it for it to work.
**Answer:** We can refund the amount
**Answer:** Thank you sorry I stuffed that one up – so you are able to refund the [Price]?
**Answer:** All done for you
**Answer:** Thank you so much I have almost completed the 2 week detox and it was a little rough this time around – I like doing it when starts to turn a bit cooler so I’m looking forward to trying the boditune product – nga mihi
**Answer:** Yes it can be tough in the heat – Enjoy the BodiTune πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, Kim Schubert from Taupo here again – quick question, which would you recommend between Ultimate Slim or BodiTune for quick weight loss. I’ve completed my detox
**Answer:** Hi Kim
**Answer:** The Slim for one month is the one to do and if you idd it with the BodiTune at the same time you get better results.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-rapid-slim-combo-0)
**Answer:** You can sue the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for an extra [Price] off too.
**Answer:** Which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club Sarah?
**Answer:** Did you get an email today? SHAPE45
**Answer:** Oops – haven’t read it yet but I will. Thanks Sarah. So should I just click on the PayPal button?
**Answer:** Or add to cart might be the way to go hahaha
**Answer:** If you add the items to you cart and go to checkout – you can add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club coe there and it takes off the [Price]. Then you can go through to pay πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah – I’ll continue from here
**Answer:** I’ll do it again as discount didn’t come off total
**Answer:** OK you need to enter the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code and then click add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** YAY! All done/ Thanks again Sarah
**Answer:** All done thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Will be out toorrow for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Fantastic!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi:) I just read the email about the 8 week challenge ….just wondering what is required for this? How many packs of which products would I need to buy?
**Answer:** I can help you with that.
**Answer:** There are 3 programs that you do one after the other.
**Answer:** I can give you a link to see them bear with me
**Question:** Ok thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Just click on the link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-triple-combo-3-month-program) you can use the extra We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club on this one too.
**Question:** Thank you!
**Answer:** You do the Detox program first followed by the Sim and then the BodiTune πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Each one has a diet and you can download the user guides to take a look if you like
**Answer:** They ar here [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks)
**Answer:** And lots of recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi would you like a voucher for a discount?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah inquiring as to why i am not able to redeem my We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club has to be used with the Detox program
**Answer:** You ahve to buy the detox and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get the Livafood for free
**Answer:** Oh no i thought bretts email says it’s an addtional purchase for me as i just recently bought the body tune
**Answer:** Hi Arnila, It’s [Name]
**Answer:** Hi [Name] i thought that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you sent to my email is applicable if i buy the liva food today
**Answer:** Which We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club do you have?
**Answer:** CHOLBONUS
**Answer:** I wanted to buy 2 to match with the body tune
**Answer:** OK the best We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get those would be 25NOW which would give you 25% off those. You can only get them free when buying the Herbal DETOX at [Price]
**Answer:** ok maybe next time. by the way if my cholesterol will be ok i would like to recommend this to my sister in the US, will it be possible for you to ship it over there?
**Answer:** Yes we ship to USA for Free
**Answer:** Cool that’s really good. I will tell her this weekend to try on. Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi sarah i think i received an email from [Name] regarding a voucher if i make additional order for cholesterol -the liva food. There was a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code on it. I wonder if i can still avail it
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check for you – were you after the Cholesterol program?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Ok the coupoon code is CHOLBONUS it gives you the LIvafood free when you purchase the Herbal Detox program. Both equate to the Cholesterol program along with the recommended foods.
**Answer:** Ok i want to order now
**Answer:** Great – give me a shout if you need any help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** So it’s free or do I have to pay it?
**Answer:** If you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code the extra bottle is free
**Answer:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** boss uncle beans brown rice is alright
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry, no rice or beans, nut, chickpeas
**Answer:** boss onian plus ginger curry is ok
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes thats OK
**Answer:** thx\
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hia…. Little Miss Zero Sugar intake πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** If you hear from a Stay Rush in Montana…I have pointed her in your direction
**Answer:** Stacy
**Answer:** Hi there I’m stuffing down grapes at the mo to keep the cravings under control!
**Answer:** Stacy Rush?
**Answer:** Our founder is insisting students have to be sugar and grain free before the new class which I think will be DNA4
**Answer:** havn’t had any contact yet
**Answer:** Oh good on ya
**Answer:** Awseome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** No I have only just sent her your link πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** Ok great we will keep an eye out for her πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I know things move fast with me but maybe not that fast lol
**Answer:** lol
**Answer:** Shes cool…. I met her and her hubby in St Gallen in October….
**Answer:** nice πŸ™‚
**Answer:** They live where our founder is in Montana… would be cool to get your detox in to that world
**Answer:** I am hoping to get over there for summer school this winter (like our winter) so its on my manifesting list
**Answer:** Yes it would be good – sounds like a great plan πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I will get there at exactly the right time for me of course and my perception of the right time may not actually be the right time, now theres something to ponder
**Answer:** So busy here…. my brain is trying to keep up
**Answer:** It is something to ponder!
**Answer:** lol
**Answer:** Don’t ponder my brain… that could be scary
**Answer:** lol what are you like!
**Answer:** Hey where my new office, it is located like right across the road from a fruit shop that does smoothies…. they are even happy to chuck my boditune sachets into the process so I dont have to add later lol….
**Answer:** Non dairy smoothies too
**Answer:** Has to be the right place
**Answer:** Now that is customer service! Love it!
**Answer:** Case of being located in the right place…. OMG, Their Green Breakfast non Dairy Smoothie is Devine and even better with a sachet or too….
**Answer:** Better go and do some work….
**Answer:** Have a lovely evening
**Answer:** x
**Answer:** LOL me too – [Name] has jsut made me a green smoothie – funny huh!
**Answer:** x
**Answer:** Kind of but that sort of thing happens more often than not for me nowadays…. cool way to live. Just think things and they happen or appear
**Answer:** BOOM
**Answer:** Pays to keep thinking positive of course… dont want shitty things to appear
**Answer:** Absolutely! x
**Answer:** Bye for now
**Answer:** Regs to [Name]
**Answer:** x
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** No all good :))
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey there did you see the answers?
**Answer:** You disappeared so I’m not sure
**Answer:** Can u please send me the booklet with food list tablet info and recipes for the 14 day detox as I have mislaid mine?
**Answer:** Yes we can but you can download it here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** I can also get the recipes here just choose the program from the program selector
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Thank you so much
**Answer:** Is this enough or would you like me to email you in the morning with the info?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi Nathalie
**Answer:** Can you see me ok?
**Answer:** so I’m wanting to loose weight so I’m thinking the slim programmeright? How long do you think I should go on it for??im wanting to loose 5-7 kg??
**Answer:** i did start the detox but now I see this programme??
**Answer:** The detox will help weight loss and is the place to start
**Answer:** For the first 3 to 5kgs
**Answer:** Then the slim for the test if needed
**Answer:** The rapid slim is the one to do over one month
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** of B12
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, just checking if any of the products help with lack of B12 in the system
**Answer:** They don’t I am afraid – spirulia or egg yolks are the place to get it. However …
**Answer:** B12 deficency is notmally caused by the stomach.
**Answer:** Our programs help the stomach to function better.
**Question:** ok all good thank you, i have brought the whole kit triple combo and excited about starting… it was just mum and dad that of late have had to have a B12 injection due to lack of and poor diet but they are nearly 80 and not willing to changin their routines πŸ™‚ thanks for your time Sarah… Sharon
**Answer:** Hi Sharon
**Answer:** They could get some relief using the BodiTune drinks
**Question:** actually one last question for you i meant to ask brett today…. i was on herbal menopause tablets… when i start your program do i go all all other tablets i am on
**Question:** go off all other herbal tablets
**Answer:** Not really any major changes but improved digestion and soothing and healing in the stomach.
**Answer:** Please astay on your other herbal tablets they won’t do any harm either way πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok all good just did not want to over do all the tablets all at once πŸ™‚ thanks Sarah, have a good evening
**Answer:** Any you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** again davinder
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** boss
**Answer:** whats about organik juice
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** hi sir
**Answer:** Organic orange or apple juice is fine
**Answer:** what about organic jiuce
**Answer:** Organic orange or apple juice is fine
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you have a hard copy recipe book we can buy? Thanks Alan and Sue
**Answer:** Hi Alan
**Answer:** [Name]s’ Cleansed & Cured book has 17 recipes in it plus the foods needed on the detox.
**Answer:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** Have you looked at the recipe section on the webiste?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Click on the link to visit
**Answer:** You can select the program you are doing there and it will show you all the recipes.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** e month plan
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Can I help you today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** is there a food program you have to follow as well
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes there is a recommended diet – you can donwload the user guide.
**Answer:** Let me get the link for you as it has all ther details
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** The page you are looking at has lot sof details too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I can also show the recipes
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) click here
**Answer:** Choose thr type of program you will do from the Herbal Program dropdown
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can we eat eggs? we havebeen on the diet for 2 weeks,to lose weight-we already had a mainly wholefood diet.We have lost 3kgs each which isn’t as much as we would like.We eat eggs almost daily.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which program are you doing?
**Question:** 1 month gentle
**Answer:** The gentle cleanse should increase regularity more than weight loss. If you take out the eggs and use more of the 14 day diet plan you may get a better result for weight loss.
**Question:** Ok thanks.Have a nice day!
**Answer:** And you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Have you seen the recipes?
**Question:** Yes! Ive just downloaded the book.We pretty much just did what our friend told us,she lost 13kgs in a month.We have had ricotta and feta and cream cheese in things too,which may not have helped!
**Answer:** Hi thee
**Answer:** Yes definitely won’t have helped – take out all processed foods and try and stick to the 14 day diet.
**Question:** We will thanks.
**Answer:** Gret keep in touch and let us know how you go [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) there are more recipes here
**Answer:** Use the 14 day detox as the program in the Herbal Program dropdown
**Question:** Ok,wish us luck!I am a good cook,so quite enjoy the challenge of making meals interesting and tasty.
**Answer:** You will look [Name]s’ recipes then – you should try the Mushroom stroganoff it is to die for!
**Question:** Okey dokey!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Were you able to see the answers Nathalie?
**Answer:** So I can have a French dressing ??
**Answer:** yes I see it
**Answer:** French dressing is a no but we have an alternative I can give you the link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/spicy-salad-dressing)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** yes how do the chemicals in the plant help you?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** And red wine vinegar ? In the 3 days leading up to it and thereafter ??
**Answer:** Yes sundries are ok. It normally says unsweetened on the carton plain Yoghurt
**Answer:** Red wine vinegar is ok to have
**Answer:** Hi Nathalie, were you able to see the answers ok?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can I do 3x bootcamp a week while detoxing and gentle walks in betqeen
**Answer:** What does your bootcamp involve
**Question:** 1 45 min boxing
**Question:** 1x 45 min of resitwnce
**Answer:** Yes that should be fine, just make sure your get a good level of energy beforehand
**Answer:** Lots of fruit, smoothies and maybe some protien power, milk and yoghurt
**Question:** and 1 x45 min of strengthening
**Answer:** spinach and kale smoothies are also great for strength training
**Question:** so my bootcamp is at 6 tomorrow morning in the 3 day prep phase what shall I have before that??
**Answer:** You could try this [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/kale-lime-smoothie)
**Answer:** do you have any plain protein powder
**Answer:** you can add a couple of scoops to that smoothie
**Question:** woah might be tricky to consume before so early could I maybe have an apple and smoothie when I get back
**Question:** I have a choc smoothie powder a lean one
**Answer:** Yes any fruit except banana is good
**Answer:** yes, just try to avoid protein powder with lots of additives, plain is best
**Question:** and as much fruit and veg as I like?? Can I balsmamic vinegar in the 3 day prep phase and after
**Answer:** yes
**Question:** woah awesome!! Thank you sarah
**Answer:** you can also use greek yoghurt and a little chilli sauce
**Question:** But that has sugar in it?
**Answer:** Yes, not to eat, but as a dressing, but even better is this dressing recipe which uses plain unsweetened yoghurt, [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/spicy-salad-dressing)
**Question:** Thank you sarah ur info had been great feeling a bit more confident !!
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi.. My husand is diabetic. His HbA1c…118 mmol/mol
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes our programs are safe for that problem
**Question:** can he do your 7 days detox ?
**Answer:** Is he otherwise healthy?
**Answer:** We usually say the 7 day detox “For the very experienced, strong, super healthy person. ”
**Question:** high cholestrol and hypothyroidism, HDL also high. feel very tired and lythargic. weight is 104 kg
**Question:** please suggest
**Answer:** In that case, I would suggest the 14 day plan, as that will give more time to reset metabolic issues like these
**Answer:** I would even suggest a one month plan directly after that to really get his system back on track
**Question:** today I bought the detox kit and detox and slim kit.
**Question:** how many tablets and sachet should take
**Answer:** Actually the best thing is to look at this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** At the moment we are conducting a Human Study in NZ where the first Herbal Detox program is refunded up to [Price] plus [Price] for Doctors visits to get before and after blood tests. He could be a candidate for this if interested.
**Question:** that’s great. where is this program?
**Answer:** He can apply here [Link](https://goo.gl/msTrtU)
**Question:** Okay Thank you.
**Answer:** It sounds like he would be accepted, so we will let you know as soon as possible. The study comes with daily emails to coach the person, so it’s good to book in the start date once accepted. What is his name?
**Question:** Arun Kangokar. age 62
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** thanks, what about the triple combo?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for another 15% off
**Answer:** If you buy that one
**Question:** nice, thanks. will there be any special for april?
**Answer:** There is a [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club
**Question:** i think the 15 % is better πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes it might be – use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 15NOW
**Question:** ordered, thanks for ur help
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** hi sarah
**Question:** whats the promo code this month?
**Answer:** If you add 2 programs you automatically get 30% off
**Answer:** There isn’t a specific codec
**Answer:** Are you able to see my response? Sometimes we can get cut off so I just thought I’d check.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. Alan & Sue here from CHCH. Now on day 10 of our amended 1 month detox – we are completing in 3 weeks, so around half way thru now. Everything is fine, no problems encountered. Just a couple of questions: : can’t believe h
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Excellent fire away with your questions
**Question:** sorry! – can’t believe how we are not hungry at meal times. Is there an appetite suppressor amongst the herbs? Also, no “unusual” sttols or is it a tad too early to expect those? Thanks Alan
**Answer:** It is normal not to feel so hungry the herbs are very filling.
**Answer:** Stools will vary – everyone is different. If your body is quite clean you may not get a huge change. Just remember
**Question:** Could we yet experience unusual stools?
**Answer:** The detox goes down to cell level so lots of benefits
**Question:** OK – my wife is currently on a medication holiday from rheumatoid arthritis drugs, and in particular Leflulomide which can stay in the body for up to 18 months unless doctors decide to chemically wash it clear. Will the detox remove some of this drug or most or none at all? Thanks
**Answer:** We don’t have specific experience with that drug But the detox does it improve the bodies natural detoxification systems. So it could help.
**Question:** Many thanks.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi, I ordered the Boditune on the 26th and have been using 4 or 6 a day since. Today I made up my smoothie with water and there were half a dozen small hard yellow lumps about the size of a lentil in the mix. Can you tell me what these might be and if the product is safe to use. They floated to the top and were easy to remove. Thanks.
**Answer:** Have you still got the items that you removed perhaps you could take a photo so we could have a look..
**Answer:** We’ve never had anything like that reported before
**Question:** Yes I do. what is the best email to send them to?
**Answer:** [Email]
**Answer:** What is your name, I’m sure the product is safe, but once we see the photo we will respond ASAP
**Question:** My name is Ann Hamilton. The lumps are no longer hard, they have softened in the few minutes since I took them out. They are on a saucer to give you an idea of scale.
**Answer:** Ok Ann it could be a bit of Sylyum powder but we will take a look straight away
**Answer:** Hi Ann we have received the picture
**Answer:** HI Ann,
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** do you have any specials on Detox pack
**Answer:** If you buy 2 you can get 30% off
**Answer:** This is until tomorrow – it runs out
**Question:** I see online others are selling for $[Phone].
**Question:** Id rather buy direct
**Answer:** Can you tell me which website as it’s probably an old listing
**Answer:** And is out of date
**Question:** [Link](https://www.healthy.co.nz/product/[Phone]-ultimate-herbal-detox-kit.html)
**Answer:** Ok that a very old listing it’s the old detox which was stopped in [Phone]
**Question:** your website says $[Phone] for two
**Answer:** She that’s right 30% off
**Answer:** If you buy one we can give a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 15NOW for 15% off
**Question:** cool i will order
**Question:** have done the program before. It was great
**Answer:** Excellent Mike
**Answer:** Can I help any further Mike?
**Question:** Hi boss again davinder
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** How can I help?
**Question:** Boss what about white rice and onian
**Answer:** Sorry no rice is hard for your body to digest. Onion is fine
**Question:** Ok boss thx
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Thea do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi Jilly πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** One of my student who is here with me today has started the Detox program
**Answer:** BUT
**Answer:** Her daughter 11 months is still being breast fed and a slight fever plus diarrhoea has coincided with this
**Answer:** any suggesions?
**Answer:** It is not likely to be the herbs causing the issue as the herbs are good for the baby. Let me just check with [Name] Bear with me a mo πŸ™‚
**Answer:** sweet thanks
**Answer:** hows the sugar withdrawals
**Answer:** Was thinking I could clear some programs for you if you think that would help…. my pleasure
**Answer:** Haha…Sweet and Sugar pun!
**Answer:** [Name] suggests reducing the volume of capsules – maybe just to the evening ones. He says the herbs to get the bowels working may be the issue for baby but it could be something else because of the slight fever.
**Answer:** Going OK thanks taking the herbs that reduce the cravings!
**Answer:** OKay… thanks for that
**Answer:** I will pass on your info
**Answer:** The capsule volume can go up down as needed.
**Answer:** Can you mention to [Name] that I seem to be picking up on a subconscious program running with people who are not feeling safe to let go…..
**Answer:** Yes Thanks
**Answer:** He says that sounds right
**Answer:** 3 people who have purchased the Detox totally unknown to each other are coming up with all sorts of excuses not to get started from not feeling they can take that many tablets to forgetting to take them…. Its like they are waiting for a future time when it will be OK…. its not the product, its a fear around change and letting go I believe
**Answer:** Anyway… I will keep my eye on that and report back with any info
**Answer:** That’s really interesting we have experienced that before. The best ways to encourage them to open the Capsules or to reduce the volume and do it in a longer timeframe. Not so scary then
**Answer:** Definitely a fear of change πŸ™‚
**Answer:** OK… maybe we could download the product as its live and has its own intelligence … the herbs will be easier to download than the clients…. will give that some thought too
**Answer:** Ok that sounds awesome look forward to your thoughts πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Have a gerat arvo…. I had better get back to class
**Answer:** And you take care x
**Answer:** Always do….
**Answer:** My next target group is recovering Meth or addictive mind altering substance users πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** Thats a huge mrket
**Answer:** Bye
**Answer:** Wow yes it is a huge market! C U πŸ™‚
**Question:** where can i get recipe book ,mine is lost
**Question:** i live in kuala lumpur
**Answer:** I’m sorry we dont have those, You would need to go back to the agent you bought the blender off
**Question:** mine is LS 658
**Answer:** Yes we supply the blenders but we dont supply extra books
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I was wondering if my order has gone through
**Answer:** My mobile phone is not behaving
**Answer:** Yes it has gone through OK
**Answer:** We will ship it tomorrow for you
**Answer:** Is it the body tune capsules?
**Answer:** Yes 2 bottles
**Answer:** Ok is it already discounted? You see it was asking for a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club number but I haven’t got one
**Answer:** Yes it automatically gave you 20% discount
**Answer:** Cool ok
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** trim mulk is alright
**Answer:** milk
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** thats no matter how many time
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Better to be full fat milk, not trim milk
**Answer:** thats good for me smoothies
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Coconut milk is very good
**Answer:** boss i am going every day sim more then one hour
**Answer:** is this fine
**Answer:** jim
**Answer:** gym yes its good
**Answer:** i will try coconut milk
**Answer:** you’re doing good
**Answer:** i try
**Answer:** no suger not salt
**Answer:** no drinks
**Answer:** yet
**Answer:** well done, keep going
**Answer:** i try thx boss
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi the note at the top of this page says 30% off but the price and check out is only taking 20% off
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** IE the 500 gm pot states this if buy 2
**Answer:** Actually its just saying that, but the price has reduced from [Price] to $[Phone] which is 30% discount
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** We have used the standard product 2 for 20% discount and given it 30% for this month only
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** Youre welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello does [Name] help with fibromyalgia pain and insomnia? thanks
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes those are issues we can help with
**Answer:** You can come to Tauranga for a consultation to get the best result
**Answer:** You can see more about that here [Link](https://www.[Website]/visit-brett-elliotts-clinic)
**Question:** Thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Also the Herbal Detox program can reduce the inflammation and acidity in your body which may help immediately with reducing symptoms
**Answer:** You can see that here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** thanks [Name], will come to your talk on 1st June in Greerton and shall look in to your herbal detox programme website
**Answer:** I look forward to seeing you there
**Question:** Thanks [Name]…. do you have cooking classes ?
**Answer:** No, but we do lots of videos on our recipe pages [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** ok I need to copy all these webpages down and view later, thanks [Name]
**Answer:** I can email you this chat if that helps
**Question:** that be fab….
**Question:** [Email].nz
**Answer:** What’s your first name
**Question:** Nikki
**Answer:** Ok Nikki, The chat will arrive after we end the conversation
**Answer:** appreciated, I shall sign off now and thanks for your help [Name]
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** hi sir
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** what about subway vegifalaful plus salied
**Answer:** No falaful sorry it will slow you down
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** just salid box
**Answer:** Salad is fine πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** What do you suggest for killing candida and detoxing metals? Im about to order the 2 week ultimate detox for my son as hes 24 and i think could commit to 2 weeks!
**Answer:** Hi There, Yes that is the best option for both
**Answer:** There are many herbs in the program for candida, golden seal, wormwood, cloves, black walnut
**Answer:** Also for heavy metals there is barley grass, chlorella and cilantro
**Answer:** The two week program would be ideal, plus we have some extra advice to go along with it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Question:** for systemic candida what is suggested/ thanks for your time
**Answer:** It would be best to complete the 2 week program followed by a one month program back to back,
**Answer:** I also suggest a probiotic implant with a colema system for long-term effect. you can see that here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/colema-board-kit-deluxe) otherwise to visit a local colonic therapist after the first two week program is completed. I can help advise with that if needed.
**Question:** oh thanks so much can i get a copy of this conversation…dont want to lose this info
**Answer:** What your email address and I can send you a copy
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** much appreciated πŸ™‚
**Answer:** And your name?
**Question:** Amy Matarese
**Answer:** ps what is the one month program you recommend
**Answer:** after the 2 week ulitmate
**Answer:** Actually they are both the same program, The Ultimate Herbal Detox for 2 weeks, then again over one month, just at a lower dose,
**Answer:** So it’s basically two of the same pack, which we are currently doing at 30% off here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-30)
**Answer:** how is it at a lower dose thanks?
**Answer:** The first pack is used in 14 days, and the second pack is used over 30 days, so you bascially take half the dose. You can see the dose programs here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** oh hahahha i was wondering how it was different…thanks for explaining! Have you had success with getting rid of systemic candida from just this 6 week protocol?
**Answer:** Hi Amy, [Name] has gonr into a consultation but I can answer for you.
**Answer:** The 6 week programme ash been very sucessful especially when used with the food advice on [Name]’s Candida article page.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Answer:** ok bless you all…thanks for answering my queries. Ill get onto all for my son by next week. Can you send all this to me via email so i have record and please tell brett and co. thanks so much too…we’re hoping for best results and have heard about this system so are excited πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you Amy – I will send the email conversation now for you – please get in touch if you need any help at any stage πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I will do and great..cheers cheers! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Have a great day πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You all too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Just snet the email – keep a lookout in your spam folder just in case πŸ™‚
**Answer:** just to confirm its [Email]
**Answer:** Yes that is what we have πŸ™‚
**Answer:** nothing showing yet…ill keep an eye out for it πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** goodo πŸ™‚
**Answer:** OK I have jsut been told the email gets sent once we sign off from it πŸ™‚
**Answer:** oh hahahahah ok cheers and have a good one πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** and you!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Leah, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Are you open today? What time and is it fantail drive address?
**Answer:** Yes we are but you will need to give us a time for your visit as the clinic is open πŸ™‚ 26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu
**Question:** Approx 10am. Please tell [Name] as he wanted to know when we were coming in. We are returning a full detx program.
**Answer:** What is your name please?
**Question:** Sinclair. Debra and Rebekah
**Answer:** Ok thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI I am thinking of doing the detox, I am taking herbal menopause remedies and want to know if I can still take supplements whilst doing the detox? Also I am vegetarian and cannot eat wheat or dairy so would I still need to do the pre detox prep? Thanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You can continue to take your current supplements they won’t impact on the detox.
**Answer:** It really depends if you have processed foods in your diet. If you have processed food then you might need to give yourself 48 hours to take it out and for your body to adjust. With the detox you’re not able to have anything processed.
**Answer:** Does that make sense?
**Question:** Yes it makes sense. When you say processed does that mean like when I make a pate from butter beans with onion and dill – ie in a food processor, I have changed that food into something else!!??
**Answer:** It basically means that anything you purchase hasn’t been processed. If you make it yourself it is okay. Things like protein bars for example. Also just be aware that you can’t have nuts lentils etc. Do you have the user guide?
**Question:** no I don’t have a guide. The lady at the store told me some things about it. I am not sure about what I will be able to eat as it has been difficult for years being a wheat and dairy free veggy!!!!
**Answer:** Let me give you a link and you can download it
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide) You can also see an extensive list of food here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** thanks I will check it out. Better get to work now πŸ™
**Answer:** [Name] also has lots of recipes Click here and choose the 14 day program from the Herbal Program dropdown [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** Great
**Answer:** Have a great day πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** i would like a shake to help with weight lost
**Answer:** Let me give you a link to follow
**Question:** have heard great things about this my friend at work is on it
**Answer:** Just click on this and have a look [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** You just take one or two shakes daily and it helps boost fat burning and reduces your hunger as well
**Answer:** You can use it to replace meals
**Question:** can we buy it straight from you or do we have to order on line
**Answer:** You can buy it on this website and we deliver overnight, you can also pick up from our place in Tauranga
**Question:** oh i live in welcomebay will have a really good read then order some thank you .
**Answer:** Youre welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** how much is it and does have whey in it.
**Answer:** It has no whey products
**Answer:** The price is [Price] NZ
**Answer:** We do have a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for you to get 15% off
**Question:** thats awesome whey does not agree with me are you situatated at maungatapu.
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** hi boss again davinder
**Answer:** whatabout dark chocolate
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** is it right
**Answer:** dark chocolate
**Answer:** Dark chocolate no sorry
**Answer:** You can have raisins or prunes or dates
**Answer:** thx boss for telling
**Answer:** Grapes are good
**Answer:** sure
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Ken, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Question:** My husband had very high cholesterol please help me to reduce what kind of food does he have to eat
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hey
**Answer:** To reduce his cholesterol it is best to do the ultimate herbal detox and follow the food guidelines. It has a guarantee on reducing cholesterol levels.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) This is the program that he would do – He would do that over 14 days and follow the food recommendations on the cholesterol article page.
**Answer:** If you click on the link at the top of this conversation you can also download [Name]s e-book which discusses the foods that are appropriate for reducing cholesterol.
**Answer:** Hi did you see my messages?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Jackfruit? Yes No for he detox?
**Answer:** Let me check
**Question:** Thank you πŸ˜€
**Answer:** Yes they are fine to have πŸ™‚
**Question:** Really, thats awesome!! Thank you. That made my day πŸ˜€
**Answer:** lol glad to hear
**Question:** Is it ok to make the smoothies without the detox and slim sachets?
**Answer:** It is but you get better results with them
**Question:** I bet it is, I will start with the herbal detox and when I ahve spare money ill get the sachets πŸ™‚ thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Is there much diference between 7 and 14 day cleanse? If you already eat clean, organic with limited refined sugar, dairy and grains it would be ok?
**Answer:** You should only do the seven day cleanse if you are very good at detoxing and do it regularly. The 14 day cleanse is the one for most people you’re not allowed or refined sugar or grains. But dairy like milk cream and yoghurt is okay.
**Question:** OK, I will do the 14 days πŸ™‚ thought i could fast track it hahaha
**Answer:** Lol maybe next time
**Question:** Yes great idea πŸ˜€ Been busy with 3 young kids it might not be so ideal the 7 days
**Answer:** Yes could have you in the loo a bit!
**Question:** Thank you for your time, meal planninh and grocery list sorted….start tomorrow πŸ˜€
**Answer:** Awesome keep in touch and let us know how you go! What’s your name? I should have asked earlier
**Question:** Kirsty, I brought the herbal detox off Jilly Blythe when I was in Whakatane doing a Theta Healing course with her πŸ˜€
**Answer:** Wonderful Jilly is amazing Kirsty
**Answer:** Yes I am enjoying doing Theta Healing, aand wanted a kick up the bum after having baby number 3, havnt been able to shift weight like I used too
**Answer:** Jilly sugested this which is where I am now πŸ˜€
**Answer:** This will be a great kickstart for you
**Answer:** I hope so, Thank you for your time
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to support you sleep well
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** hi boss
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** is it all right if i eat indian curry
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** hlo sir
**Answer:** As long as it has no meat or fish in it then yes you can
**Answer:** Make sure it is nice and hot with lots of good vegetables!
**Answer:** like onian pears ginger garlic patatoes
**Answer:** You can have everything except the potatoes. Could you switch them for something else? Maybe Sweet potato
**Answer:** ok boss
**Answer:** thx srry i distarbing u
**Answer:** Hey no problem we want you to be very successful on your detox plan πŸ™‚
**Answer:** i will take off patatoes eat just pears liquad
**Answer:** its very hard to eating capsules
**Answer:** Just have two at a time and Take them with a warm drink like tea or coffee. The warm drink opens your throat and makes them easier to take
**Answer:** ok bos i will try tommorow
**Answer:** Awesome let us know how you go
**Answer:** i try my best boss
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi there, yes I really do but I think I just worked out you guys aren’t in Australia?
**Answer:** We are based in New Zealand and ship to Aussie all the time via DHL (free delivery)
**Answer:** We ship a lot to Aussie as thre is nothing like our programme over there.
**Question:** Oh very cool! That’s good to know. I am wondering… I am actually moving towns because where I live is useless and telling me I’m fine when I’m literally being eaten alive. I have had some really strange things happening and it’s gotten to the point I have had to examine myself to find out what’s going on. I thjnk I have just documented the lifecycle of not only worms but flys. I’m trying not to be sick. But will your stuff cover that too? I am sickened by this
**Answer:** Ok
**Question:** sorry I hope you are not having lunch
**Answer:** How you had checks with the Doctor?
**Question:** I have been to every doctor and specialist in my region. To be fobbed off told I’m mental and need to prove I’m not on drugs to them. I’m told I’m a hypochondriac, annorexic, pick my skin, and get written out psyo medications. I went to the central coast to seek natural help and a colonic and there was plenty of proof. She has me on a programme starting a bit later but the excruciating pain I’m in I can’t wait: and I don’t know if flys are treated in the same boat: I have it coming out my skin and all. I have just discovered I am hosting a zoo.
**Answer:** Our Ultimate Herbal Detox will work with worms but it has not been tried with flies. You woudl need to do it in conjunction with the colonic.
**Question:** Yes I really think the colonics have allowed way for this to come out so much. I can’t believe I just found out about them.
**Question:** I am very fragile at the moment. I’m barely eating. I’m about 42 kilos and I’m wondering if there’s anhthjnt in your herbal detox that could knock me around at all,
**Question:** anything *
**Answer:** It is all natural – made from Herbs only. You do it in conjunction with fruit and vegetables. It will cleanse you colon from top down and should increase your energy.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi. My wife and I are now on day four of the detox. Ages both 68 decided to complete in 3 weeks instead of 4. Feeling ok. By reducing 1 month to 3 weeks could we still include scrambled eggs and or fresh wet fish once per week? Thanks. Alan
**Answer:** Hi Alan
**Answer:** Yes you can do that Alan
**Answer:** Once per week is ok
**Question:** Both eggs and fish or once only for one of those?
**Answer:** You can have them both once per week
**Question:** Thanks will do!
**Answer:** Gret – keep in touch and let us know how you go πŸ™‚
**Question:** Will do.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Kiaora Sarah, what are the specials for March?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Until 31 March if you purchase 2 x Detox or 2 x Slim or 2 x BodiTune program you get 30% off πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** What wre you looking for? I might be able to help
**Question:** I’ve done the detox and boditune before, just want to get the sachets and maybe the colonaid again. Just thinking about what will fit my budget right now.
**Answer:** Ok you can use 15NOW to get another 15% off your order πŸ™‚
**Question:** thanks!
**Answer:** How are you going?
**Answer:** hi sir
**Answer:** i gona be start tommorow
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** how many casule i will start first 4 days
**Answer:** Ok awesome sounds good
**Answer:** 5 from each bottle in the morning
**Answer:** just morng time ok
**Answer:** You can spread them out of the morning
**Answer:** after 4 days both time
**Answer:** Yes just the morning
**Answer:** Yes on the 5th day 5 from each bottle in the morning and 5 from each bottle before you go to bed.
**Answer:** so i have to eat this capsule in morningbefore eating
**Answer:** thx
**Answer:** boss
**Answer:** Yes before eaating πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I am happy just to do my order. I have done his program several times and recommend to a lot of people
**Answer:** You’re welcome, that was just an automated message πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** hi boss again davinder
**Answer:** Sorry eggs are not allowed
**Answer:** They slow things down so we dont have them during the cleanse
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Good evening
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Catch ya later…. kind of messaged you by error but seen as I am here I will wish you and awesome evening
**Answer:** an awesome evening
**Answer:** lol and you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi did you see my message OK?
**Answer:** We don’t have them in stock but they can be delivered diretly to you door.
**Question:** Online by going to [Name] Elliots site
**Answer:** Yes you can buy it there
**Answer:** This is the page [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/colema-board-kit-deluxe)
**Answer:** They come straight from the manufacturer
**Question:** Confusing.. are you associated [Name] Elliot buisness.where is the manufacturer ..in Newzealand? With [Name] Elliot??
**Answer:** You are currently on the [Name] website. We supply the Colema Board into New Zealand.
**Answer:** When we don;t ahve it in stck we ship it via the manufacturerer to your door directly.
**Answer:** Sorry I was typing too fast and made some spelling errors.
**Answer:** When we don’t have the Board in stock it is shipped straight from the manufacturer to your door.
**Question:** So right now you dont have any in stock..can you give the whole total cost including US exchange and delivery please cheers
**Answer:** It is NZD750 total for everything.
**Question:** Thanks ill get back to you soon.
**Answer:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi i saw you have colema boards for sale..wondering if any in stock right now..i live on south island motueka area
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** How much for everything
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Is there a programme you are looking at?
**Question:** how long it takes to lose weight
**Answer:** The main programme is the Detox and it takes 14 days
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Question:** just watching the video and to see what i might try… i already finished a box of detox slim sachets..from a health shop and then decided i should look into this more for weight loss and do this correctly
**Answer:** Well done, yes, acutally the best product to start the weight loss in the Herbal Detox, as it clears the intestines and gets digestion working really well, most poeple lose 4-6kg on average over the 14 days
**Answer:** The Herbal Slim is a good follow up plan, and both work really well with the odd sachet of BodiTune along the way
**Question:** actually it was a box of boditune i should have said.. so i need detox first and incorporate slim and boditune.. which is really tasty
**Answer:** Yes that’s the best approach to get quickest results, I can aslo give a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to gest 15% off any order
**Answer:** Just use 15NOW at checkout and click ‘add We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club’
**Answer:** You can also save by getting two packs for a 30% discount, or consider the combo deals like this one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim) which saves you [Price]
**Question:** thank you very much i see you are based in Tauranga, what costs are involved for appointments ?
**Answer:** A consultation is [Price] and it takes 90 minutes, and includes everything mentioned on the page ‘Visit [Name]’s Clinic’
**Question:** is there a long waiting list, i am in Queenstown and coming up next weekend… or is it not really necessary and i can try perhaps all three products at once
**Answer:** The programs do work by themselves, and you can pretty much Guarnatee you will get a great result, if you did get a couple of packs I do a Free 1/2 hour included, so you could always stop by for a short session anyway when you’re in town. I’m pretty fexible.
**Question:** ok great do you have a shop as such up there to buy from ?
**Answer:** We do sell the programs in our home based clinic
**Question:** the triple pack combo looks ideal, my folks live in Papamoa is that anywhere near you ?
**Answer:** Yes it’s only 10 minutes from us
**Question:** ok great so shall i make an appointment and pop in, i have Monday 1st April in the afternoon free and would i still get my online discount ?
**Answer:** Acutally that works fine at 1PM, 1st April and yes we can do the online deals in a consult, including the Free 1/2 hour consult. What is your name, email address and mobile number, I can book you in,
**Question:** excellent thank you! Sharon McLennan [Email] [Phone]
**Answer:** Awesome, consdier it booked in. I will email you the details shortly
**Question:** thank you i appreciate all your time see you soon !
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi. Can herbal tabs on 1 month plan be taken after breakfast? If so, just as effective? Thanks Alan
**Answer:** Hi Alan,
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi — would the Ultimate Cleanse detox make one go to the toilet a lot? Can it be done even on days that you have to be in the office? Thanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It can make you go to the loo more often but many people do it whilst working in the office.
**Answer:** Just need easy access just in case.
**Question:** ok, thanks
**Answer:** The FAQs are good for filling you in on what can happen [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-faqs)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** My tablets have expired are they still good to use cheers graham
**Answer:** Hi Graham
**Answer:** What is the expiry date on them please?
**Answer:** I can check for you
**Question:** 10th [Phone]
**Answer:** They will be safe to use. They last about 3 years after the expiry date – we just have to put the date on by law.
**Question:** Cool hav used the detox before but missed it last year so keen to hav another detox cheers graham
**Answer:** OK great – let us know how you go πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Happy to answer any other questions you may have πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, is Livafood suitable for Coeliacs? Thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes it safe to use – it will help reduce the inflammation and reactions that occur.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hia
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did Mona make contact?
**Answer:** Yes she has been and Gone πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hopefully loaded up with detox products and information? Did she seem okay?
**Answer:** Yes she saw [Name] – she brought one for herself πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Okay well that is a start. Her husband is an accountant so she has the “lack of” and “scarcity” thing happening. I was hoping she would also see the benefit the herbs would have for her daughter but thats okay as she will get it sooner or later
**Answer:** How would you like me to pay or do you just want the sale to go through you
**Answer:** Maybe if she sn it first the benefits will be seen and then things may shift a bit πŸ™‚
**Answer:** The sale has gone through us already. Is that OK? She paid when she was here.
**Answer:** Hopefully… I was actually surprised she woke up motivated to start to detox
**Answer:** Well actually maybe I’m not after our session yesterday
**Answer:** You are doing her a lot of good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you. That is what it is all about but also everyone has “freedom of choice”….
**Answer:** Well we think we have
**Answer:** LOL yes some people do
**Answer:** Oh…. payment
**Answer:** You missed that part
**Answer:** Would you like us to put a [Price] credit on your account for the sale?
**Answer:** If that is what suits you.
**Answer:** I dont mind
**Answer:** We can do that then if you refer anyone and you can’t supply them then you get some benefit πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We are happy to share the love
**Answer:** Yes, thank you and thats what oils the wheels of the cosmos
**Answer:** Oh yes πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I’m all for love and magic sparkles
**Answer:** Me tto πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Better go and do some work… we have an essential oils evening tonight so I need to polish my braincells
**Answer:** Excellent enjoy x
**Answer:** I think you and I will get on just fine
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi did you get our email?
**Answer:** i got
**Answer:** Great
**Answer:** davinder again
**Answer:** hi there
**Answer:** If you decide to purchase [Name] will pop up and take you through the whole process so you know what to expect πŸ™‚
**Answer:** o am ready for this
**Answer:** Ok great
**Answer:** relay is take just 14 dyes
**Answer:** I am jsut sending the User guide to you
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi sir
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** i want weaght lose product
**Question:** i am from maungatapu supretta
**Answer:** Hi there nice to meet here πŸ™‚ We can help
**Answer:** Do you know how much you want to lose?
**Question:** i have now 105 i want to be 85
**Answer:** O the best program to start is the Herbal Detox.
**Answer:** I can give you a link so you can read about it
**Question:** sure boss
**Question:** and how long is take time
**Answer:** Just follow this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** It takes 14 days
**Question:** sound is good
**Question:** any diet plan for this
**Answer:** Click on the lnk above to learn more – yes it comes with a diet plan – the food is fruit and vegetables only.
**Answer:** We ahve about 100 recipes inclduing stir fries, curries, soups etc.
**Question:** ok i wil read those link then iwill msg to again
**Answer:** We can also send you the user guide so you can see the info – just give me your email address
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** how much for this product
**Answer:** And what is your name?
**Question:** davinderjit singh
**Answer:** It would be $[Phone] ([Name] will give you 25% off)
**Answer:** Thanks Davinderjit will send email now
**Question:** thx boss
**Answer:** lol πŸ™‚
**Question:** i am doing jim like 5 day in week is this all right
**Answer:** You might need to cut back while doing the Detox as your body will find the gym and the detox hard.
**Answer:** if this take time just 2 week thats good for me
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Ali, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, can i call you ? just wanted some pricing
**Answer:** Yes you can – best to use [Phone] – [Name] is likely to answer πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I just wanted to order 6 x Ulimate herbal detox or maybe 10, what would be the pricing including frieght and GST
**Answer:** Ok I can help wth that πŸ™‚ Bear with me a mo
**Answer:** 6 detoxs would be $[Phone] inclulding GST and shipping
**Answer:** Sorry I didn;t in lcude th discount
**Answer:** Would be $[Phone] with 10% discount and shipping and gst
**Answer:** 10 would be [Price],[Phone] with 10% discount and shipping and gst
**Answer:** If you ordered 12 you get a free one as well
**Answer:** ok so the [Phone] thats including frieght and GST?
**Answer:** Yes that is right πŸ™‚
**Answer:** So the order 12 get one free sounds great, whats the total price of that including GST and freight?
**Answer:** OK bear with me
**Answer:** It would be [Price],[Phone] with shipping, gst, 10% discount and the free one
**Answer:** ok i will be right back to you with a order
**Answer:** Ok awesome Ali thank you
**Answer:** Hi Sarah so i would like to order 6 please, also thinking moving forward as we will see you guys at the go greens , would you be interested in doing a contra with us for one of our black Bio [Phone] mineral water pots, just a thought as Phil and I are now on your detox , maybe discuss when we see you
**Answer:** Do you want me to call you with credit card number
**Answer:** Ok all good – will need to discuss any contras with [Name].
**Answer:** Shall i call with credit card number
**Answer:** Yes give us a call and [Name] can take the number and we can get it going for you.
**Answer:** [Phone]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Good morning, Sarah
**Answer:** Hi Kimbow
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** Normal how long is the detox program? Cyocl
**Answer:** I wonder any clients forgo this program to start off with liquid herbal
**Answer:** Most people do the Detox program along side the liquid formulas. I am not sure what you mean about how long is the program? Cyocl
**Answer:** I have to go to work now. Talk later . thanks
**Answer:** ok πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi any specials codes at the moment?
**Answer:** Hi there what were you thinking of buying and I can have a look for you?
**Question:** complete inner body cleanse
**Answer:** OK then The Ultimate Herbal Detox, there is two options
**Answer:** If you buy two packs you can get 30% off by clicking here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-30)
**Answer:** Or if you buy one pack you can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club 25NOW to get 25% off click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** awesome thanks
**Answer:** anytime
**Question:** Hi it says the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is invalid
**Answer:** OK please try NOW25 instead
**Question:** sorry still not working
**Answer:** Let me check again
**Question:** I will try again tomorrow
**Answer:** It should be working, please use all capital letters
**Answer:** Let me find you a [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club one moment
**Answer:** Try this 50ONETIME that should work for you
**Question:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Alan
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Finishing the lead in days tomorrow. Both of us doing detox. Should my wife who has RArthritis use any recipies containing corn? Also once detox complete would you recommend a gall bladder clean or is this included now? Thanks Alan in Christchurch Ages both 68 years.
**Answer:** Hi Alan
**Answer:** The corn should be OK, as the entire program will help reduce acid load, regulate immune function and inflmmation related to arthritis
**Answer:** The gall bladder should receive quite a good cleanse during the detox, but sometimes it is good to folllow up the 14 day plan with another month on the gentle plan to give your body more healing time
**Answer:** Thanks [Name]. We are both doing the 1 month plan so expect additional gallbladder clean not required.
**Answer:** That’s ideal, the 14 days plan goes deeper for the acid, inflammation, immune system etc, so if you feel good after the one month you even look at following up with a 14 day plan to go deeper
**Answer:** Ok thanks for that – 14 day plan at our age ok?
**Answer:** If you feel good on the one month, then yes definitely OK
**Answer:** Thanks looking forward to getting underway on the detox Thursday. If feeling good at finish either one or both of us will do the 14 day deeper clean.
**Answer:** I would love to hear how it goes, please keep in touch
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** How much for the jar?
**Question:** it is leaking
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You would need to contact the manuafacturer in Australia directly for a quote.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** You could contasct the distributor in Canada
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi Andra
**Answer:** do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi Andra, Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** About to start the 1 month detox on Thursday and wondering if mixed seafood is ok or should we stick to wet fish only? Also, how often could we eat fish on the 1 month plan?? Thanks Alan, Christchurch
**Answer:** Hi Alan
**Answer:** Wet fish is better for the digestion.
**Answer:** You could have it once a week if you wish
**Question:** Many thanks, thats pretty much as we thought but just wanted to check.
**Answer:** Awesome – check in any time
**Question:** Thanks.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI It’s [Name]
**Answer:** Howdie
**Answer:** Was just going to ask…. I need to grab some more Detox and books……. should I order tonight on line and/or can I just collect from you tomorrow
**Answer:** You can collect tomorrow if you like, I have an eftpos machine here
**Answer:** awesome….. do you have the books etc at the address I am going too?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** I taught the Basic TH class at the weekend and that took care of my order from last week lol
**Answer:** Well done
**Answer:** Better gone than sitting around though
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Better go…. Look forward to meeting you tomorrow. As ‘luck” would have it, someone from Tga contacted me on saturday asking for 2 appointment on tuesday in Tauranga so I will be able to pay for my day out πŸ˜‰ Love the way things work out
**Answer:** Sounds good, see you at 1pm tomorrow
**Answer:** Perfect
**Answer:** Bye for now
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI Rebekah, I see you purchased a show speical online for $[Phone] so would be happy to refund that for you, once you return the kit
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** please close your chat. Can not read your post.
**Answer:** You must close it at your end, there should be an x on the top corner
**Question:** No x showing
**Answer:** Or a – (minus) symbol
**Answer:** I will exit and see it that closes chat
**Question:** Are you working with PRAL (potential renal acid load)?
**Answer:** Not specifically, but the idea behind our program is to alklaise the body via diet and herbs
**Answer:** We have reports of kidney function tests returning to normal
**Question:** Thanks, there is a great need, and only growing larger. Check out PRAL and it will give you more credibility.
**Question:** over and out
**Answer:** Ten 4
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah. My partner and I are detoxing. Is it normal during elimination to be quite gassy? We are both experiencing this. I’m doing the candida detox for 12 weeks. Also, can we eat frekeh and millet? Can we eat spelt?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes gas is quite normal
**Answer:** Can I have your email address so I can check in the foods for you
**Answer:** Sorry StΓ©phanie I can see your email address. Will check on foods and email you
**Answer:** Also. I watched a YouTube testimonial and [Name] suggests that coffee can be helpful. Im feeling like the herbs that my naturopath has given me for elimination ie bowel powder and candida support are some days turning me off coffee.
**Answer:** [Email].nz
**Answer:** I will need to check with [Name] on the coffee. He will be available in about 45 minutes after his consultation and I can email you then. Hope that is okay.
**Answer:** awesome. Thanks Sarah
**Answer:** You are Wellcome sorry I can’t help you straight away πŸ™‚ I will learn and be able to answer the next person πŸ™‚
**Question:** I vote for better life team
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** No
**Answer:** Okay thanks for visiting
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi [Name]. Have purchased your Ultimate Detox and have pretty much decided on the 25 day plan. I am 68 years. I take Pradaxa blood thinner and wonder if it is ok to continue say 1 hour before herbs or should I stop? Thanks Alan.
**Answer:** Yes thats fine Alan, there’s no problem with that medicantion on the program,
**Answer:** How did you find our program
**Question:** Health shop in Motueka – mainly for my wife who has been taking rheumatoid medications for 12 years. Liked what the consultant explained so I decided to partake too. We were offered discount to register etc but we decided we did not want to involve our doctor at this stage – but with good results will afterwards and would be happy to inform you of any positive outcomes especially for my wifes condition.
**Answer:** Thats great, I hope it all goes well, and would love to hear of your results. Unfortunately the study offer is only open to first time users, W’ere here to help anytime
**Question:** We are both first time users of the programme. Decided against study offer and happy to pay for both of us. Will advise any positive outcomes. Aware no cure for rheumatoid but if remission could occur or medication holidays be attainable would be fantastic. Regards Alan
**Answer:** Good on you Alan. Can I suggest a couple of specific recipes for you to look at for the Rheumatoid?
**Question:** Please!
**Answer:** Have a look at this one, I would suggest using canned coconut cream in place of the dairy cream in this recipe [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/mushroom-stroganoff)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Answer:** Many thanks will make good use of this.
**Answer:** Also this one is worth trying, mushrooms and coconut cream, coconut oil, can be extremely good at regulating the immune resposnes [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/black-pepper-mushroom-eggplant-soup)
**Answer:** Also add extra onions, ginger and garlic to all recipes while on the program. You can see a full list of my detox recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Awesome, much appreciated. We live in CHCH.
**Answer:** Sad to see the news, 1 crazy man can do so much damage, but then everyone turns to love each other, take care
**Answer:** Yes terrible tragedy but the togetherness will stop these deranged people thinking they have shocked our country. Starting prep days tomorrow. Regards Alan
**Answer:** Keep us posted
**Answer:** Will do
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Can I have seaweed
**Answer:** Yes you can Tim
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** No problems happy to help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi are you interested in purchasing the detox?
**Answer:** Would you like a discount We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Are your products organic?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Some of the herbs are but due to the volume they all can’t be
**Answer:** They are all checked through a full GMP factory and are tested before production
**Answer:** Great thanks! Silly question but I assume there are lots of micronutrients in visiting?
**Answer:** boditune*
**Answer:** Yes there is but we don’t have a specific breakdown of them.
**Answer:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hello, a couple of days ago I ate something that has caused me to vomit a few times over the span of said few days, and lose my appetite. I have tried anti acids and ginger ale, no lasting help. I bought some detox tea, will that help? I may be lactose intolerant and I ate some Mac and cheese with a lot of cheese in it.
**Answer:** I’m sorry I cant really help with that
**Answer:** Have you done a inner blody cleanse lately
**Question:** no what’s that?
**Answer:** It can help get your system cleaned out, You can Have a look at this page and you can find out more [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** I will take a look, thank you
**Answer:** It may be that your body is overloaded and needs a good cleanse
**Answer:** It sure feels that way. I will look into it
**Answer:** Just click on this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** trying to find the download for the book as i have lost mine?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which program are you doing?
**Answer:** I see you’ve got the link
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** kombucha
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Yes that’s ok
**Answer:** Can I eat Kimchi?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes you can πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Tofu?
**Answer:** Not on the 14 day detox only the 30 day.
**Answer:** Okay
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** Does this really work
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** We do give a 100% Guarantee
**Answer:** That means you should get some degree of relief, but it does vary from person to person of course
**Question:** Do you have to still take hospital medication as well
**Answer:** Yes it is best to keep taking them, but it should be able to reduce after the program, especially if you can continue with the suggested foods afterwards
**Answer:** We are doing a 30% discount on two packs this month, which would really give you a good opportunity to get long-term healing effects
**Answer:** Do you have severe pain with your condition?
**Answer:** That is something the program really helps to relieve
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi. Could I send you some pics of things I want to digest. And could you say yes or no?
**Answer:** Hi There,
**Answer:** Are you currently completing our Herbal Program?
**Question:** Yes. Herbal detox.
**Question:** I’m 3 days into elimination phase.
**Answer:** OK, the 14 days or 30 days?
**Question:** It’s my 4th cleanse over ten years.
**Question:** My name is Tim Mace
**Answer:** 7 days
**Answer:** Maybe.
**Answer:** OK TIm, if you can attach images I can say yes or no
**Answer:** There is a great 7 day superfood smoothie program which can select on our recipe page
**Answer:** you can go here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) and select 7 day smoothies from the program selector
**Answer:** I’ll check it out.
**Answer:** I can’t attach pics in here.
**Answer:** I’ll have to email you.
**Answer:** Or you could type them in?
**Answer:** There was no picture in the email sorry
**Answer:** Yes the V8 juice is OK
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** I don’t need a diagnosis .. just some ideas .. are there any organs on that side ?
**Answer:** Only the bowels, and appendix is the most common cause of pain if it is severe, you can best see by looking at a diagram [Link](https://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/picture-of-the-abdomen)#1
**Answer:** [Link](https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/appendicitis.html)
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** My son is having pain on his left side on his hip .. any idea what this could be ?
**Question:** I am searching and Crohns comes up ..
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** I’m sorry we can’t give any diagnosis online
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Kimbow how can I help?
**Answer:** How often do you have this March madness
**Answer:** It is only until the the end of March πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Once a month, half a year or every quarter promotion
**Answer:** We have a promotion every month however [Name] has given you the best option on one item.
**Answer:** Have you check whether the two tickets send yet
**Answer:** Yes I sent them last week in the post
**Answer:** They take a while as the post people only delvier a few times each week.
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** you are welcme
**Answer:** A bit of clarification. A two week deep cleanse using detox program. This could be repeated immediately as one month gentleman cleanse if results are promising. What products should I buy
**Answer:** You purchased two packs of the detox program. You do the first one over 14 days and the second one over one month.
**Answer:** How about other options like 7 day super hero detox and two months maintenance program. What products are they
**Answer:** Mc They are the same program just done over different time Lengtys
**Answer:** The seven day detox is very hard to do if you’re not extremely experienced in detoxing
**Answer:** What about the one month gentle cleanse? It is another product like liva food,colonaid, digezaid symlax
**Answer:** HI KImbow it’s [Name]
**Answer:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox pack can be done over four different time frames, 7 days, 14 days, 30 days and 60 days,
**Answer:** They are called Power cleanse, Deep Cleanse, Gentle Cleanse and Maintenance Program respectively.
**Answer:** I have suggested you complete the Ultimate Herbal Detox pack twice, Once over 2 weeks (14 days), and then again over 4 weeks (30 days)
**Answer:** This would gvie you a deep cleanse and then a gentle cleanse back to back over 6 weeks
**Answer:** I hope that makes sense
**Answer:** So actually the two packs at 30% March special is a better deal than the [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club if you wanted to get both at once
**Answer:** .
**Answer:** In detox kit 480 capsules, made up of colonaid, symlax, livafood and digezaid. 120 each right
**Answer:** Can I buy individually?
**Answer:** Yes but would need to use the CONSULT50 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for them individually and click on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) to get the single pack
**Answer:** I have send my wife to see a family doctor vomiting and diarrhea now
**Answer:** OK, bye for now
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** I’m detoxing pretty hard from a refined sugar overload this weekend…any tips for a remedy
**Answer:** lol sorry it is a hard one
**Answer:** Our detox does the whole body and I wouldn;t know a quick tip
**Question:** Ok, thanks
**Answer:** What detox are you doing?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi Ali
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** Ali here from Health Products in Wellington, Just finished my 14 day detox and wanted to say how amazing I feel!!
**Answer:** Look forward to seeing you guys at the Go Green Expo Auckland in april , we have our usual stand there also
**Answer:** Oh that is go good to hear! Welcome to the happy detoxers club!
**Answer:** I could have keep going for another 2 weeks !!
**Answer:** Great we will look forward to it – perhaps we can get you to do a wee video for us on the impacts while we are there?
**Answer:** I’m doing one at the mo so I am with you!
**Answer:** Yes I would be so happy to do that
**Answer:** I am only small but went from 53.6kgs to 51.2 in the 14 days , I head also feels so clear !! Yipee
**Answer:** I didnt do it for weight lose though
**Answer:** Awesome all round! I love how if clears my head and I feel so light – it feels like the world has become blissful again πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Have been drinking our Miracle Greens with Phour salts in them and lemon in our alkalized water and your Detox what a marriage made in heaven
**Answer:** Wow sounds amazing – when you see [Name] you should mention it to him πŸ™‚ I’m sure he will be interested to learn what you used.
**Answer:** Will do thanks so much !!!
**Answer:** How many times a year is it recommended to do the detox ?
**Answer:** Normally 2 to 3 depending on how you feel – most people do Spring and Autumn. Spring gets you out of the winter slump and Autumn boosts your immune system for winter πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome!!
**Answer:** Funny when you come off it you feel quite lost without taking the pills !!, I am moving to Auckland in June so hopefully spread the word up there to
**Answer:** I know what you mean about the capsules lol Moving to Auckland sounds great! See you soon at the expo!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you see my answers?
**Answer:** I read somewhere in terms and conditions that if you subscribe monthly [Price], or [Price] or $ 50, you are entitled to 30 or 40 or 50 per discount on the price as advertised respectively. Am I right?
**Answer:** No I did not . How to retrieve it
**Answer:** Sarah Jones2:18 PM
**Answer:** The revenue sharing programme is not in operation.
**Answer:** The [Price] is off the Detox programme and the 10% off applies to all the other recommendations [Name] made.
**Answer:** Then why the revenue sharing program still in t&c. Maybe suggest to take it off.
**Answer:** Good point I will request our admin team to action that.
**Answer:** Liquid herbal formulation by [Name] 200ml [Price], 500ml [Price]. Can the 10 per cent apply here. There is no product brochure because it is specifically prepared for me
**Answer:** Yes that is correct Kimbow
**Answer:** Any special in March madness
**Answer:** The March Madness is 30% for 2 programs – [Name] has given you 25% off 1 program.
**Answer:** If I buy two programs I am still entitled for [Price] off [Price]
**Answer:** Sorry no because of the 30% discount the extra can’t be applied.
**Answer:** Unfortunately 2 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs can’t be used together.
**Answer:** Can the [Price] be used for other product like the liquid herbal
**Answer:** Only the Herbla Detox sorry as it is a product already made up. [Name] has to make the liquid for you specially.
**Answer:** Maybe I should speak to [Name] about the March madness
**Answer:** [Name] sets the criteria for the promotion and I already caught him and asked him before he went into his consultation.
**Answer:** I am still waiting for the tickets to asb show in Auckland . Has he sent it to me yet
**Answer:** Yes they have been sent I sent them last week.
**Answer:** The post is very slow as they do not deliver each day.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Herbicides, pesticides etc ??? are your products free from all contaminants
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes all ingredients are tested and certified before production, under GMP Pharmaceutical guidelines
**Question:** I dont understand GMP pharmaceutical…. I take a wide birth from anything pharmaceutical linked ???
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there Sarah
**Answer:** Hi Kimbow
**Answer:** How can I help?
**Answer:** What is different between herbal detox,herbal slim and boditune? I find it a bit confusing
**Answer:** Ok I can help there
**Answer:** The Detox is the Rolls Royce program – it cleanses the colon, liver, instestines and promotes good gut health. It is also a parasite detox and heavy metal detox.
**Answer:** it also alkalises the body and it gets down to cell level in the body.
**Answer:** It is kind of [Name] to give Super gold card 10 per cent of which price?
**Answer:** The Slim is different -it does have a genlte cleanser but its job is to reduce sugar cravings and balance blood sugar levels.
**Answer:** The BodiTune contains herbs from both the Detox and the Slim program but it is much weaker – it is about 5 times less in strength. Great for maintenace between detox programs.
**Answer:** If you buy the Detox as per his email and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code CONSULT50 at the checkout you gt [Price] off so the Detox program is normally [Price] so it would be [Price].
**Answer:** Hope that makes sense?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Vegetarian is a good way to go – however an 80/20 diet is good. [Name] advocates a vegetarian diet and most illnesses cannot surive in an alkaline body and meat and processed foods.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Thanks for all of your help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** This is a great article [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/super-vegetarian-diet)
**Question:** my poor husband continue to eat fish, eggs and tuna as he was feeling he needed it. He has lost almost 6kg! I was not lookin to lose weight and I’m a runner, so am fit, just wanted to detox from the holidays and improve gut and long term health as I have digestive issues
**Question:** it has been a good journey for me, thank you
**Answer:** Excellent results! You might wish to share the article with him as he migh be surprised!
**Question:** Great i will… thank yiy
**Question:** you
**Answer:** You are welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Question:** Oh I meant to ask, what about sprouted chickpeas and legumes?
**Question:** i see the article mentions them in the chart
**Answer:** They are good for the long term
**Answer:** Just not on the actual detox program
**Answer:** You could also show your husband our article on protein
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/good-protein-sources-during-your-program)
**Question:** I just read the article… fascinating. I’ll send to my dad in Canada as well as he’s recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer
**Answer:** This is great too [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/six-reasons-cut-back-red-meat)
**Question:** Thank you πŸ™‚ I’ve skimmed them all now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Great πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there we missed you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’ll do you have done the detox it is always really good to continue on with the diet is possible and take the BodiTune sachets
**Question:** What are the boditune sachets?
**Answer:** The sachets can be taken with a similar diet to the detox. I can get to that page to show you the foods and sachets
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-what-do-i-get)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** Just click on the links
**Question:** thank you. And what about introducing a glass of red wine now and then?
**Answer:** Yes you can do that – one or two every now and again does no harm.
**Question:** Thanks πŸ™‚ and what about introducing fish and tofu? Maybe nuts and eggs?
**Answer:** Yes all ok but keep the nuts at a low level.
**Question:** I’ll skip nuts but I would like some fish and tofu and eggs
**Answer:** Yes they will be ok πŸ™‚
**Question:** Are the sachets a detox program and the protein drink a supplement to enhance the detox program? I would t need to do both?
**Answer:** Most people do the detox in the spring and in the autumn then use the sachets as a maintenance in between.
**Answer:** They keep energy levels up and the body moving nicely. They are much more gentle than the detox.
**Question:** i see… and people stay on this diet? Is vegetarian something you recommend then? We’ve always been meat eaters
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi, I’ll be finished the full body detox by tomorrow morning. I have eaten fully according to the recipes for the past 3 weeks. I am feeling great. I am wondering what to eat from here on in. I’ve been gluten and dairy free for years
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi There, sorry I may have missed this as I read my emails much to fast, but does [Name] have a book out on “Cleansed & Cured?
**Answer:** Yes he does Louise
**Answer:** I can give you a link to it
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Answer:** OK would be interested as cannot make it to Greenlane. I live on the North Shore. Thanks got it will check now.
**Answer:** OK great πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi again – Checked for cost and saw the cost was $[Phone] (approx anyway) why did it suddenly jump to [Price] when I added it to my cart?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Were you using the right currency? It should be $[Phone] in NZD
**Answer:** sorry [Price]
**Answer:** Yes, I did. But, it said on the page before I added it to cart that it was $[Phone] approx.
**Answer:** Oh gosh not sure why that happened. Can you open another browser and try again – it should be [Price]
**Answer:** OK will do and get back to you.
**Answer:** That is the price in USD [Phone]
**Answer:** It must be the currency at the top of the page
**Answer:** Right, got it. Very deceiving, surely it should be advertised in NZ$ first rather than the other way around? Thanks for your help, will shop around first.
**Answer:** Yes it is confusing. If you are in NZ you should see the NZD price only. Then in the USA the USA price only. I am wondering if you computer server is based in the USA and so it gave you the USA proce?
**Answer:** We have had that happen before. especially if business computers are used.
**Answer:** We can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to say sorry πŸ™‚ You can use 15NOW for 15% off the book.
**Answer:** It sure did. And, I am in NZ, as said in previous message – I love on the North Shore. I have a home based computer. So there are not client support chat lines in NZ?
**Answer:** Yes we are all here in NZ, in Tauranga
**Answer:** OK, how much with that make the book then? Oh boy, how confusing………
**Answer:** If you use your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at the checkout and buy in NZD it will be $[Phone] with free delivery.
**Answer:** Ok, will use that. once you send it to me. Thanks for your help Sarah
**Answer:** You can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 15NOW to buy the book just add it at the checkout πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Will do and thanks again. Apologies for the typing errors!
**Answer:** lol all good πŸ™‚ I use voice activated software and it still goes wrong! Must be my accent.
**Answer:** Ha ha – have a great day n bye for now!
**Answer:** See you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I am sorry Sarah I have to cancel the order because the shipping cost is too much.
**Answer:** Ok totally understand – it is a shame there is nothing like the product where you are.
**Answer:** If you order 6 bottles the shipping is free.
**Answer:** i want to try the one bottle to see if my sugar level will go down.
**Answer:** Yes it will certainly help with that. We have to ship from New Zealand so it is a long way away.
**Answer:** We send it tracked so you can see it on the whole journey
**Answer:** I understand. If it works then I can order the 6 bottles
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I miss out on We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code. could you please send me one to my email box. thanks agnes
**Answer:** Hi Agnes
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** What are you looking to buy?
**Answer:** Our We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs vary depending on product
**Question:** chromium polynicotinate. I saw one in your website. One We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club per order
**Answer:** You can use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 15NOW and get 15% off
**Answer:** Are you on our mailing list?
**Answer:** I am afraid, I am not
**Answer:** OK well if you would like to use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code I mention about then you will be added automatically.
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** how much is your shipping cost to uk
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** The best way to check it is to add your product to the cart, and go through the checkout – it automatically calculates based on the weight.
**Question:** I do that
**Answer:** OK thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I see you have asked a question on our page. We can asnwer it here.
**Answer:** We put the item at a very low value on the paperwork so that it does not attract tax however the customs people may decide to charge something and we can;t stop it. They have only done this twice in 5 years.
**Question:** please declare value of goods as under Β£20 otherwise I am entitled to pay custom duties over Β£20
**Answer:** We do that
**Question:** thank you very much
**Answer:** Do you need any further help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Cani buy your product Satisfedchromium polynicotinate in the U.K.?if yes, who is the supplier
**Question:** agnes mo
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** I can give you the link for Amazon to buy it, and we will ship it Via DHL to your door
**Answer:** Here is the Amazon Link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PPBT42J)
**Answer:** We don’t have distributors in the UK
**Question:** Are you sending it from amazon.com. Can you declare the value less than 20 usdollars because Ihave topay a lot on custom duties when arrive in the U.K.
**Answer:** Yes we can do that
**Answer:** We ship into the UK all the time, and we get this question a lot, so it’s not a problem
**Question:** but Amazon.com will declare the full value in the parcel
**Answer:** They don’t do the shipping, we actually send it direct from our warehouse
**Question:** how muc( is the cost of the supplements anΒ£ how many caps per bottle
**Answer:** It should work out to Β£[Phone] based on today exchange rate and you get 120 caps per bottle
**Answer:** You can convert to GBP on the website if you look at the top left there is a currency converter
**Answer:** The Amazon price could be slightly different
**Answer:** top right sorry
**Question:** great! Could you please give me your weblink so that I can order direct from you.Is it possible?
**Answer:** Yes this is the page [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/satisfed-craving-cutter-120-caps)
**Question:** manythanks
**Answer:** Just add to cart and you can checkout in GBP if you click the converter
**Question:** Ido that, many thanks for your help
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** For someone who has Psoriasis Artheritis, and has controlled their pain by diet of eleminating nightshade vegetables and minimising wheat, diary and sugar would you suggest keeping nightshades out from the recipes suggested on the plan?
**Answer:** Yes that could help considering the history
**Question:** Thank you, what plan would you suggest for your typical male who is busy working a active job building cow sheds?
**Answer:** I would suggest the one month gentle detox using the Ultimate Herbal Detox pack
**Question:** OK, so the food is not so strict to the 7 and 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Thats correct you can eat some eggs, fish and cottage cheese on top of all the fruits and vegetables
**Question:** Cool, Ill suggest this to my Mr, as I am going to start the detox myslf next week. It will be beneficial for him leading up to winter when the dampness can upset his atheritis πŸ˜€
**Answer:** Yes I’m sure it would help reduce the imflammation
**Question:** Thank you πŸ˜€
**Answer:** Youre welcome
**Question:** Whats your take on buckwheat?
**Answer:** I dont really have a view on it, as I genrally suggest avoiding all grains, especially in processed food of any kind
**Question:** Buckwheat is a seed?
**Answer:** The same rule applies to seeds and grains, as there is really no difference, they are hard to digest and inflammatory
**Question:** ok, what about corn? We dont eat corn but i notice its in some of your recipes?
**Answer:** Yes sweetcorn is an exception as it is very well hydrated and goes throught the system very quickly, it’s great for detoxing
**Question:** Interesting, I have always limited corn due to it been a grain and my bloof type been an o, corn is suggested to be avoided.
**Answer:** I don’t take the blood type diet too seriously as we have a long genetic line of mixed types, so that theory is a bit hit and miss
**Question:** Thank you, its interesting getting another persons view.
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Stephanie
**Answer:** Hi there can I eat sweet corn on the candida detox?
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** what is the best Complementary and Alternative treatment for Crohn’s disease?
**Answer:** Good question – [Name] recommends his cleansing program with specfic foods.
**Question:** what results or effects on the individual does this practice have? does it help to reduce symptons?
**Answer:** It soothes and heals the gut. It does this by reducing inflammation. Yes it reduces symptons and some people get total relief. I see you were looking at [Name]’s article
**Question:** Thanks heaps πŸ™‚
**Answer:** The Ultimate CROHN’S DISEASE Program
**Question:** awesome, thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome – download [Name];s eBook for free it will be useful.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Are all pland safe to do while breastfeeding?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** As long as your baby is 3 months or older the plans are fine.
**Answer:** In fact the herbs are very good for your baby.
**Question:** Fantastic, Thank you πŸ˜€
**Answer:** They help with colic and reflux.
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I am currently doing the slim program can I also do the detox smoothie ie bodytune sachets if so what is the cost and can I purchase these on bartercard
**Answer:** Yes they are the perfect companion and the cost is [Price] for 32 sachets, and you can take one daily. Yes Bartercard is fine. If you have purchased from us Before, we can look up your details
**Question:** Hi [Name], I purchased the slim program 2 weeks ago our details are ROCKUP NORTH LTD (my name is Lynne Pearson, 35 Wattie Road, Hunua) Just a note I have lost 1/2 stone (5 kg ?) in 7 days which I am stoked about.
**Answer:** OK thanks, yes we have you in the system, all we need is your bartercard number, and how many packs you would like
**Question:** Actually I had already started not eating fatty foods so actually 14 days. Probably 2 lots and also would like to do the maintenance program after I finish this lot as going to the UK in June to a wedding & trying to fit into a dress (my goal)
**Answer:** OK so we will sne dyou two packs of 32 sachets each, total cost [Price] on Barter, we jsut need your card number and we can get them underway today for you
**Question:** Did you also want to add the maintenance (for slim program) I am doing the 1 month program (2 x day) so is that the same product but going down to 1 x /day ? and will they keep if you send them now
**Question:** Also wanted to ask you is it normal to get headaches and sinus pain – had after the first 4 days of taking for 2 days but seem to have gone today.
**Answer:** Yes that is a good combination, so you could take 2 daily during your Herbal SLIm and follow up with one daily for another month. Yes headaches can be your hormones kicking up another gear and the sinus could be related to that also.
**Question:** OK please include another slim pack for follow-up maintenance & I should be all set.
**Answer:** OK will do, just need your bartercard number please
**Question:** I haven’t got my card on me but our account number is 6009126401041870
**Answer:** Thats should be enough thanks
**Question:** Thanks [Name]
**Answer:** Anytime, hope it goes well
**Answer:** Staging test
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi thete
**Answer:** Working
**Answer:** Fabulous πŸ™‚ It looks to be working on live too
**Answer:** Was the widget code missing, did you need to load it up again?
**Answer:** Nope just came here and it was working ok
**Answer:** OK, well that’s a bit of a mystery, thanks anyway
**Answer:** Not a worry, glad it’s working now
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi Jilly L(
**Answer:** Sorry I have big fingers and they are typing badly this morning haha
**Answer:** Did you get the invoice?
**Answer:** I just transferred money around my accounts so Credit Card is good to go
**Answer:** Yup
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Awesome will sort straight away now for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Maybe you need a bigger keyboard, you seem to like on live chat ekkkkk
**Answer:** Orrrrr
**Answer:** Maybe your fingies need a holiday
**Answer:** lol sure do!
**Answer:** Book at ticket to somewhere with no internet or cell signal….
**Answer:** Like where I live lol
**Answer:** There is a reason I live off the grid
**Answer:** Sounds like a great idea! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Has its moments but generally the good outweighs the negative side…… and my kids don’t visit for long incase they miss something lol… that I like
**Answer:** lol you have it sorted I reckon!
**Answer:** Totally…..
**Answer:** Better let you get on with what ever your are doing…. Need to go pick up my Kangen Water Machine
**Answer:** Thank you and you have a great day in this beautiful sunshine!
**Answer:** Yup, need to get out of the office
**Answer:** Thanks for processing my order
**Answer:** You are welcome – I’m heading to the top of the Pa we have near the house for a long meditation in the sun.
**Answer:** Take care
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, on the 14 day cleanse can I use Oat milk instead of Almond milk? Many thanks
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine
**Question:** Can we eat Chia seeds on detox?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can we eat Chia seeds on detox?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** my email is [Email]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, Kim Schubert from Taupo here, just wondering if you have any more of the Ultimate Detox at [Phone]? Found Emails in my Spam regarding this?
**Answer:** Hi Kim,
**Answer:** If you order tody using the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code I will open it up for you. It has be today though as the promotion has finished.
**Answer:** Yes sure !! Could I have 2 please ??
**Answer:** If you want 2 you will need to do 2 orders
**Answer:** Oh okay – let’s go with 1 then – don’t want to complicate matters even more πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I could call you and do it over the phone perhaps?
**Answer:** Yes sure… my number is [Phone]
**Answer:** ok 2 minutes so I can open your account
**Answer:** Thanks Sarah
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Jilly
**Answer:** Hia
**Answer:** I am just wondering if I can set up a pay by account method just to make things easier for me
**Answer:** Happy to pay before delivery but if this inconveniences you in any way I will stay with our credit card arrangement
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine
**Answer:** Sweet
**Answer:** We have you set up as a wholesale customer, so we can always sned you an invoice to pay before delviery, either way is OK with us
**Answer:** oh awesome, thank you
**Answer:** My credit card is set up to another account…. its not a big deal …
**Answer:** I will send you an email shortly with an order….
**Answer:** Ok Thanks Jilly, You’re doining amazing work
**Answer:** Thank You and so are you
**Answer:** How did your energy filming go?
**Answer:** Still getting it right lol
**Answer:** Ahhhhh…. I’ve been having some really cool chats with my liver recently. I still carried grief there from the death of my son
**Answer:** Did you receive the ThetaHealing Disease and Disorder book btw
**Answer:** That make’s sense
**Answer:** it does aye
**Answer:** Yes I mena tto thank you for that, I have had a look, but will get to read it properly sometime
**Answer:** Its more of a reference book really. I just thought it may be of interest to you
**Answer:** Have you ever worked with animals with herbal remedies? A lot of my work is with animals
**Answer:** Yes they respond extremely well to herbs, espeically dogs, sheep and horses
**Answer:** awesome…. I do all the Animal Communication stuff too. People are keen for workshops on that too. Thing is, they have to understand about energy and the field, heart resonance etc if they want to get far
**Answer:** So have been thinking about a couple of foundation energy based weekend workshops then specialise more in specific areas like Herb, Oils, Animals etc
**Answer:** Sounds good, Please keep us posted on these events
**Answer:** I will, these are what I would like to catch up with you about as I am sure you will have ideas too….
**Answer:** Just let me know when you’re thinking of coming over this way, and we’ll catch up
**Answer:** Hey, you have definitely got to my (previously V addicted) daughter. Her elderly Chihuahua had blood tests on friday for weight gain, excessive water intake and obviously as a side effect, regular peeing… SO Hannah says to me, “well its obviously a metabolic disorder so I’m wondering if [Name] can help”…. not what I was expecting as I didnt think she had been listening to a word I have been saying about diet etc
**Answer:** I guess seeds get planted
**Answer:** Well done
**Answer:** So when we get the test results back it would be good to look at herbs and healing for our little fatty (dog not daughter)! Thats what I find with what we do, energy changes real fast but our physical body needs support
**Answer:** Yes that’s the idea behind detoxing, it really helps get the body up to speed to integrate/accept new levels of energy
**Answer:** Thats the other thing I would like to chat to you about. I have been having some unexplainable experiences in the last few weeks …. I think I have told you I am experimenting on “me” to allow more light into my body and/or to vibrate at a higher frequency…. and from mid last weeks strange stuff has been happening while I have been fully conscious lol
**Answer:** Yes, lets talk about that when you come over
**Answer:** Yup, you may feel the urge to phone mental health though lol
**Answer:** I am free all next week
**Answer:** when is a good day for you?
**Answer:** Tuesday or Thursday are best, around 11am or 1pm?
**Answer:** Lets say Tuesday at 1pm?
**Answer:** OK sounds good, 26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu
**Answer:** Did you see The Medical Medium has published a whole book on Celery Juice…. Hard to believe there is that much to write on it …. think we may be getting a bit money driven on this but hey, thats his stuff
**Answer:** OKay… see you at one on Tuesday
**Answer:** You could probably write a book on any vegetable or herb πŸ™‚
**Answer:** That people would want to red?
**Answer:** read?
**Answer:** Yep, Awesome, see you then
**Answer:** I look forward to that
**Answer:** WIll still order and see if I can get my students onto the detox program
**Answer:** Will look out for your email, thanks again
**Answer:** Thank You…. I am just passing on something that is amazing
**Answer:** Cheers and Bye for now
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, Kim from art of health referred me to the website and recommended the detox kit. What is the price of this kit?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Bear with me please
**Answer:** The cost is [Price] but you can use a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code Kim has with us to get [Price] off. Would you like to learn more?
**Question:** Sure
**Answer:** This is the link to click on to see the full program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** There are recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** how different are the two detox kits?
**Answer:** There is only one detox kit the Ultimate Herbal Detox
**Question:** what about the slim one?
**Answer:** You can see the different ways to do it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** i thought that was a type of detox too. I’ll do my research.
**Answer:** The Slim kit has herbs for reducing cravings and balancing blood sugar levels over the day.
**Question:** kim had the detox kit advertised on her website for [Price].
**Answer:** The Detox has herbs for cleansing the liver, colon, intestines and gets right down to cell level. It is also a heavy metal detox and Parasite cleanse.
**Question:** [Link](http://www.artofhealth.co.nz/pp-products-brett-elliott.htm)
**Answer:** I think she hasn;t updated her website perhaps?
**Answer:** Ph yes thst is a very old version – that was before [Phone]
**Answer:** It was updated in [Phone] and that is the one from before then.
**Answer:** The Detox normally gives been 3 and 10kgs weight loss in 14 days
**Answer:** That is the length of time most people do it.
**Question:** I’ve heard good things about this detox.
**Question:** Thank you for the information. I’ll read through it.
**Answer:** It is very good – I am doing at the moment and feel great πŸ™‚ All good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi can you send me your promo for this month?
**Answer:** HI Arnila, The promo for this month is if you any single item, and change the qty to two packs in your cart of it will give you 30% discount automatically
**Answer:** You dont need to put in a code
**Answer:** Can you tell me total amount i have to pay if i order 2 body tune -2 bottles – capsules?
**Answer:** It should be $[Phone] making them $[Phone] each
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi Cindy I saw your message
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Whereabouts do you live?
**Question:** In Tauranga
**Answer:** We can do it at [Price] for you now – you could pick it up in Tauranga from us or we could give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to use at the checkout.
**Question:** Perfect wow thanks!!!
**Question:** Can i collect tomorrow?
**Answer:** Yes you can but it would need to be after 3pm is that ok?
**Question:** Yes thats cool
**Answer:** Ok great can you text us on [Phone] to confirm the time you will there. The address is 26 Fantail Drive Maungatapu
**Question:** Wonderful i have just text u. My mobile is [Phone]
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah i attended a womens lifeatyle expo and was fortunate to get [Name]s ultimate detox for [Price]. Is there any events coming up where there will be any specials? I had an awesome detox a year ago and want to do it again. Thank you, Cindy
**Answer:** Hi Cindy where do you live?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** liver
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI Kelly,
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi There do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Linda, Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hey if you need any help we are online.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi Grace, Do you need any support? I’m happy to answer any questions you may have.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hey
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Is this removes parasites like worms etc
**Answer:** Hi There, How can I help today?
**Answer:** Yes, it is designed to clear the liver and intestines
**Answer:** The program includes several anti-parasitic herbs in high dosage
**Question:** Can it remove any parasites like head itching
**Question:** If it will I will buy it
**Answer:** Not really designed for that type, it for the intestinal type
**Question:** Okey thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, My cholesterol is high 6.9. However, because of the ratio in my lipids I do not need to take statins. I would however like to lower my bad cholesterol which is 4.9 and have read that your product would help.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** any thoughts
**Answer:** Yes the Ultimate Herbal Detox does that
**Answer:** It reduces your cholesterol through the herbs in the program and the food that you eat over the two weeks.
**Answer:** It has a guarantee that it will bring your cholesterol levels done.
**Question:** That is good, but to keep my cholesterol down, I will need to take it indefinitely. Is this a problem
**Answer:** Most people find if you do the detox twice a year and just keep an eye on the food you eat you can keep your cholesterol down.
**Answer:** The length of time you would need to do the program for is 14 days. You have an elimination process at the beginning and a food introduction process at the end as well.
**Question:** Sounds good. Are you in the States. I am in the uk and being so we are charged with hefty fees for products from the states. Do you have a UK supplier.
**Answer:** We are actually a New Zealand company. And we shipped from New Zealand via DHL. We declare the products at lower than they are purchased on the website so it’s very unlikely that you would have any have to charges. Delivery to the UK is normally 3 to 5 days it’s very quick. And it is fully tracked so you can see your parcel on its journey.
**Question:** Great. The only thing now is I am on blood pressure medication (Ramipril 10mg) so will have to do some research to find out if there are any interactions.
**Answer:** We highly recommend the program for BP as it often helps to reduce that a little and it’s perfectly safe with the medications except for warfarin but all other blood pressure medication is a fine.
**Question:** Wonderful. I will start ordering today. Thank you for your kind assistance.
**Answer:** You are welcome. We are here to support you at any time. There are always many questions. We support you all the way through from start to finish and beyond.
**Question:** Now that is service with a smile!
**Answer:** It certainly is
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** When is the schedule programs available?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Not sure what you mean by Schedule programs
**Answer:** I am reading your book now and like it. Do you provide class for us to attend
**Answer:** I think you would mean a seminar, Yes are doing them throught the year, let me link you to the schdule
**Answer:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** You can find them here [Link](https://www.[Website]/brett-elliott-event-calender)
**Answer:** You will see the first one is in Auckland and we still have a few free tickets if you wanted one
**Answer:** How much is your normal tickets
**Answer:** Usually only [Price]
**Answer:** Thank you for the link. If it’s OK do you have two free tickets, one for myself and my wife. If I need more where can I purchase them
**Answer:** Yes I can send you two tickets, and you can get more at the door on the day or here, [Link](https://www.gogreenexpo.co.nz/tickets/) and I see they are actually only [Price].00 for this show
**Answer:** I just need your name and address to send them to
**Answer:** Kimbow Ang, 7B Icarus place, Half Moon Bay, Manukau,[Phone].
**Answer:** Awesome, we will get them sent out tomorrow
**Answer:** How about your consultation fee of [Price] for ninety minutes. Is the consultation based on face to face or other means?
**Answer:** Yes it is face to face in Tauranga, but I also do a remote online/phone consultation for [Price] which you can see here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/online-consultation-brett-elliott) However, the face to face is always a lot better way of doing it.
**Answer:** Before I decide on your consultation, can I briefly give you an idea what I been through after I was diagnosed by an urologist that I have prostate cancer last December. I am already 68 years I have decided to against conventional treatment.
**Answer:** It’s a little hard to do that on the live chat, as these things are very complex and take time to discuss and consider, it’s really not the right way to do it, espeically if your condition is serioous, like it sounds, then there is a limit to what we could do via the online or chat environment. It would be better to come to tauranga and we allow the full 90 minutes to work out the best program for you. I would be happy if you wanted to have a 10 minute phone call rather than chat online then you could decide if it’s worth the visit.
**Answer:** That is very kind of you.
**Answer:** You can call me on [Phone] or I can call you if you want to share your number and suggest a good time to call
**Answer:** It is OK now my number [Phone] for about 10 minutes
**Answer:** OK I’ll call now
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi Nicole, I see you started to place an order.
**Answer:** Do you need some help with it?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Kim did you get our email?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I’ve almost completed my 2nd course of the Slim Kit & have found my skin is a lot clearer, I’m having regular bowel motions, but I haven’t lost any weight. In order to maintain the 2 things it did assist with I was looking to going to look at trying the Boditune Powder, would this be what you would suggest? Any suggestions for weight loss? Thnx
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Yes you could use the Boditune powder or sachets to follow up the herbal slim, that would be ideal
**Question:** Ok great thnx
**Answer:** I would suggest taking 1-2 sachets daily and having them early in the day, before 3pm
**Answer:** You could also try skipping breakfast and having your smoothies at lunch and afternoon, that could induce some ketosis
**Answer:** Especially if you incldue coconut milk/cream, full fat yoghurt, avocado and vegetables in your smoothies instead of a lot of fruit
**Answer:** Short burst of high energy exercise in the fasting period would also contribute, like low rep heavy weights, or rapid bursts of self body exercises for just 5-10- minutes in the morning
**Question:** Yep I already do skip breakfast, my 1st meal is around 11.30am, maybe a nectarine & an apricot. Should I have a smoothie & lunch or just smoothie?
**Answer:** Just a smoothie is good, expecially if you get some greens into it, but remember to get lots of good fats , coconut oil is also great
**Answer:** do you do any meditation?
**Answer:** That can increase metabolism over 8 times apparently
**Question:** Ok – would the sachet contents be ok if I made them into a smoothie the night before? Oh ok didnt know about th meditation, but could try that
**Answer:** Yes they would be OK the night before,
**Answer:** then you have an untapped resource, here is my recommended method [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/meditation-finding-spiritual-illumination)
**Question:** ok great thnx [Name]
**Answer:** Anytime, keep us posted
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Amanda, we can’t get through on your email!
**Answer:** We would love to send the list to you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Amanda, we can’t get through on your email!
**Answer:** We have info to send but it keeps bouncing back due to the spam filter at IAG
**Answer:** Do you have another email address?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi, is this available in stores in Tauranga?
**Answer:** Yes it is – they dont’ all carry the full range though.
**Answer:** Where do you live?
**Question:** Bellevue
**Answer:** You can also buy on line and we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code. We deliver next day
**Answer:** You can also come along and see [Name] at his clinic and get the program
**Answer:** He is based in Maungatapu
**Answer:** Which program are you looking at?
**Question:** I’ve done the detox before, many years ago. I just wanted to pick one up from a local health store.
**Answer:** If you got it from us at the clinic we can give you discount to get it at [Price]. The retailers do it at full price. The Health [Phone] at Bayfair carries a lot of them.
**Question:** Oh right. I can’t get over that way until after 6pm.
**Answer:** That is fine if we know you are coming we can sort it for you
**Question:** I’ll be in touch. I might be able to come tomorrow. Should I pay online or do you have eftpos?
**Answer:** Yes tomorrow would be ok. We have eftpos here.
**Answer:** What is your name and email address?
**Question:** Ok great. I’ll come after 9am. My name is Amanda and my email is [Email]
**Answer:** Ok Amanda – the office is open from 9am so all good. The address is 26 Fantaiil Drive, Maungatapu – we will see you then
**Answer:** Thank you.
**Answer:** No probs here to help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi Sarah this is Arnila Pintor i wonder if [Name] can give me the discount with that ultra slim. You see he sent me an email awhile ago regarding the [Price] of with the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club but my credit card is full at that time
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for 25% off if that helps you?
**Answer:** The [Price] finished some time ago
**Question:** Yes please & can i order now under my partner’s credit card?
**Question:** oh dear i think i mean the body tune sorry
**Answer:** Ok you can use 25NOW
**Question:** how much will it cost me now? i hope you dont mind as i am working on my budget
**Answer:** 125 minus 25% is $[Phone]
**Question:** is that for the boditune detox?
**Answer:** Yes thst is for the BodiTune sachets or pot.
**Question:** i think i saw it was [Price]
**Answer:** That was with the [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club. That finished in February. The promotions only run for a period of time.
**Question:** ok so what is the promotion for this month?
**Answer:** You can get 2 BodiTune programs at 30% off instead of 20%
**Question:** so how much is the original price?
**Answer:** It is [Price]
**Question:** ok thanks
**Question:** i hope i can always receive your promo in my email. i will just wait for something that is within my budget
**Question:** Have a great day!
**Answer:** I just chceked with my manager
**Answer:** If you buy today we will open the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** for [Price] off
**Question:** oh really? yes i will
**Answer:** Yes she has just opened it for you SMOOTH79
**Answer:** We will close it after you have completed your order.
**Question:** Thank you very much
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Are there any other food websites you use for meals pls for the 14 day detox
**Question:** can I eat chick peas sweetcorn
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We only recommend our own food from the recipe section on our website. You can’t have chickpeas but you can have sweet corn.
**Question:** im looking at vegan sites but they have lentils too pasta which I can’t eat
**Answer:** Precisely that’s why we stick to the recipes on our website.
**Question:** struggling so much
**Answer:** There are nearly 100 recipes on the website. Plus you can snack.
**Answer:** Have you tried them all?
**Question:** no but a lot of them you can’t use correct under the 14 day one
**Question:** I can’t have the zucchini savouries can i
**Answer:** It’s really important to go shopping and have things like fresh fruit, grapes, dates, raisins some pickles olives.
**Question:** over soup
**Answer:** Give me your email address and we will send through all the recipes that you can use.
**Question:** thank you
**Question:** [Email].nz
**Answer:** What is your email address?
**Answer:** Thank you Amanda will be in touch this afternoon
**Question:** appreciiate it
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you ahve any questions
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hello might be a very silly question, im taking the herbal detox and have a work drug test tomorrow. I dont need to state i’m taking the detox due to its herbal ingredients?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** No you are fine – no need to declare πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thanks so much
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’ve been drinking alot of juices and spicy curry vege
**Answer:** This time round on detox
**Answer:** That’s great, it could just be a slower start than last time, but things should keep moving along once started
**Answer:** Awesome looking forward to it
**Answer:** Keep us posted on how it goes
**Answer:** Are u allow any form of cheese on plan
**Answer:** No cheese sorry
**Answer:** Ok that’s cool
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Started detox on sunday, following the program but not really pooing like last time.
**Answer:** 1st poo today and its hard
**Answer:** HI Kazz
**Answer:** Yes it can be a bit slower when you do it again
**Answer:** Your body is a bit more used to the herbs and your body is probably cleaner that last time also
**Answer:** Also really important to eat a lot more fruit and juice during the hot weather to keep things hydrated
**Answer:** Maybe try some spicy soup like this one for a couple of days [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/curry-thai-pumpkin-soup)
**Answer:** When on detox are u allow to eat chic peas
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry no not on the 14 day plan
**Answer:** They are hard to digest
**Answer:** I’m doing 7 day
**Answer:** Aren’t ok on the 7 day plan either
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Is this effective to loose weight? Thanks
**Answer:** Yes on the detox most people lose an average of 5KG is in two weeks
**Answer:** You take the capsules and eat a diet of fruit and vegetables using our lovely recipes.
**Question:** What fruits and vegetables our best to eat after you take capsules?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Can I help you today?
**Question:** I just paid my final payment on my account thanks
**Answer:** OK thanks, What is your name?
**Question:** Will it get shipped to me tomorrow
**Question:** Anthony smith
**Answer:** Yes if the money has arrived in our account in the morning
**Answer:** 23 riverpark crescent Henderson. Auckland
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** It should arrive with you by Friday
**Answer:** Thanks again your account system is really good
**Answer:** Yes it helps doesn’t it.
**Answer:** I hope your program goes well
**Answer:** Sure does I will let you know and be in touch.bye bye
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** just waiting for the ebook to arrive
**Answer:** Awesome lt me check it is on the way πŸ™‚
**Question:** how long will it take?
**Answer:** I see the first email has gone to you – and you clicked on the link πŸ™‚ I can make the 2nd come to you faster just bear with me
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Should be arriving in a couple of minutes
**Answer:** I will manually send it now as it seems to be taking a while.
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** It is on its way – let me know when it gets to you πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok thank you
**Question:** have to sign off now but thanks!
**Answer:** OK all good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have cracked sore and swollen lips which look very much like angular chelitis. I was wondering if a yeast free diet could help with this problem, as I have tried all types of creams and has not helped. I have had this condition now for 4 months I also have Crohns Disease and I understand this would could be a contributing factor. Thanks Jan
**Answer:** Hi Jan
**Answer:** Let me read your question and let’s see if we can help.
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** I feel [Name] should come on line
**Answer:** He is here in the office so bear with me πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi Jan,
**Answer:** I see you’re having chelitis
**Answer:** This can be from Candida or imbalanced oral microbiome (bacteria)
**Answer:** Have you completed an intestinal cleanse in the last year or two?
**Question:** No I havent
**Answer:** That would be a good place to start, as it will help rebalance both Candida and oral microbiome
**Answer:** I would probably suggest downloading both the Candida and Crohn’s ebooks as you could combine these eating programs along with the Herbal Detox program to get a great long-term result
**Question:** Thank you for your help.
**Answer:** You will find the Corhns eBook here, [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks)
**Answer:** It looks like you’re on the Candia page already, so that will give you the info on the Candida Diet.
**Answer:** This is the program I would suggest completing [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) and using the CANDIDABONUS We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get the Free extra bottle
**Question:** Ok thats good. Thank you I will give it a try,
**Answer:** I’m here to help anytime
**Question:** good to know
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can u have cottage cheese, pesto on the detox 14 day one?
**Question:** and can u have butter?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** You can have pesto but cottsage cheese isn;t recomended.
**Question:** ok is there any cheese that is ok?
**Answer:** Sorry not on the 14 day plan – it is sticky and hard for the body to digest. Only on the one month plan.
**Question:** ok thank you and butter?
**Answer:** Butter is ok as it goes through really easily.
**Question:** Thank you for your fast response. have a great day
**Answer:** You are welcome – here to help any time and you have a great day too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** hi sarah
**Answer:** Hi how can I help you?
**Question:** i need some information on slippery elm
**Answer:** Ok what do you need to know
**Question:** does it helps with parasite cleansing??
**Answer:** It helps with the combination of herbs in our program but does not do much on its own [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-home-remedies)
**Question:** ok
**Question:** how about candida???
**Answer:** Same answer our programs are designed for candida and parasties. [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Answer:** Clikc on the links to see the programs
**Question:** ok
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You need a combinationa nd a high dose plus certain foods to resolve those issues.
**Question:** ok
**Question:** so you suggest I should go through the above link???
**Answer:** If you click on the links you will see the info about Candida and parasites
**Question:** great
**Question:** let me read then
**Answer:** When doing detox are u allowed protein powder
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** yes you are πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok wasn’t sure
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you have any questions
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi just enquiring about my order been placed a week ago, still waiting order no:[Phone]. Thanks Desiree Samuels, Auckland
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Hi there according to the tracking details – the parcel is out for delivery and will be delivered on the next cycle of deliveries.
**Answer:** You could call them to check on the time
**Answer:** I can give you the number
**Answer:** It is [Phone]
**Answer:** Hi thanks Sarah. Can’t see a tracking number?
**Answer:** FA0036225774
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** you are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there. I read about a fish and broccoli plan [Name] had completed but can’t find it in the blog. Are you able to help me find the article? Many thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I’m not familar with that article – can you gie me a bit more info so I can help you?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** endometriosis
**Question:** is the detox pack helpful?
**Answer:** Yes it might help as it recirculates
**Answer:** The estrogen I. Your body
**Answer:** Sorry in your body
**Question:** okk
**Answer:** It cleans the Liver extremely well
**Question:** do you have anyone with endometriosis who has taken your detox pack?
**Answer:** When the estrogen is recycled
**Answer:** We have had people who have done it over the years.
**Question:** hmmm okay
**Question:** i would like to do my research
**Answer:** Of course. While doing your research look at the circulation of estrogen and it’s impacts.
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there, I’m 7 days into ultimate detox and am still going to the toilet normally. I have basically only had smoothies and juices and eaten raw fruit and vege? Is this normal?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes it is quite normal – how far are you in to the detox?
**Answer:** I have been taking the pills for a week but did 4 days of prep prior to starting
**Answer:** Ok And what is your normal diet like?
**Answer:** not that unhealthy or healthy..balanced good with junk..
**Answer:** Everyone responds differently to the programme – you could see an increase towards the end or you may continue as you are. Have you started to see any shifts in your body?
**Answer:** Sorry, what kinds of shifts
**Answer:** Things like a bit of weight loss, clearer skin, clearer head. Those kind of things – any physical shifts yet
**Answer:** Been a bit clearer in the mind but haven’t drunk alcohol for 3 weeks. Sometimes I feel great and energised other times really tired and hungry!!
**Answer:** Ok it sounds like you are on the way for some change. It looks like you will get further results in the last part. That is quite normal.
**Answer:** Ok cool thanks for your time
**Answer:** Keep in touch and let us know how you go.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** How often can you do a cleanse? How long can you use the slim capsules for?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Normally you do a detox twice a year. And the slim capsules making a 30 day program.
**Answer:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** are all the v8 juices ok to drink?
**Answer:** Sorry auto message
**Answer:** Yes they Re ok to drink
**Answer:** Sorry yes they are ok to drink
**Question:** all of them?
**Answer:** Yes they are all ok
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Happy to help
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Kia or Sarah, I have an account no idea of username or password. [Name] sent me the latest wholesale pricelist but I can’t find it. Today I want to order 3 x ultimate herbal detox kits please, can you tell me the best way to go about it?
**Answer:** Hi Renee, if you wish to buy wholesale
**Answer:** You need to email your order on [Email]
**Answer:** Do we have you card details on file?
**Answer:** If not you can give us the number here
**Answer:** And you can add you expiry , name on card and CVV number to your email.
**Answer:** Splitting them makes it safe
**Answer:** excellent, I haven’t ordered for a whiile but usually I get an invoice, pay online and upon receipt they are couriered out to me. Can I do that? My account will be Renee Perkins (Homeopath) address 36 Clipper St, Titahi Bay Porirua, NZ
**Answer:** Yes we can do that. Please email your order to [Email] and they can do it fir you
**Answer:** Fab, thanks!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah me again if I was to have fish in the 14 day detox would it matter I’m so hungry and over just Veges
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Are you having protein smoothies? If you have finished it will slow things down for you. It won’t do any harm it just won’t give you such a good result.
**Answer:** Have you been trying all of the delicious recipes on the website
**Answer:** You should also have fruit with you at all times as this helps with hunger to.
**Question:** yes having smoothies but so struggling with meals even one meal
**Answer:** So you haven’t tried the curries, the mushroom stroganoff and things like that?
**Answer:** Have you started taking the capsules yet?
**Question:** the curries are yum
**Question:** I can’t use lentils can I
**Question:** yes started capsules on Thursday
**Question:** stroganoff was yum
**Answer:** Can’t use Lantel sorry as they’re hard to digests as well
**Question:** Pumpkin soup yum
**Answer:** The big proteins are reduced to alkalise the body.
**Answer:** You can increase the size of food that you were taking if you are still feeling hungry.
**Answer:** And you can snack as often as you need.
**Question:** 9 days to go lol
**Answer:** You can do it! Quite often it can be our head that gives us messages when actually our body is okay. It is a really good Time to focus on your body.
**Answer:** Also make sure you are drinking enough water
**Question:** ok
**Question:** Drive u crazy
**Answer:** Keep going and keep in touch with us you can do it!
**Answer:** We have no problem with you coming and talking with us we are here to help you through
**Answer:** Keep focused. Perhaps a little bit of meditation. And I want nice long bath πŸ™‚
**Question:** x
**Answer:** Xx
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, we’ve received 2 x Detox kits and will be starting our journey on Monday, my husband (Jon) is a bit concerned as most of the meals seem to be meat free, question is he is able to add chicken to most dishes to see him through this, he’s not a fish person and said he can stop eating red meat – Thanks, Gina : )
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hey I wanted to know will it able to kill head parasites itch
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hello I wanted to know will it able to kill head parasites itch
**Answer:** No it won’t if focuses on the gut and the liver where paarasites can live.
**Question:** Okey
**Question:** Can we try to pay online with paypal
**Answer:** Yes there is a paypal option available at checkout
**Question:** Can this try product try to kill head itch parasites
**Answer:** It’s not designed for that issue, but is for gut and liver parasites
**Question:** Okey if you head itch do you have another detox for it
**Answer:** No, you probably needs pharmacy product for that
**Question:** Okey
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Kazz, did you get our email yesterday?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** When u say tomato juice is ok, what brands can we have as I have a McCoys at home but the 2nd ingredient is sugar so not sure that brand is ok to have?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Does it say sugar or another description?
**Question:** sugar
**Answer:** Ok we can’t tell you an exact brand. You would need to take s look at the packaging to check. They add sugar to counteract the acidic taste.
**Question:** its says sugar after it says Reconstituted tomatoe juice (99%) so be ok u think?
**Answer:** It will be fine to have
**Answer:** It’s a good high level they all aren’t like that
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hi [Name], is your cleanse also [Price] direct from your site?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** okay just making sure
**Answer:** I’m not sure exactly but the shipping might be a little different on Amazon, you would have to try adding to cart and seeing how it works out
**Question:** okay
**Answer:** We ship via DHL and it usually arrives within 3-5 days
**Answer:** Either way it’s the same
**Question:** the name of the book is [Name], Ultimate Herbal Health?
**Question:** Who is the publisher?
**Answer:** Bateman is the publisher
**Question:** what state?
**Answer:** The book is called cleansed &. Cured
**Question:** okay
**Question:** thank you.
**Answer:** New Zealand
**Answer:** Sorry Bateman are in New Zealand
**Question:** So this is how I would cite his work in an assignment. Elliot, B., ([Phone]). Cleansed & Cured. City, State: Bateman.
**Question:** So, being that you are in New Zealand???
**Answer:** Elliott has two tees in it
**Question:** okay, thank you.
**Answer:** You would put the city as Auckland and the state as Auckland
**Question:** okay, thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Does Elliot consider the thujone to be a problematic constituent?
**Question:** thujone found in wormwood
**Answer:** No
**Question:** are there any in your opinion?
**Answer:** There is not and toxicity problem with taking wormwood as a powdered herb as the bitter laxative effect would deter any person from overdosing to such a degree that thujone could become as issue
**Answer:** It is more dangerous in an alcoholic format
**Question:** I didn’t see any info on contraindications either, safe to say, there are none?
**Question:** thanks for the info regarding problematic constituents
**Answer:** Not that we metion, no
**Question:** okay thanks again
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Awesomel. How shall I quoted this book APA style?
**Question:** oh yes Hello Sarah
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** Oh thank you, this is cool
**Answer:** It woudl be Elliott, [Phone] let me give you the page number too
**Answer:** So it is Elliott, [Phone] P.175
**Question:** Okay awesome. Thank you.
**Answer:** You are welcome – it is an awesome book!
**Question:** Yes I can tell.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansed-cured-book-paperback)
**Question:** He mentions a cleanse at the bottom
**Question:** can I purchase it locally or Amazon?
**Answer:** Yes he has put it altogether into one item [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) you can get it on line here or Amazon
**Question:** I can’t wait! Trying to work with a naturopath to understand why I have RA…she wants me to detox
**Answer:** Well there isn’t any other Detox like [Name]s it does all areas of the body to cell level plus it clears heavy metals and parasites.
**Question:** is it supplements or recipes…not having luck on amazon
**Answer:** HI There, It’s [Name],
**Question:** Hello [Name]
**Answer:** The product is 100% Herbal and comes in capsules
**Question:** what a nice surprise πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Let me get you a link to our Amazon page
**Question:** okay, I searched “ultimate herbal health program”
**Question:** okay thank you.
**Question:** So you recommend colonics?
**Answer:** Try this link [Link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075ZJ7NLP?ref=myi_title_dp)
**Answer:** Yes if you have access to a colonic clinic, then I would recommend trying that before and after the Herbal program
**Answer:** Bonjour πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I was just asking as I’ve brought from you guys before just recently, if there was still the [Price] off a order as I was waiting to buy 2 to 3 months of slim
**Answer:** Hi Kazz
**Answer:** Let me check for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You can use HOT50NOW to order a slim program πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Would that be [Price] off
**Answer:** Yes that is right
**Answer:** I talk with [Name] a few weeks back about getting a deal for 3 months worth, I just didn’t have money then but hopefully next couple of days I will.
**Answer:** I was just wandering if he would still do a deal for that
**Answer:** Which programs are you looking to buy exactly?
**Answer:** 3 months slim
**Answer:** So the 3 x Ultimte Herbal Slim program with capsules?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** can we eat chick peas during detox
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Sorry no chickpeas are off the menu
**Answer:** how about normal unsweetened yogurt
**Answer:** home made
**Answer:** Yes that is perfect πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome here to help any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Thank you for your order Martina, we will get it out asap and send you the tracking details.
**Answer:** Hi,
**Answer:** I just placed an order [Phone]. Can you ship only by NZ post like the last time.
**Answer:** Hi Jacob, yes we can do that for you
**Answer:** Thanks you very. I been ordering your product very much. Is the best on the market. Most of the stuff I see in my country is snake oil medicine.
**Answer:** That’s really great to hear, thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here if you need any help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** what qualifications are involved in becoming a medical herbalist?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** [Name] is logging on
**Answer:** To answer you
**Answer:** You can get a Bachelors Degree these days,
**Answer:** The best place is either Wellpark College or South Pacific College, both in Auckland
**Question:** oh right! good to know, I was curous about getting into it to expand my knowledge and great to hear there are standardised programmes out there to try!
**Answer:** These degrees are recognized by Auckland University of Technology which can lead to a Masters then PHD etc, so you can acutally become a Doctor
**Answer:** Check this one out [Link](https://www.spcnm.ac.nz/bachelor-of-natural-medicine/)
**Question:** hmmm interesting
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** All milk seems to have sugar in
**Question:** there is organic pure organic milk and that has sugar in it so does the standard ones
**Answer:** Milk does not have added sugar it is naturally occuring lactose and that is labelled as sugars.
**Question:** okay but we can use correct
**Answer:** Yes you can πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thxs again
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** What liquid can I use in smoothies please for the 14?day
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can use milk, yogurt, water, juice of any kind so long as they are sugar free and the best quality you can find.
**Question:** excellent thank u
**Answer:** Almond milk, coconut yogurt or milk are also good too.
**Answer:** Also McCoy dark grape juice
**Answer:** and Keri Orange juice
**Question:** Brilliant Thxs heaps
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there, I have 6 days left of my 14 day parasite detox and my body is detoxing HARD, I was wondering if there is anything to can eat to slow down the detox but not compromise the detox process or do you recommend just to push through?
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** It all depends how you feel.
**Answer:** If it’s just a lot of exacuations and not explosive or painful then its good to push on
**Answer:** The easy way to slow it down without causing a problem is to eat a couple of bananas or have a baked potato for dinner
**Answer:** Okay this sounds good, if im still like this tomorrow i will try some bananas
**Answer:** thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime, keep us posted
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah. What sort of best before dates can I expect on the BodiTune 500g pots?
**Answer:** Let me check for you – bear with me
**Answer:** February [Phone] πŸ™‚
**Question:** oh great thanks. Just browsing. I have done the detox a couple of times before, and are possibly looking at doing that again. But I also wanted to see if I could spend over [Price] as that Ladyship blender looks pretty good
**Answer:** The blender is amazing! I use mine everyday in fact I have a smoothie from it now.
**Answer:** I like the filter which means you can do nuts et and get awesme results.
**Answer:** I’ve had mine for 4 years and its exceptional.
**Question:** I like the tap on the side. Size is nice and big, but means I guess it takes up a bit of room in the kitchen….
**Answer:** The footprint is about the same as our toaster so not too bad. The tap is great for juices.
**Question:** thanks for your help. I have forwarded link to wife to see if she is interested in getting anything
**Question:** The detox does involve swallowing a fair amount of pills which my wife does not enjoy. I note some can be pulled apart. Is that something a lot of customers do?
**Answer:** Yes it is common – they add them to a smoothie often. It is only the Colonaid that taste bad so most people take them. They are easy to open and just come apart simply.
**Answer:** They are best in a berry or green smoothie πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can you have milk on the detox?
**Answer:** Yes you can -normal, or coconut
**Question:** ok and almond?
**Answer:** Yes and almond πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok cause you shouldn’t have seeds and nuts is that right?
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Yes that is correct. Although they are good for you, they are hard to digest.
**Answer:** We just eat food that goes though easily πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Yes I do have been eating a lot – smoothies can u have any time too
**Question:** sorry my wifi went out
**Answer:** Yes you can have them at any time – you can add extra protein powder too as it helps the appetite
**Question:** okay thanks Sarah sorry I ask you so many questions all the time
**Answer:** Hey no problem we are here to support you and get you through – ask away any time πŸ™‚
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Can u tell me pls do I just have to use the recipes on the website for the 14 day detox? Or can I use any vegan recipes? I’m only on day 3 and starting to struggle thank you – and can I have miso soup
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can have any vegan recipes as long as they use the items on the food list. (Not all good food is good for a detox)
**Answer:** Yes Miso soup is fine
**Question:** great where do I find the food list pls
**Answer:** It is in the user guide and on this page
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Down at the bottom
**Answer:** Can I ask what you are struggling with?
**Answer:** It is good to know
**Question:** I’m hungry today my daughter is doing it 2 and she is starving – just probably so many Veges but I’m looking forward to starting tablets tomorrow
**Answer:** Do you have to of fruit available? You can est any amount of fruit. Also raw carrots and pickled onions get rid of hunger pretty fast.
**Answer:** I suspect you aren’t eating enough. Are you having smoothies?
**Answer:** Lots of protein stops the hunger too
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I have purchased a set of the boditune sachets however the booklet seen in the advertisement on your website was not in the box…I am confused as to what else I can eat during this cleanse. It is my first time taking this particular one and have done the Ultimate cleanse many many times…is the regime very similar to that and should I have an elimination period of certain foods prior to starting…thanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** We can email you the information sheet if you give us your email address. It is a more simple process with the sachets you just decide how many you want to take per day and add them to a smoothie juice or water.
**Answer:** I can also give you a link to the page which has more information for you
**Answer:** This has the list of foods that are recommended [Link](https://www.[Website]/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-what-do-i-get)
**Answer:** Thank you for your email address Claire we will send it in the next 10 minutes.
**Answer:** I got a sheet in it…it just wasn’t explanatory on meals. Thankyou
**Answer:** This also has information about the plan [Link](https://www.[Website]/boditune-detox-n-slim-drink-how-does-it-work)
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** You can also go to the recipes page and click on the herbal drop-down program and it brings up all the recipes for this program.
**Answer:** Awesome thanks
**Answer:** This is the recipes page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hi there are you interested in [Name]’s online clinic?
**Question:** Can I eat pasta
**Question:** Noodles
**Question:** CPU’s CPU’s
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Cous cous
**Answer:** Do you have the user guide with you? None of those will work as they are all processed.
**Answer:** Let me give you the list
**Question:** No I don’t
**Answer:** Almond or rice milk
**Question:** Thank u
**Question:** Can I eat
**Question:** bagel
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** A bagel is processed so sorry no πŸ™
**Question:** Okay thanks
**Answer:** Do they have vegan options?
**Answer:** You could try that
**Question:** No they don’t…
**Answer:** You can have anything which is not processed so no bread or bagels. You can have sushi without meat of fish. Yogurt, fruit, vegetables are all good.
**Question:** Okay thank u
**Question:** Can I eat sushi?
**Question:** with salmon?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Are you doing the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** If so then no sam
**Answer:** salmon
**Answer:** If one month then yes
**Question:** 14 day
**Answer:** Ok then no sorry no meat or fish
**Question:** What can I eat from a school cafe then
**Answer:** Anything vegetarian
**Question:** Thank u
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can u take pain killers while on detox I happen to be starting a detox on Thursday and also will be getting my wisdom teeth out so will probably need to take pain killers
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes that is fine if you need to take them of course please do.
**Answer:** Did you see my answer?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi is your body tune still on special? Cheers Desiree
**Answer:** Yes it is the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is SMOOTH79 and you can get it for [Price] πŸ™‚
**Question:** Cool thanks Sarah. Will order some
**Answer:** Great we will get it out asap
**Question:** Thank you
**Question:** Order placed
**Answer:** Awesome thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Can we buy [Name] Elliots book on the website
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi. I started doing the detox day before
**Question:** I am feeling so low on energy
**Answer:** Hi, I started using the DETOX yesterday morning.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** How is it going
**Answer:** Yes it is normal to feel low on energy in the early stages
**Answer:** That’s because your body will be detoxing, but also because the diet means you metabolism will be transitioning to new energy sources as well
**Answer:** It’s good to rest and sleep a little more, have long showers, baths, gentle walks and meditation is good
**Answer:** I got my DETOX pack after your presentation in Jungle Gym Browns Bay. What would it cost me to get another one for my friend. I paid 120 including the book on that day.
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get one for [Price] u til the 28th feb
**Answer:** Try this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at checkout 100OFF
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hiya just checking the BodiTune detox n slim is this better for once a day or twice a day?
**Answer:** Once a day is good for maintenance
**Answer:** Twice is good for a little weight loss and to cut back on food intake
**Question:** sorry i just read your website – thanks just ordered. cheers
**Answer:** You’re welcome, will get it shipped today
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you get the invoice by email OK
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes thanks
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Your invoice has been sent Karen
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah can u please invoice so I can pay though internet banking
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Is this Karen
**Answer:** We will email the invoice to [Email]
**Answer:** Then we will ship once payment is received, thanks
**Question:** Can I drink juice freshly squeezed?
**Question:** or hit chocolate
**Answer:** Yes freshly squeezed juice is OK
**Question:** hot chocolate?
**Answer:** As for hot chocolate you can have raw cacao with honey but not the sugary supermarket hot chocolate
**Question:** so not the one from a cafe?
**Answer:** No sorry, dcaf coffee would be better
**Question:** okay thank you
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Question:** hi Sarah
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** last week I finished the 14 day detox programme & now I am suffering from gout, I get gout maybe once a year so just took a diclofenac this morning, do you have a product to help thanks Carolyn
**Question:** you can email me [Email] when you have time, thanks Carolyn
**Answer:** HI Carolyn
**Answer:** Drinking Cherry juice is a good idea to help relieve this
**Answer:** Have you had any meat, cheese or alcohol since finishing the program as that can trigger it
**Answer:** i have had cheese and meat, ive been alcohol free for 3 years now
**Answer:** I would also recommend trying alkaline water long-term, check out the alkjug which is great for this [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/alka-jug-water-purifier)
**Answer:** Red meat and cheddar cheese are especially acidic
**Answer:** thank you [Name], I will try get some cherry juice from the pharmacy
**Answer:** There is a brand called Tart Cherry which is very good
**Answer:** yes I have had that before, gorgot about the benefits for gout, think they still sell it at 2nd ave pahrmacy, thanks again
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** good to know
**Question:** Can I eat biscuits
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry no they are processed food. You can only eat the good stuff
**Question:** okay fhanks
**Question:** Can I eat air friend potato fries
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry no potato is not a good food for detoxing.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’m doing the herbal detox, but I’m a teenage girl and just wondered what I can eat as more filling snacks, ive for fruit, raisins etc but if I was to want food when I’m out?
**Answer:** Hi there bear with me a mo
**Answer:** And I can give you more ideas
**Question:** Thank y! Also what I can eat if I want to get food at a cafe etc
**Answer:** pickles, dates, prunes, olives, and gherkins. They all make great snacks
**Answer:** Pickled onions reduce hunger too
**Question:** there just not not filling enough tho…
**Answer:** You can eat any of the vegetarian options in a cafe
**Question:** but I can’t eat bread right?
**Answer:** Then you need to have more protein in the morning like a protein shake
**Answer:** No bread it is like glue and sticks inside you plus has little nutritional value.
**Question:** So a salad?
**Question:** No muffins?
**Answer:** You will find your hunger will shift during the detox – your body is used to certain foods at the moment.
**Question:** Okay thank u
**Answer:** Nothing processed so muffins are out
**Question:** okay thank u
**Answer:** [Name] has some ideas on a particular page – I will copy it to you.
**Question:** Thank u
**Answer:** Protein is what makes you hungry How can I get more protein?
**Question:** Thank u
**Answer:** I am hungry whilst on the Herbal DETOX program. What can I do?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Oops I think I returned & it sent to you sorry. I am looking at the Ladyship high Speed Blender & wondering which model? Huh well the cheaper one fits my budget a little better but if the other model is significantly better should we invest in it? We are doing a detox but have the pills already & slim follow up so we do not qualify for your special offer. Ta Delwyn
**Answer:** Hi Delwyn, the difference in the blenders is the size of the cup part. If you have a big family then the larger one is right if not then the smaller one is great.
**Answer:** I think I have seen the blender do nuts and carrots/beetroot etc well also?
**Answer:** They are both really high quality and fly through any nuts, frozen fruits or vegetables or things with the skin on.
**Answer:** It also has a fliter so any grit left can be taken out.
**Answer:** Thanks I like hands on buying so this helps a lot! Off to persuade hubbie who has been working around our old oscar juicer in the kitchen this week so may be on board πŸ™‚ Bye D
**Answer:** It is amazing I use one every day and have had it for over 4 years.
**Answer:** It is gret for just about anything and is incredible quality for the price!
**Answer:** thanks !
**Answer:** Sold πŸ™‚ to my man too!
**Answer:** LOL happy to help any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Oh if it requires new filters or bits can these be purchase through BE?
**Answer:** Theey can be accessed through us yes πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ta πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’m trying to find snack ideas for my daughter while at school and me at work
**Question:** can we eat as much fruit as we want
**Question:** we are starting tomorrow
**Answer:** Yes you can eat fruit but also try Raisins, pickles, dates, prunes, olives and gherkins. They all make great snacks
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Finally enough pickled onions are also good, they are great at holding back any hunger.
**Answer:** Funnily and not finally lol
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi..
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Question:** is it possible to determine the glycemic index of whey protein??
**Answer:** Let me check
**Question:** cool!!
**Answer:** We don’t know as each brand varies.
**Answer:** In theory it should be low
**Question:** yes.. that i get it being protein it will be low..
**Question:** Thanks a lot anyway πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We are just checking for you
**Answer:** Bear with us
**Question:** il wait.
**Answer:** It should be under 30
**Answer:** There is a website called glycemicindex.com that could help you
**Question:** Thank You!!!!
**Question:** I will check it out.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Have a good day Sarah!
**Answer:** And you bye
**Question:** Bye!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there your recipes in the ultimate herbal detox are they one or two servings pls
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Mostly 2 people but some are for 4 and they say so on the recipe
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, sorry your response didn’t seem to come through?
**Answer:** You can do it as often as you wish it is safe to do so. Most people to 2 to 3 times per year. I personally do it at every season change or when I feel I need too.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes you kept disappearing πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Can you see it now?
**Question:** Sorry just on my phone and it keeps disconnecting. Great I did it in November but feel after the xmas period I want to do it again and reset. Thanks yes seen your response now
**Answer:** You will be fine to do it again now. In fact quite a few people do it before and after Xmas.
**Answer:** Helps all round
**Question:** Awesome thankyou!
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, how often can you do the ultimate detox? I have done it in November and wondering how often it should be done? Thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can do it as often as you wish it is safe to do so. Most people to 2 to 3 times per year. I personally do it at every season change or when I feel I need too.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** My friend Petra Kroes has been talking to me about this product and today advises there is a special [Price] pack. I can’t see it!
**Question:** oh Hello Sarah, sorry for just launching straight in
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Have you purchased before from us?
**Question:** no
**Answer:** OK normally we give our customers the special pricing but as Petra has referred you we can give it to you and then you will be added to the database and received the specials ongoing πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 100OFF at the checkout to get the special price.
**Answer:** Add the item to your cart and go to checkout – before you add your shipping details you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code. It has to be exactly as I have typed.
**Question:** Oh fantastic, thank you so much. Petra has highly recommended your product. again thank you. I will let her know how kind you have been.
**Answer:** Thank you πŸ™‚ We know you will love the program! The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is valid until 28 Feburary.
**Question:** Awesome, again thank you. Now I need to figure out which one. I’m assuming its the Ultimate Herbal Detox rather than the Slim Program.
**Answer:** Yes the Ultiamte Herbal Detox program is the one to start with – it will give you some weight loss as well as all the other benefits.
**Question:** excellent, thank you Sarah
**Answer:** You are weclome – we are here to support you any time.
**Question:** ordering now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you Sandra – your order will go out on Monday and we will send the tracking details to you then. Get in touch if you need any help once it has arrived. Have a great weekend.
**Answer:** I will. Fantastic service πŸ™‚ enjoy your weekend
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hey, do you ship direct from Canada or does it get shipped out from New Zealand?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It gets shipped from New Zealand via DHL and takes about 3 days.
**Answer:** If you order NZD[Price] or above delivery is free
**Answer:** We ship a lot ot Canada
**Answer:** sorry to Canada
**Question:** ok thanks, yup I’ve ordered a few times already. I’ll check it out later on tonight
**Answer:** Ok awesome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there,
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** With payments is there a way to set it up to pay it off before receiving the product?
**Answer:** Yes we can do that
**Answer:** We send you an invoice and you can pay it off and then we send
**Question:** Awesome !!! Omg sounds good
**Question:** How do I start?
**Answer:** All you need to do is give us all you details – Full name, delivery address, telephone number and email address.
**Answer:** We set it up and send you an email with the invoice πŸ™‚
**Question:** Charlee kerry Matthews 17 Somerset place porirua wellington [Phone] [Email].nz
**Answer:** Great and which program are you looking to buy?
**Question:** The two week detox
**Answer:** OK so the Ultimate Herbal Detox [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) this one πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi. I started doing the detox day before
**Question:** I am feeling so low on energy
**Answer:** Hi, I started using the DETOX yesterday morning.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** How is it going
**Answer:** Yes it is normal to feel low on energy in the early stages
**Answer:** That’s because your body will be detoxing, but also because the diet means you metabolism will be transitioning to new energy sources as well
**Answer:** It’s good to rest and sleep a little more, have long showers, baths, gentle walks and meditation is good
**Answer:** I got my DETOX pack after your presentation in Jungle Gym Browns Bay. What would it cost me to get another one for my friend. I paid 120 including the book on that day.
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club to get one for [Price] u til the 28th feb
**Answer:** Try this We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at checkout 100OFF
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hiya just checking the BodiTune detox n slim is this better for once a day or twice a day?
**Answer:** Once a day is good for maintenance
**Answer:** Twice is good for a little weight loss and to cut back on food intake
**Question:** sorry i just read your website – thanks just ordered. cheers
**Answer:** You’re welcome, will get it shipped today
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you get the invoice by email OK
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes thanks
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Your invoice has been sent Karen
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah can u please invoice so I can pay though internet banking
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Is this Karen
**Answer:** We will email the invoice to [Email]
**Answer:** Then we will ship once payment is received, thanks
**Question:** Can I drink juice freshly squeezed?
**Question:** or hit chocolate
**Answer:** Yes freshly squeezed juice is OK
**Question:** hot chocolate?
**Answer:** As for hot chocolate you can have raw cacao with honey but not the sugary supermarket hot chocolate
**Question:** so not the one from a cafe?
**Answer:** No sorry, dcaf coffee would be better
**Question:** okay thank you
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Question:** hi Sarah
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** last week I finished the 14 day detox programme & now I am suffering from gout, I get gout maybe once a year so just took a diclofenac this morning, do you have a product to help thanks Carolyn
**Question:** you can email me [Email] when you have time, thanks Carolyn
**Answer:** HI Carolyn
**Answer:** Drinking Cherry juice is a good idea to help relieve this
**Answer:** Have you had any meat, cheese or alcohol since finishing the program as that can trigger it
**Answer:** i have had cheese and meat, ive been alcohol free for 3 years now
**Answer:** I would also recommend trying alkaline water long-term, check out the alkjug which is great for this [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/alka-jug-water-purifier)
**Answer:** Red meat and cheddar cheese are especially acidic
**Answer:** thank you [Name], I will try get some cherry juice from the pharmacy
**Answer:** There is a brand called Tart Cherry which is very good
**Answer:** yes I have had that before, gorgot about the benefits for gout, think they still sell it at 2nd ave pahrmacy, thanks again
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** good to know
**Question:** Can I eat biscuits
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry no they are processed food. You can only eat the good stuff
**Question:** okay fhanks
**Question:** Can I eat air friend potato fries
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry no potato is not a good food for detoxing.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’m doing the herbal detox, but I’m a teenage girl and just wondered what I can eat as more filling snacks, ive for fruit, raisins etc but if I was to want food when I’m out?
**Answer:** Hi there bear with me a mo
**Answer:** And I can give you more ideas
**Question:** Thank y! Also what I can eat if I want to get food at a cafe etc
**Answer:** pickles, dates, prunes, olives, and gherkins. They all make great snacks
**Answer:** Pickled onions reduce hunger too
**Question:** there just not not filling enough tho…
**Answer:** You can eat any of the vegetarian options in a cafe
**Question:** but I can’t eat bread right?
**Answer:** Then you need to have more protein in the morning like a protein shake
**Answer:** No bread it is like glue and sticks inside you plus has little nutritional value.
**Question:** So a salad?
**Question:** No muffins?
**Answer:** You will find your hunger will shift during the detox – your body is used to certain foods at the moment.
**Question:** Okay thank u
**Answer:** Nothing processed so muffins are out
**Question:** okay thank u
**Answer:** [Name] has some ideas on a particular page – I will copy it to you.
**Question:** Thank u
**Answer:** Protein is what makes you hungry How can I get more protein?
**Question:** Thank u
**Answer:** I am hungry whilst on the Herbal DETOX program. What can I do?
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Oops I think I returned & it sent to you sorry. I am looking at the Ladyship high Speed Blender & wondering which model? Huh well the cheaper one fits my budget a little better but if the other model is significantly better should we invest in it? We are doing a detox but have the pills already & slim follow up so we do not qualify for your special offer. Ta Delwyn
**Answer:** Hi Delwyn, the difference in the blenders is the size of the cup part. If you have a big family then the larger one is right if not then the smaller one is great.
**Answer:** I think I have seen the blender do nuts and carrots/beetroot etc well also?
**Answer:** They are both really high quality and fly through any nuts, frozen fruits or vegetables or things with the skin on.
**Answer:** It also has a fliter so any grit left can be taken out.
**Answer:** Thanks I like hands on buying so this helps a lot! Off to persuade hubbie who has been working around our old oscar juicer in the kitchen this week so may be on board πŸ™‚ Bye D
**Answer:** It is amazing I use one every day and have had it for over 4 years.
**Answer:** It is gret for just about anything and is incredible quality for the price!
**Answer:** thanks !
**Answer:** Sold πŸ™‚ to my man too!
**Answer:** LOL happy to help any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Oh if it requires new filters or bits can these be purchase through BE?
**Answer:** Theey can be accessed through us yes πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ta πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’m trying to find snack ideas for my daughter while at school and me at work
**Question:** can we eat as much fruit as we want
**Question:** we are starting tomorrow
**Answer:** Yes you can eat fruit but also try Raisins, pickles, dates, prunes, olives and gherkins. They all make great snacks
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Finally enough pickled onions are also good, they are great at holding back any hunger.
**Answer:** Funnily and not finally lol
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi..
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Question:** is it possible to determine the glycemic index of whey protein??
**Answer:** Let me check
**Question:** cool!!
**Answer:** We don’t know as each brand varies.
**Answer:** In theory it should be low
**Question:** yes.. that i get it being protein it will be low..
**Question:** Thanks a lot anyway πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We are just checking for you
**Answer:** Bear with us
**Question:** il wait.
**Answer:** It should be under 30
**Answer:** There is a website called glycemicindex.com that could help you
**Question:** Thank You!!!!
**Question:** I will check it out.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Have a good day Sarah!
**Answer:** And you bye
**Question:** Bye!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there your recipes in the ultimate herbal detox are they one or two servings pls
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Mostly 2 people but some are for 4 and they say so on the recipe
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** Hi Sarah, sorry your response didn’t seem to come through?
**Answer:** You can do it as often as you wish it is safe to do so. Most people to 2 to 3 times per year. I personally do it at every season change or when I feel I need too.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Yes you kept disappearing πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Can you see it now?
**Question:** Sorry just on my phone and it keeps disconnecting. Great I did it in November but feel after the xmas period I want to do it again and reset. Thanks yes seen your response now
**Answer:** You will be fine to do it again now. In fact quite a few people do it before and after Xmas.
**Answer:** Helps all round
**Question:** Awesome thankyou!
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi Sarah, how often can you do the ultimate detox? I have done it in November and wondering how often it should be done? Thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can do it as often as you wish it is safe to do so. Most people to 2 to 3 times per year. I personally do it at every season change or when I feel I need too.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** My friend Petra Kroes has been talking to me about this product and today advises there is a special [Price] pack. I can’t see it!
**Question:** oh Hello Sarah, sorry for just launching straight in
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Have you purchased before from us?
**Question:** no
**Answer:** OK normally we give our customers the special pricing but as Petra has referred you we can give it to you and then you will be added to the database and received the specials ongoing πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 100OFF at the checkout to get the special price.
**Answer:** Add the item to your cart and go to checkout – before you add your shipping details you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code. It has to be exactly as I have typed.
**Question:** Oh fantastic, thank you so much. Petra has highly recommended your product. again thank you. I will let her know how kind you have been.
**Answer:** Thank you πŸ™‚ We know you will love the program! The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code is valid until 28 Feburary.
**Question:** Awesome, again thank you. Now I need to figure out which one. I’m assuming its the Ultimate Herbal Detox rather than the Slim Program.
**Answer:** Yes the Ultiamte Herbal Detox program is the one to start with – it will give you some weight loss as well as all the other benefits.
**Question:** excellent, thank you Sarah
**Answer:** You are weclome – we are here to support you any time.
**Question:** ordering now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you Sandra – your order will go out on Monday and we will send the tracking details to you then. Get in touch if you need any help once it has arrived. Have a great weekend.
**Answer:** I will. Fantastic service πŸ™‚ enjoy your weekend
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hey, do you ship direct from Canada or does it get shipped out from New Zealand?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It gets shipped from New Zealand via DHL and takes about 3 days.
**Answer:** If you order NZD[Price] or above delivery is free
**Answer:** We ship a lot ot Canada
**Answer:** sorry to Canada
**Question:** ok thanks, yup I’ve ordered a few times already. I’ll check it out later on tonight
**Answer:** Ok awesome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there,
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Question:** With payments is there a way to set it up to pay it off before receiving the product?
**Answer:** Yes we can do that
**Answer:** We send you an invoice and you can pay it off and then we send
**Question:** Awesome !!! Omg sounds good
**Question:** How do I start?
**Answer:** All you need to do is give us all you details – Full name, delivery address, telephone number and email address.
**Answer:** We set it up and send you an email with the invoice πŸ™‚
**Question:** Charlee kerry Matthews 17 Somerset place porirua wellington [Phone] [Email].nz
**Answer:** Great and which program are you looking to buy?
**Question:** The two week detox
**Answer:** OK so the Ultimate Herbal Detox [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) this one πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hopefully I will meet somebody today in Tauranga , to receive my Ultimate herbal SLIM in port , I am arriving with passenger ship Ovation of the seas owned by Royal Caribbean
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes [Name] is coming to meet you at 12 noon
**Answer:** [Name] himself
**Answer:** thank you looking forward to see him
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** do you have any good product for diabetes type 2
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** I will be there tomorrow with ship
**Answer:** Yes we have a good program for that
**Answer:** You will be in Tauranga or somewhere else in NZ
**Question:** Probably I will be out from the ship at [Phone] Am
**Question:** Tauranga
**Answer:** OK, the best program for Type 2 Diabetic is the Herbal SLIM
**Question:** Ok what is price about
**Answer:** you can check it out here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-slim-program)
**Answer:** The price is [Price] NZD
**Question:** Ok I will see you tomorrow
**Answer:** It contains many herbs which help to balance and control metabolism including blood sugar control
**Question:** I will try to get address from the site
**Question:** is it far form passenger terminal
**Answer:** A little way, but If you purchase off the website I can arrange to drop down to you in Mount Maunganui tomorrow
**Question:** My first time in your place I am not so familiar with area
**Answer:** Yes it might be better for me to come down to the terminal, you couyld buy online or use you credit card on my portable machine tomorrow
**Question:** it should be best
**Question:** let we arrange time and I will try to come out from the ship
**Answer:** OK, if you add the product to your cart and just enter your details email, phone number etc, and stop at payment, then we can message tomorrow to finalize, or you can complete online and I just drop off
**Answer:** You can contact us here on live chat or by facebook messenger [Link](https://www.facebook.com/detoxandslim/)
**Question:** I would like to pay you tomorrow with card or whatever but I wish to get product that I could use it
**Question:** I am from Croatia
**Answer:** If you exaclty what time you will be outside the terminal gates, I will be there πŸ™‚
**Question:** it is hard to receive any supplements onboard I need to buy outside
**Question:** let we say Noon
**Question:** I will might go little bit earlier to meet somebody outside
**Question:** my name is Slaven Koncarevic
**Answer:** OK Noon, let’s thry and message again before then to confirm
**Answer:** try
**Answer:** If not I will be there around noon anyway
**Question:** ok I will in the morning around 10 AM
**Answer:** great talk then
**Question:** thans see you tomorrow
**Question:** Thanks
**Question:** Bye
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey Sarah; I’ve just purchased the bodi tune shakes. Are they able to be used with the detox or would you recommend after the detox has finished?
**Answer:** HI Julia,
**Answer:** Sarah is away at the moment, I can help
**Answer:** hi!
**Answer:** You can do it both ways, acutally taking one sachet a day during the detox is a great way to keep your cravings under control
**Answer:** Then you can sue whatever is left afterwards
**Answer:** use
**Answer:** Oh sorry I was just Typing it out all again but you have answered haha awesome
**Answer:** Yes I saw your question
**Answer:** great. Thanks for that!! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime, anything else I can help with?
**Answer:** No that was everything!! have a good day. Thanks again πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Do you know, There used to be an Affiliate program here, is this still available ? I recommend lots of people to this product.
**Answer:** We don’t have an affiliate program any more as we didn’t have enough interest. We are redeveloping he website and are looking at a way customers can get benefit from reccomending us. Please keep in touch
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** HI there, Looking at the Alka Jug Water Purifier, how much to replace the filter please ??
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Let me give you the link to the fliters
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/alka-jug-replacement-cartridge) just click here
**Question:** I am interested in the Discounts for the products Protein Drink sachets “and” the Detox programe, Can i apply all the discounts together or I need to order them all separately ??
**Answer:** You will need to order seperately as only one We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club can be used at a time. By the way I am using the Alka Jug – had it since October last year and not switch filters yet – it goes for ages.
**Answer:** Super thank you X
**Answer:** You are welcome Jodie
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** rad cheers
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** nah m8 i think im right cheers just procrastinating my food tech work πŸ™‚
**Answer:** All good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I see you have found them
**Answer:** You can select the ones for your program by selecting from the herbal program dropdown
**Question:** Yes thank you
**Answer:** Great
**Question:** looking now just trying to get myself and daughter prepared
**Question:** my gym guy said we could have fish but that is incorrect isn’t it?
**Answer:** If you are doing the detox over 14 days then no fish sorry
**Question:** Okay thank you I’m excited
**Answer:** Cool we are here to help any time you need us
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have just bought thus trying to find recipes
**Answer:** Okay thanks.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** It gets emailed to you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi. I have the Ultimate Slim programme but cannot find my user guide. Would the User guide on the Website be adequate.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The user guide under books is the guide that is in the program box
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hey, I am in my final days of the ultimate herbal detox. However I want to continue on my journey. I hav’t lost that much weight doing it, (although I do know I have gained muscle as I have stepped up the gym) but I am feeling really good and alot healthier. However I am wondering due to my size, and the amount of toxins and free radicals I have had in my body, also because I really struggle to loose weight, and I have also given up smoking 4 weeks ago if I should concentrate on detoxing and healing or to go onto the herbal slim. Finances are tight, but I am really wanting to choose the right option for me
**Answer:** Hi Kelly
**Answer:** If I was you I would do the detox once more to ensure all toxins are cleared and the healing continues. It sounds like you may have had a build up for some time so your body needs time to resolve itself and heal.
**Answer:** Are changing body shape?
**Answer:** Okay. So I was on the right thinking track with that. Lol. Im still pretty round . But yes, I have a much flatter stomache and less cleavage!
**Answer:** Ok that good you are on the right track πŸ™‚ If you wish to get the Detox again we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to [Price] off to help your journey.
**Answer:** Oh thanks. That would be great πŸ™‚
**Answer:** OK plesae use 100OFF at the checkout. It is valid until 28 February
**Answer:** Cool thank you so much!
**Answer:** you are welcome
**Answer:** Have a great day πŸ™‚
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Question:** i am very poor i am suffering from crohn disease
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi is there herb for crohn disease
**Answer:** All of the herbs are on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-crohns-disease-treatment-program)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI there… quick question
**Answer:** what are the capsules made of?
**Answer:** Hi again… all good I have found the answer online
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I’ve been doing the ultimate herbal slim for about 3 weeks (only taking 1 of each tab a morning)
**Question:** is it normal to have quite an unsettle tummy feeling alot now?
**Question:** by ‘unsettled’ i mean have woke up in middle of night with serious ‘need to go’ sensation
**Answer:** It can be emotional changes as the herbs are quite stimulating
**Answer:** The needing to go is because of the cleansa capsules, you could leave them for a couple of days and see if it stops
**Question:** ok, I half feel it’s probably the idea of actually cleansing but thought I’d check
**Answer:** Have you changed you diet much
**Question:** no not really.. I eat quite healthy
**Answer:** Ok then it’s lonely the cleansa
**Answer:** Likely
**Question:** my diet is pretty much the food list from the little booklet
**Answer:** Perfect
**Question:** ok so basically diarrhea is normal
**Answer:** Not diarrhea but a little soft
**Question:** ok so break on the cleansa one for few days?
**Question:** it’s funny cause usually i’m the opposite..constipation
**Question:** despite eating quite well
**Answer:** Yes a couple of days off and see if it makes a difference
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I have done one of your programs and am now wanting to just purchase a pack of the sachets as well as some cutting craving tablets and some gentle laxative tablets…(not sure of correct wording for the tablets πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** OK I can help you
**Answer:** The sachets are called BodiTune and can be found here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-protein-drink)
**Answer:** If you use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code SMOOTH79 you can get [Price] off them
**Answer:** I will give you the links to the other items too
**Answer:** This is your carving cutter [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/satisfed-craving-cutter-120-caps)
**Answer:** And this one is good at keeping things moving [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/cleansa-bowel-tonic-120-caps)
**Answer:** Hi can you see the answers?
**Question:** yes that’s great thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Excellent I was worried you may have had an internet blip lol
**Question:** Sorry no just at work and someone interrupted me (how rude of them) πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** Oh gosh don’t want to get you into trouble
**Question:** I’m just trying to complete my order and the code SMOOTH79 isnt working
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Definitely SMOOTH79 you may need to do two orders as the discount is just for the sachets. I can give you another We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you can use on just one order but it is for [Price] off.
**Question:** okay thanks ill do the 2 orders…will i get charged twice for delivery?
**Answer:** Where are you ?
**Answer:** Youa re in Auckland so no shipping costs
**Answer:** We will put the 2 orders together πŸ™‚
**Answer:** yep in auckland thanks
**Answer:** so shall i do one order for the sachets and then another one for both lots of tablets?
**Answer:** Yes tht is the best way to do it πŸ™‚ We can then put them together and send them as one.
**Answer:** what was the code for the [Price] off? just putting through the second order now
**Answer:** Sorry its only for the one order so its not possible to do it for two orders. Either the sachets discount or the [Price] of.
**Answer:** My bad way of typing sorry
**Answer:** Oh bugger!! I can’t afford everything at the moment so could you possibly cancel the order for the sachets and ill place the order for the 2 lots of tablets…sorry for the hassle.
**Answer:** Let me check it all for you – we could do 15% off the capsules (i’ve just checked with my supervisor)
**Answer:** Oh the payment has already gone through. Maybe you could swap them over and then ill pay the difference..??
**Answer:** Yes we can do that – we can send you a PayPal request for the extra [Price] does that work?
**Answer:** yes that would be great thank you
**Answer:** Ok bear with me and we will send it to you. So we will switch your order from the sachets to 1 x Cleansa and 1 x Satisfed going to your Auckland address.
**Answer:** Yes thanks
**Answer:** Just sent payment request πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome I’ve just made the payment – thank you so much for being patient with me πŸ™‚ I look forward to receiving the tablets and getting started with getting back on track!!
**Answer:** you’re welcome, anytime
**Answer:** where can i find the complete foods list?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Let me give you a link
**Answer:** Scroll down to the bottom of this page, it’s not 100% complete, but is a good start [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** You can also get recipes on this page by selecting the 14 day program [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there, our family is expecting our detox products to arrive in the mail next week and i have tried to get the parasite detox ebook a few times via the website but it hasn’t come through to my email. can you please email it to me directly?
**Answer:** Yes some mail services are blocking commercial emails. I can give you a link, one moment
**Answer:** Try clicking this link [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/14IGDxGz0KWbei1F2dVDiAemVskFrrPfh/view?usp=sharing)
**Answer:** Have you already placed an order, as I don’t seem to find it in our system?
**Answer:** we did it through my partners email and card
**Answer:** his name is francis murray [Email]
**Answer:** Let me check
**Answer:** will the book come in paper form with the order? if not i will try to print something off to have it at hand more easily
**Answer:** Is see it now
**Answer:** It is being shipped today
**Answer:** Yes we can give you a print off as well
**Answer:** cool thanks also i had a link to a food list of what we can eat but i have lost it now, where can i find this list? im also confused about pumpkin and kumara as it says not to eat starches but some of the recipes have these foods
**Answer:** yes we only avoid the simple starches such as potato, banana, rice but other root vegetables are OK
**Answer:** thats great! thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Darryn, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** I have nearly finished the 7 day detox, would it now be ok to do the slim package?
**Answer:** Yes it fine to go onto the slim program.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Maureen
**Answer:** Do you need some help?
**Answer:** I am trying to order BodiTune Detox’n Slim SMOOTH79 with my visa but won’t accept
**Answer:** Ok let me take a look for you
**Answer:** Have you gone to the payment area after shipping? And what kind of Visa card is it?
**Answer:** ANZ Visa
**Answer:** Have you gone to the payment area after shipping to add in your card details?
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** OK let me call you and we can do it over the phone via the online system. I am not sure why it is an issue.
**Answer:** not at home – work number is [Phone]
**Answer:** OK bear with me a moment so we can do it qucikly for you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there would you like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for a discount?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Thank you, I’m familiar with products as practitioner and recommend them to my clients. Just looking at the specials. Thank you.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Do you buy from us directly or via Pacific Health?
**Answer:** Have been purchasing from you directly
**Answer:** Excellent πŸ™‚ so [Name] has told you about the wholesale pricing πŸ™‚
**Answer:** No I have been purchasing from website, buying multi packs to reduce price.
**Answer:** Ok was that because you had 2 items and wholesale is minimum of 3?
**Answer:** Possibly, I have just been getting stuff when it is on special. i will keep that in mind to get 3. Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome – 3 woud be [Price] each and then $[Phone] delivery plus GST.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi can I help you?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** hi
**Question:** Where can purchase this?
**Question:** I’m in Auckland
**Answer:** You can get it on this website and delivered overnight
**Question:** do you have offline shop?
**Answer:** Otherwise what part of Auckland and I can give you the closest store
**Question:** Glenfield North Shore
**Answer:** Ok the Health [Phone] glenfield mall has our products
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Sorry mixed with Milford you should visit Birkenhead pharmacy, it’s called health plus
**Question:** Made in NZ?
**Answer:** Yes in Auckland
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Happy to help if you have any questions πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there. I’ve just been put on a corse of antibiotics. Can I still continue the detox or should I stop and wait till I’m finished the antibiotics
**Answer:** Hi Julia, it is best to keep going with the detox.
**Answer:** Ok great. It won’t effect the effects of the antibiotics?
**Answer:** No it won’t have an impact. The Doctor gave you them as you have an infection.
**Answer:** ok great. Thanks have a good day!
**Answer:** Yes and you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Alex
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I’ve processed my order. Did you receive it?
**Answer:** Order recived will get it moving now for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Amazing, you’re a star πŸ™‚
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, if I purchase the Ultimate Herbal Detox this morning, will you be able to deliver to Auckland by Monday?
**Question:** My reason for asking is because I fly out of NZ Monday night
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** My email is [Email]
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Are you still there?
**Question:** Yes
**Answer:** Great let me just read your question
**Answer:** Yes we can do that. You would need to order straight away though
**Answer:** We would send by NZ post and track it fir you
**Answer:** Sorry for you
**Question:** I’ll purchase before 10am, ok?
**Answer:** Yes that should be ok. Where in Auckland are you?
**Question:** 2 Cooper St, Grey Lynn
**Answer:** Great delivery should be fine
**Question:** OK great, just need to go to the bank first, to transfer some money to my NZ account. Will do that that as soon as the bank opens
**Question:** Will complete the purchase by 10am, please keep an eye out for my order
**Answer:** All good we will keep an eye out for your order Alex
**Question:** Thanks for you help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** All good
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Sorry that is an automated message
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there, we are doing a family parasite detox (14 days) and i have been advised to give my 3 year old the colonaid, does she need to follow the diet too? she needs to take the colonaid 3 times a day for six weeks, does she need to follow the diet too? I have concerns about her following the diet with no eggs, etc. for this period of time
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Your daughter can have eggs, fish and white meat whilst taking the Colonaid
**Answer:** It is not as strict for your daughter
**Answer:** great! thank you this helps a lot πŸ™‚
**Answer:** No problem we are hear to answer any questions you have
**Answer:** am i able to enter two We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club codes or just one
**Answer:** Are you talking about the parasite bonus or the 15% off?
**Answer:** Hi there did you our question?
**Answer:** i just realised i got offered the colonaid bonus and now15 We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs on different conversations! never mind i will just use the now15 one
**Answer:** Ok sounds good. Don’t forget to put the 2 detoxes in for 20%
**Answer:** it keeps saying your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is not valid when i put in now15
**Answer:** is it case sensitive ?
**Answer:** It the wrong way around it’s 15NOW in capitals
**Answer:** haha okay
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hello πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi Maria, do you need some Help?
**Answer:** Hi, I would like to delete my account, please.
**Answer:** Do you mean not get any emails?
**Answer:** No, I mean delete/cancel, because I don’t use it anymore.
**Answer:** Ok we can do that for you.
**Answer:** All done for you.
**Answer:** Do you need me to do that?
**Answer:** No it is all done πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok, Thank you very much!
**Answer:** Regards
**Answer:** You are welcome – can I ask did our programs not work for you?
**Answer:** No, I liked very much!
**Answer:** Nowadays I am living in Portugal, Lisbon.
**Answer:** So, I notice that I am not using the account
**Answer:** OK we can ship to Portugal πŸ™‚ We ship there regualrly via DHL πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Oh, I didn’t know…
**Answer:** Yes we ship all over the world and if you order NZD250 or more shipping is free
**Answer:** OK!
**Answer:** Can I keep my account for some time, and than if I don’t use it I will speak with you?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine I can do that for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Great!
**Answer:** Tank you!
**Answer:** It should be active now as I reinstated it before it was fully deleted πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you!
**Answer:** You are welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Kind regards
**Answer:** And you have a great evening πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes, here is evening… πŸ™‚
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Gorgeous sunshine here 30 degrees πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there! Im
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Julia
**Answer:** starting the detox next week and I was womswrinf
**Answer:** womswrinf?
**Answer:** about if I can take my collagen while on it, as it is bovine derived πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You can still take it
**Answer:** sorry β€œwondering” typing on iPhone screen
**Answer:** awesome thank you!
**Answer:** No probs you are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi I’m interested in buying one of your products. I’ve done your detox kit at least 8 times in the past. I’ve put on some extra weight over Xmas and am contemplating which product to do, slim or detox?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi thanks for your time
**Answer:** If you havent done the Detox in the last 6 months it is always best to go there first.
**Answer:** It is great for the metabolic reset and the first 4 to 5 kgs
**Question:** I’ve been kind of detoxing for the past week and now am only on fruits, juices and salads but having trouble with constipation as well
**Question:** I did the detox in around sept
**Answer:** OK then the detox herbs are definitley the right way to go
**Question:** ok then after doing that do the slum program?
**Answer:** You can get the Detox for [Price] at the moment
**Answer:** Yes then afterwards do the Slim program
**Question:** Can the slim program be done in one month rather than in two?
**Answer:** It will help with cravings and blood sugar – yes it can be done in one month
**Answer:** Most people do it like that.
**Question:** And I have a concert on 23 feb a big night how do I golf around that if I’m detoxing?
**Question:** That’s great will do the slim program after then
**Question:** *go about
**Answer:** Is it a sit down concert with food etc or a concert with just drink?
**Question:** if I buy the kit for [Price] can I receive it today?
**Answer:** Where do you live?
**Question:** There will be both food and drink though I could eat healthy before I go
**Question:** AUCKLAND Devonport
**Question:** if I can’t get today then I might have to go buy in AK
**Answer:** If you choose vegetarian options and drink lots of water you will be ok
**Answer:** We can send today and it will be there tomorrow
**Question:** as I feel I need to get onto it straight away. Been feeling pretty miserable having healing crisis but I know the herbs help
**Answer:** We can send via NZ Post so it will be there quickly
**Question:** is it Couriered to ak? Free of charge?
**Answer:** Yes it is
**Question:** could they get it here today??
**Question:** how about drinking alcohol at the concert?
**Answer:** Sorry no – we are in Tauranga
**Question:** If it’s a one off in the two weeks?
**Answer:** Keep the drinking down if possible but drink lot sof water in between
**Question:** I’ve also been off drinking for the past week
**Question:** umm Ill see if I can get your kit in ask somewhere today and if not I’ll come back and purchase off you ok?
**Question:** *AK
**Answer:** If you need it from us you will need to get it before [Phone] as overnight leaves earlier than other shipments.
**Question:** You mean order it from you before 12:30? Ok
**Question:** what time would it arrive tomorrow?
**Answer:** Yes that is right
**Answer:** I can’t guarantee the time it will arrive at this stage.
**Answer:** You will be able to track it though
**Question:** Ok
**Question:** thanks a lot
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for the discount is 100Off
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah I was talking to you last night about getting two herbal detox kits and a colonaid, i have only just talked to my partner about it now and i just want to go over the detox food plan with him to make sure he is prepared to do it
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** i clicked on the link to receive the email containing the diet plan but it hasn’t come up in my email
**Answer:** Yes ok are planning to do the 2 week program ?
**Answer:** Did you sign up for the user guide?
**Answer:** yes we both have major parasite issues so thats the correct one right?
**Answer:** Yes that’s the one
**Answer:** i signed up for the parasite cleanse ebook
**Answer:** Ok I need to get the detox user guide to you what is your name?
**Answer:** Anna-Lea Shirley
**Answer:** and my email is [Email]
**Answer:** Ok I will email it to you. I can also give you alink to a few good areas.
**Answer:** cool thank you
**Answer:** This page gives details a thte bottom of the foods in the plan [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Answer:** This is also a great page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) you just select the 14 day detox from the Herbal Program drop box box
**Answer:** okay thanks
**Answer:** ill show him now
**Answer:** I have just sent the user guide to you.
**Answer:** okay excellent thank you! payday is tomorrow so we purchase then, i will message you again because yesterday i got send a discount voucher via chat on your website but i don’t think it will have remained valid
**Answer:** Yes it will be still valid get in touch when you are ready.
**Answer:** Can we eat the fruit if we are cleansing from parasites/candida?
**Answer:** apart from bananas
**Answer:** Yes but it is better to eat more vegetables. And if you are having fruits it is better to have low sugar fruits like apples and pears.
**Answer:** okay thank you
**Answer:** FANTASTIC40
**Answer:** Again
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Thanks for that.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** You can use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code code
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi – I did an order β€˜Order [Phone]’ which was a great deal. Possible please to do this deal again?
**Answer:** Let me check
**Question:** Thanks !
**Answer:** Are you purchasing the same items?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need some help logging in?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** The correct link to Amazon [Link](https://goo.gl/9LCSdH)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** All received thank you – we will send them out together πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** If I do two separate orders will they both be sent together thanks Melissa πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes they will πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Great thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Melissa, did you manage to see the message?
**Answer:** It can only be used on 1 of the BodiTune programs but you can do two orders as there is no minimum.
**Answer:** Oh sorry I just seen this okay I’ll make two orders but can they be sent out together?
**Answer:** Yes definitely πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hi there am I allowed to use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club I received for the detox powder on the double package the two pots of powder?
**Answer:** It can only be used on 1 of the BodiTune programs but you can do two orders as there is no minimum.
**Answer:** We have had lots of people do that πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Good morning
**Answer:** Hello can I help?
**Question:** I would like to place an order please
**Answer:** OK do you wish to do it over the telephone or on the website? I can call you if you give me your number.
**Question:** I’m going in for radiation treatment soon and want to do the comprehensive detox
**Question:** [Phone]
**Answer:** OK I will ask [Name] to call you now.
**Question:** Thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** i am almost finished a short course of prednisone will i be able to start the detox tomorrow? my tablets finish on Thurs
**Answer:** Yes that will be fine
**Answer:** It will help your body recover
**Answer:** thank you, that is what i am hoping
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there,
**Question:** I was wondering if you can provide any kind of after pay options
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We can process an order and you can pay it off in instalments and then we send it.
**Answer:** Would that work for you?
**Question:** we are wanting to cleanse our whole family of parasites so it turns out to be quite pricey!
**Question:** not really, thanks for your help though πŸ™‚
**Answer:** How many people are you looking to cleanse?
**Answer:** We might able to help on the price
**Question:** me and my partner and our daughter who is going to have just the colonaid
**Answer:** You can get 20% off here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20) and use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code NOW15 for another 15% off
**Question:** excellent thank you! I will show my partner when he gets home
**Answer:** Ok all good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Why isn’t We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code working CANDIDABONUS
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** hello
**Answer:** Can refresh your screen and try again please
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I’m about to start the 14 day Detox. Am I allowed fresh green beans in stir fries? What about frozen mixed beans (containing green beans, yellow beans and edamame beans)? Thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** They are all ok to have
**Answer:** Organic fresh is best but if you can’t get them then your options are ok.
**Question:** Wonderful! Thank you for your prompt response – we’re about to go shopping in preparation!! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Great we are here to help any time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Amy, do you need some help?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi would you like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for a discount?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi could you please tell me what the doe plan is for the complete innr body cleanse
**Question:** #dose
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Let me give you a link to click on and it will give you the details
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Bear with me a moment
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** There you go πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** zdravo. pijem lek imuran. dali mogu koristiti aloe veru .svezu . uz ovaj lek?
**Answer:** We don’t know the answer to that. We only deal with our own programs sorry
**Answer:** Odgovor na to ne znamo. Mi se bavimo samo sa sopstvenim programima (prevedeno)
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI I have just gone on the website to check again how many scoopfuls of Boditune would be best for rapid weight lost. Im going to Rarotonga in 3 weeks and want to lose 4 kilos. Am I being unrealistic and how many scoops do you recommend I take a day. That past 3 days I have taken one first thing in the morning, one mid morning and I mid afternoon. Not really doing much for me at the moment.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** If you do 3 to 4 scoops per day and have it with green smoothies and don’t eat anything else then you should achieve your goal.
**Answer:** I can give you a link to the green smoothie recipe which is the best one for you
**Answer:** that would be great cos I have been drinking it with water only cos I do actually like the taste but I also usually start the day with a smoothie of spinach, banana and blueberries.
**Answer:** This is the one [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/super-alkalizing-green-detox-smoothie)
**Answer:** If you used an apple instead of the banana for your normal smoothie that would be good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Were you able to see my answers?
**Answer:** Thanks for all of that Sarah, I appreciate you taking the time to answer and wish me luck. I think I need it, cos all I want now is a glass of wine hehehe
**Answer:** Keep going you will do it!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** We are here if you need any help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** How does someone know if they should do a parasite cleanse and would it hurt if they do this
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** With it being diagnosed with parasites it is very difficult.
**Answer:** But it is a good idea to do a parasite cleanse once a year as a preventative.
**Answer:** It looks after what they called your got microbiome
**Question:** What is best way to do a cleanse
**Answer:** Let me give you the link to our parasite cleanse program and you can see how to do it there. There are two pages I will copy the links in here and you can click on them.
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** This is how you do it [Link](https://www.[Website]/how-does-herbal-detox-work)
**Answer:** And this is the program itself [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) if you use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code PARASITEBONUS You get the extra bottle of herbs to take after your program to make sure the parasites eggs are gone totally.
**Answer:** The extra bottle is free
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** How long does ultimate gold effects last
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** It can last for months depending on your diet afterwards
**Answer:** We recommend doing it once or twice s year to keep the effect going.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Good morning do you need help?
**Question:** Hi there I want to know if it will help me doing a herbal detox I’m due to have radiation treatment for aggressive prostate and lymph node cancer
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Good morning
**Answer:** As long as you have finished chemo for 6 weeks then the detox program is good to do.
**Question:** I’m not having chemo radiation
**Question:** I’m having radiation treatments
**Answer:** Then you can do the program anytime it will build the immune system and alkalise the body
**Question:** Thanks.how much is the total cost
**Answer:** The cost is [Price] but we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for 15% off.
**Answer:** Use 15NOW st the checkout
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome. All the green vegetables are important for you to eat.
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Also mushrooms and garlic fir your immune system
**Answer:** The program comes with recipes and there more on the website
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Question:** I dont have any money at the moment
**Answer:** Ok you could pay it off over s few weeks. We could send an invoice if that works for you
**Question:** I will get back to you when I get the money
**Answer:** Ok no problem
**Question:** Thanks good bye
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Did you see the answer?
**Answer:** You take 4 from each bottle twice per day for the remaining 10 days.
**Answer:** hope you can help. I’ve started taking my tablets wrong. Last 4 days 20 in the morning and 20 in the evening. Plan was to do the deep cleanse. And eating only fruit and veggies
**Answer:** This is still do the deep cleanse well for you
**Answer:** sorry just see the answer now. Thank you
**Answer:** Excellent you will be ok if you do as described
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Carolyn
**Answer:** If you take floor in the morning from each bottle and four in the evening from each bottle you will be fine. It will last for the next 10 days and complete the program.
**Answer:** Sorry 4 not floor
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hello. I have mucked up with my detox. Hope you can put me in the right direction. This is the 4th day I’ve been taking 20 tablets in the morning and 20 in the evening. I was planning on doing the deep cleanse. What do you suggest I do now? Oops Carolyn
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi Thomas, Do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** is there a easier way to get that blender that doesnt require a one off payment
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** We can send you an invoice by email and you can make instalments over 6 weeks to pay it off before we deliver
**Answer:** Essentially it would be a layby
**Question:** ok that would be great my email is [Email]
**Answer:** OK, it would be best if you put the item into your shopping cart and entered all of your details in the website, you can stop before it gets to the payment page, and we can send you an invoice at that point
**Answer:** That way we can put all of your details on the invoice
**Question:** ok awesome will do
**Answer:** If you add it to cart and go to checkout it will create an account for you automatically
**Answer:** you can enter your details and then stop before entering payment information
**Answer:** I see all your information, I will send you the invoice in a few minutes
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI Jill
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** having issues resetting my password
**Answer:** Hi Carolyn
**Answer:** hi Sarah
**Answer:** I can reset it for you and then you can go in and change it
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** Ber with me πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Sorry bear with me πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Changed to Carolyn1234
**Answer:** great Sarah, thanks for helping:)
**Answer:** You are welcome – here to support you any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I was wondering if I could unsubscribe my email address [Email].nz?
**Answer:** Yes we can do that fir you
**Answer:** Sorry for you
**Answer:** There is a link at the bottom of the email to unsubscribe too.
**Question:** Thanks Sarah, do you need any more information to unsubscribe this email address?
**Answer:** No that’s fine
**Question:** I pressed the link but it said it would block the sender, I have no reason to block the sender, but thank you!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** HI Murray, This is the address we have,
**Answer:** 15A Clematis Ave
**Answer:** Any chance you could send us a phone photo of the 2 bottles, you could text to [Phone] or email to [Email]
**Answer:** This will trigger dispatch of the new Livafood bottle, sorry for any inconvenience
**Answer:** [Phone] is the correct number
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Heelo, I did a order recently for 2 x liverfood over the phone with [Name], however I received 1 x liverfood and 1 x Digezaid
**Answer:** it is not showing on my order history as was over phone not online
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** How long ago was the order?
**Answer:** OK it definitely shows 2 x Livafood on our invoice and packing sheet, but there must have been an error
**Answer:** We will send you another livafood with a return courier sticker for the digezaid it that works for you
**Answer:** yes thanks
**Answer:** have you got address
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Keep her sugar intake up with fruits
**Answer:** Don’t use man made sugar.
**Answer:** Oranges are good
**Answer:** Fruit juices with no added sugar
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** One of my good friends just got diagnosed with cirrhosis and has ascites
**Question:** she has stopped drinking and smoking and is in heavy detox it’s been about a week now maybe 9 days.
**Answer:** Has her cirrhosis and ascites been looked at by a doctor?
**Question:** She’s sleeping a lot and we got her pee pads and diapers but she’s not eating so I’m looking fit something
**Answer:** She could do vegetable smoothies full of nutrients and easy to take.
**Question:** yes she’s seeing a GI and can’t her next test til end of month the endoscopy. They told her she had to stop everything
**Question:** yes
**Answer:** We have a lot of recipes on our website.
**Question:** not sure she will but I’ll look
**Question:** supplements are not good so that would be great
**Answer:** We normally reccomend doing then with our BodiTune Protein powder but you could substitute it for a local protein powder.
**Question:** I’m looking to help with the headaches right now they are bad detox
**Answer:** Take a look here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) scroll down for the smoothies there are alot to choose from.
**Question:** ok I will look into them.
**Question:** What about headache relief
**Answer:** These ar the herbs for her to take for the headache Feverfew leaves can be chewed and can give instant relief. See more about Feverfew here
**Answer:** Warm epsom salt baths can help too
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Happy to answer any questions you may have.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Kia ora, I’ve previously had wholesale orders for this ultimate herbal detox (Renee Perkins – Homeopath). The last couple of times I had to place a minimum order of three. Can you please confirm the current wholesale price and the minimum order I need to make. Ngā mihi, Renee
**Answer:** HI Renee
**Answer:** Yes we maintain the minimum order at 3 items for resellers to stop them buying just for personal use πŸ™‚
**Answer:** I can give you a link to the price list one second
**Answer:** try this link [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ih5gjRq1HIlLl9MWzaVLR1AtzHLe6hM/view?usp=sharing)
**Question:** Ngā mihi [Name], I see there are new cholesterol products too will check them out, thank you
**Answer:** You’re welcome, just let us know what you need πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, I would please like to ask a few questions for a friend of mine. I have done the detox twice and I was recommending it to her. She has 6 months worth of test results that are indicating her liver slowly failing. Do you recommend a complete detox or the livafood for her?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I just checked with [Name]
**Answer:** He says it is better to do the full Herbal detox to get the overall benefit and then do the Livafood afterwards.
**Question:** She is also on venlafaxine which she has recently halved her dose, she things she may not be able to have milk thistle?
**Answer:** The venlafaxine is fine to carry on with. Can we ask who told her she can’t take Milk Thistle?
**Question:** She got told it interacts with most anti depressants? A warning on the box?
**Answer:** Yes they say that because anything that improves liver function potentially detox the drug from the body a little bit faster
**Answer:** This could reduce the effect of the drug a little bit, but it’s far better to get the possitive effects of the detox than worry about that
**Answer:** In fact the detox can potentailly imrpvoes the mood as well, as getting off processed foods and meat can have a huge impact on the emotional state
**Question:** Thank you so much!! Yes I fully agree! I loved doing the detox myself, I will recommend it to her
**Answer:** All good if she wishes to speak with [Name] please ask her to call [Phone]
**Question:** Thanks so much!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** is there a difference between slippery elm bark and inner bark?
**Answer:** Probably not
**Answer:** The industry produced Slippery elm bark should be the inner bark
**Question:** thanks very much
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi Laurence, how can I help?
**Answer:** Was wondering if you could please forward a copy of what I can eat on 2 week detox as forgot to bring my book in with me
**Answer:** Yes I can do that – can I send it to your email address?[Email].nz
**Answer:** That would be helpful thanks Sarah
**Answer:** Great I am sending it now – just keep an eye on your spam folder in case it pops in there πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Received with thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, is vegetable stock allowed in the herbal detox or not due to its salt content?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can use it
**Answer:** We do need a bit of salt in our diets πŸ™‚
**Question:** Awesome, thanks!
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I’m sorry keep you waiting
**Answer:** That is OK I am here to help you.
**Question:** my 19 years old son has Crohn’s disease since 14 yrs old but diagnose was given when he was 16
**Question:** I’m considering your product for him
**Question:** He has been given Lemicade every two months but he said no longer works
**Answer:** OK we only do natural solutions and they are very successful. Have you downloaded [Name]’s Free Ebook on Crohn’s Disease? I can send it to you.
**Question:** yes I read through quickly
**Answer:** Your son has been using a chemical product which masks the issue.
**Answer:** To do the program your son will need to make some changes to his diet. Do you feel he could do this?
**Question:** he said anything that works for him. he even talk about finishing his life
**Answer:** Oh gosh thst is so sad I am sure we can help him.
**Question:** if he take up this program, does he have to quit Lemicade and Mesalazine?
**Question:** I wonder if his doctor agrees
**Answer:** No he can carry on with the medications or he can reduce it a little and see what difference the program makes.
**Question:** He also has anal fistula
**Answer:** I would like to get [Name] online to speak with you directly. Can you please wait a moment.
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** Do you think he would be prepared to follow the diet plan and take a lot of herbal capsules?
**Answer:** If he can do this, he should get a good result, and we are here to help during the process
**Question:** Today is the first day I met your product online so I will talk to him when he wakes up. We are in Japan and he sleeps till late afternoon because of his ill condition
**Question:** just one question now
**Question:** Do we have to tell his doctor if he follow this program?
**Answer:** We do say that, just so you can feel safe about it. On the other hand, it all depends on your doctor as some doctors are against herbal medicine in general. Others are very supportive. It’s really your decision
**Question:** excuse me, one more question. Will this program improve his anal fistula also?
**Question:** He had surgery two times several years agl
**Question:** ago
**Answer:** I wouldn’t like to guarantee that, but general bowel health is normally improved, so long-term it may encourage healing. The big thing most people gain from the program is a new insight into diet and how foods can assist the healing process. Then usually they come back once or twice a year and repeat the program
**Question:** I see. Let me talk to my son. I checked Amazon Japan but international shipping was unavailable.So if we want to try it, I will contact you again from this live chat. Thank you for your help.
**Answer:** You’re welcome anytime, we can ship direct from NZ if your pruchased off this website
**Question:** OK. Thank you.
**Answer:** Shipping is normally around [Price], but if your purchased two packs in NZD it woud be free
**Answer:** We ship to Japan often
**Answer:** we use DHL and send you tracking information
**Answer:** Glad that I found your page. Thank you and good by for now.
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, do you offer wholesale accounts to student naturopaths? I’m in my third year through NCNZ and would like to stock your range when I qualify πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Providing you have a business we can do that for you.
**Question:** At thsi stage I don’t, so I will get back in contact once I’ve qualified and I have a business set up πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes that is perfect – we would love to help you
**Question:** Thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We also have the Clinical Guide which will really help you.
**Question:** Is that in the Ebook downloads?
**Answer:** No it isn’t but we can email it to you if you give me your name and email address.
**Question:** Thanks
**Question:** Nicola Wood
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Gret ill send it soo – keep an eye on your spam folder just in case it pops in there πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** All sent πŸ™‚
**Answer:** THank you. Have a great day πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Does the book addresses “High Blood Pressure”?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The book does included blood pressure as part of metabolic syndrome.
**Question:** Does the book addresses “High Blood Pressure”?
**Answer:** [Name] has also developed an article that I can give you the link too.
**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/reduce-high-blood-pressure-naturally)
**Question:** Thanks for that ,I’ll have a read
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to help.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi, I have the ultimate detox program ready to start, but I am struggling alot with dropping mainly the meats and nuts ie tuna or eggs with salads, and I get savagely hungry, with massive cravings. Then I stuff up my phase 1. I am taking protein in the morning, but it seems to be more so in the afternoon. I am morbidly obese type 3. But Im pretty active. Gym 5 days a week, softball 2x a week.
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Have you tried snacking on raisins, dates, fruit, pickles etc during the afternoon
**Answer:** Only the fruit.
**Answer:** Pickled onoins are really good at curbing cravings
**Answer:** I can pack some dry stuff and give it a go.
**Answer:** Oh okay. Thats awesome, Ill try that. Thanks
**Answer:** In regards to starting the detox, should I look at doing the gentler cleanse rather than the two week one? I really want to detox all the chemicals etc from my body, and kick start my metabolism as I just cannot loose weight
**Answer:** actually the two week program is better for the kickstart and weight loss, epsecially if you eat a lot of raw food
**Answer:** It’s great to eat a lot of fruit
**Answer:** especially oranges, apples, grapes, melons etc
**Answer:** Okay, thanks. I have done alot of prep work today and made up meals. I figured that its better I eat regularly. I’ll.keep pushing on. Thanks have a great night
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi there, I was looking to do a parasite cleanse after being recommended by a friend. I have had a heavy parasitic infestation for the past 4 months although i suspect they have resided in my body for a decade or so, having trouble with candida and acne forever. I have tried everything! and now i have discovered my 3 year old and partner also have the parasites i have although i also have liver flukes
**Question:** a lot of information! but we all need to cleanse at the same time. would any of your cleanses be okay for my 3 year old to do at the same time as we do ours?
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** haha hello
**Answer:** The programs are really only designed for adults over the age of 12
**Answer:** In saying that the colonaid product can be used on children
**Answer:** You can get that as a separate bottle for your 3 year old
**Answer:** This one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/colonaid-anti-parasitic-120-caps)
**Answer:** Okay I am just confused at what to give her, we travel a lot and sleep in the same bed often. I may have to treat her differently, it shouldnt be too hard as she is readily expelling the parsites
**Answer:** great thank you i will have a look
**Answer:** You would give the three year old 3 capsules daily over 6 weeks
**Answer:** could i put them in a smoothie
**Answer:** Not really as they are very bitter tasting
**Answer:** are the capsules big
**Answer:** Sometimes a spoonful of yoghurt helps them go down
**Answer:** sorry so many questions
**Answer:** thats a good idea thanks
**Answer:** you’re welcome, happy to answer any questions
**Answer:** could you please link me to the parasite cleanse you recommend for adults
**Answer:** This is the program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code PARASITEBONOUS to get the extra free Colonaid
**Answer:** thats wonderful thank you so much for your help!
**Answer:** You would use that over 2 week and follow the eBook
**Answer:** okay
**Answer:** You can download the ebook here [Link](https://qd227-3b1502.pages.infusionsoft.net/)
**Answer:** fantastic thank you!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** 24 herbs are combined into 480 capsules within 4 unique products. [Name]’s Ultimate Herbal DETOX program is New Zealand’s most popular detox program.
**Question:** which one to take when ?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hi [Name]
**Question:** I have been talking your 3 mnd detox/slim. I do an extra slim for 2 month course.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hiya I sent you a messsge this am, I spoke to [Name] a few days ago regarding my aching legs. However these are so bad that it’s keepig me awake at night – is there anything I can do?
**Answer:** We have received your message and have asked [Name] to get in touch. How many days have you been taking the capsules?
**Answer:** on day 6
**Answer:** So you have taken 6 days of capsules? Or does that include the days of preparation?
**Answer:** 6 days of capsules started the 20 night ones last night
**Answer:** O thank you. Do you have a health condition that you are looking to address?
**Answer:** restless leg mostly
**Answer:** OK I will pass the info on to [Name] and he will be in touch.
**Answer:** perfect Thankyou so mich
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Question:** Hii dear I just want to lose weight can u please tell me about your program
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Yes I can
**Answer:** Do you now how much you are looking to lose?
**Question:** 15 kg I want to lose and how long it will take I tried so many things
**Question:** but didn’t work
**Answer:** Ok one more question – do you have any health issues you wish to resolve?
**Question:** Noo i don’t have
**Answer:** Ok the progam tht will give 15kg weight loss is the 6 week program – You start with the Detox programs which clean your body from the inside and you can lose upto 10 kgs. You then move onto the Slim program to lose about 3 to 8 kgs. Whilst doing them you drink the BodiTune drink and follow the diet reccomended.
**Answer:** You can see the program here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-8-week-program)
**Question:** I tried one product from Australia and I have vomit because I didn’t take much protein then I stopped
**Answer:** Each program comes with a user guide and you can see recipes here by choosing each progam from the Herbal Program dropdown [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** You take capsules and drink and eat on our program.
**Answer:** You can download the user guides here [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks)
**Answer:** If you wish to get exgra details I can ask [Name] to come online as he is monitoring communications today πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I just recieved my BodiTune DETOX ‘n SLIM , I am not sure the “7 days of smoothies”, does it mean I dont eat anyting apart from the “smootie”
**Answer:** You will get the best results with smoothies. But you can have the food from the Detox diet if it is too hard.
**Answer:** Have you seen the recipes page?
**Answer:** Click here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** You can choose the 7 day smoothies from the dropdaown
**Answer:** You could also look at the 7 day DETOX plan πŸ™‚
**Question:** That’s perfect, thanks Sarah!!!!
**Answer:** Or 14 day plan for food options
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi [Name],
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Are you doing the one month plan?
**Question:** 14 days
**Answer:** Sorry no chickpeas or eggs πŸ™
**Answer:** Falafel isn’t ok on the 14 day plan.
**Question:** ok thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Have you seen the recipes ? I can give you a link
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Just choose the 14 program from the Herbal Program drop down – [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Just click on the link πŸ™‚
**Question:** excellent thank you
**Answer:** The mushroom stroganoff is to die for!
**Question:** haha it all looks really good !!!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality. If you have a question just ask.
**Answer:** Hi, Order received yesterday thanks
**Answer:** Excellent πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We were a bit slow with the tracking details – sorry about that!
**Answer:** Can you tell me what address is best to use to send a book to [Name], promised before Christmas but I had run out and reorder was slow as
**Answer:** No worry about the tracking…. been to busy to check such things lol
**Answer:** It would be 26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu, Tauranga [Phone] πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome…..
**Answer:** Was over in Tauranga yesterday… gets busier and busier
**Answer:** Certainly does!
**Answer:** I will get the book in the mail today
**Answer:** Excellent I will let [Name] know – he’s consulting today πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Cool thanks
**Answer:** I practise ThetaHealing and I think he may enjoy looking at how The Detox Products and the beliefs behind ThetaHealing work together
**Answer:** Perfect πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Catch ya later, sure your busy.
**Answer:** Have a great day!
**Answer:** always do…..
**Answer:** You too
**Answer:** I just expect miracle days
**Answer:** Meet awesome people and have great experiences
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Did you need more help Kazz
**Question:** Will do – Sarah O’loan
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** OK Sarah, let’s talk again in a couple of days and see how you are doing?
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hiya I have started the ultimate herbal diet on day 4 but I have noticed since yesterday that my legs are aching all the time is this normal?
**Answer:** Yes this can happen as your body’s energy is moving and this can be resolving a long term issue
**Answer:** It is hard to say exactly what causes this but you often feel a lot better afterwards, it should pass either after your next large bowel clearance or as your body gets rid of some acid
**Question:** ok great Thankyou – just got a bit concerned
**Answer:** Keep us posted
**Answer:** What’s your name?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** I dont get paid till 2 days will it be ok to get thr stuff then on this discount
**Answer:** Hi Kazz
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Been on the slim program for about 2 and a bit weeks now.
**Answer:** Hi Kazz
**Answer:** How’s it going
**Answer:** In the last 5/6 days I cant seem to poo also my tummy feels really bloated and cramp all the time
**Answer:** I feel like I’m pregnant very uncomfortable
**Answer:** It’s probably that you’re having a bit of a cleanse and that can happen for a couple of days if that’s the case
**Answer:** Have you been drinking lots of water and eating plenty of fresh fruit
**Answer:** Yes most differently
**Answer:** awesome, what about extra herbs and spices?
**Answer:** Fruit vegetables loads of water smoothies
**Answer:** Extra water as well?
**Answer:** Loads of water
**Answer:** I’ve always had trouble pooing, the detox was awesome cleaned me right our and felt really good and never bloated or blocked me up
**Answer:** OK then it might be that you need a little more Colonaid to top up the Herbal Slim
**Answer:** I really dont think that this slim is working for me.
**Answer:** I always drink 4 to 5 cups of alpine tea a day also
**Answer:** You can get [Price] discount if you got two bottles of Colonaid today with a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club, it does take time for the Slim to really kick in
**Answer:** How much would that be
**Answer:** How long for slim to really kick in and take affect
**Answer:** I loved your detox felt on top of the world
**Answer:** [Price] for two bottles
**Answer:** down from [Price]
**Answer:** Are you doing the one month slim dosage or the two month plan
**Answer:** How long do you honestly recommend to do the slim program for
**Answer:** the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club is KICK19 for the [Price] discount
**Answer:** 3 months 6 months
**Answer:** Yes if your goal is over 20kg and it would pay to start with the one month plan at least for the first two months
**Answer:** I use to by your colonaid and took it for at 5 to 6 months, really worked for me awesome for the 3 months toilet every morning but then slowed down mayb a poo every other day sometimes 4 or 5 days
**Answer:** yes sometimes it’s good to have a break from it every 6 weeks have a week off, otherwise you start to get immune
**Answer:** I think alongside the one month slim it would be a great combination
**Answer:** In 1 month of slim and eating clean how much should 1 person lose
**Answer:** Is it normal for the poos to be little and skinny not alot on the slim
**Answer:** It all depends, on the exact foods, amount eaten, exercise and constitution etc, but on average about 3-5kg per month. It can be slower in the first month and then speed up after about six weeks, especially if there is a real effort to exercise and eat raw, I highly suggest meditation also, as that has been shown to speed metabolism greatly
**Answer:** Check out my suggested method here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/meditation-finding-spiritual-illumination)
**Answer:** How much to by 2 slims and a detox
**Answer:** Have u got any deals on that
**Answer:** I would like to do the slim for aleast 3 months to give it a good try
**Answer:** Sorry for the delay
**Answer:** Let me check the best deal for you
**Answer:** I think this would be the best deal [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/3-x-ultimate-herbal-slim-save-30)
**Answer:** You will get 30% off and we can deliver 2 x Slim and 1 x Detox instead of 3 x Slim, plus you can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for an extra [Price] discount
**Answer:** You could also checkout again and get the 2 x Colonaid seperately and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club again if you wanted them
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** i have just tried to use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSART19 but it did not accept it with my Cholesterol plan. Brooke Tynan
**Answer:** Yes they cholesterol bonus is another We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club and it will only accept one We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club at a time
**Answer:** It really almost the same either, you cuuld just try the detox on it’s own as that usually brings the cholesterol down by itself
**Answer:** Hi,
**Answer:** Can you ship my order via NZ post like the last time.
**Answer:** [Phone]
**Answer:** Hi Jacob, yes we can do that for you
**Answer:** Just make sure the total order does not go over [Price] USD with the shipping.
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Yes we know how to do that
**Answer:** Thanks!
**Answer:** Its that much over as it is.
**Answer:** Thanks for the [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club.
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Enjoy your day
**Answer:** And you
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** If you use KICK19 you can get [Price] off
**Question:** OKAY THANKS
**Answer:** The code KICKSTART19 is for prospects who haven’t bought before
**Answer:** We do different We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-clubs for different people
**Answer:** Hi, it appears that b the website is not set up to take Bartercard. I would like to take advantage of the January discount. I may not get the opportunity during business hours tomorrow
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** We don’t do the discounts for Bartercard sorry. You can email [Email] with the program you want, the delivery address, telephone number and Bartercard number if you wish to go ahead
**Answer:** Okay thanks.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** If I do detox and slim program does this make u run to the toilet more often
**Answer:** The detox can make you go to the bathroom more urgently
**Answer:** But it doesn’t always happen like that
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hii can I take ultimate herbal slim with out doing detox program
**Answer:** Yes you can
**Question:** Will this still show results
**Answer:** Yes it will if the food options are followed
**Question:** Like the smoothie slim if I want fast result I can do it in 7 days so can I do same with the capsules
**Answer:** Sorry no it is a one month program
**Question:** Ok
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** The detox can be done over 14 days and get good weight loss results
**Question:** What’s the difference with this 2
**Answer:** One cleans your body the body and gets it working well. It also takes extra weight the body is carrying.
**Question:** I’m on my weight loss journey I have 16kgs since last april but it seems to slow down to no weight loss I need something to boost fast weight loss
**Answer:** The slim works on sugar cravings and slowing appetite
**Answer:** I’d do the detox and slim the slim if you need it
**Question:** So 2 program at a time
**Answer:** You can do one before the other
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi I want to check my order came thru it’s number [Phone]
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** let me check for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes [Name] all received – I can give you a password to sign on and see it
**Question:** Yes please
**Answer:** Please use your email address and the password [Name][Phone] – once in you will be able to set it to something you can remember.
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** Anytime – just get in touch if we can help when your program arrives.
**Answer:** Sorry about the automated message!
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** HI I have just made an order for a 500gm pot of Boditune using the KICK19 code which I understood from a recent email gave me [Price] off and I have been charged [Price] for this when I was expecting it to be [Price] ??
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** It looks like the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code wasn’t entered Sue. We can do the refund for you nw.
**Answer:** now
**Answer:** Thank you I did enter it the first time I filled out the form but then I had to go back and re-do something so probably forgot sorry and thank you : )
**Answer:** No probs we have just done the refund for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi Jean
**Answer:** Did you get [Name]’s email?
**Question:** Ive received an email stating that you get [Price] off an order if you use Kickstart19 but when I go to order, it only gives me [Price] off?? Can you please advise?
**Answer:** You must have the email list We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code the one for customers is KICK19 for the [Price] off πŸ™‚
**Question:** I did receive the email on my phone but when I tried to order on my phone, something wasn’t quite right. So how do I get the [Price] off?
**Question:** I’ve just reread your email so do I just use Kick19?
**Answer:** You use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICK19 and not KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Yes that is right πŸ™‚
**Question:** Whoops, silly me. Thanks. I’ll try that
**Answer:** All good πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** HI is the pot and satchets the same for Detox (weight loss)
**Answer:** Yes they are the same program just in different formats.
**Answer:** Is weight loss your goal? If so how much are you looking to lose?
**Question:** 5 to 10 kilos
**Question:** I like the look of the pot and just saw [Name]s smoothie, and that all looks very doable for 7 days
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** How much Caralluma in mg is inside the satisifed craving cutter
**Question:** per cap
**Answer:** 500mg per capsule and the dosage is 4 per day giving 2,000mg per day.
**Question:** how much of the 500mg capsule is Caraluma?
**Question:** Caralluma* sorry
**Answer:** The capsule is about 650mg and 500mg is Caralluma
**Question:** Thank you for that answer, really helpful!!
**Answer:** You are welcome have you seen our special We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code that runs out tomorrow?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Melanie
**Answer:** Please remember you have a $[Phone] credit
**Answer:** If you pay by PayPal we will do the credit straight away
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi there if I order something today how long would it take to get here I’m currently on the slim down detox but wanting to get the shakes aswel I live in the wairarapa thanks Melissa πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** If you order now we can get it out today and it should be there tomorrow or Friday at the latest. You can follow it via fastways tracking.
**Answer:** Awesome thanks will do it now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Great I will keep an eye out for it Melissa πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thankyou put through now πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Awesome I can see it so will push it along for you πŸ™‚ Have a great day!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Jilly, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** This product has what you are looking for [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/satisfed-craving-cutter-120-caps)
**Question:** Have many health problems, LOW blood sugar, high lipids, high blood pressure, thyroid hormones and estrogen being supplemented, AND weigh 240 pounds. Have gained 60 pounds in 14 months, started October [Phone] with syncope, VERY high B.P. and THEN fluid retention as a side effect of Norvasc. I live in Kansas, U.S.A. I am a retired Chiropractor. Can you help me at all? Desperately Seeking Answers. in My case, the doctors are tired of my ongoing health issues, with no answers for me except more medication! I am half a world away… H E L P !!!
**Answer:** HI There, Yes I am certain our program will help you
**Answer:** We help people in the USA everydya, Have you had a look at our herbal detox program?
**Answer:** Everyday
**Answer:** You can see it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** It is designed to deal with metabolic syndrome i.e. High BP, cholesterol and blood sugar
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I want to make my own vegetarian capsules for a parasite detox combining Black Walnut Hull, cloves, wormwood and cascara sagrada herb but I will like to know the measurements and how to combine for each capsule . Can you help me out ?
**Question:** Is it by miligrams ?
**Answer:** Hi there – we sell our own I am sorry. A parasite cleanse has to address all areas of the body to get the best results which is why we do the full program. Ours has 23 different herbs in it.
**Answer:** [Name] has had 25 years experience in combining the herbs to get he best result.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** thanks for the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club just using it now to place an order.. Is the Detox pack in stock at the moment?
**Answer:** Yes it is in stock and ready to go πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you Anna, just keep an eye on your spam folder in case the tracking details go in there.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** i have a parasite problem ive been to 4 different hospitals and 2 dermatologists had a biopsy done. all with no results. i have them all over. my legs arms back of neck and head face, waist. please tell me what to buy to start asap
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** What about polenta
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** Sorry that one is off the table too
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there I am on the 14 day detox, just started, can I have lentils?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Sorry lentils are off the menu on the 14 day program.
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I havent read the info yet but i eat very healthy and my problem over the last month is that i have been drinking alcohol most evenings over the summer school holidays. Its become a bad habit which o need to stop. With this program how long does it last for and do you also eat food with it
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you eat food and it’s best to do it over 14 days
**Answer:** You can download the user guides to see more
**Answer:** I can guide you there
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Hi did you get the answer to your question from [Name]?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** I am reading unstoppable and they have talked about food sensitive tests also deficiencies in microbiome is this something [Name] does
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** That is something our program is designed to help
**Answer:** But we don’t do any form of testing the microbiome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** yeah i know who he is i use to call him back in the days lol
**Answer:** lol
**Question:** i want to detox
**Question:** is this the pack that use to be 150
**Question:** the ultimate herbal
**Answer:** It was [Price] before it was increased in size, had extra herbs added for heavy metals and parasites.
**Answer:** This is the one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** ok i want to do the one that has the shorttest days
**Answer:** We can give you a voucher to get [Price] off too.
**Answer:** If you are a regular detoxer you can do it over 7 days
**Answer:** It is a lot of capsules though
**Question:** im not regular
**Question:** how long is it recommended
**Answer:** The 14 days might be a bit easier
**Answer:** Most people do that
**Question:** ok what am i going to go through
**Answer:** You might have some detox symptoms around day 3 to 6 (headache and maybe feeling a bit sickly) but they pass after about 24 hours.
**Answer:** And you could go to the bathroom a bit more.
**Question:** ok cool
**Answer:** Best be by the loo!
**Question:** lol
**Question:** and is there a eating plan
**Answer:** Yes there is in the User guide (which you can download for free) and lots of other recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Choose the 14 day program from the Herbal Program dropdown
**Answer:** Diet is fruit and vegetables but lots of yummy recipes πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You can download the User guide here too [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** ok cool thank you
**Answer:** If you want to order you can use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19 at the checkout to get [Price] off the program. It’s valid until 31 January πŸ™‚
**Question:** ok cool thamks
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello i am taking Detox for 1 month planing. Should i take Detox before food or after food in the morning and night?
**Answer:** It is best to take the capsules before you eat in the morning and the last thing at night before you go to bed.
**Answer:** Before breakfast in the morning? How much time after should i take breakfast ?
**Answer:** Give yourself about 20 to 30 minutes.
**Answer:** Thank you. And Night i take meal at 7 and sleep around 11 pm. It is ok to take before bed because there is long time gap after meal
**Answer:** Yes that is fine to do
**Answer:** Thank you so much.
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you for great supplement and customer service
**Answer:** Thank you for the complements πŸ™‚ – we hope you may share you experience with others so they can benefit too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Did you know we have a [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club which you can use on your order?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Melissa, you qualify for [Price] off your order by using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICK19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** kickstart
**Answer:** Hi Carolyn
**Answer:** Can I help you today?
**Answer:** can you check if my orders are ok ps? the email confirmation say may contain malicious content
**Answer:** thanks Sarah
**Answer:** They are both fine πŸ™‚ and will go out today. The confirmation may have said that due to your email settings.
**Answer:** ok, also do I still need to register and will this show my recent purchases?
**Answer:** Bear with me and I will reset your password so you can get on straight away.
**Answer:** Please use your email address and the password Carolyn1234 – you can then go in and set your password to something you can remember.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** I have just orders a kit to AKL how long does the delivery take ?
**Answer:** Hi Andrew
**Answer:** Thanks for your order. It will leave us tomorrow and should be there on Monday. Sent via Fastway.
**Answer:** Thankyou-
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hiya, My husband came to see [Name] last year, and we are wanting to do the detox again. Was wondering if there are any discounts at the moment on detox packs?
**Answer:** Yes we can help – do you need 2?
**Question:** yes it would be
**Answer:** You can get 2 here at 20% discount [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20) and if you use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICK19 at the checkout you can get another [Price] off. Would this work?
**Question:** Yes, I think it will. Will check with my husband to make sure he doesn’t want to order anything else.
**Answer:** OK great if you wish to order 2 of anything you can get 20% and use the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code until 31 January
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi Sarah, are you offering any special deals at the moment on BodiTune?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Have you bought before?
**Answer:** What’s your name?
**Question:** yes i am a regular:) am about to run out of the tub, and havent seen any emails with a promo recently?
**Question:** Hayley Brabant
**Question:** i now live in Aussie so get it shipped here.
**Answer:** Hi Hayley you can use KICK19
**Question:** Great thanks, whats the discount?
**Answer:** It’s nzd50
**Question:** Great thank you.
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Just checking SMOOTH79 is all set up for the next email
**Answer:** OK cool that is for the 1st week in feb πŸ™‚ – email out on 1 Feb
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** It works on both the pots and sachets
**Answer:** OK 500g and 1kg?
**Answer:** Just 500g
**Answer:** ok does it say that on the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Happy happy Sarah – can I see the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club?
**Answer:** Can you also email me the flyer fromt he gym?
**Answer:** Want to use it in our social media
**Answer:** OK
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi ya, im due to purchase another round of the detox programme, do you have any special deals on at the moment?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Question:** great thanks for the heads up!
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Thank you for your order it will leave us tomorrow.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi Will, did you recive [Name]’s email?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, is there a list of what is in each of the products used in the cleanse?
**Answer:** Yes I can give you a link to that page
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** If you scroll down this page you will see each bottle in the program and the contents [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi there do you need any further help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Did you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Question:** wats the dosage on the colonaid
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** how long does it have to be taken
**Answer:** One bottle usually last one month and the dose is 4 capsules daily
**Answer:** That is usually enough to get a nice regular bowel function
**Answer:** It can be increased or decreased once you find the amount that works best for your body
**Question:** so its not a one time cleanse
**Question:** thats wat im looking for
**Answer:** not usually used for that, the four part program is the best for a proper one off cleanse [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** just follow the link
**Question:** ok thank you very much
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Which is the 1 month rapid slim plan?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me get the link for you
**Answer:** Just click on this link and it will take you there [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-rapid-slim-combo-0)
**Answer:** If you are in Aussie you can switch the currency at the top of the page.
**Answer:** Delivery is free in NZ or to Aussie.
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** what waa the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code?
**Answer:** You are welcome – KICKSTART19
**Answer:** All upper case
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there is this business based in NZ
**Answer:** Yes we are – based in Tauranga
**Question:** Ohk i was wanting to purhase the herbal detox and am in Auckland how long is delivery or dispatch?
**Answer:** If you purchase now it will be there tomorrow. Delivered via Fastway.
**Question:** ohk thank you i will look into this because i have started the prep day today
**Answer:** Great – so you have the Detox User Guide?
**Answer:** If you order after [Phone] it will leave on Wednesday for delivery Thursday.
**Question:** ohk will do than you
**Answer:** You are welcome – we are here to support you at any stage πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I’m doing the deep cleanse although I am struggling with taking the pm supps. I have also broken out with a mouth full of ulcers (possibly from the pineapple in smoothie).
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Took the weekend off the supps and tried to eat healthy. Starting on detox again today
**Answer:** Yes some people do react to pineapple, has it happened before?
**Answer:** A teaspoon of coconut oil in the mouth really helps resolve them quickly
**Answer:** This might be worth trying [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/juice-detox-capsules-easy-way-take-capsules)
**Answer:** yes, I had heard juicing them makes it different but clearly not. Thanks I will try the coconut oil. Is it ok to restart with just the am supps?
**Answer:** Yes, or you could take them all at once, or in the smoothie earlier in the day, or you can take one bottle at a time, so only five at once
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** like 5 capsules every hour
**Answer:** will try that thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** heard about your amazing detox from my associate and about to purchase 14 day detox as feeling little sluggish. Thank you for the new years discount, unexpected bonus.
**Answer:** That is lovely to hear. Thank you. We are online to support you through it too.
**Answer:** all paid, look forward to receiving the herbs.
**Answer:** Excellent thank you. It will be out tomorrow and should be with you on Tuesday.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi. I am looking at this detox. I have eczema and have been reading specifically today about liver cleansing and leaky guy Do you think this detox may help?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi [Name] , I have recently finished your detox programme and reallly enjoyed doing it this time as I gave myself a lot more time to do the reverse elimination .
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Excellent
**Question:** I would like some more advise on what to eat and not to eat /drink as I have low bone density and osteo arthritis . And I think it is getting worse.
**Answer:** Ok can you give me your name and email address and we can send the full info.
**Answer:** Hi are you still there?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** what is the delivery time on single bottles?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** If in NZ normally overnight in north island
**Answer:** And 2 days to the south
**Answer:** If you ordered today it would leave on Monday
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Question:** can you buy them in any stores?
**Answer:** There are very few stores that stock the individual bottles as they prefer to sell the full program.
**Answer:** What are you looking to resolve?
**Answer:** Or improve?
**Question:** ok It’s just I am on day 6 of detox but have used some of the Liverfood ones previously so I need new stock for Monday am
**Answer:** Mmm ok that’s going to be a challenge. If you order it arrives on Tuesday you could double your intake of them to catch up.
**Answer:** It won’t do any harm to you
**Question:** OK can I just take other brand Liver tabs ie Milk Thislte on Monday
**Answer:** Mmm they don’t have the same things in them I think. It won’t do you any harm if you did but not not be as strong as ours.
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** No probs happy to help
**Question:** Hello i have received 2 set of Ultimate Herbal DETOX which has 8 bottle. I have a digestive problem and i am planing to Gentle cleanse – 1 month plan. As i have 2 set should i take 2 set for two month or i will take some gap to start new set?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** How long have you had the digestive problem?
**Question:** from 1-2 years.
**Answer:** Ok it is better to do the programmes back to back with no gap.
**Answer:** It will give better healing.
**Question:** so there is no problem to take 2 set? no side effect?
**Answer:** No definitely no side effects
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** It will be soothing and healing for you.
**Question:** should i take other things or avoid while taking this supplement?
**Answer:** You can continue with any other supplements or medicine if you normally take them. Just follow the food diet in the user guide so get the best results.
**Answer:** Thank you very much
**Answer:** have a great day
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to support you.
**Answer:** Let us know how you go
**Answer:** sure
**Answer:** bye
**Answer:** See you
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** can you only have eggs once you have done the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Are you going onto another program or just finishing the Detox?
**Answer:** If you are finishing and not going onto any other program of ours then yes πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You can have eggs
**Question:** o ok I did get some protein powder stuff too that I may take afterwards but was going to see how the 14 days goes first
**Question:** What is the reason behind no eggs ?
**Answer:** You will be fine with eggs after the cleanse is finished πŸ™‚
**Answer:** They are sticky and bind the gut up so food is harder to go through.
**Answer:** We use them to bind food together in cooking but not good for detoxing.
**Question:** I am on my 6th day & don’t feel any different yet, hoping something happens next week
**Answer:** Have you had any detox symptoms?
**Question:** like?
**Answer:** Headache or feeling sickly or off colour.
**Question:** no energy that is about it
**Answer:** Timing for a cleanse works differently for eaach person. No energy is a sign things are happening. What is your diet like normally?
**Question:** usually pretty clean with the odd takeaway but also bad with alcohol
**Answer:** OK – the lack of energy is the toxins coming out into your system. This detox goes down to cell level. If you feel you need to get more results quickly you can increase the dosage by doubling it.
**Question:** but there is only certain amount of pills right so does it work better to double or just play out the 14 days
**Answer:** If you have not done it before then 14 days is ok. Some people increase the dose of capsules if they think they should get a faster result. It is your choice. I always do 40 days.
**Question:** yes this is my first time taking them so I will just stick to 14 days
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Ok cool keep in touch and let us know how you are going πŸ™‚
**Question:** will do πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, have ordered the Boditune Detox n slim capsules. I have downloaded the detox program and want to follow it with those. Is it correct that no butter or balsamic vinegar is allowed, could not find it on the shopping list. Thanks,
**Answer:** They are both OK,
**Answer:** We simply could not put every possible food on the list, so the odd thing may be missing
**Answer:** thanks very much.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi! I have my detox at home all ready to go, a quick question, I think I read somewhere that protein shakes were allowed – is this right if it is mixed with water?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Are you doing the capsules or the BodiTune drink?
**Question:** Capsules πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes protein shakes are ok – We have lots of recipes for the smoothies here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) jsut choose the detox from the Herbal program drop down.
**Question:** Awesome! Thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hey I’m on the silm programme, I’m just checking of theses are ok to eat, muscle pharma combat protein bars
**Answer:** Pharm not pharma
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Mmmm good question
**Answer:** I will check for you bear with me
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** [Name] prefers natural protein so I would say no
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Did you need some help today
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I am looking at purchasing a detox package for my partner and I. We would do the gentle cleanse. Would I need one package or two?
**Answer:** The gentle cleanse is over one month and each person will require the Herbal Detox as it is a complete pack for one person.
**Answer:** It is possible to purchase 2 and get a 20% discount click here to see [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Answer:** If you have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club you can use that too.
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** under your recipes I found on 14 day detox you can have chocolate mousse is that a misprint or are you allowed cacao on 14 day detox?
**Answer:** You care allowed cacao powder
**Question:** wow cool thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hey there I was wandering when I move on to the slim plan from detox in the recipe it had cheese listed…what kind of cheese can I have? Also lentils aren’t on the list…can I have these?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Sorry on the shopping list
**Answer:** Hey
**Answer:** Soft cheese are better things like chamanbert
**Answer:** Lentils are fine on the Slim program too.
**Answer:** Ok so no aged cheddar?
**Answer:** Better not too
**Answer:** Ok cool thanks…cottage cheese is good isn’t it?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine
**Answer:** The soft cheeses are less acid forming so better for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok great! Thanks!!
**Answer:** You are welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there – do you do 2 detoxes and 1 set of shakes for a deal?
**Answer:** Let me find the best way to do that for you.
**Answer:** Best way is do to [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20) andf then add one BodiTune. Are you a customer already?
**Answer:** YOu can get 20% off the 2 Detoxes and then use your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for an extra [Price] off the whole order.
**Question:** hi sarah – thanks i think i got it sorted now – just going to checkout now
**Answer:** Great we are here to support you any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** you can get a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for a discount of this program. Just ask πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi do you have a question on parasites I can help with?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** We are on day one of the Ultimate Herbal Detox … can you please tell me where we can find more recipes other than the handbook. Many thanks Tania
**Answer:** Yes I can Tania
**Answer:** I can give you a link to the page
**Question:** thank you that would be great
**Answer:** Everything is under Resources. Here is the link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) just choose your program from the Herbal Program drop down box.
**Question:** thanks for your help
**Answer:** You are welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Question:** Ok thanks I just thought that stuff in that I can’t even pronounce might be too toxic?
**Question:** Sorry I just went out of chat I was asking if chewing gum is ok to have during detox
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Yes thats ok
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi can u have chewing gum on detox?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** How much is the program
**Answer:** It’s [Price] but we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get [Price] off
**Question:** Can you email me more info
**Answer:** Yes certainly give me your email address and name.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** And your name?
**Question:** Lila
**Answer:** Great thank you. Just keep an eye on your spam folder in case it pops up there.
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** Het
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi can I help you?
**Answer:** I am on the 7 day of doing the 14 day detox moving straight into the slim. I have only be taking the protein satchels twice daily…I just read that quantity is for maintenance. Shall I increase to 4 to 6 to get full benefit…
**Answer:** Yes it won’t do you any harm to increase the number.
**Answer:** It will then improve the benefits.
**Answer:** Ok cool thanks…hopefully I haven’t missed out too much on the first 7 days by taking too little…
**Answer:** No you will be fine. Just increase it no and you will see the benefit start to happen. Sometimes it is better to go a little bit slow at the beginning and then increase so that’s all you’ve done πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok great. That makes me feel better. Thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi I have [Name]s Book. I’m familiar with cleanses. I usually do one a year but missed last year. My body is crying out for a cleanse. Going to start tomorrow. We are driving at the moment so in and out of service. I haven’t been able to download the e book
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which ebook are you looking for
**Question:** Wow it’s you! The free e book
**Answer:** We have quite a few. Is it The detox user guide?
**Question:** I will order your cleanse kit and will need full data on how to use it. I need to do a cleanse now but from the 26th will be travelling nz. I usually do a parasite cleanse too. My body tells me I have lived and cholesterol issues. I’m 66 and healthy but have noticed some signs that require my attention. I have you book
**Question:** I’m janine
**Answer:** Probably your drink sachets will be useful when 9n the road?
**Answer:** Here is the page for the detox user guide [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Is does include a parasite treatment
**Answer:** It also comes with a guarnatee for cholesterol results
**Answer:** Just click the link to get the ebook
**Answer:** Ok cheers. Great work.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hey there. Could you please tell me if I can still have the detox tablets while doing Deborah Murtagh’s 30 dress challenge on a Ketogenic diet?
**Answer:** Yes that should be fine
**Answer:** Thanks πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Are there many carbs in the tablets?
**Answer:** vitually none only fibre really
**Answer:** Excellent, thanks and have a great afternoon
**Question:** hi
**Question:** are the homegrown raw juices & smoothies in supermarket ok to drink on 14 day detox
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** Also when you say kombucha is ok to drink is that all like what you can buy in supermarket with flavors? coz I see they contain sugar
**Question:** i am now day 4 on capsules but have not seen any results yet & have no energy. when i can i expect to see results?
**Answer:** NO it’s best to organic konbucha, and even then raw juices are the best choice
**Answer:** Yes often the first 4-5 days are when your body is starting to dump toxins
**Question:** ok i will stick with the homegrown raw smooties & jucies
**Answer:** You can feel a little tired during this time, and it’s good to get lots of rest
**Answer:** You will start to have more energy from that point on hopefully.
**Answer:** It all depends on your body and how much it has to clear
**Question:** ok, i am a person who is constantly constipated so just wondering
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Yes, well it could take a little longer to get moving in that case, you could double the dose for 2 days to give yourself a kickstart, also hot baths and foot massage will help
**Question:** ok thanks [Name] πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Question:** Hi there. I was under the impression that if I ordered the Ultimate Herbal Detox Program I would get a NZD50 discount and not [Price] as mentioned in your live chat? Could you please confirm. Thank you Daphne
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Are you a customer already?
**Answer:** We have a coulpe of offers going at the moment for different types of people.
**Answer:** No. I haven’t bought any products from you as yet but I do receive [Name] Elliuott’s newsletter emails.
**Answer:** Ok do you have the [Price] We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code so you can use it πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Sorry about the repetition is is an automated message
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code I have from [Name]’s newsletter is KICKSTART19. Would this code entitle me to a [Price] discount.
**Answer:** That is the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for [Price]
**Answer:** The We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for [Price] is KICK19 – we can let you use it πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you soo much. I will order it today. Thank you for your help.
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** We are here to support you with any information you need.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi there I’m a real person who can help you with you investigations so just ask away.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** hey so with the boditune satches, how long would a pack last if you did one b/fast lunch and dinner?
**Answer:** There are 32 sachets so 10 days – we reccomend taking them before 3pm though as they can keep you awake.
**Answer:** awesome thanks heaps, the satches are for me to try and then ill recommend it to my clients if I like them haha!
**Answer:** OK awesome – you can take then with almost anything as long as it is not coffee or alcohol lol
**Answer:** Great in smoothies – lots of recipes
**Answer:** Also nice mixed with a bit of natural yogurt and banana πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** hi I am here if you need any help at any time.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hey Sarah, can you please order me another 6 ultimate slims?
**Question:** Sorry, Melissa Garrity Naturopath here
**Answer:** Yes we can do that Melissa – on your normal card? Finishing in [Phone]?
**Answer:** nah I actually had to cancel that card so just got a new one, that you can keep on record
**Answer:** OK cool – can you give us the number – half here and half by email to [Email]
**Answer:** For safety
**Answer:** Question- can you do the bodi tune at the same time of doing the ultimate slim?
**Answer:** Yes absolutely we sell that as a program
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-rapid-slim-combo-0)
**Answer:** what is wholesale on the boditune please?
**Answer:** The sachets?
**Answer:** The sachets are $[Phone]
**Answer:** okay thanks! ill grab 6x ultimate slims and one sachets please
**Answer:** OK cool
**Answer:** 4284180492733307
**Answer:** Melissa Garrity Naturopath
**Answer:** 12//21
**Answer:** 804
**Answer:** this is one you can save πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok great will get it moving for you πŸ™‚ will be out today
**Answer:** cheers!!
**Answer:** You are welcome thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi Jacob
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** Is there any issues with your product?
**Answer:** My dr does not recommend it?
**Answer:** There are no issues.
**Answer:** Doctors go for pharmaceutical solutions as they receive funding for them. They don’t like natural solutions.
**Answer:** Keeping saying is not approved and can be dangerous?
**Answer:** I been using it for a year and had no issues.
**Answer:** They are produced in a GMP factory which has the highest standards of production and testing. Doctors will say that to keep people on the chemicals
**Answer:** They seem to have a problem with me losing so much weight in a year.
**Answer:** We have been selling these programs for 20 years with no issues. We are hoping to do a human study in the USA this year with one of the universities. This will help Doctors understand.
**Answer:** I also told them about the chemicals and they said it tested. Their responses sounded like non-sense.
**Answer:** I live in Israel and the Dr. got really funny with me today.
**Answer:** They only know about Herbal life.
**Answer:** My Doctor did too when I told her I had resolved my arthritis through the program.
**Answer:** I showed them your website and just said it just had species.
**Answer:** Species?
**Answer:** The ingredients in the detox package.
**Answer:** Not sure what you mean by species in the Detox package?
**Answer:** They knew nothing about toxic ans causing issues with your health.
**Answer:** They told me just to eat natural fruits and veg
**Answer:** Told me was not required to detox.
**Answer:** Not sure what their motive is? To get you sick?
**Answer:** Most Doctors don’t understand the Detox process – you could send him this link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/research-proves-why-we-need-detox)
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** Thanks!
**Answer:** But they perform dangerous gut suction surgery.
**Answer:** Doctors are trained in universities funded by pharmaceutical companies so are only taught how to treat with chemicals. They never get taught about natural herbs and cleansing because pharma companies can’t replicate the herbs.
**Answer:** Yes they like doing that
**Answer:** There is a place for Doctors and things are amending slightly.
**Answer:** We have a few Doctors using both Pharma and Herbs in NZ now.
**Answer:** We have national health care here.
**Answer:** They seem to like putting people on meds.
**Answer:** Yes they get paid for doing that
**Answer:** Thanks for your help!
**Answer:** You are welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** 5
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Kyle123456
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hey
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hey can I help?
**Answer:** I am in the 14 day detox and I just realised that for the past three days I have been having a Tom yum soup with fish sauce in it…
**Answer:** The fish sauce is not on the shopping list
**Answer:** Ok that won’t hurt you
**Answer:** Ok cool cause it has sugar in it on its ingredients
**Answer:** Yes but there is normally only a small amount so you’ve spotted it now so can take it out πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok cool… my mum
**Answer:** Will go back to her normal vege creation…
**Answer:** Awesome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks!
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Just me, Denise again. Checking out recipes sent out to support my daughter who started the detox Sunday…
**Answer:** Hi Denise
**Answer:** How can I help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** All good, thank you
**Answer:** Cool how is Anne-Marie going?
**Answer:** getting right into it. She has great willpower
**Answer:** Great is she doing it for a health reason or weight loss?
**Answer:** Health I believe – she also goes to the gym most lunchtimes through the week and has a treadmill at home. Of course I must remain committed to her recipes myself for the next 2 weeks to help it happen
**Answer:** Great – I hope you might be getting some benefit too? With the recipes? The Detox programme is quite amazing for resolving all sorts of health issues. I am just about to do it myself to resolve my inflammation stiff joints!
**Answer:** Sounds good. We first saw this at the green expo last year in Auckland – I too should have purchased it the at half price, however, I have just lost my job so couldn’t afford to join my daughter doing it now. I’m sure that the vegetarian recipes will help. All the best to you,Kind regards, Denise Mathers
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Question:** Hi , I saw [Name] at the Go Green show in Wellington as we are a wholesaler of health products to, Which is the best product of your to loose weight
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The ultimate herbal detox is always the best one to start with for the first 5 to 10kgs
**Answer:** The herbal slam and the body tune are a little bit slower. So they are often best used as a follow-up.
**Answer:** If you give me your name and your email address we can send you the clinical guide which has lots of information at the back on weight loss.
**Question:** Can we buy them wholesale from you ? there was a show price of [Price]
**Question:** We are Health Products or Waters co
**Answer:** If you are a wholesaler then yes we can do that. The wholesale price is [Price]. We can organise that over the phone If you give us your telephone number
**Answer:** Hi can I help you any further?
**Question:** [email protected] Attention Ali
**Answer:** Thank you Ali
**Answer:** This is for me I have done this many years ago and have found it amazing
**Answer:** If you want to order as a business we do have a minimum order of three. If it’s for yourself we could give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code to get [Price] off. Would that be better?
**Answer:** I will check and get back to you as we might order 3
**Answer:** Okay that’s fine πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi there do you have any questions I can help you with?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Do I have to continue using Herbal Bodi Tune for ever?
**Answer:** You use it for as long as you need – most people use it on and off.
**Answer:** As they feel they need the support.
**Question:** Do I have to take probiotic also?
**Answer:** Not necessarily if you have a good diet with lots of vegetables.
**Question:** I used Ultimate Detox 14 days programme two years ago. I think my long time moderate alcohol consumption daily
**Question:** has upset my flora
**Answer:** Yes that can certainly happen. It might be best to do the 14 Ultimate Herbal Detox again with lots of green smoothies. It will get you back on track.
**Answer:** What is your name?
**Question:** Ramesh Gupta
**Answer:** Ramesh you would qualify for our [Price] off We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club if you wished to do the Detox again.
**Answer:** I can give it to you
**Answer:** What is the current price?
**Answer:** The Detox is [Price] but you can have it for [Price].
**Answer:** Ok I will go for that
**Answer:** Ok please use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICK19 at the checkout as you go through and before you add your shipping details.
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Great
**Question:** Its me
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** May I ask a personal question about [Name]?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes go ahead
**Question:** How old is he?
**Answer:** He’s 50
**Answer:** But looks much younger
**Question:** Did he go to North Parramatta Priamary School in the 1970s /
**Answer:** No he’s a Kiwi from Taranaki
**Question:** I got the wrong [Name], sorry for that.
**Answer:** no probs
**Question:** Thank you, bye.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Until 31 January you can get NZD 30 or equivalent off your order if you order NZD[Price] or above. Use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for a discount?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I am a real person and can answer any queries you may have.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, can you jst do the BodiTune Detox Slim on its own.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can do that, it is fine to do by itself.
**Answer:** It is a very gentle way of cleansing.
**Answer:** Over one month the weight loss is 1 to 2Kgs
**Answer:** Normally
**Question:** can it speed it up by using sachets or is it the same
**Answer:** Yes it will speed up if you have the sachets as well. We do offer them as a bundle in the shop.
**Question:** ok I have the kickstart code can i order on line or over the phone. Jane
**Answer:** Hi Jane you can order online using that We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code πŸ™‚ would you like me to give you the link to the combo?
**Question:** yes please thanks
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-one-month-multipack)
**Question:** Dose it clean the body the same as the herbalo detox
**Answer:** It does clean the body as well. It is much more gentle though. It is about five times softer than the detox program. If you combine with the sachets you should get a nice result
**Question:** Sounds great thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there, I just wanted to check that Im definately not allowed coffee while taking the slim kit?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes you can have a cup of coffee – day but nows the chance to switch to decaf perhaps.
**Question:** So is it 1 coffee per day, instant or real coffee? Eg trim flat white ok?
**Answer:** Any coffee is fine
**Question:** Is there a daily limit?
**Answer:** We recommend one per day and taken early in the day.
**Question:** Ok thanks Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, I just completed the 14 day programme – well almost I failed with just one day to go as a huge event happened in my life and I just had to celebrate but I did loose some weight and felt better – it wasnt easy though- now Im wondering what to do I want to eat seafood but happy to not eat red meat any more – I want to drink alcohol but a lot of people are telling me its the cause of cancer etc can I drink organic wine and beer?.
**Question:** Lastly can I go back on bananas rice and potatoes or are they just really bad for you as well – sorry I dont know much about carbs
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** all good its [Email]
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi good evening. Does cilantro is good to pull heavy metal from the brain like arsenic mercury etc
**Answer:** Yes it does we use it with other heavy metal herbs
**Question:** Also how can I start cleansing also for Epstein barr
**Question:** Where can I buy your products
**Answer:** Let me check re Epstein Barr
**Question:** Also I can I move my bowel so I dont get too much die off
**Answer:** You can buy on this website or via amazon
**Question:** How can I move
**Question:** I rather do it in your web site I dont trust amazon for supplement
**Question:** What you website
**Answer:** Our cleanse helps the bowel so you won’t have any problems with that
**Question:** What’s the name
**Question:** And how to order
**Answer:** Re Epstein–Barr the detox will boost your immune system and alkalise your body which will help.
**Answer:** I can give you a link to the program
**Question:** Can you help me out I want to pull out heavy metal not only from my brain but from my tissues I had arsenic poisoning in [Phone]
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Please that will be great if I get some help naturopath here in Canada is very expensive
**Answer:** The detox program has herbs that will help to remove those heavy metals at cell level.
**Answer:** The program has cilantro and chlorella
**Answer:** We deliver via DHL to your door and it is fully tracked.
**Question:** And I wont hace too many side effect?
**Question:** Am already very tired. My friend said I need to help my mytochondria but I dont know how
**Answer:** You will probably get a headache and feel a bit sickly around day 3 to 5 and is totally normal. It triggers the healing process in the body. You may also go to the toilet more
**Answer:** You do the detox and follow a diet of fruit and vegetables for two weeks you can download the user guide and read all about it I can get you a link.
**Answer:** The cleansing and the good food can lift your energy levels significantly.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Question:** Please ifbu can send me the link. I need to do this.
**Question:** Thank you very much
**Question:** Are the ingredients on this organic and no GMO?
**Answer:** Herbal medicines aren’t gmo and we can only get some that are organic. They are all grown for the herbal medicine supplement industry and all tested for pesticides and heavy metals.
**Answer:** They are not certified organic as the price would be double or triple a nobody could afford them.
**Answer:** With herbal medicine it’s not normally an issue as they are all tested before production. New Zealand has higher production standards than the USA or Canada.
**Question:** Am concerned about pesticide and the source of chlorella ftom it’s coming from
**Question:** Do you sell anything for the nervous systems
**Answer:** We don’t sell anything specific for nervous system is we just do one of the worlds best detox programs. It is practitioner quality.
**Question:** Okay I guess like my Dr said if I detox my brain and heal my gut the anxiety will healed
**Question:** Do you delivery to Nicaragua?
**Answer:** We have not delivered there before but if DHL deliver that we can do. Are you aware of DHL in Nicaragua?
**Question:** Yes they have Dhl
**Answer:** In that case yes we will be able to deliver.
**Question:** Is for my nephew is very sick from his liver and he used to work at at fishing job and eat a lot of fish in Costa Rica I suspect heavy metal
**Question:** He lives in Nicaragua
**Answer:** Yes that is certainly possible. The detox program works very well on cleansing the liver to so if he has problems there it will certainly help.
**Question:** I will talk to him. Thank you for your help I will be ordering for me. You are great thank you thank you.
**Answer:** You are very welcome we are happy to answer any questions you may have.
**Question:** Thank you.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi Sarah, Have you got any good diets I can follow once I finish my detox I want to continue to lose weight while building muscle but have no clue where to start. Any suggestions would be good.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Well you could do the herbal slim and follow that diet definitely
**Question:** Aww yes I will have a look
**Answer:** Ok I’m here to help if you need me
**Answer:** The slim program gives a 5 to 10 kg weight loss normally.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi Sarah I’m just a little confused I am on the 12th day of my cleanse but I only have enough pills left for tonight only
**Question:** oh wait I am reading it now first 4 days only supposed to take 20 per day
**Question:** Right I get it now
**Answer:** Did you take a reduced amount at the beginning. Days 1 to 4 is only in the morning
**Answer:** Sorry are our messages overlapped lol
**Question:** ok what would you suggest ?
**Question:** That’s ok hehe
**Question:** do I continue till Tuesday or can I finish tonight
**Answer:** It is fine to carry on with what you have and finish it
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** It’s just normally better to take a lower dose at the beginning But it won’t harm you πŸ™‚
**Question:** would it be ok to just reduce the pills say just take them in the morning to make them last
**Answer:** It is okay to do it over 12 days if you’re not comfortable with that. I actually do it that way because I prefer to take the caps or straight away
**Answer:** You could carry on the detox food for the last two days to bring it up to 14 as that will definitely hel
**Question:** ok I’ll do that thanks for the advice
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi…. hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year.
**Answer:** Quick question….
**Answer:** What is [Name]s take on Celery Juice?
**Answer:** Hi Jilly, great break thanks
**Answer:** I will need to ask him bear with me
**Answer:** I bet, now back into it aye
**Answer:** OK, thanks
**Answer:** I’ve been reading the Medical Medium Liver book over Christmas so thought I would ask
**Answer:** [Name] thinks it’s great although he says eating the celery is better as it fills you up.
**Answer:** I dont usually do extracted juices for that reason, believing foods are whole and should be taken that way… was thinking of trying celery juice in the morning as well as including celery in my diet as usual
**Answer:** Sounds like a great option
**Answer:** Can you thank [Name] for his input on this….
**Answer:** Will do
**Answer:** Cheers
**Answer:** I will be putting in an order later today….
**Answer:** Awesome thank you
**Answer:** Thank You !!!! Your product is amazing!
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** My daughter is now off V and has lost weight. She is also a much nicer person to be around and is at the gym x3 a week… the changes on all levels are wonderful
**Answer:** That’s great to hear we’d love it if you could do us a review for the website. Is that possible?
**Answer:** She wasn’t a big person but a negative relationship had her eating unhealthy comfort foods and getting depressed with low self esteem, but that has all changed
**Answer:** That’s amazing and just what we want to hear. I will let [Name] know
**Answer:** I can ask her…. I will definitely be doing one soon, I have dropped 10kg and have had all sorts of improvements….. I am working on a new workshop and intend to include the advantages of using this detox to students. It all ties in with my understanding of how we should be returning to our natural ways of supporting our body
**Answer:** That’s fabulous. Thank you for including the advantages of the detox. It is awesome that understand the ways to support our body.
**Answer:** At some stage it would be good if I could have a chat to [Name] to discuss what I am thinking. Finding your products has been like finding the missing link but in a way that is easy for anyone to understand, unless people want to dive in and get deep about the subject
**Answer:** That would be their journey
**Answer:** Yes no problem at all with that he would have it be available all this week so just give him a call.
**Answer:** I am more interested in supporting the physical body so that we can bring more light and energy into us by using natural plant based products because that way we can become more connected with The Universal energy
**Answer:** Thats the way I am heading with my workshops anyway…. I thought it was going to be about Animals but seems its about the whole planet and of course plants are a huge part of this
**Answer:** People are wanting to get all spiritual but they are losing sight of the fact that to do that we need to be taking care of ourselves physically
**Answer:** I am sure he will enjoy talking through with you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Catch up later…. have a great Sunday
**Answer:** And you take care
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hey are pickles in the jar ok to eat
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Yes they are fine
**Answer:** Hi did you see the answer?
**Question:** Yes thanks for that excellent
**Answer:** Pickles are great
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Just got my new detox products and was wondering how to swallow 20 capusles in the morning for the first 3 days
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi how does one swallow 20 pills in the morning?
**Answer:** You can take there through the morning or all at once with a warm drink or open them and add them to s smoothie
**Answer:** If the number is too hard you can do the cleanse over one month so less capsules per day and more food options
**Question:** If I do a smoothie do i open the capulses
**Answer:** Yes you do
**Answer:** The Colonaid ones may make the smoothie taste funny so best to take those as capsules.
**Answer:** The capsules go down well with a warm drink like a herbal tea.
**Question:** Okay! I will do the 14 days Deep Cleanse
**Answer:** Ok cool
**Answer:** Taking the capsules with a smoothie is easier too than taking them with water.
**Question:** and on page 13 it says to take 20 pills in the morning for 1-4 days only and on the 5-14 its morning and night right
**Answer:** Yes that’s right – as soon as you get up and last thing at night before bed.
**Answer:** The high dose of herbs is why you get the results.
**Question:** Can I take them with Orange Juice
**Answer:** Yes you can if you wish
**Question:** Okay, thanks kinda over whelming all those pills but will try. So glad the first 4 days its only in the morning and not at night
**Question:** By the way with the free Colonaid how soon after you finish the products do you use it and how many a day
**Answer:** Just take it steady – a warm drink and a smoothie makes then go down easily. You can open them as well do options. Most programs have such a low dose of herbs so their results are very low. This is a practitioner quality so it will have an impact.
**Question:** Thanks!
**Answer:** You take the Colonaid 6 weeks after the detox at 12 per day for 10 days. Take them at 6 in the morning and 6 at night. Use the parasite foods too
**Answer:** This will kill any parasites that are left
**Question:** Have to wait 6 weeks! What parasites food?
**Answer:** Are you doing the program for parasites?
**Question:** yes
**Question:** Is the Colonaid for parasites?
**Answer:** Yes it is. You do the detox first which gets rid of the live parasites and then later to hit the eggs that may have hatched. The foods are here it is best to use as many of them as possible [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-and-home-remedies)
**Question:** Okay, Thanks after the complete detox wait 6 weeks and take the Colonaid
**Answer:** Did you receive the book in your parcel? It has the foods
**Answer:** Yes perfect
**Question:** The Ultimate Herbal Dtox
**Question:** user guide and recipe book
**Answer:** Was there a seperate book? It should have been in the parcel – the Ultimate Parasite Cleanse book?
**Answer:** Printed and stapled
**Question:** yes, where a lady is bend over touching her tummy
**Answer:** Yes that’s the one it has lots of food info in it
**Question:** Thank you for your time and appreciate your valuable info in starting this program. Bye!
**Answer:** You are welcome please keep in touch and let us know how you go.
**Question:** What about chia drink
**Question:** kombucha?
**Answer:** Yes thats OK
**Question:** to chia & kombucha?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** thanks
**Question:** Oopz sorry went out of screen
**Answer:** not really, they are processed food
**Question:** I was asking about niceblocks
**Question:** ok
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** How can I help today
**Question:** While on the detox are you are allowed niceblocks the ones made with coconut milk?
**Answer:** not really, they are processed food
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello – I’ve just purchased the 1 month Detox and Boditune sachets. I’m getting ready at the moment but am a bit confused about the food list. Can you please clarify what foods I can have in addition to the 14 day detox?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The golden rule is no processed food
**Answer:** If you are doing the detox over one month you can have any food off the shopping list in the user guide
**Answer:** This means you can have some eggs, fish and brown rice
**Answer:** Not more than twice a week each is ideal
**Answer:** OK – good to get the twice a week guideline. The recipes also include things like oats, cacao, seeds. Are these ok on the 1 month?
**Answer:** Just spotted banana too and thought this was a no no!
**Answer:** Cottage cheese?? You can see why I’m confused πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Yes it’ slows down the cleanse but it’s ok in the odd smoothie
**Answer:** Yes a little cottage cheese and hummus on the one month plan is ok, just try keep it to a minimum
**Answer:** OK great – thank you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi r u allowed kombucha on detox? Any supermarket juices ok to have?
**Answer:** Yes that is fine. Try to get juices that have no added extra sugar and yes they are allowed
**Question:** o really cool thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Sarah. Thanks for your message. I just ordered, using the code kick19. Thanks & enjoy the weekend
**Answer:** Excellent thank you have a great weekend yourself πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there, I started the ultimate herbal slim last Sat, how long does it usually take to notice any bowel or weight changes? Thanks
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** It varies according to each person. But you should start to see changes week by week.
**Answer:** Have you been doing intermittent fasting? As that can help. I will give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** Ok – I havent seen any changes yet. Pretty much doing that by default, my dinner is usually 6.30-7pm & I dont eat again until about 10am.
**Answer:** You could do a double dose for one week as this will give the system a kickstart.
**Answer:** Are you doing any exercise as well?
**Question:** Ok – im currently taking 8 pills am & 8 pills pm, so I should start taking 16 pills twice a day?
**Answer:** Yes that would be worth doing if you feel it is a little slow.
**Question:** Can I mix them into a healthy smoothie? Thats a heap of pills to get down
**Answer:** Yes that is okay. If you’re struggling to take the Souls having them with a warm drink and also help as it relaxes your throat and they go down easier.
**Answer:** Sorry capsules not souls lol
**Question:** Ha ha yup I guessed that. Ok will smoothie them. Ex is walkg every 2nd day, but I start 2 x 1hr sessions of intense cardio from next Mon
**Answer:** That sounds really good.
**Answer:** Are you getting good sleep at the moment? And good deep breathing or meditation?
**Answer:** They will all help.
**Question:** Lookg at yr link, I had my DNA tested & it stated Im best on a low fat, higher carb diet, so was advised against keto. Do you think I still try it?
**Answer:** Have you been following that up till now?
**Question:** Since startg on the pills I’ve been doing a low-medium fat intake (whole milk, greek yoghurt, cookg oil at dinner) & daily carbs – 1/2 banana, 2T raspberries, 1 1/2 small new potatoes, 4 x gf toast (weekend only), approx 10 rice crackers pr day
**Answer:** The golden rule on the Slim program is to avoid all processed food. The rice crackers and bread should be off your menu. The rice crackers and bread should be off your menu. If you haven’t been losing any weight the process carbohydrates are probably why.
**Answer:** We would definitely could recommend doing the ketosis approach. Look at the low carb high fat diet that is recommended. And give that ago. Plus double your dose for a week and get in touch then.
**Question:** Oh I didnt realise, the food shopping list says gf bread & rice crackers are ideal for meals? Pg 11
**Answer:** Sorry about that but it is an error in the user guide and will be changed in the next print.
**Answer:** The processed carbohydrates should definitely be avoided.
**Question:** Oh no – would I be able to get 1 more week of pills then. I was strictly stickg to the food list & now feel Ive wasted the entire week
**Answer:** Yes we could do that for you I would just need your name so that we can get it in the post on Monday
**Answer:** You haven’t actually wasted a week it is only one factor of many.
**Question:** Ok great. Im Deanna Trumper, 7 Kay Ave, Pines Beach, Kaiapoi [Phone]. I ordered the kit early Dec [Phone]. Can you also advise on any other no-go foods on the list? What about butter for cooking? Salt n pepper?
**Answer:** There aren’t any more no go foods. Butter is fine and so is salt and pepper thank you Deanna.
**Question:** Ok thanks Sarah
**Answer:** We do recommend eating lots of broccoli cauliflower eggplants mushrooms zucchinis celery tomatoes cucumber lettuce as those are very very low calorie foods and yet they can be quite feeling.
**Answer:** Carrots are also good πŸ™‚
**Question:** Yup Im all over those
**Answer:** Awesome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** HI have just entered the code kickstart19 for 50 dollars off and it is coming up with only 30$ sorry to be a pain not sure why? cheers
**Answer:** Hi Anna, that’s the code for [Price] off the code for [Price] is KICK19
**Answer:** The [Price] is for our customers like you
**Answer:** The [Price] is for our email list
**Answer:** thankyou sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like to see more recipes?
**Answer:** Great you have found them
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I can answer any questions you may have as I’m a real person πŸ™‚
**Question:** Hi Sarah. My daughter Ann-marie is in her elimination week and starting the 14 day detox next week. I am just reading up on it and looking for extra recipes for her, thanks anyway. Denise
**Answer:** Ok cool – have you seen our recipe page?
**Answer:** I can give you a link if you like?
**Question:** not yet…thanks…getting there
**Answer:** Just click on the link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes) and choose the 14 day detox program πŸ™‚
**Answer:** From the Herbal Program drop down
**Question:** she has the booklet and we have tried a few recipes from there this week
**Answer:** Awesome – there are heaps more if you click on the link
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** When staring to prepare your body & only having veges, fruit & yoghurt before taking the tablets is it common to feel bloated?
**Answer:** Yes the extra fruit and vegetables can do that sometimes. If your body is not used to it
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome any time
**Question:** Where can I get slippery elm?
**Answer:** Possibly on I herb.com
**Question:** Yay, you’re back from your walk. Got any more insults for me? You ran away last time, in fact the last three times…
**Answer:** We didn’t actually insult you. We just said you were a sceptic which you are. You didn’t read any of the information that [Name] and I gave you so we don’t appear to be able to help. Extremely sorry about that.
**Question:** I have already read through your site, I quoted your studies so don’t give me that rubbish. You could not answer a single valid question instead giving vapid appeals to authority. You didn’t like it when I countered with logic, as far as I can tell your pushing dangerous information and nothing you have said changes that conclusion. [Name] called me childish when you are the one who dodged questions and ran away. I wanted to see if you had and verifiable data, you clearly said you have none but I should believe. I guess you have nothing. I’m screen shotting this whole thing so the internet can see what you’re about.
**Answer:** So you don’t want to have a conversation then? We gave you the telephone number you can call and speak to us where extremely happy to discuss it over the telephone instead of having a conversation online like this. It doesn’t really help any understanding for either you or us.
**Question:** Am I not trying to have a conversation. Again you dodge my point
**Answer:** I’m struggling to understand what your point is. If you don’t like our information you don’t have to come to the site and read it. You don’t have to have a conversation with this at all. We don’t really understand what you want?
**Answer:** Do you have a health condition that you are looking to resolve?
**Answer:** We provide a 100% guarantee and evidence to support the programs. But we are not applied to provide clinical studies
**Question:** Your site offered to answer my questions via this chat. I asked for evidence of efficacy, you quoted it was in use for thousands of years, I stated this is not evidence of efficacy and you berated me for not reading. I am doing due diligence, I was looking for information on psoriasis came across your claim to be able to cure this incurable ailment and wanted you to show me what you know that science doesn’t. Your site does not include this information. How can you claim to cure it with no studies? That’s my issue
**Answer:** If you look at the bottom of the psoriasis page you will find all the clinical information that backs up [Name]s article. On the previous pages we gave you it covered off the evidence for while body cleansing is such a good thing to do. That contains clinical evidence for doing a programme. If we aren’t able to answer you on the live chat and give you the answers you require. Then our programs or not for you. We only want to help.
**Answer:** If you wish to have a pharmaceutical solution than our website is not for you.
**Question:** None of those articles provide evidence of a cure. Stop referring to pharmaceuticals, I’m in the cbd business, why would I care about pharmaceuticals? Cbd has many studies despite being currently a mainly holistic approach, however the evidence is mounting and pharma is taking note. Soon it will be medicine because it can be shown to work. Big pharma takes what works, then they call it medicine. Again, something I previously stated. If your method works surely you’d get studies done and make it medicine…
**Answer:** We are working with a University and are waiting for the human study to be started in the USA. If you give me your name and email address I can send you the results when it is done.
**Question:** Brilliant. That’s what I want to see. Why didn’t you open with that?
**Answer:** Because we didn’t understand what you were asking. I’m a bit dim so it needs to be pretty basic for me.
**Question:** Ok, I’m done. You didn’t understand my words, no way you understand the complexities of health. You’ve finally answered my question, you have nothing. How can I believe you can interpret scientific data when you can’t interpret English? At least I can show the world this and hopefully save some people from this ridiculousness.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi again thanks for the info. do you know if there are currently any discount codes?
**Answer:** Hi there did you just ask?
**Answer:** The discount is [Price] using We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code KICKSTART19
**Question:** I was wondering if there were any current discount codes?
**Question:** thanks. do you also eat with this programme?
**Answer:** Yes you do you eat fruit and vegetables if you do the 14 day version
**Answer:** And fruit and vegetables with chicken fish and eggs on the 30 day version
**Answer:** You can download the user guide here which will give you all the information [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi do you have any discounts. Wouldn’t mind start this cleanse
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You can use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** KICKSTART19
**Answer:** It will give you [Price] off
**Answer:** Is that ok ?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Do you have to eat certain foods on the detox
**Answer:** Yes you do.
**Answer:** Can you do the detox over 14 days the diet is lots of wonderful fruit and vegetables.
**Answer:** If you do it over 30 days you can have all the fruit and vegetables plus chicken fish and eggs
**Question:** Can you please tell me where I can find these foods is there a brochure or booklet online ?
**Answer:** There are lots of information on this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** And you can download the user guide to. I will give you a link
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Question:** That’s great tanks – can you drink wine at all I can do 30 day diet but I have a couple of dinners to go to
**Answer:** Here is the user guide link. [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** We actually recommend you don’t stop drinking alcohol but perhaps reduce it a little bit. The reason for this is you can get detox symptoms and alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It is the same with coffee πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Do you need any help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there, which product do I buy to do the rapid ([Phone]) weight loss programme over 4 weeks?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You would buy the detox and slim combo. Do the detox over two weeks and the Slim program over two weeks.
**Answer:** You do a double dice on the herbal slim
**Answer:** Just go to the shop and scroll down to see that combination
**Question:** thank you. i’ve lost 20kg over 2 years and have plateaued. Need to drop the final 10. Do most people that use the program keep it off??
**Answer:** Yes they do especially if they continue on the recommended diet.
**Question:** so is it just the boditune detox n slim pot that I need to buy?
**Question:** could you please send me the link to the exact one, I can’t figure it out
**Answer:** No it is the detox program with Capitals and the Slim program.
**Answer:** The one you were talking about is too weak to do the job.
**Question:** these two:
**Question:** Ultimate Herbal DETOX – NZ’s #[Phone] Capsules
**Answer:** Yes but you can buy them as a combination with a discount. Please check the shopD
**Question:** oh this one: One Month Rapid SLIM combo
**Question:** ?
**Answer:** Let me get it for you
**Question:** thanks Sarah
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-twin-combo-detox-slim)
**Question:** Hi, so how does this work?
**Answer:** Were you able to take look at the information in the page you anded on?
**Answer:** Sorry landed on
**Question:** That doesn’t explain why you keep blocking me you moron. You didn’t listen did you? I know how to science.
**Answer:** You didn’t read anything that was given you. You are entitled to a difference of opinion.
**Answer:** Happy to have a sensible conversation πŸ™‚
**Question:** I did, you didn’t answer a single question. Simply stated that is been around for thousands of years and I shouldn’t question it. That’s not how science works. I pointed out things that were around for thousands of years that were rubbish. Ergo your point it’s invalid, your studies are 5 people and anecdotal and you claim to know more than scientists. I want some real evidence of efficacy. Remember science took all the herbs that work, we call then medicine. The rest is snake oil. You and [Name] both react just like a snake oil salesman. Give me a reason to trust anything you say. I don’t know like a peer reviewed paper in a respectable journal
**Answer:** This page contains almost all of our research and explains how the herbs works, how the program triggers the healing process in the body etc. [Link](https://www.[Website]/health-resources) We give a 100% guarantee of results as yet nobody in the world has performed clinical trials on our program.
**Question:** You guarantee 100% of results with no proof. How does that work?
**Answer:** It is really up to you to do the homework for yourself and make your decision, we can’t prove anything to you about herbal detox. The world rules for herbal medicine are almost the same. It is respected and protected by law, and we practice within those rules. The rest is up to you
**Answer:** I will give you a link to the guarantee [Link](https://www.[Website]/terms-service)#guarantee
**Question:** I don’t care about laws. I’ve done my reading and concluded you are talking rubbish, I asked you to tell me why it isn’t and you can’t. Ergo you’re talking shit my love
**Answer:** Unfortunately we have to leave the office for a while so wont be able to have a long conversation. I hope you have enough to look at for now. We just don’t talk with people who are insulting or use bad language
**Question:** Ooh, like [Name] you mean
**Answer:** Happy to have a phone conversation +[Phone]
**Question:** And you, you called me names first
**Answer:** OK bye
**Question:** I’m not done with you yet.
**Question:** Why do you think you can call me names then run when I call you on it and tell me I’m the one being insulting?
**Question:** Did the mean person on the internet ask you hard questions?
**Question:** See you soon Muppets
**Question:** Hello.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Yeah, you just ran away from me. [Name] called me names and ran too. Explain again how you aren’t talking shit. Don’t block me again, I’ll be back. I know how to science, I have all night.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi woo practitioner
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Question:** You messaged me. Can I help you? You seem to have a poor grasp on science, maybe we should start there. What’s confusing you?
**Answer:** Our message is a pop and you responded. No confusion.
**Question:** You are confused, I’ve read the rubbish on your site…
**Answer:** So you are not into natural health then? Just pharmaceutical?
**Question:** I’m into what works, not snake oil. Natural health is just your buzzword for anti scientific lies. This stuff is dangerous. Are you not into science and what actually works?
**Answer:** There are always sceptics – [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-it-scam) [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/research-proves-why-we-need-detox)
**Answer:** Remember is has been around for 1000s of years.
**Question:** You are avoiding questions and calling me names. Scepticism is the default position of science. Oh really, leeches and blood letting were around for thousands of years, does that automatically make then awed be treatments too? Answer a question and stop dodging for a change
**Answer:** What was your question again?
**Question:** Ooh, ganging up on me. Fail. First rule of scientific enquiry, learn to read. It’s all there, don’t be as lazy in this conversation as in your “science”
**Answer:** We do find most sceptics are very childish like yourself, a closed mind never discovered any truth and if that’s the way you want to be, then I’m afraid we don’t have time for this, do some proper homework and drop the bad attitude, click on our links to research and you might learn something new. or is that not on your agenda [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/herbal-medicines-gaining-popularity-worldwide)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** are they any contraindications to medications, if one was to use goldenseal
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Not when it is used within our Ultimate Herbal Detox
**Answer:** We just don’t recommend it when someone is taking Warfarin
**Answer:** Unless under Doctors supervision.
**Question:** That makes sense. Any side effects?
**Answer:** The normal body cleansing symptoms which pass around day 3 to 5
**Question:** Okay, awesome. thank you for answering
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Are you using it for a purpose?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Good Evening, would canned watties soup be ok for ultimate cleanse detox?
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** if not could u recommend a brand from the supermarket or provide a quick east recipie
**Question:** Hi [Name]!
**Answer:** You can add it to a homemade soup, but I would not recommend having canned soup on it’s own, as it’s very processed.
**Answer:** I guess campbells is quite a good brand
**Answer:** I can give you some links to recipes
**Question:** Excellent what about those fresh soups available in supermarkets on the coldshelf? are they ok
**Answer:** this is probably the easiest [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/curry-thai-pumpkin-soup)
**Answer:** Yes They would be better
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/tomato-leek-onion-soup)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes/cauliflower-leek-sweet-potato-soup)
**Answer:** Can I help you find something
**Question:** So the fresh supermarket ones are not recommended?
**Answer:** They are OK, but homemade is always better
**Question:** OK excellent thanks [Name]
**Question:** That will be all πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** what??
**Answer:** hey hey xxx
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, can u have miso soup on detox?
**Answer:** Yes you can have as much as you wish πŸ™‚
**Question:** thanks
**Question:** Ji
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** is dewinkel natural plain yogurt the best to get?
**Answer:** Yes that’s a good one
**Question:** Collective straight up?
**Answer:** Sorry don’t know what you are asking
**Question:** yoplait Greek natural? Is it ok to eat on detox
**Answer:** If it’s unsweetened then yes
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I see we can use butter in recipes so is it ok to have on corn?
**Answer:** Hi There
**Answer:** Yes butter on corn is great
**Question:** awesome
**Answer:** Good salt is OK too
**Question:** if u r on a detox why are butter cream etc allowed?
**Answer:** Because they are pure fats and non toxic, obviously you don’t want to have huge amounts, but they are not toxins
**Answer:** also being fats they help reduce craving for the real problem foods, like processed carbs, meats and such like
**Answer:** other good fats include coconut cream, olive oil and avocado
**Question:** ok so is ok to have lite natural Greek yogurt & skim milk or I have to go full fat ?
**Answer:** lite foods are higher in GI and carb content so they are actually worse for your blood sugar and for weight loss full fat is actually better. Let me give you an article to look at
**Answer:** This could be worth reading [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** Ok thanks will will read article
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Here is a another good article about fats [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/losing-weight-part-1-dietary-fiber-fat)
**Question:** If I have been having skim milk & lite yogurt instead of natural will it inhibit my progress? I am on day 4 of preparation week in lead up to taking pills
**Answer:** That’s Ok, it’s just better to have full fat if you want to curb cravings and trigger fat burning. It’s doesn’t make much difference when it comes to the detox process though
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Anytime
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I purchased the herbal detox in dec which I’m in the prep stage. The brochure says ther is a recipe book included. How do I get this book as it wasn’t with the capsules.? Thanks, Raewyn
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** I will send you a link to download the book now
**Answer:** Try this [Link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3b91HS9bgiXajk1ZW1wOWpjS3c/view?usp=sharing)
**Answer:** Thanks for that
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Good morning can I help?
**Question:** Sorry I just asked a question before but went out of screen so didn’t see an answer. How fast do pills work as I want to start this Saturday but now am going out for day where I may not be near a toilet.
**Answer:** Best to plan to be around the loo. They work differently for everyone so can’t be 100% either way.
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** If you wanted to be sure you shouldn’t take them on Friday.
**Answer:** Then you will probably be ok.
**Question:** ok
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Hellen, do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi Mavin, we missed your questions
**Answer:** If you aren’t back on here we will email you
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Good morning, how fast do the pills work as I was planning on starting Saturday but now I have plans to go out that day & just wondering if I would need to b near a loo
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Best to plan to be around the loo. They work differently for everyone so can’t be 100% either way.
**Answer:** Did you catch the response
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi Mavin, do you have any questions at this stage?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I’m a real person so can answer your questions
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi! I know I got an email not that long ago with a code to get [Price] off but cannot seem to find the email anymore πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok
**Answer:** What’s your name?
**Answer:** Martine Kessler
**Answer:** I can give you the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** Thank you!
**Answer:** It is KICK19
**Answer:** Yes that was it! Just a question, I ordered both the 500 gr. Boditune and the sachets…sachets when I was on holiday. Which one is more valua for money seeing they are the same price? I should have paid attention while using it!
**Answer:** Probably the jar?
**Answer:** Hi There, They are both exactly the same size 500g and 33 servings
**Answer:** It’s just that some people like the sachets for convenience when travelling
**Answer:** The pot is good for the kitchen at home
**Answer:** All good! The pot for in the kitcehn πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thank you
**Answer:** Actually we do have a 1kg pot which is much better value because that is only [Price] for twice the amount
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/boditune-detox-n-slim-1kg-pot)
**Answer:** True!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** I have commenced a Arbonne 30 day cleanse on Monday and have had a headache pretty much since Monday mid-morning. I’m thinking it’s coffee? Although, I only generally have had 1 coffee and 2 black teas a day over the Christmas period. My last coffee was on Saturday. Do you think this is it?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi was looking to buy 2 x detox, yesterday site offered 20% discount, why has it disappeared?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** You just add the 2 detoxes to the cart and it deducts automatically
**Question:** no it does not deduct
**Answer:** Oh gosh I can get to do it another way
**Answer:** Hete you go [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/2-x-ultimate-herbal-detox-save-20)
**Question:** please
**Answer:** Click on the click
**Question:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** Hi, approximate delivery time to the North Shore Auckland
**Answer:** It’s normally 2 days ish
**Answer:** Mostly next day
**Question:** great
**Question:** Hey there
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I am on the six week program
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** I am on the first day of the 24 day detox it says I can eat brown rice, fish and egg?
**Question:** Can I or not during the first 14 days?
**Answer:** Can I ask your name please?
**Question:** Rosanne
**Question:** I have done the first three day prep
**Question:** On first day if taking herbs and read on float that I can have brown rice etc
**Answer:** Ok normally you do the 14 day detox. Is there s reason you are doing longer?
**Answer:** Did [Name] advise you?
**Question:** I am doing 6 week program….you do 14 day detox and than slim program…
**Question:** You have sent both packs and a leaflet
**Answer:** Ok bear with me one moment
**Answer:** Ok you do the detox over 14 days and the diet is fruit and vegetables only
**Question:** No it’s on the fliar that with this program you can eat fish etc…but I was wandering if this was after 14 days…
**Question:** Ok and than when I start the slim pack I can eat rice fish etc?
**Answer:** The user guide has the shopping list and you can eat anything except the ones with the *
**Question:** Ok cool
**Answer:** After the detox you do the slim and it has more food options
**Question:** Yep sounds good. Thanks
**Answer:** You will need to take the BodiTune sachets too
**Question:** I am taking the sachets sent me…protein…are these bodiTune?
**Answer:** Yes that’s right
**Question:** Ok awesome!! Thanks!!
**Answer:** You are welcome anytime
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there, I wanted just ask if you have any promo code for ddiscount? Thank you
**Question:** What about ETA lite balsamic dressing?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Yes that’s ok
**Question:** ok thanks I was just talking to [Name] about vegetable chips & how it is just vegetables oil & salt but they are too processed to eat he said so just made me wonder about the eta dressing
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, are we allowed to eat the vegetable proper crisps from supermarket? The ingredients is just vegetables, high oleic sunflower oil & sea salt
**Question:** on 14 day detox
**Answer:** HI There
**Answer:** Unfortunately those are classed as processed foods and not allowed
**Answer:** Have you considered olives, pickled onions, raisins, gherkins, dates etc
**Answer:** grapes and cherries are also good at the moment
**Question:** ok all good. Can u have dried dates as they are cheaper
**Answer:** yes
**Question:** ok
**Question:** so you say no package or can stuff but what about canned beetroot, corn, fruits
**Answer:** yes they are OK as a second choice to fresh produce, it’s better to have canned beetroot than none at all if that makes sense.
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I wish to use my We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club KICK19 but the site is not letting me??
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** Thanks that is working now cheers
**Answer:** Great
**Question:** I would like to get 2 of each of the procucts I have ordered How?
**Answer:** You increase the quantity in the shopping cart
**Answer:** I see you have done it
**Question:** Yes thanks
**Answer:** Thanks for your order Marian. It will leave us today so should be there tomorrow.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes It can irritate the gut
**Answer:** Yes that should be avoided as well
**Answer:** We don’t recommend it for Crohn’s disease.
**Answer:** Unless you were to soaking in Epsom salt bath
**Answer:** It’s just that magnesium taken orally acts as a laxative and can further irritate the gut
**Answer:** Well done
**Answer:** We recommend doing the ultimate herbal detox and following the information on the Crohn’s disease page.
**Answer:** Take a look at the ultimate herbal detox it has 24 different herbs designed to heal and support the git. I can give you a link to it if you like?
**Answer:** This is the program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** thx
**Answer:** It has had exceptionally good results on soothing and healing the guts. It was developed 20 years ago and is very tried and tested.
**Question:** hope so.Many companies try just to make money
**Answer:** We don’t. We are here to help heal people from the challenges that their body gives.
**Question:** Thant is all people of world should do to help each other and make peace.thank you for your assistant have a great day where ever you are
**Answer:** I’m in New Zealand and you have a great day too
**Question:** Beautiful island with happy relaxed people.
**Answer:** That’s us
**Question:** take care [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FX4D1jU2m8)
**Answer:** And you πŸ™‚
**Question:** imagine!! [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FX4D1jU2m8)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today? I’m a real person here to support you.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Just looking for a natural herb to rid pin worms & yeast infection? Stumble on this website
**Answer:** Ok our Ultiamte Herbal Detox resolves both of those issues.
**Answer:** Here is the info re yeast infection [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Answer:** and parasites [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-and-home-remedies)
**Answer:** There needs to be a complete cleanse that covers all areas to get rid of both.
**Answer:** These pages contain details on the herbs required.
**Answer:** There are also foods required to help to get rid of them both.
**Question:** been on antibiotics for two months for fungal yeast infection and been on two prescription for the pin worms need something natural now
**Answer:** Gosh antibiotics can cause fungal yeast infections. [Name] is online at the moment I will ask him to come on and help you directly.
**Question:** okay!
**Answer:** Hi There
**Question:** good cause the medicine for the pin worm does not work as well – the pharmacy confirm it
**Answer:** I see you have been looking at the Parasite Page and the Herbal Detox Page
**Answer:** The best program for you would be the Herbal Detox used over 14 days
**Answer:** That has the optimal dose of anti-parasitic and anti-fungal herbs,
**Question:** yes, I really need something to combat these two medical issues
**Question:** will it help with the pin worms?
**Answer:** The best result would be to follow that Herbal Detox program and the dietary advice in the ebook here [Link](https://qd227-3b1502.pages.infusionsoft.net/)
**Answer:** I can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club which gives you an extra bottle of Anti-parasitic for FREE with the program
**Question:** Is it safe to use both products
**Answer:** Yes it is designed to get rid of the worms and to combat candida, it does that by restoring healthy gut function and digestion
**Answer:** Yes you can use both products together safely
**Answer:** Get the Parasite Bonus by adding the Ultimate Herbal Detox to your cart and using the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club PARASITEBONUS during checkout.
**Answer:** Click here to see the program [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Okay, she said to see Colnaid Anti-Parasitic (120) capsules
**Answer:** Yes that will help, but it’s not as good as doing the complete herbal detox program, as the Colonaid is a good follow up
**Answer:** You could use colonaid on it’s own if your purchased 4 bottles and took 12 caps daily for 6 weeks, but the Herbal Detox is still the better option as you get the extra bottle for free
**Question:** okay
**Answer:** Is it a long-term problem, i.e. have you had it before
**Question:** It started in Nov. with a yeast problem and they did a biopsy and it came back negative but a fungal yeast infection was the finding. Then in Oct the itching would not stop and a test was done on my poop and the finding was pin worms but kept recurring so today the doctor was trying again to put me on antibiotics again. I am so done and I think she is not sure what to do anymore!
**Answer:** OK, then you have come to the right place
**Question:** great! need something natural
**Answer:** The parasite program will help deal with both issues, especially if you follow the instructions included, we will supply you with a printed copy of the parasite program ebook included with the Herbal detox. If you follow this properly you should some long-term relief.
**Answer:** achieve some long-term relief.
**Question:** okay
**Question:** I call for the order?
**Answer:** Yes or you can also get it through Amazon [Link](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075ZJ7NLP)
**Answer:** you can call [Phone]
**Question:** Do I tell them about the free parasite bonus
**Answer:** Yes, I will let them know
**Question:** okay, I will call [Phone]
**Question:** can I call right now since it is 9:20 pm in Sugar Land Tx
**Answer:** Yes its fine
**Question:** Thank you! bye
**Question:** Oh I do take natural BP will it be okay to take your products
**Answer:** Yes
**Question:** great! bye
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Question:** Thank you!
**Answer:** you are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi Sarah, I’ve ordered products before and was told I could receive a 20% discount on my next order. Does that offer still stand? I am thinking about ordering the one month steady detox plan
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** I am sure we can help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** We have a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for orders over [Price] to get [Price] off. It is KICK19
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Question:** Hey sarah, Melissa Garrity Naturopath here. Could you please get me 6x ultimate slim packs today and ill pay with a different card thats on file to the one you have πŸ™‚ cheers
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Ok we can do that for you
**Answer:** Do you want to give me half the card here and email the rest of it?
**Answer:** The amount woud be $[Phone]
**Answer:** Hi did you see the messages?
**Question:** yup ill give you the details
**Question:** 5237955006950984 exp 12/[Phone]
**Answer:** Thanks, and the Name on that one
**Question:** Melissa Garrity
**Answer:** Perfect, we will get that shipped ASAP, thanks again
**Answer:** Please double check this number [Phone] [Phone] as it says not a valid number
**Question:** opps k
**Question:** [Phone] [Phone]
**Answer:** Thanks also the mobile number we have for you is [Phone] which is also incorrect I think
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Did you need help today?
**Question:** Hello Sarah, I just purchased the Ultimate herbal detox with the protein drink powder, I just noticed it contains pea protein and rice protein, but am i allowed to drink this during my detox period?
**Question:** or [Name] sorry not Sarah haha
**Answer:** Yes it’s a perfect companion
**Question:** oh awesome Thank you [Name] : ) I just started this program today with my colleague we are very excited
**Answer:** Good on you for giving it a go, keep us posted
**Question:** I will thank you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi do you have any tips to survive the 14 day detox on just fruit & vegetables
**Answer:** Absolutely use [Name]s recipes as they are very filling. You can also have smoothies which are very filling.
**Answer:** Have you seen the recipe page?
**Answer:** There are also suggested snacks in the user guide too.
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** It’s good to plan out the food you are going to have so you feel full
**Question:** How come you can have full fat cream etc?
**Answer:** It’s actually ok fat and reduces food cravings by balancing blood sugar
**Answer:** Coconut cream and full fat yoghurt are also good during the cleanse
**Question:** Yes I will b trying out his recipes for dinner but for breakfast I had yogurt with blueberries then morning tea I had nectarine, plum & lots of peas, lunch was a big salad & orange juice but was still hungry so had pumpkin soup for afternoon tea now waiting for dinner to cook but still hungry
**Answer:** The hunger will reduce as the days go by, try the green smoothies they also help
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Make sure you have some things to snack on as you need
**Answer:** Believe it or not pickled onions are good for reducing cravings
**Question:** ok so does it matter how much u eat ?
**Answer:** No it doesn’t matter how much you eat. You will find your appetite will reduce
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** Please come online any time you need help
**Answer:** We can support you
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi Sarah, wat is this months discount code
**Answer:** Have you bought from us before?
**Question:** yes, 3 times
**Answer:** Ok cool what is your name ?
**Question:** stevie walsh
**Answer:** Great let me get your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Question:** thankyou
**Answer:** If you use KICK19 you can get [Price] off orders over [Price]
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hey there an I able to have organic corn chips with nothing added just corn
**Question:** and sea salt?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** I was wandering can I eat corn chips with nothing added just corn and salt
**Question:** On the 14 day
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hey
**Question:** Hey
**Answer:** No corn chips sorry
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Question:** Cool
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hey there I am shopping and need to know can I have organic feta in the cleanse I have brought…this is a picture of feta in the sala recipe given but feta is not on the list
**Answer:** Feta is for the longer one month program.
**Answer:** It’s not for the 14 day cleanse
**Question:** Ok so only unsweetened yoghurt for dairy
**Answer:** Yes or coconut milk or almond milk
**Question:** Ok thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, can you please help me with some questions that I have regarding the Super Combo 10 week program please
**Answer:** Hi Tracy
**Answer:** Yes I can help
**Answer:** What did you wish to ask?
**Answer:** Great thank you, I ordered this a few months ago and only really stuck at it for a week but not properly
**Answer:** OK
**Answer:** I want to start again, Im just not sure about food/detox slim intake
**Answer:** Am I meant to eat also? I am quite a fussy eater but don’t mind having shakes, I like the garden of life raw organic protein shake, its 22gm of protein, would this be ok to take
**Answer:** I’ve asked [Name] to come online to help you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thank you, sorry to be a pain
**Answer:** Hi Tracy
**Answer:** Did you say you completed the first week of the 10 week program
**Answer:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** No, I started but didn’t stick at it, only did about a week, and not properly.
**Answer:** I have brought the 10 week program though and I would like to start again
**Answer:** OK
**Answer:** That’s no problem, you can just start again at the beginning, but you only get 5 weeks of detoxing instead of 6 weeks, which is OK
**Answer:** It’s a good time to start again
**Answer:** I can buy more that’s no problems, just really don’t want to fall off the wagon again, im so overweight and very unhappy
**Answer:** you don’t necessarily have to stop eating food, in-fact it’s better to use the shakes just as an appetite reduction
**Answer:** I think you are better to just pick it up from week 2 and carry on to be honest, it will work fine
**Answer:** I’m happy to give you a Free 45 minute consultation, and energy healing session if you’re local, that can really help get you on the wagon
**Answer:** ok great, im quite fussy with good foods, I love carbs, this is mostly the reason I am so overweight, I do like lots of fresh veges and fruit although. That would be absolutely amazing if you don’t mind. I am in Katikati but can easily come into Tauranga or am happy over the phone
**Answer:** I could see you tomorrow around 1pm if that works, I’m in Maungatapu
**Answer:** It’s complementary with that program
**Answer:** I do have my daughter this week as there is no daycare, is that ok, or I could come next week when daycare is back
**Answer:** OK, let’s try for next week, Tuesday at 1pm ?
**Answer:** That will be fantastic, thanks so much. Can you please let me know your address
**Answer:** I will email you a proper invitation, but it’s 26 Fantail Drive, Maungatapu,
**Answer:** Thank you [Name], really appreciated, and see you next Tuesday.
**Answer:** See you then
**Answer:** Sorry, but should I still start the detox tomorrow or is it best to wait until Ive seen you first
**Answer:** Yes you can start, just remember to take it slowly and don’t worry if you’re not 100% perfect this first week, we will take it one step at a time
**Answer:** Ok thank you
**Answer:** Hi Marcia, it does seem to work better if you take the capsules earlier in the day, like before dinner
**Answer:** So just 2 lots of 8? Or 4 x 4
**Answer:** You can either take them all at once on the morning or split and take 2 of each twice daily, I actually think 4 x4 in the morning is great
**Answer:** It all depends on how your body responds, you could try both ways, a week each and see if you feel any difference
**Answer:** okay great thanks
**Answer:** Anytime, love to hear how you get on
**Answer:** will keep you posted
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi again just wondering With the 4 week slim, is is better to take the tables 4 times a day or 2 lots of 2 each (morning and night)
**Answer:** HI Marcia
**Answer:** The 4 week Slim program is perfect for you goal.
**Answer:** Okay great!
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi there, I have done the detox 2 months ago. And loved it! I am now starting the slim to shift the last few extra kgs. I’m not looking to lose 10-15kgs. Probably more between 5 and 10 however I’m more keen on doing the 4 week program instead of the longer ones although I wouldn’t class myself as obese or overweight. Will this be okay?
**Answer:** Hi Marcia
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Yes, but sometime ago
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Ok let me get a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for you
**Answer:** You can use KICKSTART19 to [Price] off
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** You use your We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club just before you add your shipping details.
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Do you have a discount offer on the detox kit
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Have you bought from us before?
**Answer:** We can help you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Happy to help
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi Sarah,
**Question:** I just want to confirm I understand correctly 1 Boditune sachet is the equivalent of one of each capsule from the Detox program and ! of each capsule from the Slim program is that correct?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** From: [Email] Hi Sarah,
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Yes you have it correct about the BodiTune sachets
**Question:** Great so my next question is why would you take it in conjunction with either the Detox or the slim program? or perhaps I have misunderstood that
**Answer:** It increases the result slightly. It also helps to keep you on track with your food.
**Question:** ok I find that with the Detox I need to rather urgently use the bathroom at times would that be intensified further πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You would be adding about 5%. It shouldn’t have any drastic effects.
**Question:** Ok…Thank you for your help
**Answer:** You are most welcome any time
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** All good Sarah, Happy New Year!
**Answer:** And to you too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** If you’re having trouble logging in for the first time on this site I can reset your password if you like
**Question:** Hi [Name], if you could reset ;my password that will be great. Happy New Year! Patricia
**Answer:** I can do that for you what is your email address?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Hi I wanted to ask you about your cleanse
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes ask away
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** What would you like to know?
**Question:** Is there a program/ cleanse that you sell? Or the email explains what foods to eat?
**Answer:** We sell the ultimate herbal detox program which has all of the herbs for cleansing the: liver, colon intestine’s. And clearing parasites and heavy metals. I can give you a link to it
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Question:** Ok I would appreciate that
**Answer:** You can click on the link and see the program.
**Question:** i got it thai
**Question:** thankyou
**Answer:** You are welcome we can answer any questions you have at any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I’m doing a detox at the moment and whilst I realise you’re not supposed to drink during, I’m going to a BBQ (don’t worry, I’ve prepared a couple dishes from the book to eat), but I was wondering if I was going to have a couple drinks, would you have a suggestion as to what might be a good idea? I was thinking maybe a light wine or cider since it comes from fruit lol?
**Answer:** Hi Alex
**Answer:** You can have a couple of drinks without affecting the detox. Wine and cider would be ok πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Excellent Sarah, that’s great to hear. Happy New Year
**Answer:** And to you – it is going to be an awesome year! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, I’m doing a detox at the moment and whilst I realise you’re not supposed to drink during, but I’m going to a BBQ (don’t worry, I’ve prepared a couple dishes from the book to eat) and if I was going to have a couple drinks would you have any suggestions as to what might be a good idea? I was thinking maybe a light wine or cider since it comes from fruit lol?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hello again,
**Answer:** Hi there πŸ™‚
**Question:** wondering if any any of the herbs have any adverse effects to baby who is breast feeding?
**Answer:** No they don’t
**Answer:** They are perfectly safe
**Question:** ok thank you
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hello, I just purchased the detox and am confused about if safe or not while breastfeeding. Q and A answers say yes although wait until 3 months and only if milk supply is good although the user guide mentions that the detox should be avoided during the first six months of lactation.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** If you baby is 3 months old it is ok to do the detox
**Answer:** In fact it is good for baby
**Answer:** helps with colic and reflux
**Answer:** We do an an error in the user guide
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I see you are looking at Psoriasis
**Answer:** Do you need any help on that topic?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi how are you
**Answer:** Great thanks you?
**Question:** i am a veg and had purchaseda dexot package which i havent started yet . do i also follow the same guide or i can start talking the table eariler
**Answer:** It depends on your diet
**Answer:** Take a look at page
**Answer:** 8
**Answer:** of the user guide – if your diet does not have any of these in it then you can start straight away.
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** I would like a consult with [Name] to assist me with losing weight.
**Answer:** Yes – I see you are looking at the Online consult.
**Answer:** You can either do that or face to face
**Answer:** If you do the online consult
**Answer:** i live in Gisborne so will have to do it online.
**Answer:** [Name] will send you a comprehensive questionnair to complete and he will give the advice you need
**Answer:** ok I will just go ahead and order the online then thanks
**Answer:** Ok thank you [Name] will be in touch this afternoon. Keep an eye on your email as it might go into your spam folder.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi. Wanting to purchase a detox kit, I live in the Mount. Is pickup available or how long does postage take please. Thanks
**Answer:** We can drop it off on Monday for you as one of our employees lives over there. Would that work?
**Question:** Perfect. Shall I purchase online then?
**Answer:** Yes that would be great – we can process it and Kyle can drop it off on his way home at about 1.30pm
**Question:** Great – I’ll go ahead. Thanks. Di Smith
**Answer:** Thnak you Di I will keep an eye out for it and let Kyle know.
**Question:** Great = order number [Phone] – he can just pop it in the letterbox as most likely not home. Thanks Sarah
**Answer:** Awesome will do πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** How lettuce and parsley smoothies would you drink a day?
**Question:** How many sorry.
**Answer:** You can have up to 3 smoothies a day
**Answer:** INstead of food
**Answer:** It does pay to do different ones though
**Question:** Ok thankyou.
**Answer:** You are welcome – [Name] has lots of recipes. Would you like a link?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Did you need some help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hey there I have tried to receive the two emails after filling in calculator but nothing to my email [Email]. I want to buy this and receive necessary information
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hey
**Answer:** Ok let me check what has happened Rosanne
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Did you want a particular program guide or e-book?
**Question:** i was recommended the six week super combo
**Answer:** Just a quick question did you check your spam folder as it might of popped up there?
**Question:** i guess the program guide…shall I just purchase and than receive email?
**Question:** where do I find six week super combo?
**Question:** which I expect is ultimate herbal detox + slim detox is this correct?
**Answer:** Let me email it to you now with the user guides
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** I am just preparing the email now. The six week program is a 14 day detox with BodiTune sachets followed by the Slim program with the BodiTune sachets
**Answer:** I can also give you a link to look at while the email is coming
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/super-combo-6-week-program)
**Question:** Ok cool so does this include the ultimate herbal detox process too as I recommended it…
**Question:** ok
**Question:** Yep I see now thanks
**Answer:** Just sending now for you Please check your spam folder just in case πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi there I am doing the ultimate cleanse is salt ok In meals?
**Question:** I couldn’t find anything about salt
**Answer:** Yes it’s fine for the Ultimate Herbal Detox
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Question:** Hi Sarah is there really any limit on these foods?
**Question:** still normal intake because I am quite hungry πŸ™‚
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Which particular foods are you talking about?
**Question:** The pumpkin soup recipe that you have in the booklet
**Answer:** Oh yes, No limit on that, you can have pumpkin soup a often as you like,
**Question:** Yuss thanks for that
**Answer:** The same goes for all of the recipes, but that one is particularly good
**Answer:** The green smoothies in the morning is another good one
**Question:** Coconut crea is 12% saturated fat. R u sure there is no limit lol
**Question:** Yes it is indeed
**Answer:** That’s correct, but coconut milk has no cholesterol, so it’s all good
**Question:** excellent thanks for that
**Answer:** You might find this article interesting about coconut cream [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/coconut-oil-or-coconut-cream)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** What about milk. Is that in or out? due to Government regs we no longer get farm gate. sigh….
**Answer:** Milk is ok but you could try almond or coconut milk?
**Answer:** Almond milk is a misnomer – coconut is fine. But I’ll stick to having cow in my coffee. Can I have chia seeds soaked in coconut milk? A favourite but I thought seeds were out.
**Answer:** Chia seeds are actually ok as they are in the Herbal Detox.
**Answer:** Great. Thanks.
**Answer:** You are welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi there I am a real person able to answer your queries πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi Erin, Can I help you today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi Erin, Are you having trouble signing on to your account?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi [Name], I was just wondering if it would be ok to take pre work out for the gym like I normally would whist on the ultimate herbal detox. Probably a silly question but if not what would be an alternative thanks.
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Sorry we were a bit slow
**Question:** that’s ok busy at this time
**Answer:** You can workout however it’s best to be gentle with your body rather than go hard
**Question:** Ok but can I take pre work out powder or not thanks
**Answer:** Perhaps a lighter training session – yes pre workout powder is fine
**Question:** ok excellent is there any reason why I would need to go less intense in the work out?
**Answer:** Just that you are giving your body a holiday while doing the detox so it’s a great time to stretch and move rather than heavy cardio and weights. If you feel you can do it then there is no physical reason why you shouldn’t
**Answer:** Hope that makes sense?
**Answer:** YEs it does thanks
**Answer:** thanks sarah any idea why coffee is not allowed but pre work out is fine or is it just more not really an issue just best results cut down on it thanks.
**Answer:** Coffee is ok
**Answer:** It’s best to use decaf or reduce it though
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** If you stop you may get withdrawal symptoms on top of detox ones
**Answer:** Some people use the time to help them switch to slightly healthier options
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** So I just use the tablets for the detox. The bodi tune protein and herb mix would be a double dose. Jusr using the protien in the cupboard -milk based at the moment but see that the powder has pea protien in it so I could use tme pea protien powder????
**Answer:** yes you can do that πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Ok . When do I use the sachets?
**Answer:** it depends on your goals
**Answer:** you can take them with or without the capsules
**Answer:** losing wait. started on the detox – up to the first day of tablets today.
**Answer:** weight..
**Answer:** best to take them after the detox
**Answer:** ok. I’ll carry on with the tablet detox for 2 weeks then recontact you then about slim tablets and protien sachets
**Answer:** you can absolutely
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi so I have purchased the Boditune plan and have started it today. Is it ok to make smoothies with the sachets as meal replacements for the 6 days
**Answer:** yes it is fine πŸ™‚
**Question:** great thanks ..first time trying this so a bit nervous on how I will go but new year new things x
**Answer:** excellent good luck! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello can u tell me the latest discounts
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** You can do an online or a face to face clinic visit.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** If you wish to but we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for [Price] off
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** If you wish to buy we can give you a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club for [Price] off
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Yes you can as much as you like
**Answer:** THANKS
**Answer:** You are welcome Happy New Year
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** If you order a Detox program tonight we can give you [Price] off let me know if you are interested.
**Answer:** Nzd 40
**Question:** Hi there..do you ship to Brisbane?
**Answer:** Yes we do it’s free via DHL and fully tracked so you can follow it.
**Question:** Ok thanks for that…
**Answer:** You are welcome. If you wish to order please use We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code FANTASTIC40 at the checkout. We are here to help in anyway so don’t be afraid to ask.
**Answer:** We support you the whole way
**Answer:** Also you can buy in AUD by changing currency at the top of the page.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** If you order the detox program we can give you nzd[Price] off
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi Erin, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code for a bit more off? It can be used upto this weekend.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** We are here if you need any help πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** If you need any help we are online πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi Sarah am wanting to kick start the new year with getting some weight off fast probably more alcohol weight excess water than too much food… which would be the best program for me..thanks in advance
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** The detox is the best one as it will help to alkalise the body
**Answer:** The 14 day one
**Answer:** The alkalising helps your kidney function improve
**Answer:** Plus it’s liver restoring
**Answer:** great thanks have you any promotions running at this time or in the new year? as I was wanting my partner to do it as well..thanks
**Answer:** You can get 2 detoxes for 20% off by adding they to you cart and you can use FANTASTIC40 to get an extra [Price] off Anna
**Answer:** thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** we bought a pack ( detox slim and boditune) but due to various things were unable to use it. I want to lose 18 kg. where do i start,
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You start with the detox and do it over 14 days
**Answer:** Then the slim over one month
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** And you take BodiTune with the slim
**Answer:** 1 sachet per day
**Answer:** You should get half way there with that
**Answer:** If you do the detox diet for longer over the slim program the results could be better
**Answer:** So today I eat “normally” following the elimination day 1.
**Answer:** You eat normally but take out providers carbohydrates and sugar
**Answer:** No capsuals or powder?
**Answer:** Not on the elimination days
**Answer:** Your user guide has details on the volume of capsules and when to start taking them
**Answer:** It’s page 13
**Answer:** Cool, started then. When I get there I’ll start the deep cleanse then after 14 days start the slim.
**Answer:** Yes that’s right
**Answer:** And you take one sachet per day of the BodiTune when you do the slim
**Answer:** Thanks you may hear from me again.
**Answer:** No problem happy to help any time keep in touch
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** Want to find out how this herbal.mixture works to detox n reduce weight
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi there, I’m looking at your detox program. What would the 2 week diet consist of?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** The diet is fruit and vegetables
**Answer:** However there are lots of great recipes
**Answer:** Have you downloaded the user guide?
**Question:** so there is no meat?
**Answer:** I can give you a link
**Question:** yes please
**Answer:** Meet is very difficult for your body to process so the two week plan has no meat and that includes fish
**Answer:** Let me get the link for you.
**Question:** I see some user reviews are that they completed the detox for 7 days and some for 14 days?
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** You can actually do the detox for different ways. The seven days is for people who are regular detoxers . Most people do the 14 days as it gets great results for health and weight loss
**Answer:** There are a number of pages that you might find useful let me get you some links to click on
**Answer:** You can choose the recipes by clicking on the herbal program drop-down and choosing 14 days off this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** This is a useful page to find out how to do it [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** For the 14 day detox would I be looking to purchase the Ultimate Herbal DETOX – NZ’s #1
**Answer:** Yes that is the one it gets amazing results over the 14 days.
**Answer:** It cleanses the liver,:, intestine’s and kidneys. It also helps remove heavy metals and parasites.
**Answer:** Most people lose between 5 and 10 Kgs on this program
**Answer:** Hi did you see my message?
**Question:** yes thanks
**Answer:** Great
**Question:** Is that the program that also clears the skin?
**Answer:** Yes it can really help as most skin conditions are because of a build up in the liver
**Answer:** It is important to keep the Liver really clean and functioning well
**Question:** what are the current shipping times?
**Answer:** It dies most of its work at night time so the cleanse improves sleep too
**Answer:** We are shipping tomorrow so 3rd of January for most deliveries
**Answer:** It depends where you are
**Answer:** Where are you?
**Question:** Levin
**Answer:** Ok so 3rd it should be. We deliver by Fastway so fully tracked
**Question:** ok thanks for your help. Do you have any promotional discount on this product at the moment?
**Answer:** We support you the whole way through so any questions you can ask at any time. We can give you 15% off by using the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code 15NOW
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** I am currently at the beginning of a ulcerative colitis flareup and also have an intestinal yeast infection. Looking for a natural supplement that might help me. Also, I have been struggling with depression and anxiety for several months. Can this be linked to the candida?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Anybody there?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** Can I help?
**Answer:** I am a crohn’s disease patient
**Answer:** What are the remedy u have for crohn’s
**Answer:** You can download [Name]s free ebook and see his recommendations
**Answer:** Here is the link [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** No medicine or remee
**Answer:** Yes foods and herbs
**Answer:** The Ultimate Herbal Detox program
**Answer:** Cost for original book
**Answer:** I can give you a link to it
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Click on this link and it will take you to the program
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hi, do you still have the Blood Root cream please? Bobbie Anderson
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Health House bought [Name]s old business and I believe they may still do it.
**Answer:** Ok thank you. Cheers and Happy New Year. B
**Answer:** Happy New Year to you too
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** this is really nice
**Question:** thank you
**Question:** I need to do a flush
**Answer:** Ok
**Question:** I have excess copper in my system and would like a supplement that can slowly help me cleans my liver
**Question:** not too fast though cause I don’t want all that copper in my blood stream
**Question:** dont’ know if to use milk thisle or dandelion root
**Answer:** HI There
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Chlorella and cilatnro combined would be best fro this
**Question:** yes but doesnt’ chlorrela and cilantro have high copper in it?
**Answer:** This product contains both [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/livafood-super-liver-tonic-120-caps)
**Question:** I have suffered pshycological effects because of this
**Question:** trying to avoid foods high in copper
**Answer:** Yes, that’s because they absorb heavy metals and chelate them out of your blood
**Question:** besides vitamin C is there any other vitamin or herb low in copper that I can use
**Answer:** That Livafood product is part of the Ulitmate Herbal Detox, which can be used over one month to gently cleanse your liver and help remove metals
**Question:** can you send me a link to see the ingredients
**Answer:** I wouldn’t worry too much about avoiding copper fodds, more importantly is to get the copper mobilized in your body, as it’s a very important miineral for health
**Question:** i was having veggies for a couple of days like Kale and cashew dressing….chick peas
**Question:** I was back with the same symtoms I had when the Copper IUD was in my syste,
**Question:** system
**Question:** the paraguard really hurt me alot becuause of the copper in my system
**Answer:** I would suggest the detox program like this one [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** It contains everything you need and dietary advice is included
**Question:** ok. Ill look into it
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Youre welcome, just follow the links for more details on the ingredients, especially the cilantro and chlorella
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi can I help you today?
**Answer:** I am going to send for the program.
**Answer:** I have a few questions
**Answer:** Ok I am happy to anwer them for you
**Answer:** Can blocked arteries be a cause of these gut issues?
**Answer:** It is more likely that the gut issues are causing the blocked arteries
**Answer:** So this program will help get rid of this
**Answer:** Yes it can help
**Answer:** For example
**Answer:** the liver is in control of cholesterol distribution
**Answer:** and the liver is cleansed using the herbal detox program
**Answer:** Blocked arteries are normally due to cholesterol
**Answer:** My kids think that he should have a heart doctor look at his arteries probably suggesting stints He has already had a ct skan with the dye and they said nothing about blocked arteries. the full body ultra sound did show seriously clogged arteries and he was put on a supplement to help. But the ct skan did not show anything blocked in the stomach area
**Answer:** Doing a cleanse usually helps reduce blood pressure and cholesterol both of which can be measured after the program, and we do give a guarantee on that
**Answer:** It is a much better thing to use natural herbs and foods to get things under control as this is preventative natural medicine
**Answer:** Once the doctoirs start messing around with things the body is not allowed to heal naturally and that’s why most people prefer to use natural herbal medicine first
**Answer:** Specialist treatment with pharmaceutical mediicnes should be a last resort
**Answer:** You can see our guarnatee here [Link](https://www.[Website]/terms-service)#guarantee
**Answer:** The herbal detox program over 14 days is the bext for this, as it also help teach new eating habits, which can get things under control for the long-term
**Answer:** Tje thing is his blood pressure was pretty much normal when taken
**Answer:** That’s good news, then starting to make changes now is more a preventative, and he should have no problems in the future. I suggest a 14 day program every 6 months, just like servicing a car really, it’s better to maintain good health, then end up in the hospital
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** Hey could you please give me a quote for 10x slim packs @ practitioner cost please
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** I’m registered with you guys, unsure why it’s not come up. Maybe cause I’m on my phone
**Answer:** Ok can I have your name please
**Question:** Melissa Garrity
**Answer:** Hi Melissa, bear with me a mo.
**Question:** cool
**Answer:** It would be [Price] x 10 minus 10% for ordering over 6 plus delivery of $[Phone]. So $[Phone]
**Question:** is that including get?
**Question:** gst*
**Answer:** Sorry no it would be plus gst
**Answer:** awesome thank you so much!! I’ll get back in contact in a few days and order them
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Happy to help
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** What supplement would you reccommend for someone with trouble gonig number 2 every day. Long Term
**Question:** Colonaid?
**Answer:** Yes that’s perfect
**Answer:** Usually between 2 and 4 capsules daily works well
**Question:** 2 caps in am and 2 caps in pm – long term?
**Question:** Does it work better on empty stomach or with food?
**Answer:** Even better just take 4 caps at bedtime
**Question:** oh really – ok great.
**Question:** empty stomach?
**Answer:** At the end of the day after not eating for an hour or two
**Question:** perfect thanks
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on how to resolve cholesterol naturally? If so click here [Link](https://goo.gl/WwJPwt)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi, I am researching human clinical evidence forskolii for in obesity, metabolic effects and diabetes, etc.. do you know of such evidence?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** hi sarah
**Answer:** You should find some references at the bottom of the page so follow those links
**Question:** oh really, how wonderful
**Answer:** Yes down at the bottom of this page [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/coleus-forskohlii-plectranthus-barbatus-herbal-monograph)
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Question:** hi there
**Answer:** Hello, how can I help today?
**Question:** with the ultimate herbal health program
**Question:** what is involved ?
**Question:** anywehere i can read about what to eat or how to do the program ?
**Question:** how long is it ?
**Answer:** It is a 14 Day program or it can be done slowly over one month
**Answer:** I recommend the 14 days
**Answer:** You can read more about how it all works here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** i would image the 14 days is better for cleansing ?
**Answer:** Yes, it is the best plan for both detox foods and herbs combined
**Answer:** You can also download the user guide here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Question:** and no fish during the detox ?
**Answer:** Not on the 14 day plan, but you can have fish on the 30 days plan, that’s one reason why the 14 days is actually better for cleansing
**Question:** ok thanks a lot
**Answer:** Did you have a specific goal in mind?
**Question:** nope, not really i mean i am overwweight but that was not what brought me to the program
**Question:** was mor for health benefits
**Question:** im a serious meat eater but hoping ican over come that need for this period
**Question:** may start straight after all the dinners finish this year πŸ˜›
**Answer:** Yes many people say they eat less meat after the program, it really does help your body move to more vegetables and fruits, as you usually feel much better without the meat
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** It usually resets your metabolism also, blood sugar, cholesterol and Blood pressure
**Answer:** normally around 5kg in weight loss is achieved
**Question:** another question
**Question:** breast feeding mums
**Question:** can still work and watch milk supply or a nono ?
**Answer:** Yes it’s fine after 3 months feeding is established
**Answer:** The herbs actually help with colic and wind
**Question:** baby is now 18 months
**Answer:** perfect then
**Question:** thanks again
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** I am reading his monograph on the Dandelion and was wondering what sort of use licensing it might fall under.
**Answer:** Let me check for you
**Answer:** It doesn’t fall under any licensing.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Question:** HELLO
**Answer:** Hi can I help?
**Answer:** You can do the Ultimate herbal detox program and followed the food diet and recommendations in the article.
**Answer:** The ultimate herbal detox has a guarantee to reduce your blood pressure.
**Answer:** This is the program you would have [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi,
**Question:** Does the Detox have the same stuff than the boditune product?
**Question:** I purchased from you before!
**Question:** This is Jacob!
**Answer:** Yes it does Jacob but the Herbal Detox is 5 times stronger
**Question:** Is it more effective to use the Herbal Detox 1 or 2 a year. I been using the bonditune a few days a week.
**Answer:** Yes the detox is better to do. The BodiTune is great for maintenance in between detox programs
**Question:** But have my thyroid surgey I been using almost every day to get rid of the chemicals they give you when they put you to sleep.
**Question:** Do you offer a referral program? My cousin my want to purchase after she saw I lost a lot of weight.
**Answer:** Hi Jacob, We don’t offer a referral program at the moment.
**Answer:** You have a unique product that no know has! Its one of a kind. It’s natural medicine.
**Answer:** It’s so good that that some think is too good to be true.
**Answer:** Yes, I think people who do make the effort to follow the program will get results
**Answer:** The Boditune even speed up my recovery after the surgrey that suppose to take 2 weeks. Today I feel full of energy after taking your boditune a few days already.
**Answer:** Thats good to hear,
**Answer:** About white scopper inside the boditune. How much does that hold?
**Answer:** I just noticed it the other day!
**Answer:** 15 gram
**Answer:** That dose per serving I am suppose to use?
**Answer:** Wonderful!
**Answer:** Yes
**Answer:** I did not see it until I reached 1/3.
**Answer:** That is great!
**Answer:** Thanks for everything!
**Answer:** Oops, it should have been on top
**Answer:** That I did not know!
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** I been using 7.5. with a metal spoon. No wonder there was less taste.
**Answer:** oh well!
**Answer:** If it works at a lower dose, that’s even better for you
**Answer:** Works better now since I saw the white spoon.
**Answer:** Thats it for now!
**Answer:** Enjoy the rest of your night!
**Answer:** You too
**Answer:** I will send your link to my cousin.
**Answer:** Thanks
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Sarah, In the checkout shipping page, it says: No shipping rates found for your order. Please continue the checkout process.”
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** hi
**Answer:** Bear with me a moment.
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** I will check it all for you
**Answer:** Hi John,
**Answer:** The Colema Board is shipped direct to you from the USA, so there is a possibility that customs will ask you to pay GST as it arrives in the country
**Answer:** Yes, i understand that.
**Answer:** Shipping and freight is included in the [Price]
**Answer:** Ok. Thanks.
**Answer:** I’ve placed an order, by mistake, but I’m happy to proceed. On the checkout page, it says there is a “4 Confirm order” step after the “3 payment” step.
**Answer:** Hi John, Sorry about that, we will have to refund your payment. We are not able to deliver your order at this time. My apologies,
**Answer:** The price and delivery charges are actually over [Price]. exchange rates etc
**Answer:** We will need to update the price for this item
**Answer:** Ok. I understand that you will cancel the Colema board order because the price on your website is out of date.
**Answer:** Yes, actually it should be [Price] to include shipping. It has been updated now,.
**Answer:** I will also process your refund immediately. Sorry for any inconvenience.
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Question:** Hi I was an alcoholic for 35 years quit about two years ago, about 20 years ago I started have constipation and without a dieters tea that I use every day. If I didn’t I wouldn’t have a movement at all
**Question:** Can you recommend a diet please
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** Hi there
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** I can help you
**Answer:** Let me just read your info
**Answer:** We would recommend that you do the ultimate herbal detox program which contains herbs for cleansing your liver, your intestine and your colon. The herbs are very soothing and healing and you follow a diet of fruit and vegetables for that time. You will find that your bowel movements will increase. You can also use the BodiTune sachets afterwards to keep everything regular
**Question:** Is this linked to ibs
**Question:** I mean what I described
**Answer:** Possibly but it could be other things too. The main thing is to clean the body so you see what the real issue is. It is likely that a build up and slow metabolism could be causing the issue.
**Question:** So that’s taking the colonaid
**Answer:** It’s taking the whole program let me get you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) This is the one
**Question:** Ok I’ll check it out . thanks
**Answer:** Just click on the link
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** will do
**Question:** Is it free delivery to Canada as well?
**Answer:** If the order is over 250 then yes
**Answer:** It is a very delivery charge if not
**Answer:** We deliver via dhl so it’s fully tracked.
**Answer:** You can see the charge if you go to checkout and put in your address
**Question:** I didn’t get the {it’s a very delivery charge if not?}
**Answer:** It’s not the full cost of the delivery
**Answer:** We subsidise it
**Question:** I’ll check it out
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to help any time
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** I am in Tauranga for Christmas, and would like to purchase a colema board. Do you have a board that I can pick up before we leave on 30 December?
**Answer:** So sorry no we ship them
**Answer:** They come from the states
**Question:** What is the delivery time to New Zealand addresses?
**Answer:** It takes 2 to 3 weeks at this time of year
**Answer:** Customers may also ask you to pay the gst
**Question:** ok, thanks
**Question:** Hi, is there a shipping cost on top of the NZ[Price] board cost?
**Answer:** It includes the shipping but you may have to pay gst when it comes into nz. Customs may charge it.
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hi can I help you?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality & can be purchased here or at Amazon via this link [Link](https://goo.gl/qN5mmW.) We support & share our knowledge so please ask if you need help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Would you like [Name]’s Free eBook on the Ultimate Herbal Crohn’s Disease Program? Get it here [Link](https://goo.gl/EAXupX)
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Π—Π΄Ρ€Π°Π²ΠΎ, Ρ‚Ρ€Π΅Π±Π° Π»ΠΈ Π²Π°ΠΌ ΠΏΠΎΠΌΠΎΡ› данас?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/aloe-vera-aloe-barbadensis-herbal-monograph) нашС ΠΈΠ½Ρ„ΠΎΡ€ΠΌΠ°Ρ†ΠΈΡ˜Π΅ ΠΎ Π°Π»ΠΎΠ΅ Π²Π΅Ρ€ΠΈ су Ρ‚Ρƒ Π·Π° вас
**Question:** HVALA NASAO SAM
**Answer:** Π”ΠΎΠ±Ρ€ΠΎΠ΄ΠΎΡˆΠ°ΠΎ си πŸ™‚
**Question:** CUJEM SE JOS
**Answer:** Π₯ΠΈ Јос
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Kiaora Sarah, I started taking the herbal slim about a week ago, taking 4 (1 of each) of the tabs before food around 3 times a day. I also take colonaid morning and night. [Name] also gave me a herbal concoction for candida, fungal so I’m taking that twice a day. My bowel movements are frequent, not diarrhea but not solid either, is that ok. And going 1 – 2 times a day. Also not sure how I’m supposed to take the sachets and how many times? It says take up to 4 a day. Also I got a bit bloated mid cycle so I’m guessing that is normal. Thanks! Lots of questions in all of that πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi Jo
**Answer:** Frequent is good it means your body is flowing well. If you head into diarrhea then jsut pull back on the Colonaid – reduce to 1 and see how you go. Bloating is normal πŸ™‚ Re the sachets I woud suggest starting on 1 a day before 3.3pm and increasing as you feel.
**Answer:** You can take the sachets in any drink – lot sof people take them in smoothies. They are great with a juice or in water.
**Answer:** There aer lots of recipes here under the BodiTune Detox n Slim program if you select it in the dropdown [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Down at the bottom of the selection
**Answer:** I just saw that [Name] added a link to article on bloating on the FB page – great!
**Answer:** Awesome πŸ™‚ [Name] finished that article last week and thought it would be great for people at this time of year πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** [Name] is the author of the book “Cleansed & Cured”. His programs are Practitioner quality and are available on Amazon as well as our website. We are here to support your health goals. Ask us a question, we are happy to help.
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi, just wondering if you have any discount on the Detox n Slim packs or if the 25% discount may be coming up soon? Love this product but it’s out of my range at the moment. Many thanks
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Question:** [Email]. “Hi Sarah, just wondering if you have any discount on the Detox n Slim packs or if the 25% discount may be coming up soon? Love this product but it’s out of my range at the moment. Many thanks”
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** We can give you 15% now but I’m now sure when the other discounts will come up
**Answer:** Would that help?
**Question:** Hi, thanks anyway but I’ll wait as I’d like x3 of this product. Happy Christmas
**Answer:** If you buy 3
**Answer:** You can get 30% off
**Answer:** Plus the 15% I can give you
**Question:** Oh gosh absolutely thank you! Can you please clarify the discount and the code I’ll need at the checkout. Thanks again!
**Answer:** Yes bear with me
**Answer:** Use this item [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/3-x-boditune-detox-n-slim-save-30) then add the code 15NOW fir the extra
**Question:** Thanks Sarah, unfortunately we were at cross purposes. I used the link and yes I was aware of the standard discount for three, as the eight pack, but normally purchase when you have a 25% discount on top of that. All good, I’ll wait, hopefully when summer kicks in properly there’ll be a promotion! Thank you
**Answer:** Ok sorry I can’t help any further – have a great Christmas and keep in touch
**Question:** Indeed you too
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hello we are online if you need any help or support πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** Hi
**Answer:** Hello can I help you?
**Answer:** I’m a real person here to help.
**Question:** Okay
**Question:** How I can biuld my body ,because I’m thin.?
**Answer:** You would need to gt your digestive system working well and allow your body to pick up nutrition better from food. You can keep using the protein drinks as long as you like to keep building, especially if you follow our recipes that come with the program.
**Answer:** The one month combo is the best program to get you going.
**Question:** How I can follow your program plc?
**Answer:** You would have to buy the program online – you can see the user guides by downloading them here [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide) and [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-boditune-detox-n-slim-user-sheet)
**Question:** How much your online payment?
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/one-month-gentle-detox-program) go to this page and change the currency at the top to the one you wish to pay in.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** I see you want to purchase the detox
**Answer:** You will get the free BodiTune sachets if you complete your order
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi Julie, you will be getting the Free BodiTune sachets.
**Answer:** For some reason it has not shown up in your cart but we will add it. Apologies and Happy Christmas!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** hi Julie, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** Hi. does this apply to the multipack promotion. Buy 2x Detox kits for [Price]?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes we can add that for you manually but it won;t show on your order.
**Question:** OK so I want to order 2X Ultimate Detox kits and receive the free sachet body tune kit for both kits
**Question:** Do I place the order for the 2 kits and then you will add the free extras when you ship?
**Answer:** If you want 2 you would need to order 2 detoxes at full price. We can do one if you order 2 x detoxes at the discounted rate.
**Answer:** We would add the 1 manually when your order is processed.
**Question:** Are you sure you cant add 2? Its for 2 of us
**Question:** I can place the order now if its 2X
**Answer:** Sorry no we can’t it is for full price items only becuase they go into the big draw to win [Price] worth of items too.
**Question:** at the checkout no do iI need to enter ta We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code?
**Question:** *now
**Answer:** No code required. We will process the order and add the extra item at that point πŸ™‚
**Question:** also what courier service do you use?
**Answer:** Fastway
**Answer:** Oh dear. Ive had nothing but bad experiences with them. Can you please use courier post
**Answer:** We can’t use courier post but we can send it via NZ Post
**Answer:** how long is the nz post service?
**Answer:** We can’t guarantee at this time of year but we can send today so could be there by Monday latest hopefully. It woud be sent for overnight delivery and tracked.
**Answer:** OK Please do that and send a tracking number My order is [Phone]. Also there was no option for shipping In the checkout section. I looked everywhere. Is that included free?
**Answer:** Please keep an eye on your spam folder in case your tracking email goes in there as we haven’t communciated before. Delivery is free in NZ.
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** I’m here to help if you need anything
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hello there again πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thanks for shipping our order today,
**Answer:** How can I help?
**Question:** Is there a tracking number by chance?
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Question:** When I opened the link I didn’t see one
**Answer:** Yes you should have recived an email via DHL for it but I can get it for you bear with me
**Question:** Only this email was received…
**Question:** The status of your order from [Name]’s Ultimate Herbal Detox has been
**Answer:** Here it is [Link](https://www.logistics.dhl/nz-en/home/tracking.html?tracking-id=[Phone])
**Answer:** that’s great!
**Answer:** as I am currently in China
**Answer:** we can keep posted to head over to HK once it arrives
**Answer:** It has only just been picked up by DHL so they may not have sent their email yet.
**Answer:** πŸ˜‰
**Answer:** πŸ™‚
**Answer:** yes, understand
**Answer:** cheers for the immediate tracking too
**Answer:** You are welcome any time πŸ™‚
**Answer:** And Tauranga is great!
**Answer:** reminding me of my adventures there
**Answer:** It is!
**Answer:** especially the hot springs
**Answer:** lOl
**Answer:** oh yes
**Answer:** and the healing muds
**Answer:** even a client of mine was distributing high quality healing clays from all over NZ
**Answer:** any ways…
**Answer:** thanks for the remembrance
**Answer:** and enJoy your holidays!
**Answer:** And you! πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Santa’s getting ready…
**Answer:** little 7 year old is over the moon!
**Answer:** πŸ˜€
**Answer:** NIce lol
**Answer:** Best to [Name] and the Ultimate Herbal Health Family too
**Answer:** And you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** Hi my son has terrible fungus on his feet (athletes foot) he has suffered from this for 2 years and has tried all things from the medical profession which have not worked. I know this is a gut thing and I will be starting him on a Candida/dysbiosis diet come January. Can you please help me with this re a parasite cleanse? Or advise please what I am best to do along side the diet. Much appreciated
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** hi
**Answer:** Let me just read your message so that I can answer you correctly.
**Question:** ok
**Answer:** The Candida and parasite cleanse diet are quite similar. You could include those into your plan plus use the ultimate herbal detox. Does it have an extra thing for Candida.
**Answer:** Let me give you the relevant pages to take a look at
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/ultimate-holistic-candida-program)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/parasite-cleanse-detox-program-and-home-remedies)
**Answer:** He would need to do the ultimate herbal detox followed by the Colonaid
**Question:** I havent been given an exact diet, just a sheet from the herbal shop Lorne st in Hamilton advising on what to have and not have??? Not a specific diet
**Answer:** Ok in the articles above (you can just click on them) you will find the foods that are good to include and the foods that are not good plus correct program to shift the issue
**Answer:** The Ultimate Candida Program
**Answer:** It is the same treatment for the parasites
**Question:** Ok I am just looking now. Do you supply the colonaid? can i order from u?
**Answer:** Yes you can order the Ultimate Herbal Detox and you get the extra Colonaid Free is you use the code CANDIDABONUS – you add the Herbal Detox and then go to checkout where you add the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club code
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-detox-nzs-1) this is it πŸ™‚
**Question:** Just looking at the herbal remedies and see Antifungal for the immune system? Says this can be arranged?
**Answer:** Yes [Name] can do that for you to use in conjunction witht he Detox program and extra Colonaid. It costs an extra [Price] and has a 10 supply.
**Answer:** [Name] does that from his dispensary
**Question:** Gosh there is a lot to think about but I am so grateful for your help! Ok so should i go to the shop now and order these things and how do i add the antifungal? Sorry I’m new to allt his but really want to get him sorted…his diet is shocking and we have been telling him this for a long time
**Answer:** How old is he?
**Question:** 19
**Answer:** Ok if you wish to order we can do it all here and send you an invoice for the whole thing.
**Answer:** You would get the Detox program, plus Colonaid plus liquid for [Price] and delivery is free.. (We also have a free gift which is automatic and that is the BodiTune sachets and worth [Price] – until 20 December)
**Question:** yes please i would be most grateful. We leave on Saturday for Christchurch but have people staying in the house so anything delivered will be fine. Although as I mentioned we wont start until January as away and I am un educated and need to get the food side sorted.
**Question:** Perfect! What do you need? My visa number?
**Answer:** OK there are lots of recipes you can use for the detox and I can email you those. If you give me your number and name I can call you and do it over the phone
**Question:** ok my email is [Email].nz and its corina obviously lol and [Phone]
**Answer:** ok I will call you now my number is [Phone] and I am Sarah
**Question:** cool
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Hi Katie
**Answer:** I found out yesterday if you buy a BodiTune sachets you get one free
**Answer:** This is only until 21 December
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** Hi how do you store the tablets? Just in pantry?
**Answer:** Yes that’s fine
**Answer:** Just somewhere dry and cool
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth $[Phone] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** Do you eat on the cleanse?
**Answer:** Absolutely
**Answer:** There are lots of great recipes
**Question:** How does it work?
**Answer:** The 14 day program has a diet of fruit and vegetables
**Answer:** Let me help you find the info you need
**Question:** what is the cleanse supposed to do?
**Question:** I have a case of psoriasis that I never had before. I’m thinking I need to cleanse my gut. I truly believe this is the cause.
**Answer:** It cleanses the liver, colon, kidneys and intestines plus clears heavy metals and gets rid of parasites.
**Question:** I have sores on my skin that I would like cleared
**Question:** I obviously have a lot of inflammation
**Question:** Do you think this could possibly help?
**Answer:** If reduces inflammation dramatically and cleans the liver and that is where some issues can occur.
**Question:** Hmmm…. ok good to know
**Question:** so it’s 150 for 14 day supply?
**Answer:** It will help by cleaning the liver and strigggering the healing process in the body.
**Answer:** Sorry triggering
**Answer:** I was typing too fast.
**Answer:** It si [Price] for the 14 day program plus use the foods on the Psorisis page. You normally do a 14 day progam and then the same program but over 30 days to really shift it.
**Answer:** Delivery is free
**Question:** There is a psoriasis page?
**Answer:** Yes here it is just click the link [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/psoriasis-excema-natural-treatment)
**Question:** Ok
**Answer:** This is what [Name] reccomends Herbal medicine for Psoriasis
**Answer:** Eat more of these foods
**Answer:** Vegetarian diet
**Answer:** You can get the user guide here if you wish too [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide)
**Answer:** It has recipes in it too
**Question:** Thanks for the info
**Answer:** You can access the recipes here by choose the herbal program for 14 days [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Question:** Is it a cleanse that has you in the bathroom frequently??
**Answer:** Yes that can happen especially if you have a build up to come out.
**Answer:** There is help on that in the questions and answers
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/detox-faqs)
**Answer:** People respond in different ways
**Question:** Thank you
**Question:** Thank you
**Question:** Thank you
**Answer:** You are welcome we are here to help at any time.
**Answer:** [Name] comes online too so you can speak with the man himself πŸ™‚
**Question:** Hello
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** How are you?
**Question:** Good thanks. And we have finally returned.
**Answer:** We have your parcel ready to be shipped on Friday
**Answer:** Would you like us to send it tomorrow?
**Question:** Would it be possible to ship Order [Phone]?
**Question:** Yes, please.
**Answer:** Awesome we will action tomorrow via DHL and send you the tracking details πŸ™‚
**Question:** That would be great and start a detox into the New Year too
**Question:** lOl
**Question:** Brilliant, thanks again!
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Question:** And wishing you and the Ultimate Herbal Family a happy holidays into a most amazing [Phone], too!
**Answer:** Thank you so much and we wish the same to you and yours x
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Question:** No thanks Sarah – Merry Christmas
**Answer:** Merry Christmas to you too πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth $[Phone] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi Sarah I have 2 items in my cart for boditune for [Price] is this right ?
**Answer:** Let me check for you Paul
**Answer:** You aren’t in the cart yet from what I can see.
**Answer:** Hi Paul, if you have one in your cart for [Price] then yes, it will add a bonus pack for free
**Answer:** Awesome thank you
**Answer:** 2 items of BodiTune should only cost [Price] because of out Christmas special
**Answer:** Only until 21 December
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi Jilly, do you need some help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** Hi – I had bought a pack of detox, herbal slim and I got 1 pack of boditune sachets with it. I am on the herbal slim now and want to buy more sachets or the tubs. what is the best deal for me? I am having 2 sachets a day. I don’t need another detox or more slim herbs. thanks
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** hi
**Question:** and can i get it delivered before christmas?
**Question:** info = Katie Beale
**Answer:** Ok if its just one item you can get them here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-store) if you buy 2 you get 20% discount and 3 you get 30% discount – you just add them to your cart. Yes we can get them there before Christmas πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** this is me
**Answer:** yes xxxxxxx
**Answer:** I like your body
**Answer:** i like yours too
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** is this for practitioners who buy wholesale too or just general public?
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** It is for both
**Answer:** cool ta
**Answer:** You are welcome – by the way we can send them to your clients directly if you wish πŸ™‚ We do this for a number of Practitioners
**Answer:** awesome that’s great im hoping to have 10 people sign up with me so I can support with nutritionand guidance through the program
**Answer:** Ok we are happy to support you with that.
**Answer:** excellent thanks!!!
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi I spoke to [Name] a few weeks ago, who said I can 30% discount if I order 3x BodiTune Detox and Slim 120 capsules.
**Answer:** I have 3 in my cart, but it does not come up with the discount.
**Answer:** Hi there let me check what is happening
**Answer:** Did you want the Alka jug cartridges?
**Answer:** yes
**Answer:** Ok let me check
**Answer:** It’s normally the sachets for 30% I have to just check for you
**Answer:** ok
**Answer:** Please remove the capsules and add them again.
**Answer:** Many thanks, Sarah
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi Claudia, do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. [Name] Hello
**Question:** hi, I have ultimate slim pack. which consist of 4 bottles and each has 120 capsules
**Answer:** Hello there
**Question:** i started it taking from this morning. my question- is it possible to take the cap out and use only the content of the capsule?
**Answer:** Yes you can mix it into juice or with water or a smoothie
**Question:** i am wanting to do 8 weeks cleansing programe..hence taking one of each tablet in the morning and one will be in night before dinner time
**Answer:** Is it the detox or the slim program you have?
**Question:** slim
**Answer:** So you goal is to lose weight?
**Question:** i also bought 40 powder sachet for detox program. which i will do it once i finish my 8 weeks of slim tablets.
**Question:** yes, i like to loose 8 kg
**Question:** i am 90 kg and i am aiming to maintain around [Phone] kg in long term..my eating habbits are very bad..and i love junk food
**Answer:** You will get a better result if you use the sachets while you are doing the slim
**Question:** so trying to get in to good habit
**Question:** one sachet per day –any time?
**Answer:** It will help with the bad habits
**Answer:** One sachet per day but before 3pm
**Question:** okay. sure will do…thanks
**Question:** i don’t have to skip any meal right?
**Answer:** If you can eat within an 8 hour window so your body can shift into ketosis
**Answer:** I will give you [Name]s article
**Question:** cheers.
**Question:** my email is [Email]
**Answer:** You can click on it here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/keto-diet-intermittent-fasting)
**Question:** thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi Morgan, how did you get on in the end with your detox?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi Sarah do you need some help?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** hi there i am going to buy bodiitune but not detox or slim as I have just done it… would i still get a free bodi iTunes?
**Answer:** Hi Jirayu, it is on the Detox & Slim programs only but if you don’t add a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club we can add the BodiTune capsules.
**Answer:** that would be lovely
**Answer:** so what do I do now?
**Answer:** I am have just added boditune sachet and capsule in the shopping basket
**Answer:** What exactly do you want to order?
**Answer:** bodi iTunes sachet one month multi pack and Boditune detox and slip protein drink sachet
**Answer:** OK great if you order those I will add the extra BodiTune capsules manually when your order is complete πŸ™‚
**Answer:** done and my order is [Phone] thanks
**Answer:** Awesome thank you – will sort now for you πŸ™‚
**Answer:** thank you very mch
**Answer:** Hi there you used a voucher
**Answer:** I am not sure we can do it now
**Answer:** if then that’s ok… I just saw there is a special on that’s why I asked
**Answer:** would I still be in for the draw?
**Answer:** Yes that is why I mentioned not using a We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club. I will check if we can do it
**Answer:** Yes you will be in the draw πŸ™‚
**Answer:** sorry I missed that !
**Answer:** if you cannot I understand
**Answer:** Hi there we will do it πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** Hi – I have purchased the Slim pack – can you please send through the instructions for a shorter cleanse, like [Phone] days?
**Answer:** We apologize for keeping you waiting. Our Service team are busy at the moment, please leave us a message with your email address and we’ll get back to you shortly.
**Answer:** Hello there
**Answer:** You can double up on the dosage and do the slim program in 14 days.
**Question:** Great – thank you!\
**Answer:** You are welcome πŸ™‚
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi There. I am keen to participate in this special, but I am not able to take the Herbal Slim product as it contains Spirulina?
**Answer:** Hi Alan
**Answer:** Hi there Sarah
**Answer:** Let me me see what we can do
**Answer:** Sounds great
**Answer:** If you got the herbal slim we could substitute the Xtragood for a Livafood. Then we could give you same free
**Answer:** How does that sound
**Answer:** Is The Ultimate Detox your only product that does not contain Spirulina?
**Answer:** I have just completed the Ultimate Detox and am currently on the Livafood
**Answer:** HI Alan, It’s [Name]
**Answer:** Hi [Name]
**Answer:** The only thing in the Herbal SLIM that contains spirulina in the Herbal SLIM is the one bottle called XtraFood,
**Answer:** We could take that out and give you Livafood instead, then you would still get the benefit of the herbal slim if that’s what you would like
**Answer:** We could give you a Herbal Detox as the bonus gift as well
**Answer:** I thought the Herbal Slim was a mixture and nor=t different bottles
**Answer:** not
**Answer:** Yes it is, but the xtraFood is one of the bottles and that has the spirulina
**Answer:** right
**Answer:** We could switch that bottle out for Livafood and you would be good to go
**Answer:** It would work just as well, you can see the four bottles here [Link](https://www.[Website]/shop/ultimate-herbal-slim-program)
**Answer:** So are you saying if I order the Ultimate Detox, I will get the Herbal Slim plus Livafood plus another Ultimate Detox?
**Answer:** If you buy the Slim you will get Livafood instead of XtraFood inside the Slim, and a herbal Detox program as the bonus, so two programs for the price of [Price]
**Answer:** I get it………. so it will be fine to swap the XtraFood with Livafood
**Answer:** Yes it would be a great combination, as your liver is the central organ of metabolism and it’s a more powerful product the xtrafood
**Answer:** Sounds good [Name]. So should I only start The Slim once I have completed the Livafood I am currently taking?
**Answer:** That would be ideal, or you could start right away and tail off with the livafood you have left at the end, either way it should work very well, you could do the other detox in 2-3 months time when you feel the need
**Answer:** That sounds great. I will place the order shortly for the Ultimate Slim. Will you ensure that the XtraFood is substituted with Livafood?
**Answer:** Yes I will make a note against your name Alan
**Answer:** That is great. Thank you so much for your advise. Have a great night. BTW I lost 3kg’s on the programme I have just finished
**Answer:** Well done, keep up the good work
**Answer:** Thanks a lot
**Answer:** What is the We no longer offer discount coupons, but instead offer a VIP membership where you can get. 50% discount. Click here https://www.[Website]/shop/vip-clenz-club Code I need to use when placing the order?
**Answer:** Dont worry about that, we will include the bonus Herbal DETOX with your order automatically
**Answer:** Perfect……
**Answer:** I have placed the order. Do you think I can expet this before Xmas?
**Answer:** Yes we will ship it first thing on Monday 2-3 days to Christchurch, we will send you the tracking number by email
**Answer:** And I appreciate you doing the swap for me [Name]
**Answer:** Sounds great. Have a fantastic Festive Season
**Answer:** You’re welcome
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth $[Phone] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** How much does it cost?
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** The ultimate herbal detox costs [Price]
**Question:** I really need to speak with someone is there a number I could call
**Answer:** If you give us your telephone number we can call you straight away
**Question:** I’m sorry I’m not comfortable sharing is there a number I can call
**Answer:** Or you can call [Phone]
**Question:** great is there someone there now
**Answer:** Yes there is
**Question:** thank you!
**Answer:** You are welcome
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/what-do-i-get-ultimate-herbal-detox-programme)
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** Just wanted to ask a quick question
**Answer:** Hi
**Answer:** Fire away
**Question:** On the 14 day detox are you allowed to have bone broth/stock?
**Answer:** You shouldn’t use it but if you can’t find anything else then a small amount is ok
**Question:** ok thanks
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hi, do you need any help today?
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Answer:** Hello do you need some help today?
**Question:** Hello!
**Answer:** Hello
**Answer:** Can I help you?
**Question:** I was just curious where I might be able to find your return policy
**Answer:** Returns policy I can point you in the right direction
**Question:** Perfect! Where I might go about finding that information
**Answer:** Bear with me and I will give you a link
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/terms-service) it is under 5.9
**Question:** Thank you!
**Answer:** Also check 5.12
**Answer:** We can also answer any questions you have here πŸ™‚
**Question:** Perfect!
**Question:** I’m good for now! I will let you know if I have any further questions
**Question:** You have been great Sarah πŸ˜€
**Answer:** You are welcome we support people all the way through their experience πŸ™‚
**Answer:** By the way you can buy on Amazon too πŸ™‚
**Question:** Perfect thank you!
**Question:** Hello I have a question about the cleansing for the body
**Answer:** Hi there
**Answer:** Yes fire away
**Question:** Are we supposed to cleans our body once a year? And how we are suppose to do it?
**Question:** How long will the cleansing take?
**Answer:** It is best to cleanse the body twice a year – ideally once in the Spring and once in the Autumn.
**Answer:** You take capsules and a diet of certain yummy foods and it take 17 days in total – 3 days of preparation and 14 days taking the capsules.
**Question:** Does garlic work to?
**Answer:** You can download the user guide [Link](https://www.[Website]/free-ultimate-herbal-detox-user-guide) to see how it all works and also see the recipes here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-recipes)
**Answer:** Garlic is a food what can be used
**Question:** Okay the guide free?
**Answer:** But a detox needs to be done with herbs and food to get the best results.
**Question:** I see
**Answer:** Yes its free just click on the link I gave you above
**Question:** So I got to eat healthy foods while doing the detoxing with the medicine?
**Answer:** Yes that is right πŸ™‚
**Answer:** You can also see lots of info here [Link](https://www.[Website]/detox-blog/how-do-herbal-detox-program)
**Question:** Thank you so much. I never knew about this stuff
**Answer:** That is OK we ahve been doing it for over 20 years so we can help you
**Question:** Read about some of the parasites cause mental illness too? And others Health problems too?
**Answer:** Yes that is is the case – they can affect yoru body in lot sof different ways if they get into the wrong place. It is possibe to get rid of most of them
**Question:** I see. Thanks for everything learned a few things today
**Answer:** You are welcome happy to help πŸ™‚
**Question:** Thank you you have a blesses day sarah
**Answer:** And you πŸ™‚
**Question:** My name is earl I apologize should of said it before lol
**Answer:** Hi Earl no probs happy to meet you over the Live chat!
**Answer:** We ahve lots of free resources here
**Answer:** [Link](https://www.[Website]/download-brett-elliott-free-ebooks)
**Answer:** Welcome to our website. Until 20 December if you buy the Ultimate Herbal Detox or Ultimate Herbal Slim program you will receive the 32 sachet BodiTune program worth [Price] FREE! Plus you go into our draw to win our Xmas hamper of Detox and Slim products worth [Price]!
**Question:** HI, I have the water jug but where can I buy new cartridges?
**Answer:** You can buy them from us when you need to πŸ™‚


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