BrainClenz Smoothie

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BrainClenz Smoothie
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Our brains are under a lot of stress in today’s society with all the chemicals, additives, addictive substances, and sugars. It’s very important to look after your brain, and especially good to do that during your detox.

Providing the anti-oxidant, protective effect of Betcarotene from Carrots and Vitamin C from citrus, along with the circulatory stimulant effect of Turmeric and Black pepper, this smoothie is great for supporting your brain during the BodiClenz program.

Brainclenz Ingredients

Makes up to 600ml


  • 1 Fresh Carrot
  • 1 whole Lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of Raw Cacao
  • A handful of Fresh Gotu Kola, (you could use Rosemary if Gotu Kola is not available)
  • 1 heaped teaspoon of Turmeric
  • Ground Black pepper or Ginger to taste
  • 200ml Orange juice
  • 200ml filtered water
  • 6-8 cubes of ice
  • 1 scoop of BodiClenz powder
  • Stevia (optional)

Chop all ingredients adding lighter ingredients to the blender first. Blend until smooth. Enjoy.

After watching this video below you will want to plant your own brain herbs. See Brett make his extra fresh ‘Brain Booster’ recipe from herbs picked in his garden below. The fresh herbs include Ginkgo, Gotu Kola, Rosemary, Holy Basil, Mint, and Stevia.

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