Tofu & Green Bean Curry

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Tofu and Green Bean Curry
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Here is a hot little number to surprise you.

Serves 4 people and all from one pot!



  • 125 gm (1/2 cup) green beans
  • packet of firm tofu (about 200gm)
  • 10 x sliced mushrooms
  • 2 x chopped onions
  • 1 tbsp of curry paste (Indian or Thai )
  • 1 tbsp tamari sauce (optional)
  • 1 can of coconut milk (or grate 1 coconut and squeeze into water to make coconut milk)

In a pot, heat the curry paste and coconut milk and mix together. Add mushrooms and tofu and bring to simmer. Add the beans and onions

A variation is to use fish instead of tofu, and courgettes (very chunky chopped) instead of beans – great with Thai green curry. Miso can be used instead of tamari – add at end of cooking to preserve vital nutrients. Serve with salad or cooked green vegetables.
Perfect for:
Herbal DETOX one and two month programs
Herbal SLIM program
Herbal DETOX n SLIM Program 


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